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WESTERN AUSTRALIA.[Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.]



Bank Honda) at Tambellup, Eataiming and Broomchill.PROCLAMATION

r.nro AUSTR.ILIA, l By His Excellency John Alfred North-TO WiT. .more, Administrator in' and over .the

J. A,NORTEVARME, State of . Western Australia and itsAdministrator. ,Dependencies in the Commonwealth of

Australia.pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth

section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Ad-ministrator of the said State, do by this my Proclaim"-tionappointSaturday, :Mtn January, 1932, a special dayto be observed as a'Bank Holiday ill the Towns of Taro-

Katanning, and Broomehill.Given under My band: and the Public, Seal of the

said State, at Perth, this twelfth day of De-cember,, 1931.

By His Excellency's Command,

CHAS. F. BAXTER,Chief Secretary.


JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,Premier's Department,

Perth, 30th December, 1931.I T is lereb,v notified, for public information, that Harry

Dowse, Esquire, Mayor of Subiaco, has beenappointed, under Section 9 of "The Justices Act, 1902-20, ' as a Justice of the Peace for the Perth MagisterialDiStrict during his term of office as Mayor.

L. 14. SHAPCOrE,Secretary Premier's Department.

TIRE AUDIT ACT, 1904.The Treasur

Perth, 21st December, 1931.Tveasury No. 116/29.

IT is hereby published, for general information, thatMr. B. Tenger has been appointed Receiver of Revenuefor the Metropolitan Water Supply Department, in placeof F. W. Berry,,as from the 16th December, 1931.

A. BERKELEY,Under Treasurer.




OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA.Crawley, 24th December, 1931.

of TWo Members of the Senate by Convocation.THE Annual Election of two members of the Senate byConvocation will he held on Tuesday, 1st March, 1932,at the University, Crawley, the ballot closing at 5 p.m.on that day.

Nominations must be forwarded to the Warden ofConvocation,, University, ,Crawley, under the hands oftwo qualified voters, and accompanied by the writtenconsent of the nominee, at any date after 19th January,1932, but not later, than the 2nd February, 1.932.`'

R. E. PARKER,Clerk of .Convocation.

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN- AUSTRALIA.University of Western. Australia Statute,

Crawley, 18th December, 1931.THE folloiong Statute No. 25, which has received theapproval of His Excellency the Administrator, is pub-lished in the Goi;ernment Gazette in accordance withSection 33 (i) of "The University of Western Aus-tralia Act; 1911":

Statute No. 25Amendment of Statute No. 17(Public Exathinations Board).

(1) This Statute shall be read as one with StatuteNo. 17, hereinafter referred to as the principal Statute.

(2) Subsection (d) of Section 2 of the principalStatute is hereby amended by omitting the word"three" and inserting the word "five."

(3) Subsection (f) of Section 2 of the principalStatute is hereby amended by omitting the word "two"and inserting the word, "three."

(4) Every reprint of Statute No. 17 shall be printedas amended by Statute 'No. 23 and this Statute, and allnecessary references to the amending Statutes shall bemade in the margin.

H. E. WHITFELD,Vice-Chancellor.

R. E. PARKER,Clerk of Convocation.





Department Position.

Poultry Adviser ...

Public Debts and Statistical Officer*Clerk (School of Mines) and Registrar





1931.31st December.

1932.5th January.16th January.

* Applicants must be qualified to teach elementary mathematics, and preference will be given to those who can assist inteaching elementary physics and chemistry.

Applications are called under Section 38 of "The Public Service Act, 1904," and are to be addressedto the Public Service Commissioner

'and should be made on the prescribed form obtainable

of the various Permanent Heads of Departments.from the offices

G. W. SIMPSON,Public Service Commissioner.

CroWn Law Offices,- Perth, 1st December, 1931.

THE following amendment of a General Order madeunder Section 34 of "The Legal Practitioners Act,1893," is published for general information.

H. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.


(Consolidation 1927.)

We, The Honourable John Alfred Northmore, ChiefJustice of Western Australia, The Honourable ThomasPercy Draper and The Honourable -John Patrick Dwyer,Puisue Judges of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, and we the undersigned, being a majority ofmembers of the Banisters' Board constituted and appointed under and in pursuance of "The Legal Prac-titioners Act, 1893" (Consolidated 1927), hereby amendthe General Order made the 21st day of September,1920, and gazetted on the 24th day of September, 1920(whereby the totals of certain bills of costs for the re-muneration of practitioners of the Supreme Court ofWestern Australia in relation to the several matterstherein mentioned were increased by twenty-five percentum) by adding the following proviso at the endthereof:

Provided that the total of such bills of costs as in-creased by this General Order shall be reduced by fifteenper centum. This proviso shall have effect from andafter the publication of the same in the GovernmentGazette for a period of one calendar month, and shallcontinue in force until the first day of January, 1933,on which date the aforesaid increase of tWenty-five percentum shall again become operative.

Dated the 1st day of December, 1931.

(Sd.) J. A. NORTHMORE,Chief Justice.

