What differences are there between women and men



14 differences between women and men.

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Here are 20 questions about differences

between women and men.

How many can you get right?

Question # 1

Who weighs more?

The body size of men is, on average,

10% larger than that of women.

Hofstede, Geert: Cultures and organizations, p. 137 and 462.

As the bone structure of a girl develops, she develops

broader hips and narrower shoulders.



As the bone structure of a boy develops, he develops

broader shoulders and narrower hips.

Question # 2

Who is more aggressive?

Men have 7 to 8 times the concentration

of testosterone in their blood plasma

than women do.


Question # 3

Who takes more risks?

Under stress, men take more risk and women take less risk.


Women tend to apply for senior roles if they consider that they meet 100% of selection criteria.

Men apply if they think they meet 60% of requirements.


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Question # 4

Who lives longer?

Years that women outlive men



Women live longer than men mostly because they avoid a risky lifestyle.

Women avoid risk because they are primary care-givers.

4 reasons1. Later age at marriage led to fewer pregnancies - thereby reducing

women's risk of dying in childbirth. 2. Access to food and health care within households became more equal. 3. Greater migration and trade increased the spread of disease,

disadvantaging men. 4. Urban settings led to more competition for mates, causing increased

male risk-taking behaviour.

Through most of history, women lived shorter lives than men. That changed towards the 15th century.


Question # 5

Do the best performing companies have the most women or the most

men in top management?


Fortune 500 companies with the highest percentages of women board directors outperformed those with the least by 66% measured by return on invested capital.

Firms with women in top management positions perform better - especially if the firms pursue an innovation intensive strategy, in which creativity and collaboration are especially important.


Question # 6

Who is more creative?

The reason men are seen as more creative is

a belief that it takes autonomy, independence, and thinking that diverges from the status quo. These are seen as masculine traits.


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Question # 7

Who rates meaning higher than pay and status?

Men Women

Most men rate pay and status higher than meaning.

Most women rate meaning higher than pay and status.


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Question # 8

Who has fewer children: Female or male leaders?


The higher women climb up the corporate ladder, the fewer children they have.

For men, it’s the opposite.

Question # 9

Who speaks English better?

Women speak English better than men

in almost all countries and age groups.


Question # 10

What do women lie about? What do men lie about?

Women tend to lie about their age and their weight.


And women tend to lie to make the person they are talking to feel good.


Men tend to lie about their earnings and their height.


Men tend to lie to make themselves look better.


Question # 11

Who has moresocial competence?

Women experience more emotionsthan men do.


Women tend to be a little better

than men on average at sensingin the moment what the other person is feeling.


Daniel Goleman


Women are rated on average as having

greater levels of social competencethan men.

Board members observed that female directors

tended to seek the opinions of others and tried to ensure that everyone in the boardroom take part in the discussion.


Empathy derives, originally, from maternal care.


Frans de Waal

Women have, on average, more emotional intelligence than men.

Groups with more women therefore tend to be smarter.


Thomas Malone

Women cooperate more than men in mixed-sex interactions.

However, male-male interactions are more cooperative than female-female interactions.


Around the world women are more likely to vote for parties that place a higher value on compassion than men.


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Question # 12

Who has deeper relationships?

Men Women

Men build wide networks but not deep relationships.

Women build deep relationships with a few people.


Men get a lot more help from their

contacts than women do from their contacts.

Study by Lily Fang and Sterling Huang of 1,815 Wall Street analysts.http://knowledge.insead.edu/women-in-business/your-rolodex-matters-but-by-how-much-depends-on-your-gender-3862https://hbr.org/2015/02/why-network-more-is-bad-advice-for-women

Gender distribution on Twitter


Protected accounts by gender on Twitter


Question # 13

Who is less likely to get feedback at work?

Women are more than 20% less likely than men to receive difficult feedback that helps improve their performance.


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Question # 14

Who is more likely todisregard guidance from others?

Studies show that men are more likely than

women to disregard guidance from others.



Men are more narcissistic than women.


Men do not feel well when

being interrupted.

Question # 15

Who uses morebody language?

When entering a room, women tend to

use 27 distinct behaviours.

Men displayed only 12 distinct gestures.


Question # 16

Whose voice do people find more pleasing?

Scientific studies have shown that people

generally find women's voices more pleasing than men's.


Question # 17

Who is more likely to help women, who use shoes

with high heels?


Men are more likely than women to help women who use high heeled shoes.

Question # 18

Who likes brightercolours better?

Favourite colours of men

SourceSurvey of 232 people from 22 countries. http://advertiser-in-arabia.blogspot.com/2011/03/true-colors-colors-by-gender.html

SourceSurvey of 232 people from 22 countries. http://advertiser-in-arabia.blogspot.com/2011/03/true-colors-colors-by-gender.html

Favourite colours of women

Question # 19

Who recognizes faces better?

When women were shown images of unfamiliar people, eye-tracking technology showed that they fixed upon the faces 10% to 40% more times than men did.



Girl babies pay

attention to facial expressions.

Boy babies pay

attention to toys.

Question # 20

Who listens better?

A man tends to listen for a solution. What is the problem? How can we solve it? Bang. Thank you very much. On to the next thing.



A woman tends to listen in an expansive way. She goes with the flow and is present with the person. She enjoys the journey with the person she listens to.

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