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Knoxville, TN July 2014

W e want the very best for our children. Right from the start we want the best baby things we can find. Toys, experiences, money for this and money for that – we want our children to

be happy and to be successful. As they grow older we want them to be in this activity or that. We will be driving them all over the place so we can give them the best opportunities. We’ll do a whole lot of worrying and constantly question ourselves as to whether we are doing the best for our children. And in spite of it all we may miss giving them the most important thing they need. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” What children need more than anything in this world is a relation-ship with God – with Jesus Christ. To paraphrase the Bible, what

would your child gain if he or she gained the whole world but forfeited their soul? How can they obtain this relationship? It is the modeling of the parents that is all important. If the parent is not seek-ing a relationship with God, not worshipping and not growing in knowledge of God’s Word, then it is very unlikely that the child will find this to be important either. We will have failed to “train” our children in the way they should go. In fact, we may be sabotaging their relationship with God. We do this when our words and actions tell them that sports, hobbies, pleasures and even intellectual pursuits should have a higher priority in their lives. Those things are not bad, they are just not more important than seeing your child coming to know their God. Worshipping regularly, teaching them to pray and praying with them, and reading God’s Word are vitally important to your children. This is giving them the best. Perhaps you might say: ‘Well I haven’t done these things and I guess it is too late.’ This is simply not true. Even if you child is a teenager – it isn’t too late! Our children are watching us. They will come to know what is genuine and what is not. But please don’t waste another day. In your love for them, influence them and lead them to know their God. Here are steps you can take immediately. 1. Go to church every Sunday. Regularity and consistency on your part are crucial to help introduce your child to Jesus. 2. Pray before meals and teach them a bed time prayer. 3. Get a children’s Bible and do a devotion with them. 4. Talk to them about why you want them to know God. 5. Make them follow your rules about church participation. 6. Reject the notion that your children must always be happy and entertained. 7. Try to influence your child’s choice of friends.

There is perhaps no greater blessing than realizing your children

know God and want to follow Jesus. As our Savior said to know Him is to know life and have it in abundance!

~ Pastor Rich

What What Children Need Children Need

More Than More Than AnythingAnything

Page 2 July 2014

GraceNet is published monthly by

Grace Lutheran Church – LCMS 9076 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37923

Phone: (865) 691-2823 Fax: (865) 691-4895 E-mail: glc@visitgrace.org

Reverend Richard M. Elseroad, Senior Pastor Reverend Justin A. Bell, Associate Pastor

Reverend Mark Bushuiakovish, Associate Pastor

Website: http://www.visitgrace.org

Articles for GraceNet are due by the 1st of each month for the following month’s edition.

GraceNet Staff Debbie Booher, Editor Linda Jaekel Nancy May Joan Scraggs Email to Editor: dbooher@knology.net

If you have a spe-cial event you would like to have publicized in GraceNet, please submit the information to

Debbie Booher by the 1st of each month for publication in the follow-ing month’s newsletter.

Our Grace Family

Meet Kristin McGee

K ristin McGee started out with a most original entry into this world. She was born at Hamilton Air Force Base, Marin County, California, which may

have prepared her for her job as a Flight Attendant for ten years, working for United Airlines. Few of us would gladly share the experience she surely remembers of preparing the cabin of a 757 for a crash landing near Denver after the land-ing gear would not engage! Yet, such dangerous activity did not stunt her sense of adventure, since she would love to be a nurse at a military hospital. Just perhaps husband Jack and her Black Lab, Riley, contribute much to Kristin's overall composure. Favorite foods: Belgian and Swiss Choco-late, barbeque, and any-thing Italian (but only that genre obtained in Italy ra-ther than the American of-fering). Kristin might some day open a baking business if given the opportunity. As she contemplates such a thought, you might find her breaking into the kind of smile which first attracted Jack to her. But in addition to that smile, we find a young woman who is most passionate about helping others. No doubt Jack finds that as appealing as we other Grace mem-bers do!