(Sd.) T. P. DRAPER,Judge.

(Sd.) J. P. DWYER,Judge.

(Sd.) T. A. L. DAVY,Chairman of the Barristers ' Board

of Western Australia.(Sd.) VILLENEUVE SMITH,(Sd.) H. P. DOWNING,(Sd.) H. B. JACKSON,(Sd.) M. G. LAVAN,(Sd.) J. P. MAXWELL,(Sd.) W. H. ACKLAND,(Sd.) G, F. BOULTB:EE,(Sd.) E. TINDAL,(Sd.) W. DUNPHY,

Members of the said Board.

CroWn Law Offices,Perth, lst December, 1931.

THE following amendment of Supreme Court Rule 8a,under Order LXV., is published for general informa-tion.

H. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.

SUPREME COURT RULES, 1920.Amendment of Rule 8a, Order LXV.

The Honourable John Alfred Northmore, Chief Justice of Western Australia, The Honourable ThomasPercy Draper and The Honourable John Patrick Dwyer,Puisne Judges of the Supreme Court of : Western Aus-tralia, do hereby, in pursuance of the powers containedin "The Supreme Court Act, 1880," and every otherpower enabling them in this behalf, amend Rule 8a ofOrder LXV. of the Supreme Court Rules, 1920, byadding the following proviso at the end thereof :

Provided further, that the total of bills of costs offees as increased by this rule shall be reduced by fifteenper centum as from the first day of December; 1931,until the first day of January, 1933, on which date theaforesaid increase of twenty-five per centum shall againbecome operative.

Dated the 1st day of December, 1931.

(Sd.) J. A. NORTHMORE,Chief Justiee.

(Sd.) T. P. DRAPER,Judge.

(Sd.) J. P. DWYER,Judge.

In the matter of an Application for a new AustralianWine License within time Licensing District ofWilliams:Narrogin, in Western Australia, and inthe matter of "The Licensing Act, 1911-1922,"Section 47.

To His Excellency John Alfred Northmore, the Admin-istrator in and over the State of Western Australiaand its dependencies in the Commonwealth of Aus-tralia.

THE humble Petition of the undersigned, being amajority of the, electors living in the area hereinafterdefined; showeth as follows :

(1) It is for time advantage and convenience of theresidents of Narrogin that a new Australian WineLicense should be granted within time Licensing Districtof Williams- Narrogin in time State of Western Aus-tralia.

(2) The land, being the South-Western corner of Nar-login Town Lot 43, Certificate of Title Volume 426,Folio 135, situate in Fortune Street,, Narrogin; is a suit-a Ole place in respect of which such license be grantedand is the site of the proposed licensed premises.

(3) For the purpose of this Petition the area ap-proved by the Licenses Reduction Board under the pro-


visions of -Seetion 47, Subsection 3 (b) of "The Licens-ing. Act, 1911-1922," a nd hereby defined is an areacomprised- within a, circle haying a radius of one mileflout the site of the proposed licensed premises.

(4) Since the 31st day. of December, 1922, there hasbeen' an. increase in population in the said area and suchincrease is likely to be permanent.

(3) There are insufficient licensed premises to meetthe public requirements within the said area.

(6) -There are no Australian Wine Licenses in thesaid area.

(7). We, the undersigned, are all electors living with-mg the said area, comprised within a circle having itradius of one mile from the said site.

'(8),Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that theLicensing Court for the Williams -Narrogin District ofWestern Australia may have authority to grant a newAustralian Wine License within the said district.

No; on petition 1, No. on Roll 791, signature 1'. Doyle,occupation and address bank manager, Fortune st.,Narrogin; 2, '379, H. A. Brown, butcher, Tatham st.;3, (sup.)-, Robin' Hewitt, journalist, Watt st.; 4, 2067,IL Moran, linotype operator, -Fusion st.; 5, (sup.), H.H. Peck, accountant, Namara st.; 6 (sup.), R. H.Ivers, bank clerk Federal st.; 7, (sup.), Erie Bray,accountant,7Sipling st.; 8, 21)85, T. 'C. Allorrell, manager,

st.; 9, (sup.), Ifni. 1-aglet on, bank manager,Egerton 10, 7S7, M. 13. Downes, jeweller, North-wood ; 11, :.)43, 11. R. Webb, c.s., Fathom st.; 12,2130, V. Ne::1, health inspector, 'Williams rd.; 13,113, H. C. Porkitt, Federal st., town clerk; 14, 862,If. L. Eval18, married, jersey Sr.; 15, 249, R. llleazby,civil engineer, Daglish' St.; le, 2245, A. J. Oxman, gar-dener, Clayton road; 17, 2332, Geo. J. Rix, carpenter,Hansard st.; .18, 3312, W. Faulkner, farm manager,Grant st.; 19, 2042, W. N. C. Miller, c.s., Earle st.; 20,677, F. Curtis, hairdresser, Federal st.; 21, (sup.), G.Keolt, fitter, Royal 'Hostel; 22, (sup.), Domenecli,

