What is Spiritual Mastery


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What is Spiritual Mastery ?

Spiritual Mastery is awakening to that spiritual consciousness which helps you achieve ultimate goal of human life of true happiness , Love , Joy & Peace and end of all sufferings .

Spiritual mastery principles will convert fearful mind into a fearless warrior , a worrisome person into peaceful monk ,suffering lives into supremely joyful lives & constantly seeking individuals into a real spiritual masters . By introducing these spiritual values at our work place & homes we can turn them into factories of true enlightenments. It is the ultimate science of life which has been taught by all great spiritual masters like Buddha, Mahavira , Krishna , Isu & by many other masters.

Here , you don’t “believe in God” but, you “meet the God”. Here you don’t need books to become spiritual .Here Peace prevails within you & Love for universe sprout every second .Here fountain of joy never leaves you for a moment. Once awakened truly ,You live a divine life of true spiritual master.

A “Camel” will get transformed into “Eagle” & “Turtle” will turn into “Tiger”. A coward human mind who is constantly fearsome & worrisome will observe the birth of courageous & brave lion within self.

We are stuffed with wrong beliefs , age old traditions & thinking. Our chattering mind makes our life hell while we lacking in true spiritual nature get baffled equally by minor problems or by big tragedies. Scary residues in mind left over by any event of hurt or disaster drive us crazy. Our relationships are struggling , happiness eludes us, peace is always miles away & real joy is an unknown property.

Account books of Past & Ship loads of future expectations have converted a battlefield horse into a mere mule. Religious rules & principles have only formed a cranky child out of a Superhuman created by nature.

In hindu scripture called “durga shaptshati” ,the goddess durga while fighting the demon –“Mahishasur”- realizes that every drop of blood fallen on earth from the injured demon creates a new demon equally powerful like original one, so she starts drinking blood of demon before it is fallen on earth to defeat the demon.

Here, we have an important message to learn that, in our lives too, our past karmas have created monsters who trouble us in present life but instead of downplaying such fights we overplay the same & by cursing others or truly fighting out we generate many more demon like karmas in present birth too. Every birth we roll more & more demon like karmas in our karma portfolios & with every birth, human liberation from birth & death cycle becomes more & more difficult.

Here is a grand possibility to a real awakening & liberation by bringing true spiritual knowledge & practices in your daily life , realization of true soul nature & ultimately the enlightenment , which is the ultimate goal of human life. Here with new spiritual science - billionaires & beggars, Successful & failed , Powerful & Powerless and Rich & Poor -all can truly feel abundance of blissfulness & perfect peace .One can terminate & alter the negative past karma lists to nil & refrain from

creating more .One can surely liberate the soul from endless sufferings carried out for billions of births in this way .

Spiritual mastery is now a movement to liberate the mankind from suffering. Let us become the sage wherever we are & while enjoying the common mans’ life just by adding shift of consciousness & putting true spiritual values at work turn our lives into a journey to enlightenment. Let us bring God from books of beliefs to realms of reality.