Do You Know What Your Spiritual

Gifts Are?

E ver wonder what God has planned for you? Maybe you wonder what your gifts and talents are, or how your passions can be used to the glory of God? 1

Corinthians 12 highlights some of the talents that God gives people through the Holy Spirit, “All these are em-powered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.” That means that every gift is valuable and specially given to you by God. How cool is that? Grace is ready to help you identify and apply what the Holy Spirit has given to you. To get started, go to:


Then mark your calendar for the follow-up training on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm beginning October 8. Please contact Traci Roth, Grace Connection Director if you have any questions at troth@visitgrace.org.

Page 3 July 2014

A conservative congressman drew ridicule from the media when he mentioned his wife's voluntary sub-mission in their marriage. To the media his words

sounded antiquated and denigrating to women. But, such critics have no clue what the Bible means when it speaks of submission in marriage. Sadly, many Christians also reject what St. Paul wrote in Ephesians 5 without really under-standing it. A close look at the biblical text shows submis-sion in Ephesians 5 means to show a respectful attitude. It does not mean quietly going along with every idea a hus-band might utter. Several times in verses 20 to 31 Paul urges men to love their wives in the same selfless way Christ loved the church so that He gave Himself over into death for it. And, Paul urges women to submit themselves to their husbands just as they would to the Lord. We wretch at the word “submission,” but we need to look closely at verse 33. There Paul summarizes what he has said before, but he suddenly changes the verb from “submit” to “fear.” This tells us what Paul means by submission. The word “fear” may not seem to us to be any better than “submission,” but this is not fear as fright or terror. Rather, it is fear like, “We should fear, love, and trust in God so that...” from Luther's explanation to the Ten Commandments in the Small Catechism. Most modern versions of the Bible use the word “respect” to translate “fear.” That is not some con-venient semantic slight of hand, but reflects a colloquial usage commonly understood in the Ancient World already before the time of Christ. The common perception is that Ephesians 5 places a heavy burden on wives. I contend the husband has a more

difficult role in marriage than the wife. His task is to love his wife in such a way that she thinks she must be married to Jesus. Her charge is simply to show a respectful attitude toward her husband. She is still free to say, “I respect what you say. But, we need to talk about it. If we do what you propose, what will the neighbors say?” This is called remon-stration, and it is what Abraham did with God when he pleaded in behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. In recent years we are discovering the wisdom of what Paul wrote in Ephesians 5. The section begins by urging all

to submit to one another. Then it continues to address specific concerns related first to men and then also related to women. Someone once said there is a little boy inside every man wait-ing to get out and play. This can often result in behavior that threatens a woman's need for security, especially financial security. If the man loves his wife as Jesus loves the church, he puts her needs first and does not spend the rent money on some toy for men that he has always wanted. Now comes the bad news for women. The same person said there is a shrew inside every woman waiting to get out. I have

told young brides a sure way to get on the bad side of their soon-to-be husbands is to be disrespectful to him, especially in front of his male friends. Sometimes this is a big revela-tion to these young women. Just as women value security, men value respect from the women in their lives. The smart wife finds ways to discuss issues with her husband that show the respect he needs. If he loves her selflessly in the same way Christ loves the church, women tell me they will not find that difficult, at all. ~ Pastor Paul Bohlken

The Dreaded “S” Word

Liam Wallis Poker

Born: May 21, 2014

Proud Parents: Nick and Sydney Poker

Page 4 July 2014

7/1 Dina Augustus 7/1 Harvey Booher 7/1 Edwina Jackson 7/1 Noah McPherson 7/1 Jesse Smithey 7/2 Carrie Cleland 7/2 Craig Emerson 7/2 Dale Lahrs 7/3 Emily Bretscher 7/3 Taylor Brown 7/3 Ryan Campbell 7/3 Nadia Fanta 7/3 Eric Horlbeck