.restaurant keeper, Royal Hostel; 23, (sup.), :1. Doni-eleth, married, Royal hostel; 24, (sup.), C. A. Gould,housemaid, Royal Hostel; 25, 1191, -AL EL Hamilton,p.c., Falcon st.; 26, 1973, John H. McMahon, caterer,Federal st.; 27, 226,, Walter F. Bird, solicitor, Williamsrd.; 28, 2114, E. Muller, bookmaker, 'Federal. st.; 29,2361, R. M. Plenderleith, chemist, Homer st.; 30, 2362,S. ;B. Plenderleith, house duties, Homer st.; 31, 3423,C. G. Morris, carrier, -Furnival st.; 32, 133, R. Barring-ton, bookmaker Egerton st.; 33, 1483, I. Jackson, spin-ster, Fortune st.; 34, 1484, S. Jackson, spinster, Fortunest.; 35, 2188, T. H. Nudd, fettler, Falcon st.; 36, 1169,EL R. Hadley, fireman, Egerton st.; 37, 1456, W. A.Hughes, pewspaper proprietor, Furnival st.; 38, 1673,R. B. Kissack, carpenter, Fox st.; 39, 968, E. W. Flood,c.s., Federal st.; 40, (sup.), R. K. Scott, pastrycook,Fortune st.; 41, (sup.), M. Scott, married, Fortune st.;42, 2925, G. W. Townsend, painter, cr. Earl and EnsignstS.; 43, 2923, E. Townsend, painter, cr. Earl and En-sign sts.; 44, (sup.), J. G. Moore, Government employee,Williams rd.; 45, 728, A. Dawson, undertaker, Williamsrd.; 46,' (slip.), L. Dawson, hairdresser, Clyde st.; 47,(sup.), A. Legg(); GOVernment employee, Fortune st.;48, 809, L. T. Dunphy, spinster, ,Fortune st.;. 49, (sup.),E. Douglas, cook, Fortune st.; 50, ,(sup.), J. H. Smith,shunter,, Fortune set.; 51, (sup.), B. o 'Donohoe, railwayemPloyee, "Fortune st.; 52, 2341, W. O. Pidgeon, fire-

Fortune 'st.; ,53, 2545, AL Rodda, boilerbaker'sassistant, Fortune St.; 54, 30,. N. R. Anderson, news-agent, Falcon st.; '55, 217, N. T. Binge, shop assistant,Falcon -st.: 56, 2905 J. E. Thornton, shop assistant,Hansard st.; 57, 2613, J. A. Scott, Royal. Hostel, mana-gcr; ;58, (sup.), J. Harrower, waitress, Royal Hostel ;59, 824, R. W. East, c.s., Furnival st.; 60, 2843, C. L.Sullivan, engine-driver, .Jersey st.: 61, 2832, R.H. .T. Stone, clerk, Northwood st.; 62, (sup.).A 1' Daivson, undertaker, Williams aid.; 63, 1154,

Grout, shop assistant, Royal Hostel; 64, (sup.),G 1Tantstein, 8-Ouster, Federal st.; 65 (sap.): Jlb, rtstein , wool. and skin dealer, Federal st.; 66,79, A. E Backhouse, c.s., Clyde st.; 67. (sup.) F. AV.Keane, c s.. -Federal st. -68; 2788, 11. Stanley, cs., Furnival st.; 61. (sup.) S. J. Milliotn, labourer,- Fortunest. ; ; 70, 719. 'L. :Davis, tee room prop-ic' or, Fortune st.;71; 9906,' AT. j. Thornton, 'widow, 11 1 a naa...! st.: 72 (stip.)

Webb, butcher, Fortune at.; 73, l678,nightwaIchmnn; Fa vinery st.; 74, 1235, I red. Thir-rison;.butcher Doggish st.; 75, 1237, Stella E. Ha, '1,m,married; Daglish st.; 76 (sup.) 9. Batt-ley, married,

. Fortune st.; 77 (sup.) E. Tisdale, storekeeper, Havelock

et.; 78, 2130, R. Nairn, carrier and steward,- Forresti.; 7:', 2129, F. Nairn; married, Forrest st.; 80, 790,

. Donnelly, railway employee, John st.; 81, 1021,Gallagher, labourer, fortune st.; 82, 2300, E. B,

e, railway employee, Falcon st.; 83, 228, C. C.s, Government employee, Williams road; 84;'226,

