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THE JOURNEY OF MAN A documentary where Spencer

Wells goes to Africa to begin the journey of humans

Blood contains the greatest history book of the human species.

Blood is the time machine that reunites us with our ancestors by the way of DNA

DNA was discovered in the 1950s

All humans came from Africa. Only ten thousand lived back there, we are all their children.

THE JOURNEY OF MAN All our ancestors came from the same tribe. All

humans had the same language back then that used “click” sounds.

Language was responsible for all advancements in human behavior

Eventually our ancestors began to spread out. The reasons are unknown but many are speculated.

Climatic Changes were a major part of early human migration

The next destination for the descendants of the Bushmen was Australia

Humans passed through India before reaching Australia

Next Humans from Africa left for the Middle East

From the Middle East Humans migrated to Southern Central Asia, Europe, Russia,

From Russia Humans crossed over to Alaska and the Americas

Skin got paler in order to absorb more light and absorb more vitamin D

All humans are African under the skin


David Keys goes on a journey to discover the catastrophe that happened on Earth

On 535 AD all the climate on Earth changed

Was intensely cold for 2 years

Unusual climate conditions on Earth occured

CATASTROPHE! Tree rings reveal that a

major event occurred on all of earth at the same time

Three possibilities for this were: comets, asteroids or volcanoes

Evidence proved that the event wasn’t caused by an outer space force but by a volcano

The Krakatoa erupted The event was

devastating for all living creatures on earth


Four environmental features that affect

1st differences in wild animals and plants

2nd rates of diffusion and migration

3rd diffusion between continents

4th differences in area and population


The book Guns, Germs and Steel tries to make the point that these four factors matter. We can look at past societies to see how they were affected and also try and predict future problems and outcomes.

Guns, Germs and Steel was published in 1997

THE COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE The Columbian exchange is the major

exchange between foods, plans and animals between the old world and the new world

Diseases were also an unfortunate exchange between the two

Horses changed the way people in the Americas moved


discovery of the Americas was an accident but also the biggest trade revolution in human history.

Europeans were motivated for gains in money and pride

Religion was also a major motivating force

Europeans migrated to the Americas