What are Vertebrates?What are Vertebrates? Vertebrates are animals that have backbones like Fish,...


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By: Haya Al Rabban

What are Vertebrates?

Vertebrates are animals that have backbones like Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals


Fish have slimy bony scales for protection and . They also have gills for breathing. They get thousands of eggs and they don’t worry about the eggs.


All mammals have warm blood and most mammals give birth to live young. The only one that doesn’t is the Platypus that lays eggs. Mammals also have hair.


All birds have feathers and wings, they also have 2 legs. Some birds like ostriches and penguins cant fly. They lay eggs and usually build nests to lay eggs in. They have warm blood.


Amphibians have cold blood and they live on both land water. They include frogs and toads which start as eggs in the water, then become tadpoles and still live in water and breath through gills like fish. Then they change into frogs and they can then live on land because they breathe through their lungs.


Reptiles are cold blooded so they lie in the sun to get warm. They include snakes, crocodiles, lizards and turtles. Most of them lay eggs and they all have scales on their skin. They are vertebrates




Insects a three pat body and six legs. They have two pairs of wings so then they could fly easier, they also have a pair of antennae.


Spiders are invertebrates and they are part of the group called arachids. They are different from insects because spiders have eight legs and insects only have 6. They have 2 parts to their body and many spin webs to catch insects to eat. They lay eggs and most have fangs that inject venom, and most have 8 eyes.