7/3 Sandi Larson 7/3 Caleb Satterfield 7/4 James Ray 7/5 René Mackley 7/5 Linda Schmidt 7/6 Brian Kiernan 7/6 Craig Kiernan 7/6 Kaylynn Marjonen 7/7 Megan Kleckley 7/7 Kristen Reinke 7/8 Daniel Augustus 7/8 Allan Bohanan 7/8 Daniel Schmidt 7/8 Loren Theilen 7/8 Michelle Wade 7/9 Jamie Duenckel 7/9 Bryan Payne 7/12 Wendy Butzine 7/12 Wendy Manley 7/12 Sherrie Prien 7/13 Carol Logan 7/13 Chanley Nagle 7/13 Tim Nagle

7/14 Brennan Cleland 7/14 Alex DeTrana 7/14 Lawrence Osterman 7/15 Joshua Heidel 7/15 David Sheley 7/16 Eleanor DeTrana 7/16 Paul Wittke 7/17 Donna Bueckman 7/17 Eric Schmidt 7/17 Cai Shafer 7/17 Rachel Stock 7/19 Tom Theilmann 7/20 Ralph Harness 7/20 Jack Harper 7/20 Joyce Holcombe 7/20 Wilma Ward 7/21 Carol Douglas 7/21 Freia Micha 7/22 Asher Blair 7/22 Amy Mees 7/22 Allie Cook 7/23 Jim Blank 7/23 Scott Krebs

7/24 Douglas Butzine 7/24 Scott McPherson 7/24 Linda Roberson 7/24 Brady Williams 7/26 Elizabeth DeTrana 7/27 Everett Bloom 7/27 Joe Harper 7/27 Rose Piciacchia 7/27 Lexi Roettger 7/28 Jeff Jaekel 7/28 Christine McKay 7/28 Holly Mings 7/28 Bryon Strickland 7/28 David Vannier 7/29 Holly Blankenship 7/29 Breanna Frizzell 7/29 LaTina Haynes 7/29 Paul Price 7/30 Shawn Arter 7/30 Laura Smithey 7/30 Amy Spradlin 7/31 Matthew Dreke 7/31 Seth Huffaker

7/1 Larry & Sylvia Belt 7/1 Chuck & Lois Robinson 7/2 Adam & Amber Moore 7/3 Mike & Kelly Masters 7/6 Everett & Pat Bloom 7/10 Pete & Mary Belle Early 7/10 Kathy & Jack Guettner 7/15 Philip & Traci Roth 7/16 Mitch & Carrie Fisher 7/16 Cliff & Lynn Hyman 7/20 Mike & Kathy Murphy 7/20 Scott & Brittany Pafford 7/22 Dale Lahrs & Wilma Ward 7/22 Jeff & Amy Spradlin 7/23 David & Michelle Wade 7/24 Tom & Susan Lewis 7/25 Jeff & Jennifer Crisp 7/30 Jon & Cathy Callies 7/30 Dennis & Toni Nivens


July Scripture of the Month

Bible Quiz ? ?

Answer: A (see Exodus 7:20-21)

What was the first plague God brought upon the Egyptians when Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrews leave his land? A. Water turned to blood B. Dense darkness for three days C. Death of all Egyptian firstborn males D. Swarms of gnats

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. ~ Psalm 119:45

Page 5 July 2014

For Your Summer Reading


The Shepherd’s Song by Betsy Duffey and Laurie Myers (Fic Duf): Before a car accident that claims her life, Kate McConnell writes the words of the 23rd Psalm on a piece of paper intended for her wayward son. Her dying prayer is, “Please let my life count.” This story follows the remarka-ble journey around the world of that piece of paper as it for-ever changes the lives of twelve recipients, from a lonely dry cleaner to a wounded soldier in Iraq, before making its way home.

Walking on Water by Richard Paul Evans (Fic Eva): Readers who have followed the journey of Alan Christof-fersen cross country from Seattle to Key West will want to read this fifth and final story of his walk as he must learn to leave the past behind and begin to live again.