IIarris married,-Williams- road; 85, 737; AL C.awson, 'married, ;Williams road; 86, 1274, Wm. Healy,

manager, Williams road; 87, 1273, Mary Healy, house-wife, Williams road; 88, 2063, Guy J. Moore, Govern-ment employee, Williams road; 89,-520, N. T. C. Chris-tensen, baker, cr. Ensign and Clyde sts.; 90- (sup.) J.l'avletieh, railway employee, Falcon st.; 91, 224,, F. ALBird, married, Williams road; 92 (sup:), T. K. Dawson,married, Clyde st.; 93, 1922, M. E. McCormick, sea.,married, Williams road; 94, *1921, A. T. McCormick,building contractor, Williams road; 95, 390,- GeorgeBrowne, railway inspector, Williams rd.; 96, 2947, Robt.Turner, railway employee, Watt st.; 97, 2948, S. Turner,married, Watt st.; 98, 193, F. C. Delisted, agent, May-st.; 99 up.), R. C. Ford, railway employee, Felsparst.; 100, 337, T. .J. Brett, garage proprietor, Fortunest.; 101, 2765, G. Spargo, son., labourer, Williams rd.;1.02, 2,157, J. Sheridan, clergyman, presbytery; 103,1396, Hoida way, shop assistant, Fortune st.; 104,2145, G. E. Wilson, business manager, :Forrest s.; 105,(sup.). -ATellon, telephonist, Fortune st.; 106, 2972,

itddiugham, plumber, Niarrakine rd.; 107, 2343,13. Pike, married, Egerton st.; 108, 2952, S. G.Trees, baker, Federal st.; 109, 2951, B. Tyers, married,Federal st.; 110,, (sup.), M. J. Riseberry, widow, Fed-eral st.; 111, 500, J. Chadwick, labourer, Martin st.;112, (sup.), E. Chadwick, shop assistant, Martin st.;113, 501, AL Chadwick, married, Martin st.; 114, 1924,R. J. McCormick, married, Hansard st.; 1L5, 1756, 13..11,Libby, shop assistant, Hansard st.; 116,. 3229; JohnBebee, sailor, Federal st.; 117, 1899, F. M. Matthews,

_steward, Clyde st.; 11S, 3603, R. .R. Walton, sea.,plumber, Jersey st.; 119, (sup.), I. Doxey, bootmaker,Federal st.; 120, 1763, J. S. Lindsay, retired, Egertonst.; 121, 537, John E. Clayton, retired, Havelock st.;122, 911, W. P. Fears, c.s., Federal st.; 123, 325, A. G.Brand, carpenter, Lock st.; 124, 1123, G. H. Grainger,foreman, Faicoln st.; 125, (sup.), N. R. Henderson,butcher, Jersey st.; 126, 544, C. Cleverley, caretaker,Grant st.; 127, 2845, C. H. Sully, storekeeper, Egerton51.; 128, 2215, T. F. O'Farrell, clerk, Falcon st.; 129,(sup.), C. Wheleer, photographer, Federal st.; 130,3060, E. Wheeler, married, Federal st.; 131, 2634, J. F.Roberts, guard, Daglish st.; -132, (sup.), H. M. Peek,married, Hansard St;' 133, (sup.), E. Y. Libby, mar-ried, Hansard st.; 134, 1827, J. B. Maguire, butcher,Forrest st,; 135, 172, .J. H. Beduall, Government em-ployee, Williams rd.; 136, (sup.), W. E. Passfield,labourer, Royal hostel; 137, (sup.), H. W. Edwards,bricklayer, Felspar st.; 138, 3059, T. B. Wheat, tel.linesman, st.; 139, (sup.), R. L. Yand, 'tel.linesman, Falcon st.; 1.40, 175, G. H. Beetson, store-keeper, Federal st.; 141, (sup.), F. D. Beetsou, Gov-ernment employee, Federal st.; 142, 2993, W. Walker,butcher, Falcon st.; 143, 1816, G. S. Mackie, driver,Havelock st.; 144, 1232, S. R. Harris, c.s., Clyde st.;145, 765, H. A. Devenish, agent, Watt st.; 146, 726,A. C. Daw, auctioneer, Daglish st.; 147, 315, E. D.Boyd, stenographer, Earl st.; 148, (sup.), .. Milner,butcher, Temperance Hostel; 149, (sup.), H. M. Brand,married, Lock st.; 150, (sup.), J. Daly, caretaker, For-tune st.; 151, 1814, D. W. N. Mackie, surgeon, Williamsrd, ; 152, 908, W. Feat-it, labourer, cr. Earl and Forreststs.; 153, 1829, Chas. -Mahomet, his (x) mark, labourer,Forrest st.; 154, 1643, N. D. Kidson, manager Dalgety'sFurnival st.; 155, (sup.), R. Bushby, married, RoyalHostel; 156, 344, A. B. Brook, carrier, Lock st.s 157,2532, W. Ross, retired, Egerton st.; 158, 238, Robt.Black, council employee, Felspar st.; 159, _213, R. S.Billauce, agent, Butler st.; 160, 212, A. E. Billance,married, Butler st.; 161, (sup.), S. Hartstein, wool-buyer, Earl st.; 162, 969, L. Flood, married, Federalst,; 163, (sup,), II. Hartsteiu, married, Earl st.; 164,(sup.); E, Excell, brickmaker, Fox st.; 165, (sup.),Eli ram Hill, labourer, Reserve Camp; 166, (sup.), W. T.

rs bon, labourer, Austral Cafe; 167, 1672, AL AL1- married, Fox st.; 168,' 2531, E. G.

,'ried, Ha sa r,l. street ; 169, (sup,), M.t, married, Hansard, st.; 170, 2737, L. R. B.

