What have you learned from your audience feedback (1)


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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In order to create a successful media product, it is essential to listen to the potential audiences of the product and listen to their views of what they thought of the delivery of the product and also what could be improved. In the research and planning tasks we used questionnaires to gather the opinions about the potential ideas for the media products that we had. To really utilise the questionnaire to its full potential, we ensured that all of the 18 people who took the questionnaire where within our age range.

Results for the documentary

Looking at the pie chart to the left, out of the 18 people asked, 83% of people said that they learned something from watching the documentary, and 17% said they did not. Although this is a large proportion of people that said yes, it is still indicating to me that there is room for improvement. If 17% of the people asked did not learn anything from the documentary, then that shows that the message of the documentary is not getting put across properly, and that it is not totally informative. Never the less, the documentary we created had the desired outcome, to deliver a factual report, and clearly, we done so.

The next important question that we wanted to find out was, did the viewer feel that our documentary resembled a real life product? For this question, 94% of the people asked said that it did, and a small 6% said that it didn’t. Forgetting the minority which said no, it is a great result for the group that the viewers thought our product resembled those of real life. This shows us that all of the research and planning which we conducted was worthwhile.

Did you learn anything from the documentary



Did you feel that our documentary resembled a

real life product?



Moving on, the next set of questions we asked was more to find out about the quality of the documentary. For example:

Out of all the questions asked, this gave the most negative answers. After completing the documentary and reviewing it several times, as a group, we knew that the sound levels where not perfect, and this view was also shared by the actual viewers. With only 23% of people asked saying they where consistent, with the remaining 77% saying otherwise. After evaluating the answers given, I feel that this would be the most important area when creating another documentary. If we had to undertake this task again, we could try to learn more as a group

about how to manage the sound levels better, so they are consistent throughout, so when the question is asked again, we have a more positive outcome.

After looking at the group questionnaire results, I decided to conduct some of my own independent research, and asked a few members of my family and close friends what they thought about the documentary. I feel that this would secure a more honest view, from the sort of people who would really be watching the documentary compared to my fellow peers who may be influenced by the teacher or other group members.

After showing them the documentary several times, I asked the question, ‘What was the best parts of the documentary and what where the key features that made it enjoyable for you?’ After a wide range of answers I narrowed it down to some which where most important. Some of the people asked said the camera shots used allowed the documentary to be more enjoyable. This was a fantastic answer for me as we put a lot of effort into choosing the right camera angles, for example, the blur shot which we used half way through the documentary. Other answers I gained was that the voice over and backing track where key points of the documentary as it set the tone for a serious, and factual documentary. Yet the key answer given to me, which really shows that the hard work paid off, was that an answer given was, the interviews where the highlight of the documentary. This is fantastic

Did you find the sound levels where consistant





for me because as a group we worked really hard to secure those interviews, which required travelling to a local gym to interview a personal trainer.

After reviewing the results from the group questionnaire and my independent research I am more than happy about the results which we gained. It shows that the hard work that we put into the documentary as a group really paid off. However, if we were to ever undertake this task again, I now know where some improvements could be made e.g. have more consistent sound levels.

Results for the radio trailer.

Again, similarly to the documentary, we struggled with the sound levels. This had been proved by 72% of people saying no to the question asked, and only 28% of people asked saying yes. This is a negative result to us which we sourced the problem and found out the solution. So if we ever have to create a radio trailer again, the sound levels can be improved. The main reason for the problem is that we never pan centred the audio in final cut, this was explained to us by our teacher after submitting the trailer.

Did you find the sound levels consistant throughout?



Looking at the results displayed in the chart above. This being one of the key questions asked, this is a very positive result for us. With 17 out of the 18 people asked saying yes, and only one saying no, this really shows that the hard work we put into the trailer as a group has paid off. The most important thing a radio trailer has to do is promote the product you are offering, in our case, the documentary. Clearly, looking at these results, we have succeeded.

After looking at the answers given in the questionnaire, again I decided to conduct some independent research. By asking friends who are aged within our target audience, I found out what their views are about the documentary, the main question I wanted to ask was, did our radio trailer emulate one of real life. The answers given where of a wide variety, here are some examples listed below:

‘Yes, as a consistent voice over was used’‘partly yes and no, as the sound levels where not consistent throughout’‘Yes, as it included clips from the actual documentary’

The replies that were given where of a variety, but for the main question I asked, the same answer seems to appear. That the sound levels where not consistent. We understand that this is a common error for our group, and should we do the task again, would be the main priority for improvement.

Magazine article results.

After putting a lot of thought into the images we used, this result is great for us. It shows us that the images where used appropriately and to a good standard. To the minority that said they were not, we could perhaps find out as to why they thought this, for future improvement. Also, as we were limited with the amount of props to use for the images, as fitness and health is a tricky topic to take pictures for, it shows that we utilised what we had to best possible ability.

The final question asked which I shall be highlighting us, ‘Do you feel our magazine resembled a real life product?’ As you can see the clear answer gives was ‘yes’. This is again another fantastic result for the group as it shows we achieved the main goal. We worked so hard as a group to try and emulate a real life product, so to receive a result like this is great. Also, looking at the result, I feel that the research and planning which the group and I carried out was to a high standard, and really helped in achieving this response.

To conclude, I feel that audience feedback is key in having a successful product, it has allowed me to really understand what people thought of our work, and that it is to a good standards. Besides the positives, it also highlights the negative areas of our work which could be improved, so if we have to undertake this task again, we would know how to score 100% on every single question in the questionnaire.

Did you feel that the images where good and

used correctly?



After putting a lot of thought into the images we used, this result is great for us. It shows us that the images where used appropriately and to a good standard. To the minority that said they were not, we could perhaps find out as to why they thought this, for future improvement. Also, as we were limited with the amount of props to use for the images, as fitness and health is a tricky topic to take pictures for, it shows that we utilised what we had to best possible ability.

The final question asked which I shall be highlighting us, ‘Do you feel our magazine resembled a real life product?’ As you can see the clear answer gives was ‘yes’. This is again another fantastic result for the group as it shows we achieved the main goal. We worked so hard as a group to try and emulate a real life product, so to receive a result like this is great. Also, looking at the result, I feel that the research and planning which the group and I carried out was to a high standard, and really helped in achieving this response.

To conclude, I feel that audience feedback is key in having a successful product, it has allowed me to really understand what people thought of our work, and that it is to a good standards. Besides the positives, it also highlights the negative areas of our work which could be improved, so if we have to undertake this task again, we would know how to score 100% on every single question in the questionnaire.

Did you feel that the images where good and

used correctly?

