What is Leprosy?



Caused by Mycobaterium leprae Mildly infectious Leprosy… Caused by Mycobaterium leprae Mildly infectious Sometimes slow to show symptoms Curable Leprosy is a mildly infectious disease cause by a relative of the TB germ called Mycobacterium leprae. It is probably spread by airborne infection – coughing and sneezing. It can stay in the body for many years without showing any symptoms, so many people who have leprosy don’t find out until years after they were first infected. Once someone is diagnosed they can be treated and cured.

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What is Leprosy?

Leprosy…• Caused by Mycobaterium leprae• Mildly infectious• Sometimes slow to show symptoms• Curable

Multidrug Therapy (MDT)

Always cures leprosy

Makes patient non-infectious

Does not undo effects of leprosy

First Signs:• Red or white patches• Loss of feeling

Sensory Loss





Loss of movement

Hands - ‘Clawed’ Feet - Drop footFace - Blindness

Leprosy Myths

Myth 1: Leprosy causes body parts to simply fall off.

Myth 2: Leprosy is highly contagious. Just touching an infected person is dangerous.

These are not true!

Stigma of Leprosy

• Not allowed to go to school

• Unable to find work

• Abandoned by family

• Excluded from community events
