What would likely happen in this scenario? The Republican party increases their majority in the...


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What would likely happen in this

scenario?The Republican party increases their majority in the House of Representatives from 33 seats to 51 seats in the 2014 midterm elections. This is due mainly to an influx of Tea Party (fiscally conservative sub group within the party) candidates, $$$ and support. The Tea Party does not want to retain John Boehner as Speaker of the House. Heading into the January election for Speaker there are 243 Republicans in the House and 184 Democrats. 52 of the Republicans vote with the Tea Party faction.

What would be a politically acceptable solution to the


The Congressional Power Ladder

O What are the steps of the “Power Ladder” of Congress?

O What steps are Dick Durbin and Aaron Shock on?

90% of all bills DIE in committee.

What does that mean?

Types of Committees(research groups)

Standing committees are permanent panels in Congress to which bills of similar nature could be sent. I II III

Special Committees

The House Rules Committee decides whether and under what conditions the full House will consider a measure.

Select committees are panels established to handle a specific matter and usually exist for a limited time.

Joint committee is one composed of members of both houses.

Conference committee—a temporary, joint body—is created to iron out differences between bills passed by the House and Senate before they are sent to the President.

Current Standing Committees of Congress

Where would the following bills go?

O Legalization of recreational marijuana.O Recognition of same sex marriage

licenses.O Trade sanctions against Russia for

their actions in the Crimea.O A 10 year transportation funding bill

of $300 billion.O Authorizing women for infantry

combat in the military.

Committee Membership

The majority party always holds a majority of the seats on each committee.

The committee chairmen are the members who head the standing committees in each chamber of Congress.

The ranking member is the highest ranking member of the minority party.

The seniority rule, an unwritten custom, holds that the most important posts will be held by those party members with the longest records of service in Congress.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee
