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We've got winter wrapped up

"I feel very privileged to have all this support

from CABA - I can't thank CABA enough for what it

has done and how it has helped me"


We all want to keep ourselves healthy, both emotionally and physically, this winter. This guide shows you how, from identifying any financial assistance that may be available to you, to making sure your home is winter proof.

It also offers suggestions for tackling social isolation, which can be an issue for some people who may find it difficult to get out and about when the weather’s bad.

Most importantly, we’d like to remind you that CABA is here to offer essential advice and support to boost your wellbeing during the winter months, which is when you – or someone close to you – may need it the most.

Call CABA on 01788 556 366 to find out what we can do for you.

1CABA We've got winter wrapped up

Help with finances 2

Winter fuel payments 3

Help around the home 4

Valerie's story 7

Help with keeping your home warm 8

Arthur's story 10

Help to combat isolation 11

Winter top tips 13

The personal details of clients have been changed to protect their identity and, where appropriate, photographs of models have been used for illustrative purposes only.


CABA We've got winter wrapped up

How can we help this winter?

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Many people don’t claim – or aren’t aware that they can claim – the state benefits they’re entitled to. But during the winter when heating and energy bills are high, every penny counts. So why not ask our CABA support officers to help you with a benefits check?

You and your partner may be entitled to the following:

Attendance Allowance If you or your partner are 65 or over and have a long-term illness, disability or special care needs you may be able to claim this benefit. CABA support officers can help work out whether you may be entitled to the lower or higher rate. Either way, Attendance Allowance can really help boost your income.

Carers Allowance If you or your partner provide 35 hours of care per week you may be entitled to claim a weekly allowance of £61.35. You don’t have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for but they should be claiming either Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment to help meet substantial care needs.

Help with finances Winter fuel paymentsGovernment winter fuel payments If you or your partner were born on or before the 5 July 1952 you may be entitled to a payment of between £100 and £300 from the government to help pay your heating bills each winter. You can call the Winter Fuel Payment centre on 08459 15 15 15 to check your entitlement and make a claim. If the temperature is recorded as or forecast to be an average of 0°C or below over seven consecutive days you may also be entitled to a Cold Weather payment of £25 for each seven day period.

If you’re not already receiving these, you may need to make a claim, so ask our support officers for details.

CABA winter fuel payment If you are currently claiming any means tested benefits you may also be eligible for a £215 donation from CABA towards your heating and utility bills. We may also consider providing this payment in other circumstances, for example, when a household has a low income or if you have health concerns. The payment will be made in January 2015 so you can switch the heating on now to keep warm over winter, knowing that you will be receiving the additional funds in the New Year.

To find out whether you qualify for this payment or if you have concerns about managing your heating bills over the winter period, you can call our support officers to talk things through.

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Don’t forget...If you need assistance with budgeting or paperwork, or to find out more about carers support from CABA call us on 01788 556366. Our Money Matters guide is also packed with tips and advice for good money management. You can read it on our website at caba.org.uk/moneymatters

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Help around the homeKeeping your home safe during the colder months is essential for your wellbeing. Here at CABA, we realise maintaining your home can be an expensive business, especially during the winter. We can offer financial assistance for home repairs as well as help with organising any work that’s needed – just call us on 01788 556 366 for advice and information.

Roof and walls If your roof has any cracked, worn or broken tiles, loose flashing or if there’s damage to your chimney or flue, it could cause problems in the months to come. A roofer can carry out an inspection and repair any damage.

If you don’t have any insulation in your attic or walls, you’ll also lose lots of heat from your home. But if you're aged 70 or older you may qualify for a government grant for free loft or cavity wall insulation. To find out more, call the Energy Savings Trust on 0300 123 1234 (England), 0800 512 012 (Wales) or 0808 808 22 82 (Scotland).