4, Agricultural Bank Inspector, Forrest ",st.;171, .4141, E. M. Webb, married, :Fathom street;172, (Sup.); Robt. Sayers, station master, 'Fairway st.,

ialion Mouse;, 173, (Sup.), .R. J. Blythem, linesman,Royal Hostel; 171, 1605, F. J. .'Kelly, engine-driver,Egerton st.; 173, 1602, . Annie Kelly, married, Egerton


st.,; 176. 1610, M. _Kelly, spinster, Egerton st.; 177, 146,A. -\\.". Bartley, mill employee, Butler st. ; 178, (Sup.),A. F. Driller, labourer, Federal st.; 179, 1075, H. H.Glencross, saddler, Argus st.; 180, 819, W. Earland,labourer, Falcon st.; 1.81, 9798, E. Stephens, widow,Furnival st.; 182, 1455, P. S. Hughes, married, Fund-

st.; 183, 1961, Robt. McKenzie, traveller, Furnivalst.,; 184, 1960, 0. M. McKenzie, married, Furnival st.;

.1,83, 147, T. H. Bartley, labourer, Butler st.; 186,(Sup.), A. Fitt, widow, Butler st.; 187, 2491, DanielReilly-, labourer, Federal st.; 188,, (Sup.), H. E. Couch-luau, salesman, jersey st.; 189, 927, H. Eisher, railwayemployee, Palmer st.; 190, 1115, P. A. Graham, elec-trician, -Egerton, st.; 191, 1895, A. Matthews, married,Clyde st.; 192, SO, H. Backhouse, married, Clyde st.;193, (Sup.), J. P. Paynter, jun., railway employee,Honer it.; 194, 1138, W. H. Gray, labourer,- Falcon st.;195, 203, G. Betts, brickmaker, Falcon st.; 196, 1616,A. V. Kemp, foreman, Horac? st.; 197, (Sup.), A. G.Bartley, married, Butler st.; 198, 388, W. Brown, hair-illesser, "Furnival st.; 199, 2S83, L. AV. Templeman, rail-way employee, Fortune st.; 200, (Step.), F. IL Hamil-

, railway employee, Falcon st.; 201, 2808, T. Stew-ard, bricklayer, Jersey st.; 202, (Sup.), T. Sullivan,railway worker, Farmery st.; 203, (Sup.), D. Tomley,labourer, Farmer st.; 204, 1687, R. K. Lackmad, maim-gyr, -.Falcon st.; 205, 1686, M. D. Backman, married,

icon st.; 206, 2693, A. E. Slater, labourer, Clayton207. (Sup.), K. Tomlinson, spinster, Fox st.; 208,F. Hewitt, nurse, Fox st.; 209, 1871, H. Markers,

widow, Clayton st.; 210, (Sup.), Stanley White, lab-ourer, -Forrest st.; 211, 1231, M. E. Harris, married,Clyde st.; 212, (Sup.), M. East, spinster, Furnival st.;213,- 2721, Elizabeth Smith, widow, Clyde st. 214,(Sup.), Enuna Gunter, widow, Clyde st.; 215, (Sup.),LsabelIrvine, Government employee, Royal Hostel; 216,790,- C. E. Doyle, married, Fortune st.; 217, 1421, T.1Torsfall, shopkeeper, Federal st.; 218, 336, M. Brett,ma rrie.l, Fortune st.; 219, (Sup.), L. Cullen, jun., man-ager, Federal st.; 220, 1389, T. Hogg, storeman, Earl

