What does this represent?. And this? What about traffic lights? Green =?, Yellow = ?, Red = ?



What about traffic lights? Green =?, Yellow = ?, Red = ?

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What does this represent?

And this?

What about traffic lights? Green =?, Yellow = ?, Red = ?

Signs represent something other than their physical reality.

All symbols are signs, but not all signs are

symbols. Symbols are signs with a PLUS.

Have more than one meaning.


Fire means warmth.

Fire means light.

Fire means destruction.

What they stand for is connected to their

physical reality.


Water is a symbol for survival, BECAUSE we depend on water to survive.

Water is a symbol for cleanliness, BECAUSE water is used to clean things (like dogs).

Symbols evoke more than one kind of

response from us.


Brightness of the holiday season!The Coming of Jesus as the light of the world!

It reminds us of friends, and friends brighten up our life!

Light and warmth symbolize the love of the Christ child in the manger.

Cultural vs. Universal


Cultural symbols change depending on time or place. The meaning of a cultural symbol is dependent upon…well, culture.

Universal symbols are not tied to a specific

group, time, or place. Sometimes, universal

symbols have contradictory meanings.

Water can give life…

…but water can also kill.

Literal vs. Symbolic Thinking

Horses wear blinders so they can only concentrate on a single point or path.

Horses wear blinders because they’re easily frightened.

We are not horses.We don’t wear blinders.

…but when we only think literally, we’re missing the big picture.

Take a SECOND look to become sacramentally aware. Sacramental awareness is also about shifting from literal to symbolic thinking.

What is “literal”


Literal thinking CAN be a good thing. Often times, it’s necessary!

It would be bad if a surgeon started thinking symbolically in the middle of an operation.

…but literal thinking can’t really describe love. In order to REALLY describe love, we need…



SACRAMENTS are Encounters with

God’s Grace.

They are avenues to deeper realities that

give us an experience of God.
