What’s Inside€¦ · Special Announcements Page 16 Community Christmas Dinner Page 17 Hope at...


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December 2019

What’s Inside ...

From the Pastor Page 2 From Kelly Ylalito, LLM Page 3 Up Coming Scriptures Page 6 Confirmation Schedule Page 7 Christian Ed News Page 7 Lay School Schedule Page 8 Tried – n – True Page 8 Bible Study/Circle News Page 8 WELCA Page 9 Choir Page 9 Fortune Lake Page 11 Stewardship Page 11 Special Giving Page 12 Seminarian-Intern Support Page 13 Thank You Page 15 Gifts to our Congregation Page 15 Special Announcements Page 16 Community Christmas Dinner Page 17 Hope at the Inn Page 19 Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 21 Council Highlights Page 22 Contact Us Page 23 Poinsettia Form Page 24

Our Mission Statement ... First Lutheran Church is God’s people inviting, involving equipping and empowering to serve, that all may know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

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From the Pastor Gratitude A while back one of you told me a wonderful story. You hosted young grandchildren at the house for a “sleep over”. You overheard them saying their prayers and heard the words “God bless Grama and Grampa”. I could digress into all the muddy and swirling issues of the day, but, NO! Just stop, listen, and treasure. I could easily get preachy and wax eloquent, but, NO! Stop, treasure, and be grateful. You can get a lot of miles out of a moment like that. And in the sharing, there are a lot of the rest of us who will get some good Grace milage as well. God filled your spiritual tank and you filled our spiritual tanks. So thanks for sharing. Our Faith Teaches God came to a manger. Unlikey, out of the way place for God to show up. A big part of a faith that will last a lifetime is learning to look for God in the little things, in the unlikely places. Even in unlikely people. Our Faith Commitment So how do we live? Gratefully. When you have a “God bless Grama and Grampa” moment share it with a friend. When you are in line at the grocery store and the person nearest you is smelly, or dishevelled or down cast, give them your best “grateful” smile and pray in your mind, “God how can you use me to make this a “God bless Grama and Grampa” moment?” God Holds Us God came in a manger and God still comes. Don’t be surprized when God comes down in your moment of gratitude to visit you and those around you. God indeed holds us, loves us and comes to us. In fact that is the prayer and promise of Christmas: Immanuel, God with us. With gratitude we sing, “O Come, O come, Immanuel” because God has come, God does come, and God will come again and again, Yours in Christ, Pastor Otis

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FROM KELLY My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is his name. ~Luke 1:46b-49, NIV


The Magnificat. Mary’s song . . . the praise she sings to God after arriving at the home of her cousin, Elizabeth, and delights together with her in the news that Mary has been chosen to bear God’s son, the Savior of the world.

How joyful her song is! How excited she seems to be to sing it! How she proclaims the amazing things God has done and is continuing to do!

This advent, as I reflect upon life, I feel much like I imagine Mary must have felt when she rejoiced in God her Savior. I am filled with excitement and joy as the words of the scriptures are being fulfilled. I want to shout and tell everyone about the Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

Can you recall the last time you truly felt excited about something?

As I think back over my life, I recall occasions when, as a young child, I was told someone special, like my grandmother, was coming to visit. I remember running to the large picture window in the living room of my family home and plastering my nose and hands upon the cold glass, fogging the pane as I hovered in anticipation. I think I probably drove my mom crazy, repeatedly inquiring, “Is she here yet? Is it time?”

More recently, I can also remember my brother announcing that he was anticipating the birth of his first child. For months we dreamed about this new baby, this new addition to our family. Would it be a boy or a girl? Would the baby favor my brother or its mother in appearance? What would this child we had already come to love with our whole hearts be named?

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Today, I eagerly await two things – my candidacy approval, which will take place in early December, and my graduation from seminary. Together these things will have prepared me to serve the church as a pastor. This is a journey and dream that began several years ago, and now, after much discernment, prayer, study, and more, I have nearly reached the end.