221, 2409, H. T. Prider, store hand, Jersey st.;222, 2520, George Ridler, miller, Butler st.; 223, 219,George IV. Binge, packerman, l''alcon st.; 22-1, 1749, A.1.,4-yitt, labourer, Herald st.; 225. 1283, R. HedleY,electrician, Farmers st.; 226, 1923, W. McCormick,electrician; Hansard st.; 227, 197, C. A. Berson, elec-trician, Farmery st.; 228, 196,'A. Berson, married, Far-!nary st.;, 229, 199, C. .1; Berson, shop assistant, iTarmeryit.; 230, (Sup.), 3938, B. Bray, carrier, Grant st.; 231,6.62, N. A. Culleton, storekeeper, Federal -st.; 232, 2089,F. -A. Mottram, blacksmith, Garfield st.; 233, 2998, T.A. Wallis, farmer, Havelock st.; 234, 2781, S. Spragg,carrier, Herald st.; 235, 2331, L. M. Pettit, shop assist-ant, lAdspar st.; 236, (Sup.) 3270, G. W. Cooper, rail-way employee', listen- st.; 237, 437, S. 1-1. Buxton, rail-way employee, Kipling st.; 238, 2032 W. Mickle, tobac-conist, May it.; 239, 801 D etA. uncff, labourer, Argusst,; 210, 3216, A. E. Zerk, labourer, lohnsou st.; 241,21.15, E. It Prior, labourer, Garfield st.; 212, 137, 11.11. Barron, mechanic, Eston st.; 243, (Sup.), D. M.O'Leary, railway employee, Clyde st.; 244, 563, B.Cohen, restaurant. keeper, Northwood st.; 245, 223,George Birchall, tailor, Falcon st.; 216, 3368, A. Jones,caretaker, Egerton st.; 247, 3373, C. B. Keane, sales-man, Federal st.; 248 (Sup.), T. Steele, market gar-dener, joint st.; 249, (Sup.), A. -Whiteley, labourer,Clayton rd.; 250, 2730,. H. Smith, forester, Jersey st.;251:, 1149, W. Grose, cleaner,-, Egerton st.; 252, 3120,.1. H. Williams, railway emplOyee, Farmery st.; 253,1783,-5. R. 'Loftus, railway employee, Federal st.; 254,498,, E. .1. Chadwick, motor mechanic, Heath st.; 255,2011,-,'. Mellowship, grocer, Northwood st.; 255,865, L. ... Evans, postal employee, Furnival at.; 2572711, A. '.. Smith, railWay employee, Forrest st.; 25S,2209; P. . ))dgers,'P.W.D. & W.S., Ensign st.; 259, 597,R. Cottingham, labourer, Egerton st.; 260, (Sup.), T.W. Tyers, carpenter, Federal st.; 261, 2018, A. -Men-zies, projectionist, Grant st.; 262, 872, C. D. Ewing,motor driver, Clayton rd.; 263, 1.132, J. S. Howe, rail-way employee, ,-Pelspar st.; 264, 709, C. Davies, brick-maker, Forrest st.; 265, 867, R. Palfrey Evans, rail-way employee, Egerton st.; 266, 1091, J. A. Goldsmith,brickmaker, Walker st.; 267, 2580, 0. A. Rusling, lab-ourer, Egerton st.; 268, 3002, Roht. IV. Walton, Gov-ernment employee, Jersey st.; 269, (Sup.), K. Rae,engineer, Endele st.; 270, 759, H. Derepas, printer,Grant st.;' 271, 2717, C. R.' Smith, railway employee,FOX st.; 272, 2831, N. L. Stone, housewife, Northwoodst.; 273, (Sup.), T. Taggart, clerk, Jersey st.; 274,1089. A. B. Goldsmith, brickmaker, Walker st.; 275,

[DE HOER 31,, 1931.

919, H. A. Finnigan, caretaker, Clayton rd.; -276,(Sup.), '1'. Parlow, labourer, Egerton st.; 277,2023, E. Menzies, shop assistant, Hansard st.;278, 2690, F. J. Sing, labourer, Falcon st.;279 (Slip.) L. Moran, labourer, Ensign si.; 280, 151.7,J. E. Jefford, cleric, Egerton st.; 281, 202 W. Better-ridge, council employee, Grant st; 282, 3390, C. C. Mad-son, buttermaker, Forrest st. 283, 1495, J. J. Jones, car-rier, Havelock st.; 284, 3153, R. A. Wilson, carpenter,Furnival st-; 283 1230, G. J. Harris, railway employee,Faranay st.; 286 '(Sup.), James Bell Mackay, baker, Dugiisle -1. J. Brennan, garage proprietor, Kiplingst.; I sup.), R. M. Gibbons, motor expert, Felspar st.;289, 2;1., );, F. Parry, draper, Federal st.; 290, 1339,W. 1. Higgins, loco, fireman, Forrest st.; 297, 821, IV. R.Easson, grocers' assistant, ('Ode st.; 292, 2013, H.Mellowship, housev:ife, Northwood st; 293, R. Fair-head, shop assistant, Fox st.; 294, 1014, F. .T. French,carpenter, Felspar st.; 995, 2431, 13. Purdies, labourer,Federal st.; 996, 3044, J. T. Webb, storekeeper, Federalst.; 297, 2474, P. A. Rayment, labourer, Felspar st.; 298,13, A. Animals, caretaker, Jersey st.; 999, 131, C. 'Barron,carpenter, Falcon s).; 301), 135, D. Barron, motor driver,Lock st.; 301, 1123, H. Grainger, flour miller, Hartoguest.; 202 (Sup.), C. W. Higgs, labourer, Gray st.; 303,1400, R. C. Holland, labourer, fire station, Egerton st.;301, 2891., C. Thomson, machinist. Falcon st.; 303, 869,

