What makes each place unique? Ch. 1, Key Issue 2


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What makes each place unique?

Ch. 1, Key Issue 2

Place: Mathematical Location• Location of any place can be described

precisely by meridians and parallels– Meridians (lines of longitude)

• Prime meridian• 180 = ?

– Parallels (lines of latitude)• The equator• 90 = ?

Maps: Scale• Types of map scale

– Ratio or fraction– Written– Graphic

• Spatial Scale– Zoom in, Zoom Out– Global, national, regional, local

Place: Unique Location of a Feature

• Place names– Toponym

• Site– Physical characteristics of and area

• Climate• Vegetation • Mountainous

• Situation– Location of a place in regards to other places

• Asheville, NC is located in the Southern Appalachian mountains– Tourism

• Mathematical location– Precise location of a place

Site and Situation

• Describe A.C. Flora’s site factors

• Describe A.C. Flora’s situation factors

• What are some interesting toponyms around Columbia?