When I stop and think about these things, pondering them and many others, I cannot help but see the threads of the Advent and Christmas stories woven into them, and suddenly I see the Word of God coming to life before my very eyes. Suddenly these biblical stories that I have heard read and shared more times than I can count have taken on flesh and become my story too. And I want to sing this good news to the world . . . and to you!

Be excited! Christ is coming! Not just as a babe in the manger as he did so many years ago, but as our risen Savior and King. Like enthusiastic children, await him with jubilation. Proclaim the greatness of our God boldly for all to hear that they also may be blessed by this good news. Let your souls cry out! Share your “Magnificat” with the world!

Canticle of the Turning

My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait. You fixed your sight on your servant’s plight, and my weakness you did not spurn, so, from east to west shall my name be blest. Could the world be about to turn?

Refrain: My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn.

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Though I am small, my God, my all, you work great things in me, and your mercy will last from the depths of the past to the end of the age to be. Your very name puts the proud to shame, and to those who would for you yearn, You will show your might, put the strong to flight, for the world is about to turn.


From the halls of pow’r to the fortress tow’r, not a stone will be left on stone. Let the king beware for your justice tears ev’ry tyrant from his throne. The hungry poor shall weep no more, for the food they can never earn; there are tables spread, ev’ry mouth be fed, for the world is about to turn.


Though the nations rage from age to age, we remember who holds us fast: God’s mercy must deliver us from the conqueror’s crushing grasp. This saving word that our forebears head is the promise which holds us bound, till the spear and rod can be crushed by God, who is turning the world around.


Text: Rory Conney, b. 1952, based on the Magnificat Music: Irish Text Text© 1990 GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense.net #A-709914

May your Advent and Christmas this year, and every year after, be alive with the Word made flesh. Christ has come, and Christ is coming again. Amen. Magnificat anima mea Dominum!

Grace and Peace, Kelly J. Ylitalo, LLM

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Upcoming Scripture Readings

December 1 – First Sunday in Advent Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 22:36-44

December 8 - Second Sunday in Advent Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12

December 15 – Third Sunday in Advent Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 146: 5-10; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11

December 22 - Fourth Sunday in Advent Isaiah 7:10-16; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25

December 29 – First Sunday of Christmas Isaiah 63:7-9; Psalm 148; Hebrews 2:10-18; Matthew 2:13-23

Moving: Our longtime former office administrator, Lisa Zuehlke and her husband, Gordon, are moving. They have sold their home and will be headed to the Maryland area shortly after Thanksgiving to be closer to grandchildren. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travel and patience for all, as they will be living with their son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren for a while!

Confirmation Class Schedule is as follows

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December 1st

January 12th February 16th

March 8th April 9th

May 3rd – Confirmation Sunday May 10th – Party 4:00 – 7:00pm

Christian Ed News Saturday, December 14: Christmas Program Rehearsal 10am-12pm

December 15: Children’s Christmas Program at the 10:30 Service & Sunday School Coffee Hour

December 22 & 29: No Sunday School (Christmas Break)

The kids did a great job packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child with Ann Christiansen at the end of October, since then they have been making ornaments for our tree, and doing a wonderful job practicing their Christmas songs. This year, our Children’s Christmas Program will be on December 15, at the 10:30 service. Kelly will be holding a rehearsal for all our Sunday School students on Saturday, December 14, from 10am until noon. We would also like to host a coffee hour after the program on the 15th, so donations of treats and time would be greatly appreciated! Christmas Blessings, Amelia & Reyna

No Sunday School on

December 1st, 22nd and 29th

Lay School

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December 10th, 12th and 19th. For more information, contact Pastor Steve Gauger at Calvary Lutheran Church: 474-9353 or 474-6020.

Tried -n-True

Friday December 20th at 12:00pm. Kris McDonald will be sharing her gift of music. We will be singing Christmas Carols and getting into the Holiday Spirit. Join us for food, fellowship and fun.

Bible Study

Meets every Wednesday at 9:30am. No Bible Study on December 25th or January 1st.

Grace Circle

GRACE CIRCLE will meet for their Christmas luncheon at Bayview Manor on Thursday, December 12th at noon. The luncheon will be catered by Connie Salmi and Nora Smith. There will be no cost this year as the luncheon is in honor//memory of Violet

Christiansen given by her family. Please RSVP by Monday, December 9th by calling the church office or signing the sheet on the bulletin board in the church narthex. Pastor Diane Srutowski will join us and share a message and the celebration of Holy Communion. There will be a time for singing carols and sharing stories/memories. The monetary offering will be shared with the Rock Food Pantry as well as canned/boxed food items.

Please note that Grace Circle has decided NOT to meet in the months of January and February.

Love Circle

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Meets on the third Thursday of each month, 9:30am at First Lutheran Church. Study material will be in the narthex. Every woman is invited. Please call 428-1696 if you need a ride or more information.

Faith Circle

Will meet on Thursday December 12th 5:15pm at Irish Oaks for Dinner 7:00pm at Pam Chouinard’s for Circle


Come hear!

First Lutheran Church Choir as they share the story of Christ’s birth with you through the singing of the beautiful Cantata Shout the Good News

Sunday, December 8th at 4pm Invite your friends and family to come as we celebrate Christ’s birth and shout the good news!


Thank you to everyone who took part in the Women of the E.L.C.A. Thankoffering Service Sunday on November 17th: greeters, ushers, readers, communion assistants, women's choir. A special note of gratitude to Intern Kelly Ylitalo for leading worship and her message to the children and the congregation. Thank you to Pastor Tom for all his support of women's ministry. And to the ladies of Love Circle and all who helped with an amazing coffee hour. The generous offering received will continue to support women's outreach missions and ministry.

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Crafty Christmas


~The colors and fragrances of Christmas~

First Lutheran Church, Gladstone

Thursday, December 5, 2019


~all ages are welcome

Women of the ELCA will be hosting their annual

“Craft Night!” Please join us for a fun night:

~ creating your own holiday treasures~ ~fellowship with friends~

~holiday snacks~

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Fortune Lake News

Senior Day January 13, 2020 10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Come and join us for a day of wonderful conversation, delicious food, and great fun!

Winter Wonderland Retreat January 17 - 19, 2020: The snow will be cold, and the

sauna will be hot! Enjoy snowshoeing, sledding, cross country skiing and maybe even ice skating! There will be time to hear Scripture and reflect. Optional Ski Brule packages available


PLEASE AND THANK YOU “Please” and “thank you” are words that many of us learned at the knees of our parents. It was drummed into us as kids, hopefully, to show others that we were polite creatures. It was a sign of respect. Often a “yes” comes right before the “please” when we are questioned about whether we want something or not. The “thank you” comes after, when that choice is satisfied. It’s so deeply engrained in me that I automatically say the two in situations that are counterintuitive like, “please” may I have my bill and saying “thank you” when they take my money to pay for it. What’s up with that! These words roll off our tongues without much thought and that’s, in and of itself, not a bad thing. These words hold great value when asking the Spirit to help us discern opportunities to share the many gifts God has given us and to express our gratitude when our eyes are opened to ways we can love and serve. Good stewardship calls for asking God for guidance (the “please”) and

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showing our appreciation (the “thank you”) for the abundant blessings put in our trust. The “please” and the “thank you” are bookends to a seemingly endless supply of God given chances to witness, in Christ’s name, by loving our neighbors, ourselves and, most importantly, our God. In our conversations with God, the “please” often comes much easier than the “thank you”. We ask God to fix something that is broken, but find it almost impossible to be thankful when the fix doesn’t come. That’s especially true when we are asking God to fix something affecting those we love. When the answer we have pleaded for eludes us, our faith is put to the test. I would admit that in matters of life, death and suffering, the heart most often rules the head. The “pleases” and “thank yous” come hard when we face death and suffering ourselves or that of those, we hold dear. The best we can do is trust God and ask for the strength to weather whatever comes our way. The secret to that strength, of course, is the sure knowledge that God is always there with us. No matter what, we are never alone. In the meantime, let us say, please God remind me of your steadfast presence and thank you for your unconditional grace, love, mercy and forgiveness.

In Christ, Dirk Manson, Stewardship Chair

Special Giving Envelope

This month’s Special Giving will go towards Seminarian Support

Please help provide for future First Lutheran Seminarians

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Seminarian-Intern Support

“How can I unless someone guides me?” 1 Cor. 4:15

As Kelli Ylitalo completes her internship among us and will be seeking a call to serve a congregation people have raised questions about the placement process. It occurs to me that during the many years we have sought to recruit persons for ordained ministry we have never explained the very extensive process that leads to serving as a pastor! Here goes:

• A potential pastor must sense a call to ordained ministry.

• The prospective pastor then must register with a Synodical Candidacy Committee and be approved by them delineating their sense of “call” with references from their parish pastor and other active church members. The Northern Great Lakes Synod has a joint committee with the Northeast Wisconsin Synod headquartered in Appleton, WI. I have served on this committee, my wife Jo chaired it for some years and currently Dirk Manson serves on the committee.

• The prospective pastor must also apply to and be accepted by one of the eight ELCA seminaries to study for ministry.

• The Candidacy Committee closely monitors the progress of prospective pastors which includes psychiatric testing and approval by a licensed therapist.

• After the first year in seminary the candidate is reviewed by the Candidacy Committee and a representative of the seminary to determine if they may continue their preparation for ministry.

• In addition to satisfactory completion of the academic work candidates must complete an internship in a congregation gaining knowledge of pastoral ministry. The intern is guided by a congregational Internship Committee who must also give their approval for the candidate’s ordination.

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• The candidate must complete all the academic requirements and be approved by the seminary faculty for ordination.

• Final approval must be given by the Candidacy Committee for ordination including representatives of the seminary and national church staff.

• The candidate then fills out a form indicating their top synod preferences for a call in the ELCA. Currently there is a major shortage of pastoral candidates and bishops compete very strongly to secure seminary graduates.

• When assigned to a synod the candidate is recommended by the bishop to a congregation for a call. The process includes a visit to the congregation, interview, trial preaching and approval by a Congregation Call Committee and a vote by the congregation to extend a call.

• Upon receipt and acceptance of a call the candidate is ordained for ministry.

• Once placed in a parish a new pastor is required to attend First Call Theological Conferences for three years during which their competency for ministry is reviewed and refined.

There you have it! The process leading to ordained ministry in the ELCA is not for the faint hearted! If you or someone you know are interested in discussing a call to ordained ministry, I am more than willing and eager to meet with you!!!

Dale Skogman on behalf of Seminarian/Intern Support.

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To those who helped with the November Messenger; Carole Wedell, Carol Ebbesen, Avis Fairchild, Gloria Kanerva, and Paula LaCosse. Thank you all, so much!

Thank you everyone for the prayers and cards for my recent surgery. Maxine Maki Hello, just wanted to say thanks to our parent’s church and church family for assisting in both their Memorial Services and for being such an important part of their lives. We miss them both very much. The kindness of those at the church who assisted and served was truly appreciated!... Sincerely, The Family of Ken & Chris Ziems

Thank You - John Kloet! The First Lutheran Church Property Committee thanks John Kloet for

donating the cement for the replacement of the handicapped entrance. The entry pad had deteriorated and made entry difficult for

wheelchairs. Thank you, John!

Gifts to our congregation have been given ...