EE. \--craft, clerk, Lock st.; ;306, 1199, W. Hancock, storemanager, Clayton rd.; 307(Sup.), IT. A. Boyce, engineer,cr. Earle and Forrest sts.; 308, -1710, G. E. Lavater,architect, Williams rd.; 309, 1306, J. J. Hepburn,railway guard, .N'orthwood st.; 310 (Sup.), T. P. Me-Dolutici, railway employee, Forrest it.; 311 (Sup.), A. H.Massey, flourminer, Palmer st.; 312 (Sup.), :3476, F. J.Scott, manager, Hansard st.; 313, 1302, Hensley,engineer, Clayton rd.; 314, 1674, E. W. Kissane, engine-driver, Havelock st.; 315, 2916, N. H. Toll, retiredcarpenter, Parmery st.; 316, 2915, E. ill. Toll, married,Farmery st.; 317, 1233, S. Harris, housewife, Farmeryst.; 318, 197.7, R. E. Hearne, housewife, Faratery st.;319 (Sup.); Scales, labourer. Farmery st.; 320 (Sup.),P. Magee, railway employee, Forrest st.; 321, 896, J. F.Parr, agent, Lock st.; 322, 438, M. A. Buxton, house-wife, Kiltling st. 323 (Sup.), K. Bray, housewife, 'Kip-ling' st.; 324, G. Gillespie, married, Grant st.; 325, 2244,S. Owens, married, Grant st.: 326 (Sup.), W. P. 'Fur.ton, labourer, -Grant st.; 327 (Sup.), F. Turton, house-wife, Grant st.; 328, 280, .Booths, housewife, Grantst.; 329 (Sup.), Boothy, housewife, Havelock it.; 33))(Sup.), AI. Hague, housewife, Havelock st.; 331, 284,J. N. Bouncy, einitr1.or , Grant st.;' 332, 7(10, Dera-pas, housewife, Grant st,; 333, 3114, 12. Williams; wait-ress, licmlun Hotel; 334, 351,11. Cobb, housewife, Grantst.; 335, 3311,. Al. Faulkner, Grant st.;- 336, 454, C. Cam-eron, housewife, Grant st.; 337, 461, R. H. Cameron,labourer, Grant st.; 338, 11)23, A. L. Game, housewife,Grant st.; 339, 12(6), E. H.nnn, housewife', 0111.110 st.;340 (Sup.), F. M. Fluffy, housewife, Northwood st.; 341,948, E. F. Fleay, labourer, ,Northwood st.; 3.12.W. G. Horsfield, labourer, Fox st.; 343 (Sup.), R. Hors--field, housewife, Fox it.; 344, 1008, T. Gillespie, plumber,Grant st.; 345 (Sup.), T. Atkins, bricklayer, Ensign st.;346 (Sup.), G. Gunn, foreman. brick kiln, Cuballing rd.;347 (Silo.), B. Sherwood, labourer, Furnival St.;, 348,1276, R. RI Hearne, railway officer, Farmery st.; 349,3105, A. Williams, examiner, Narribine rd.; 350, ,2701,A. J. Small, labourer, ,Forrest st.; 351 .(SUp.), Mit-chell', foreman, D.R.offire; 352, 122, F. Barnett, dentist;353, 198, C. E. Berson, railway employee, Farmery354, 1353, W. Hildick, caretaker, Hansard st.; 355; 3152,R. 'Wilson, painter, Furnival st.; 356, 1258, L. W.Hawkes, builder, Egerton st.; (Sup.), A. Outrani,porter, Kipling st.; 358, 562, B. Cohen, housewife, North-wood st.; 359 (sup.), E. Heinrich, housewife, Northwooet.; 360, 419, A. Caldwell, shunter, Northwood st.; 361851, AV. A. Ellis, G.S. Iceworks, Ef.,Yerton. st.; 362, 598,V. Cottinahnen, housewife, Egerton st.; 363, 1.884, W. H.Masehmedt, clerk, Angus st.; 364, 31, IV. M. Andrews,married, Egerton st.; 365 (Slip.), II. ,Tones, railivay en -ployee, Forrest st.; 366 (Sup.), IV. Coulton, railway em-ployee, Falcon st.; 367, 2221, L. Oliver, railWav em-ployee, Forrest st.; 368, 841, F. Eggleston, railway' em-ployee, Felspar st.; 369, 2607, T. SamiderS, mill- hand.Locke st.; 370, 595, H. S. Cousins, engine-driver, Kipling.st.; 371, 2228, J. M. O'Loughlin, fireman, Furnival st.;372 (Sup.), 13. T. Morris, housewife, Furnival st.; 373(Sup.), A. E. Whiteley, housewife, Federal st.; 374, 923.,T. Firth, labourer, Elide] st.; 375 (Sup.), M. K Callo-way, labourer, Endel st.; 376 (Sup.), L. Calloway, Endel st.; 377, 3192. J. Wright, road worker, Earl st.; -375(Sup.), F. Hoy, housewife, Fathom st.; 379 (Sup.), 'MJohnstone, housewife, Fathom st.; -380 (Sup.), J. Rich,