Windows and doors A lot of heat can escape from poorly fitting window and door frames so you may also want to consider making sure all your windows and doors shut properly and fasten tightly. You could also check to see if any of your windows or doors need repairing or sealing (inexpensive insulating strips are available to buy or you could even use pieces of blanket).

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Water pipes Another way to keep your house warm and save money on heating bills is to make sure your water tank and pipes are properly lagged. But if you get a frozen or burst pipe this winter, the best thing to do is to turn off the water at the mains and call out a plumber as soon as possible.

Smoke alarms You may want to test your smoke alarms yourself. Alternatively you can ask your local fire service for a free home fire safety check to make sure your smoke alarms are working and that they are in the right places (you may also be eligible for free smoke alarms, including fitting). You can visit fireservice.co.uk/safety/hfsc to find out more.

Where to find a handyman• If you need someone to do small repairs, fit smoke

alarms or install draught excluders, Age UK operates a handyperson service across 80% of the country to help people find extra help with the jobs they need doing around the house. These services are provided for free or for a small fee by local Age UK branches: find your nearest by calling 0800 169 65 65.

• Trustmark can also put you in touch with a trusted local tradesperson or handyman. Visit trustmark.org.uk or call 01344 666 103.

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CABA We've got winter wrapped up

Valerie's storyWhen my husband suffered two major strokes I took over all our financial arrangements. Electricity is our only power source, but I thought I had the bills under control as I had set up a direct debit payment of £120 per month. But then I received an additional electricity bill for over £3800. I withdrew it from our savings and paid it off but was worried as to how I would cope in the future.

I contacted CABA and agreed for a volunteer to visit me. He checked that we were getting all the benefits we were entitled to and went through all my electricity bills. He advised me that the bill was wrong and we agreed he would advocate on my behalf. Eventually I received a refund of over £1300 and £350 in compensation. I have also had a new meter fitted.

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CABA We've got winter wrapped up CABA We've got winter wrapped up

Help with keeping your home warmThe NHS recommends that you keep your main living room at around 18-21°C (65-70°F) during the winter. But if you’re feeling cold, turn your heating up – regardless of the temperature you have your thermostat set at.

Think about getting to know how your heating system works, including the timer and thermostat. When it’s very cold, you could set your timer to switch the heating on earlier, rather than turning the thermostat up to warm your house quickly. And if you have individual thermostats on your radiators, why not use them to help keep the rooms you’re using at the right temperature?

Here are some other things you might want to consider doing to keep your home warm:

Bleed your radiators Air in your radiators can make them cooler and less efficient, so bleed them at least once every winter. (for information on finding a local handyman, see page 5).

Clean your chimneys If you have an open or coal fire, it’s a good idea to have it swept every 12 months. This helps prevent chimney fires and ensures that any fumes, which can cause damage to your health, can escape safely. HETAS is an official body with a list of approved chimney sweeps around the country, call 0845 634 5626 for details.

Buy a carbon monoxide alarm If you haven’t put one near your boiler or gas fire already, an alarm that’s approved to EN50291 standard could protect you from carbon monoxide poisoning. These detectors should be readily available from your local DIY store or via your energy supplier.

Have your boiler serviced To help prevent any problems with your boiler at this time of year, consider having it serviced annually by a qualified engineer.

If you have a gas boiler, the engineer must be on the Gas Safe Register, and if you have an oil boiler, your engineer must belong to the Oil Fitting Technical Association. If you have solid fuel appliances, find an engineer who belongs to the Heating Equipment Testing and Approval Scheme.

You may be eligible to join your energy supplier’s priority services register which can entitle you to a free annual check of your gas appliances. You can check with your supplier to see if you meet their eligibility criteria.

If, on the other hand, your boiler is more than 10 years old, you may want to think about replacing it with a more efficient, modern boiler that could save you money in the long run. A quick call to the Energy Saving Trust on 0300 123 1234 (England), 0800 512 012 (Wales) or 0808 808 22 82 (Scotland) can tell you whether you would be eligible to receive a free boiler via your energy supplier.

