What is thriller




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Uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements. The primary subgenres of thrillers are: mystery, crime and psychological thrillers but every year a new subgenre is created.

Thrillers are mostly characterised by an atmosphere of menace, violence, crime and murder by showing society as dark, corrupt and dangerous, though they often feature a happy ending in which the villains are killed or arrested. Thrillers heavily promote on literary devices such as plot twists, red herrings and cliff-hangers. They also promote on moods, such as a high level of anticipation, adrenaline rush, arousal, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety and sometimes even terror. The tones in thrillers are usually gritty, slick and lurid

. The tension usually arises when the character(s) is placed in a menacing situation, mystery, or an escape from which escaping seems impossible. Life is threatened, usually because the principal character is unsuspecting or unknowingly involved in a dangerous or potentially deadly situation.

Characters in thrillers include criminals, stalkers, assassins, innocent victims (often on the run), menaced women, characters with dark pasts, psychotic individuals, terrorists, cops and escaped cons, private eyes, people involved in twisted relationships, world-weary men and women, psycho-fiends, and more. The themes of thrillers frequently include terrorism, political conspiracy, pursuit, or romantic triangles leading to murder.

Thrillers may be defined by the primary mood that they elicit: fearful excitement. In short, if it "thrills", it is a thriller

the intensity of emotions they create, particularly those of apprehension and exhilaration, of excitement and breathlessness, all designed to generate that all-important thrill. By definition, if a thriller doesn't thrill, it's not doing its job


Iconography within a 'kidnap' film:

police, female, children, feelings of worry, fear, anguish, murder, loss, love, crime, plan, betrayal, ransom, survival, fight, money, need

The following are some of hit thrillers that plot around ‘kidnapping’. These films have inspired and captivated us to create a new kidnap thriller.


This is the most recent of any of the movies about kidnapping to make the list. The film features Liam Neeson as a super-badass former CIA operative in search of his kidnapped teen daughter.

"Kiss the Girls."

The villain of the film in "Kiss the Girls" is a disturbing masked man who calls himself "Casanova" and is responsible for kidnapping a basement full of women.


A claustrophobic, Hitchcockian thriller. A bereaved woman and her daughter are flying home from Berlin to America. At 30,000 feet the child vanishes and nobody admits she was ever on that plane.


This is probably one of the first movies to enter someone's mind when they think of movies about kidnapping. This thriller starring Mel Gibson and directed by Ron Howard is an unforgettable depiction of abduction, ransom, and inconsolable parents.

"Man on Fire."

Denzel Washington plays a bodyguard in Mexico City, where kidnapping rich children is a common occurrence. After his client, played by Dakota Fanning, is kidnapped, he will stop at nothing to kill everyone involved in the crime.