For Altar Guild from Irwin & Monica Bostwich

In loving memory of our parents From Ken & Chris Ziems

In memory of Duane Rajala From Nora Smith

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BAY DE NOC CHORAL SOCIETY Presents “Joy to the World” Christmas Concert

Sunday, December 1st at 1:30pm

Holden Evening Prayer Service

Wednesday, December8th Christ the King Lutheran Church

1701 13th Ave N, Escanaba 7pm

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Christmas Day Dinner At

Memorial United Methodist Church


Join the community in celebrating the birth

of Jesus. There will be Turkey, Ham, and all

the festive fixings

This year First Lutheran Church will be responsible for 18 pies (disposable tins may be picked up in the church office) and 12 dozen

homemade rolls. Other ways to help include: *turkey carving on Tuesday, December 17th from 2:30 pm until 5:30 pm at the Methodist Church *set -up the dining room 9:30 am until done on December 23rd food prep 9:00 am until done on December 23rd sign up and come for all or part of the morning *work on Christmas Day

Please watch the Sunday morning bulletin and the window in the narthex for sign-up sheet and additional information. Volunteers must

be at least 17 to work in the kitchen. Questions may be directed to Nora Smith (786-5231).

After much thought and prayer, it is time for me to take a step back

from this amazing community ministry. I ask that someone would help with the necessary 'to do' things this year and take on the leadership

role next year.

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Change of Address As some of you leave town to spend the winter in warmer, sunnier places please remember to let the office know your warmer, sunnier address. Thank you!

2019 OFFERINGS In order for your offering to be credited to 2019, envelopes must be received in the church office no later than Sunday, December 29TH t at noon.

Thank You

OFFERING ENVELOPES Offering envelopes for 2020 will be available on the tables in the narthex during the next couple of weeks. Please pick yours up, but don’t start using them until January. Remember, those who use Simply Giving also have envelopes.

DEADLINE FOR ANNUAL REPORTS Written and financial reports to be included in the 2019 Annual Report of the Congregation are due in the office no later than Monday January 6th, 2020.

If at all possible, please send your report via e-mail to office@firstlutheran-gladstone.org. Thank you!

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Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!!! It’s time to jingle the Salvation Army bell and uphold our

reputation of excellence in the category of “Best Bell Ringers”!

Reserve an hour of your time on Friday or Saturday, December 20th and 21st at Pat’s Foods. A sign-up poster will be available in the narthex starting Sunday December 1st.

Thank you in advance for continuing your faithful support for the work of the Salvation Army

Hope at The Inn

First Lutheran’s serving week of:

December 8 – 15 We are looking forward to seeing all our great volunteers and will be available for sign-ups on December 1st, in the narthex. You may also sign up in advance for a shift or meal online at hopeattheinn.org.

This season and we are need of:

Lg. disposable & sturdy plates -Plastic utensils; Forks, knives, spoons - Styrofoam cups & Plastic cups -Napkins - Bowls for soup or cereal

We’ve noticed, from past seasons, the most needed hygiene products are: toothpaste, shaving cream, razors, and deodorant. We’ve also have had the need for; underwear, both men’s and women’s (size med, lg, x-lg) and socks (black preferred), and waterproof winter outer wear.

Thank you for all your support! Rhonda Husbye and Pat Casteel

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Interested in becoming a H.A.T.I Volunteer? There will be a training at:

at Harbor Lights Church 612 2nd Ave. South, Escanaba

early January

No Pre-Registration Needed - Just show up!

Donate your Elmer’s Rewards Card Points to

Hope at the Inn

When shopping at Elmer’s County Market, present the Hope at the Inn Donation Card to the cashier and let them know how many of your Elmer’s Reward Card points you would like to transfer to Hope at the Inn. You can transfer your Elmer’s Card points in 500, point increments (Ex: 500, 1000, 15000, etc.) If you do not have an Elmer’s Reward Card, be sure to stop by their Service Desk and pick one. Or stop in First Lutheran’s office. Pat Casteel will also have the Rewards Cards during sign-ups. For every dollar you spend at Elmer’s, you accumulate 10 reward points. The points you donate to Hope at the Inn helps us to earn FREE money. Please help support us and donate your Elmer’s Reward Card points to Hope at the Inn! Thank You!