Don’t forget...If you need assistance with your gas or electricity supplier, CABA can help by liaising with them directly to negotiate payment plans or help you switch suppliers.

Call us on 01788 556 366 for further information.

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Help to combat isolationWinter brings a host of festivities. It’s usually a time of joy for many but it can be a strain for others with one in five people suffering from stress over the festive period. Many experience money concerns, while others worry about family conflict or the prospect of spending Christmas alone. If you can't get out and about as much as usual during the winter it can make you feel isolated.

But you don’t have to feel you’re alone. If you or someone close to you is affected by social isolation, you might want to call our free 24-hour counselling and advice helpline on 0800 107 6163. CABA are on hand any day, any time to lend a listening ear. If something’s on your mind, or if you just want to talk, we will be at the other end of the phone.

Don’t forget...There are many befriending services around the country offering home visits and telephone calls that can help combat loneliness, providing company and conversation:

Age UK’s Call in Time Find out more by calling 0800 169 6565.

Independent Age Telephone Buddies For information, call the charity’s advice line on 0845 262 1863.

Royal Voluntary Service Provides company at home via its befriending services (call 0845 608 0122 for details).

Arthur's storyBefore I got in touch with CABA, everything was getting a bit much. I was often quite low in mood – it felt like everything was falling apart. I was stuck in the house as I am 86 and have a number of health conditions. There were terrible drafts around the windows and doors and the seals had gone on the old double glazing units on the windows. They became so clouded with the condensation, there really was no view at all.

I actually felt ashamed that I wasn’t able to manage. The whole situation made me very anxious. I needn’t have worried though. I found CABA to be a very respectful organisation. They funded the replacement of

the damaged double glazing. They also arranged for some

painting and minor repairs in the house including a new fuse box as the old one was unsafe. They continue to help with a fuel allowance, which means my house feels cosy and safe again and the regular ongoing contact with my support officer is hugely reassuring.

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Don’t forget...We can also help support people around you. If you have a spouse, life partner, carer or dependant, we would like to let them know about the help and advice we can offer them. Please ask them to register their details with us at caba.org.uk/familiesandcarers or by calling 01788 556366.

We don’t know how cold it might get this winter, but it’s a good idea to be prepared for a spell of icy weather. Here are some of the things you could consider doing now to get ready:

Winter top tips

Think about staying in touch with friends and neighbours during the colder weather and ask if they could visit more often or perhaps run any errands for you

It's a good idea to keep a good supply of basic food items in your kitchen cupboards and freezer for times when it’s too cold or icy to get out to the shops

Consider stocking up on salt and sand to put on icy steps and paths should the weather turn really chilly. Your local council may provide bags of salt and sand for free or you could pick some up at a local DIY store

Stocking up on general cold and flu remedies could also help. If you take prescription medicines, you may want to order your repeat prescription earlier than usual just in case bad weather stops you getting outside. Many pharmacies now deliver prescriptions to you free of charge. The NHS also provides free flu jabs to anyone aged 65+ via GPs and local pharmacists.

Check your wardrobe for warm clothing. Remember a few thin layers of clothing can keep you warmer than one thick layer.

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Tear out these cards and keep them somewhere safe so you can get in touch with us easily whenever you need to.

For advice and information: 01788 556366

Free 24-hour helpline: 0800 1076163

Chat to our advisors online at caba.custhelp.com

For advice and information: 01788 556366

Free 24-hour helpline: 0800 1076163

Chat to our advisors online at caba.custhelp.com

ku.gro.abac A Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales,No.5970606, Charity No. 1116973

How to contact CABAWhatever you need this winter, we can help. Just give us a call.

For advice and information: 01788 556 366Free 24-hour UK helpline: 0800 107 6163

CABA 8 Mitchell Court Castle Mound Way Central Park Rugby CV23 0UY


All calls are confidential

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