“What Do You Want to Be?”. Phonetic exercise Read the phonetic symbols: [ ʌ ] [w] [f] [ð] [ ʃ...


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““What Do You Want to What Do You Want to Be?”Be?”

PhoneticPhonetic exercise exercise

Read the phonetic symbols:Read the phonetic symbols:

[ʌ] [w] [f] [ð] [ʃ] [tʃ] [i][ʌ] [w] [f] [ð] [ʃ] [tʃ] [i]

[ɔ] [l] [p] [b] [k] [g] [ɔ] [l] [p] [b] [k] [g]

[h] [dʒ] [z] [s][h] [dʒ] [z] [s]

Read the words:Read the words:

doctor, funny, white, dolphin, son, doctor, funny, white, dolphin, son, we, mother, brother, she, ship, we, mother, brother, she, ship,

dentist, chick, teacher, in, officer, dentist, chick, teacher, in, officer, green, doll, hospital, telephone.green, doll, hospital, telephone.

The 16The 16thth of December. of December.Classwork.Classwork.

Tick the words according to the sounds.Tick the words according to the sounds.









doctor, funny, white, dolphin, son, we, mother, doctor, funny, white, dolphin, son, we, mother, brother, she, ship, dentist, chick, teacher, in, officer, brother, she, ship, dentist, chick, teacher, in, officer,

green, doll, hospital, telephone.green, doll, hospital, telephone.

Let’s relax. Let’s sing a Let’s relax. Let’s sing a song song ««I am a pupilI am a pupil»»..



Listen and try to guess.Listen and try to guess.

What is he? Where is he?What is he? Where is he?

Read the words and sentences as quickly as you can.Read the words and sentences as quickly as you can.

[[3:] 3:] work, worker, a worker — workers. His brother is a work er. work, worker, a worker — workers. His brother is a work er. — Does your friend want to be a worker? — Of course, he does.— Does your friend want to be a worker? — Of course, he does. [a:] [a:] aunt, an aunt, dance. My aunt is a dancer. Plant, a plant —aunt, an aunt, dance. My aunt is a dancer. Plant, a plant —plants, in a plant. — Does your uncle work in a plant?plants, in a plant. — Does your uncle work in a plant? —No, he doesn't. He works in an office. — Who we in a plant? —No, he doesn't. He works in an office. — Who we in a plant? — My brother does.— My brother does. [ɔ] [ɔ] from, economist, an economist — economists. An economist from, economist, an economist — economists. An economist works in an office. – Does your sister want to be an economist? — works in an office. – Does your sister want to be an economist? — Oh, yes, she does.Oh, yes, she does. [ju:] [ju:] pupil, computer.pupil, computer. [u:] [u:] school, a school — schools, at school, work at school, to school, a school — schools, at school, work at school, to school. Pupils goschool. Pupils go to school. Teachers work at school.to school. Teachers work at school.

Read and say which story is true to the picture.Read and say which story is true to the picture.

Let’s do the exercises.Let’s do the exercises.

Guess the riddles!Guess the riddles!

A teacher

A housewife

A librarian

A doctor

““What Do You Want to What Do You Want to Be?”Be?”

HomeworkHomeworkEx.9,10Ex.9,10; ; p.68p.68in your booksin your books