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Happy Birthday to ... 12/01 Laila Whitfield 12/15 Katie Smith 12/01 Frank Austin 12/17 Betty Erickson 12/03 Mary Bjorkquist 12/17 Kellan Smith 12/03 David Ottensman 12/18 Clark Dahlke 12/04 Lori Morley-Sharon 12/19 Kathryn Gudwer 12/05 Ruth Seppala 12/21 Carl Smith 12/05 Barbara Karas 12/22 Kristianna Dufresne- 12/05 Carter Sisson Wilson 12/08 Thade Myers 12/23 Dennis Hanson 12/09 Laura Anderson 12/29 Nicholas Siedlecki 12/10 Braxton Breitenbach 12/29 Gus Soderman 12/13 Maci Menard 12/30 Everly Wiltzius 12/14 James Gerow 12/31 Doris Sundstrom 12/14 Olivia Oney 12/31 Abigail Kars 12/31 Kinzie Kars

Happy Anniversary to ...

12/18 Marshal & Lori Seawright 12/19 Dale & Jo Skogman 12/20 Robert & Connie Salmi 12/31 Fred & Doris Sundstrom

(If we’ve missed your birthday or anniversary please let us know)

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Council Highlights The Congregation Council met on November 7th with Jeff Gudwer presiding. At this meeting the council: Heard from Dale Schlemmer about the Mission Endowment Grant recipients. The 2020 budget was presented by Bill Erhard and there was discussion about the new sign and 2020 Synod Benevolence. There will be a congregational vote on these items. Also, the Nominating Committee has openings. The daycare/preschool plans are being researched and the sound system project will begin around the end of November. The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be on Thursday, December 5th at 6:30 pm.

Greetings to all of you from the staff at First Lutheran. May you have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His Love at Christmas and always. Pastor Tom, Kelly Ylitalo, Kris McDonald, Rhonda Husbye, Reyna Rose, and Dave Strom

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Contact Us: First Lutheran Church 1212 Minneapolis Ave. Gladstone, MI 49837 906-428-4565 www.firstlutheran-gladstone.org or find us on facebook.com

Rev. Tom Otis, Pastor pastor@firstlutheran-gladstone.org Office: 428-4565 Cell Phone: 280-9997

Kelly Ylitalo, LLM intern@firstlutheran-gladstone.org

Office Manager: Rhonda Husbye office@firstlutheran-gladstone.org

Secretary: Reyna Rose office@firstlutheran-gladstone.org

Director of Music: Kris McDonald Musicians: Kris McDonald, Oliva Wery Chancel and Handbell Choir Director: Kris McDonald Christian Ed Coordinators: Amelia Seawright and Reyna Rose Custodian: Dave Strom

Congregation Council: Amber Hess-Soderman, President George Botbyl, Vice President Doris Sundstrom, Secretary Bill Ehrhardt, Treasurer Steve Bolek Dotti Ford Kathy Gobert Ken Groh Jeff Gudwer Judy Haulotte Cooper Koski Dirk Manson Marshall Seawright

A congregation of the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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If you would like to bring a poinsettia to church for Christmas in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please fill out this form and drop it off in the church office. In order to be listed in the bulletin, forms must be received in the office no later than noon on Wednesday, December 20. Poinsettias must be delivered between 9 AM and 4 PM on Thursday, December 20 or 9 AM and Noon on Friday, December 21. NOTE: Poinsettias CANNOT be in the building prior to Thursday, December 20 and must be removed by Thursday, December 27. Please be respectful of your fellow parishioners with allergies. The Altar Guild suggests you consider purchasing 6” pots as we have stands to hold the flowers and they have openings for 6” pots. Thank you.

In Memory/Honor of:

Given by:
