WHAT IS AUTISM? “Autism Spectrum Disorders, sometimes called Pervasive Developmental Disorders...


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WHAT IS AUTISM?“Autism Spectrum Disorders, sometimes called Pervasive

Developmental Disorders (PDD), are a range of neurological disorders that most markedly involve some degree of difficulty with communication and interpersonal relationships, as well as obsessions and repetitive behaviors. As the term "spectrum" indicates, there can be a wide range of effects. Those at the lower-functioning end of the spectrum may be profoundly

unable to break out of their own world and may be described as having Kanner's autism. Those at the higher-functioning end, sometimes diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (AS), may be

able to lead independent lives but still be awkward in their

social interactions.”("Autism definition”). There are some theory's that Mozart had Autism but Autism wasn’t

discovered till 1911 so its very doubt full but interesting that this amazing musician might have had autism.

There is also another theory that Beethoven died of Autism from what people in the past have wrote down it showed that same

symptoms that someone with Autism today would die from. (Shanty)

How is each session of music therapy planned out?

• In the first few lessons Autistics tend to physically ignore the person they’re working with and socially block the therapist out.

• Music therapy helps to stop this social withdrawal by an initial music instrument instead of seeing the instrument as threatening Autistic children find the shape fascinating, the feel and sound. Therefore the therapist playing the instrument makes a connection with

the child so the social barrier breaks. ("Autism Affects Child's Entire Brain.“) • “When music therapy is used to aid in communication, its goal is to improve the

production of vocalization and speech, as well as stimulate the mental process of comprehending, conceptualizing and symbolizing. A music therapist will attempt to establish a communicative relationship between the behavior of a child with autism and a specific sound. An autistic person may have an easier time recognizing or being more open to these sounds than they would to a verbal approach. This musical awareness, and the relationship between the autistics' actions and the music, has potential to encourage communication.”During a music therapy session, an autistic individual has the freedom to behave in specific ways that allow them to discover and express themselves when they want and choose. They can make noise, bang instruments, shout and express and experience the pleasure of emotional satisfaction. ("The Benefits Of Music Therapy For Autism.“)

• During each session the therapist works one on one with the Autistic child by having them listening to music or playing a musical instrument, to help with muscle movement it’s a step by step process.

What part of the brain does Autism affect and how does it make the Autistic child act that way?

• The entire brain is affected by Autism• “different parts of the autistic brain have difficulty working together to

process complex information. This may be the driving component of autism.”("Autism Affects Child's Entire Brain”)

• Children with Autism have a hard time focusing on a lot of motion at once cant take it all in and focus on that one thing. For example in a classroom everyone is talking it is very loud there is a lot of movement the child with autism will sometimes go into a ball and make a moaning noise rocking back and forth their minds are going a little crazy but with classical music or any type of sooth sounding music it helps the children relax and focus. With the practice of listening to music everyday and just focusing in on it, it will help the child focus out in the real world when there is a lot of motion and chaos. They’ll will be able to take it in all at once. (" YouTube - Hope for Autism through Music Therapy ." )

What type of music do music therapist play for children with


• “In 1993 researchers found that listening to Mozart improved mathematical and spatial reasoning. The specific quality of Mozart’s music stimulates the brain or from the overall relaxation and mood enha ncement derived from listening to great music. ("Center for Music Therapy." )

• Doctors also say how classical music helps calm the body like a meditation technique.• Music therapist will give the child 6 bells that you can ring each with a different pitch then

the music therapist will play on the piano and sing the pitch . The child will memorize each pitch and when the therapist sings a certain pitch the child will ring the bell of that same pitch they’ll keep doing till they can do it really fast.

• Another technique music therapist will do is sing a song for instance Old McDonald's had a farm the music therapist will break up the song and have the child copy the way she is singing the song, copy the way her mouth is open this helps kids move those muscles (the mandible) that they really don’t use.

• “Another form of music therapy that may help with communication is to play a wind instrument (IE flute). It is thought that by playing this instrument, you become aware of functioning of your teeth , jaw, lips and tongue. Playing a wind instrument almost mirrors the functioning required in order to produce speech vocalizations.” (" YouTube - Hope for Autism through Music Therapy ." )

What is Music therapy?• Music-making involves many of the fundamental elements of social interaction – self-

awareness and ‘self in relation to another’. Because of this, the musical aspects of interpersonal timing attuned reciprocity in shared play, turn-taking, listening and responding to another person can be augmented in music therapy with people with autism to accommodate and address their frequently idiosyncratic and avoidant styles of communication. Rather than teaching a set of behaviors, which would then be specific to the music therapy or music context, music therapy encourages increased self-awareness/self-other awareness, leading to more overt social interactions. The therapy stimulates and develops the communicative use of voice and pre-verbal dialogue with another, establishing meaning and relationship to underpin language development. The client may also benefit from increased tolerance of sound, tolerance of and capacity for two-way communication, the opportunity to exercise joint attention, and other emotional needs met in the therapeutic process. (.”The Autism News”)

• The developmental games when combined with music, interaction and songs can be very useful in improving the child’s overall learning, emotional and social skills. Also, this therapy is utmost effective for improving expressive speech in these children.

• “during a music therapy session, an autistic individual has the freedom to behave in specific ways that allow them to discover and express themselves when they want and choose. They can make noise, bang instruments, shout and express and experience the pleasure of emotional satisfaction.” ("music therapy." music and outdoor play”)

How do children with Autism improve after they're introduced to music?

• “If not all, many children who suffer from autism possess verbal impairments. Apart from speech therapy, music therapy for autism can be very useful for improving speech in autistic children. A music therapist can recognize a child’s needs for social interaction and design games based on music sessions to encourage interaction along with eye contact in the child.”("Music Therapy for Autism.“)

• Speech in children is more fluent and improved when produced in a rhythm. Singing words and sentences in a rhythmic fashion can improve speech considerably. When games are played along with music in a group, it is very helpful in improving

social interaction along with improving communication and eye contact..”("Music Therapy for Autism.“)

• Somehow, many autistic children have an unusual ear for music. They can pick up vocals or any instrument quite quickly when compared to most normal people. This response and inclination towards music is a stepping stone for these children which music therapists work with.

• • “Music therapy for autism can be a very important tool for improving speech in children who have not yet

lost their ability to speak completely.”• Music therapy improves the following• Teaching social skills• Improving language comprehension • Encouraging the desire to communicate • Making creative-self expression possible• Reducing non-communicative speech• Decreasing echolalia ( uncontrolled and instant repetition of the words spoken by another..

("music therapy." American music therapy “)

Famous People who have had Autism and are successful.

• Beethoven was such a poor music student, that his music teachers decided he was hopeless as a composer and each time he sat to write music, he reportedly "poured ice water over his head," indicating the potential inability to "show" what he could do and a potential preoccupation of sensory experiences or need for unproductive idiosyncratic routine. But look at all the beautiful music he wrote all those symphony's with little knowledge and just felt it in his heart music historians say.

• Elvis was a notorious over eater, failed his music class in school, never ever gave an encore, and had ten distinctly different drugs in his body when he died   He may have been compulsive with food/sensory perseverations, school failures, rigid need for routine and control, and self-medicating. ("Famous People with Aspergers Syndrome.“)