Undetected by Dee Henderson (Fic Hen): This thriller from Henderson has Commander Mark Bishop of the subma-rine USS Nevada joining forces with ocean scientist, Gina Gray, as she works on a major breakthrough in submarine warfare.

Critical Condition by Richard L. Mabry, MD (Fic Mab) Dr. Shannon Fraiser’s life is in an upheaval. A man is shot on her lawn, her addict sister relapses, her father is diag-nosed with leukemia, and she is unable to commit to her boyfriend. And then the threatening phone calls begin.

A Sensible Arrangement and A Moment in Time by Tracie Peterson (Fic Pet): The first two titles in the Lone Star Brides series. Peterson creates determined and strong women who won’t be destroyed by life’s hardships. In book one, Marty Olson leaves her ranch in Texas and heads to Denver to marry Jake Wythe in answer to an advertisement for a bride. In book two, the Wythes are forced to leave Denver during the Panic of 1893 along with their friend Al-ice. Although Marty willingly returns to her ranch life, Alice is unprepared for the rigor of that life.

Silenced by Dani Pettrey (Fic Pet): Continuing the Alas-kan Courage series, Pettry creates another spellbinding suspense story in which Kayden McKenna and Jake Westin find their lives in danger as a killer wants them silenced.

An Amish Miracle by Beth Wiseman (Fic Wis): This is a collection of three Amish novellas written by Wiseman, Ruth Reid, and Marry Eliis. Each main character has lived a troubled life in which healing can only come from their faith and a heavenly miracle. An Amish Kitchen (Fic Wis) is a collection of three Amish novellas written by Wiseman, Kelly Long, and Amy Clipston set in the heart of the Amish home—the kitchen—where love, family and faith thrive.

Non- Fiction

Soul Keep- ing: Caring For the Most Important Part of You by John Ortberg (233.5 O r t ) : Ortberg brings practicality and relevance to one of Christi-anity’s most neglected subject—the health of our souls. Anxiety, depression, fear, and loneliness are symptoms of a soul out of touch with its Creator. A rested, well-cared for soul accesses peace, gratitude, freedom and blessing that only come from God. Ortberg will help his readers rediscov-er their souls.

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek (239 Gei): The title of this book sums up the premise and point of view of Geisler and Turek as they present the crucial information needed to avoid the onslaught of secular ideologies voiced today. Lee Strobel writes, “I wish {this book} had been available when I was an atheist—it would have saved me a lot of time in my spir-itual journey toward God!” (back cover)

Understanding Four Views of the Lord’s Supper by John H. Armstrong (editor)(265 Arm): The Lord’s Supper is the central sacrament of the Christian church, yet various denominations view and practice it differently. Armstrong edits this presentation/debate on the views of Baptists, Re-formed, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic churches. Present-ing the Lutheran view is David P. Scaer, chairman of the department of systematic theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For Our Youngest Readers

Two picture books from Karen Kingsbury, popular writer of adult Christian fiction, assist young girls and boys in under-standing what makes a princess a true princess and what makes a knight truly valiant. Check out The Princess and the Three Knights and Brave Young Knight (J Kin). Find these titles and others new to the library on display throughout the month. Note: After falling behind on the updating of the computer card catalog in the library, the catalog should now be current. Pa-trons should be able to search by author, title, subject, or key word and locate all of the materials that are available for check-out.

~ Mary Schultz

Page 6 July 2014

? ?

W hether you have seen the movie or not, you have seen the motif of the movie, “Pay it forward.” The underlying premise is to help other people because you have been helped. I am unable to recall the specific commercial with a similar message, yet, am able to picture in my mind’s eye the events being portrayed. A random act of kindness is

seen by one person, then carried out by the observer. That individual then “pays” it forward. It is really not a bad concept if the motivation comes from a pure desire to help someone else. Some time this past month I awoke with a singular phrase rumbling around in my brain. The phrase was simple: “Pray it forward.” Since it was very early in the morning I decided not to get up, but wanted to remember the phrase. Rather than writing it down, I woke up about every hour and told myself I wanted to do something with it. Later on that same day it seemed like a good thing to write a poem based on this concept. Here is what came from mind and matter to pencil and paper – so to speak. (My keyboarding skills are much preferred over actual handwriting.)

Pray it Forward

When your life is moving at a snail’s pace or speeding like a sprinter’s race – Pray it forward.

When your life sends a startle or your joy loses its sparkle – Pray it forward.

When the devil comes a prowling and his voice is a howling – Pray it forward.

When your health begins to fail or doubts start to assail – Pray it forward.

When you find your world appalling and your spirit starts to falling – Pray it forward.

When The Lord comes with His Grace so amazing, and brings a peace that sends you praising — Pray it forward It is more than a passing thought to think of our Lord’s practice of prayer. He prayed often and prayed specifically about matters of the heart, matters of the mind, and matters requiring miracles. He even prayed for each of us when He died on the cross for our sins. Remember His words in preparation for what we lovingly refer to as The Lord’s Prayer:

“When you pray . . .” (Luke 11:2) It is my prayer that you will join me in praying it forward. If you will start praying through the Psalms beginning with Psalm 1 on July 1st you will have prayed through all the Psalms before Christmas. When you get to Psalm 119 you will want to take a portion each day according to the Hebrew alphabet. Any question about that, let me know! If you decide to join me in this venture let me know how the Lord is blessing your commitment to pray each day in a simple way! You might even pray about the matters of the heart, mind and miracles mentioned above!

~ God bless Pastor Jim Kirk

Pray It Forward

Page 7 July 2014

Healthline is a 30-minute Medical Education television show sponsored by the Knoxville Academy of Medicine Alliance, which is composed of physician spouses. Grace’s very own Sheila Wittke is host and interviews medical doctors on various health-related topics. We encourage you to check it out! The show airs weekly and is currently on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. on the following stations:

HOST: Sheila Wittke

AIR TIME: Sunday afternoons at 3:00 p.m.

STATIONS: CTV COMCAST Cable Channel 12 (Knoxville) CTV CHARTER Cable Channel 6 (Farragut) CTV AT&T UVERSE JULY 2014 SCHEDULE OF TOPICS AND GUESTS July 6 Diagnosing Interstitial Cystitis - Dr. Bryce Bowling

July 13 Minimally Invasive Treatment for Hemorrhoids - Dr. C. Stone Mitchell

July 20 Preventing Diabetic Retinopathy - Dr. Matthew D. Lowrance

July 27 OMNIPOD Insulin Pump - Dr. Casey Page

Sunday, July 13 – Thursday, July 17

6:00 pm – 8:30 pm $25 per athlete

Ages: K through rising 6th grade Wear athletic shoes

Theme: God has a Game Plan

(Joshua 29:11-12) Basketball and cheerleading Snack provided Registration forms are available in the church office or by calling the church at 691-2823.

Watch for these Exciting Upcoming Events

Financial Peace University Sundays from 1:00-3:00 pm

August 24 - October 26, 2014 (except Labor Day weekend)

Grace Lutheran Church - Fellowship Hall

Course Leaders: Kristen Reinke and Ron Honken Childcare will be available

Register online at http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/locations/org/6994/class/257377

Membership materials can be purchased through the church office (limited number available) or online when you register for the course.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Reinke at: livefortunately@gmail.com


Grace Lutheran Church-LCMS 9076 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37923-1557 (865) 691-2823 Fax: (865) 691-4895 E-mail address: glc@visitgrace.org Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m. (Traditional) and 9:30 a.m. (Blended)/11:00 a.m. (Contemporary) Wednesday Worship: 6:30 p.m. (Blended) Sunday School & Bible Classes @ 9:30 a.m./11:00 a.m.


. . . if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heav-en, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ~ II Chronicles 7:14