stonemason, Golf Club House; 381 (Sup.), V. Goode,housewife,' Golf Club House; 382, 2338, N. Phillips,Government employee, cr. Earl and Falcon eta.; 383, 389.W. S. Brown, builder, cr. Northwood and Gordon sts.;384,:3070, John White, civil servant, Fox st.; 385 (Sup.),R. Gabbedy, State civil servant, Federal st.; 386, 684.T. J. Daly, civil servant, Fill-Jai-al st.; 387, 2146, G.Nelson, stenographer, cr. Earl and Falcon sts..; 388(Sup.), A. J. Milesi, civil servant, Falcon st.;389, 1378, J. R. Jones, engine-driver, cr. Clyde and Falcon sts.; 390, 1574, H. Jones, housewife, cr. Clyde andFalcon sts.; 391, 2866, A. Taylor, labourer, Forrest st.:392, 218, E. J. Binge, housewife, Falcon st.; 393 (Sup.),J. V. Sherwood, housewife, Furnival st.; 394, 188, T.Bennett, labourer, Falcon st.; 305 (Sup.), A.Thompson, labourerFalcon st.; 396 (Sup.), H. L. Mason,blacksmith, Barron st.- 397, 1390, Mary y. Hogg, mar-ried, Earl st.; 398, 3196, C. Wright, married, Earl st.:399, 1901, R. Mattner, agent, Falcon st.; 400, 11:56, AV.Grundy, miner, Grant st.; 401, 2020, G. Menzies, house-wife, Grant st; 402, 1224, J. Harman, housewife, Claytonrd.; 403, 1223, G. Harman, carrier, Clayton Yd.;404, 571, F. C. Cook, boilermaker, Havelock at.;405 (Sup.) Eric F. Fitzgerald, railway employee, Jerseyst.; 406 (Sup.), M. W. Reynolds, railway employee, Han-sard st.; 407 (Sup.), G. A. Harvey, railway employee,Hansard st.; 408 (Sup.), E. G. Scott, fitter, Forrest st.:409 (Sup.), J. Douglas, labourer, Fortune st.; 410, 1741,Mr. H. ,Leedham, carpenter's labourer, Fortune st.; X111

(Sup.), IV. H. Carter, labourer, Farmer,- st.; 412 (Sup.).T. J. Gadsdon, labourer, Farmery st.; 413 (Sup.), D.Miles,' labourer, }Miicry st.; 414 (Sup.), M. Orac., lab-ourer, Farmery st.; 415 (Sup.), D. Rayment, housewife.Felspar st.; 416 (Sup.), M. Magee, housewife, Forrestst.; 417 (Sup.), E. M. Kempton, housewife, ICipling st.;418 (Sup.), C. Philp, housewife, Forrest st.; 419, 550,A. Cobb, labourer, Grant st.; 420 (Sup.), A.V. H. Wil-liams, labourer, Fox st.; 421 (Sup.), F. Williams, house-wife, Fox st.; 422 (Sup.), V. Bush, housewife. 0:mut st.;423 (Sup.), AL F. Parker, houaeivi re, Groot at 421,423, IV. E. Bush, labourer, Grant st.; 425 (Sup.), Stew-art.) Kempton, labourer, Kipling st.; 426 (Sup.), G. E.Forster, labourer, Farmery st.; 427 (Sup.), J. -J. Smith.labourer, Farmery st.; 428 (Sup.), G. Odton, Mittman-,Farmery st.; 429 (Sup.), IL 1lolwill labourer, Farmeryst.; 430, 1470, C. Digram, butter maker, ,East st.; 131(Sup.), R. G. :Finnigan, bread carter, Claytoo rd.; 432(Sup.), AL Brown, clerk, Falcon at.; 433 (Sup.), D.Hardiman, clerk, Falcon st.; 434, 587, M. C. Corrigan,home duties, Federal st.; 435 (Sup.), S. A. Cooper, lab.oureY, Farmery st 436; 31197. D. Williams, fireman,Fortune st.; 437, 2033, Alf. II. Miles, railway employee,Farmery st.; 438 (Sup.), D. R. Williams, railway em-ployee, Northwood st.; 430, 1993, E. Me erns, S.S.M. em-ployee, Forrest. st.; 440 (Sup.), S. L. Farrell, mechanic,Grant st.; 441, 2280, T.. S. Parry, district surveyor,Havelock st; 442, 1712, AL A. Lavater, home ditties,Williams rd.; 443, 222, E. A. Birchall, home duties,Falconst; 444,2555, L. E. Ross, home duties, .Falcon st.;445, 2214, I. AL O'Farrell home duties, Falcon st.; 4462064, 0. Moore, home duties, Falcon st.; 447, 2429, C.Purchase, married, Clyde st.; 448, 2430, J. Purchase,railWay employee, Clyde st; 449, 2428, A. Purchase,home duties, Clyde st. 450, 820, AL E. F. Easson, mar-ried, Clyde st.; 451 (Sup.), A. AL McDonald, married,Forrest st. 432, (Sup.), J. McDonald, home duties, For-rest st.; 453, 1507, .T. AL Jansson, railway employee,Felspar st.; 454 (Sup.), E. H. Wallis, labourer, Rave-lock st.; 455 (Sup.), B. Iiumphries, builder, Locke st.;456, 3219; S. Zerk, housewife, johnson A.; 437"" 14,E. M. Albones, married, Jersey st.; 458 (Sup.), P. M.Henderson, married, Jersey st.; 459,41457, A. S. Hum-phries, married, Jersey st.; 460, 139, L. Barron, married,Locke st.; 461, 3121, J. Williams, married, Narrakine rd.;462, 2973, C. Waddingham, married, Narrakine rd.; 463,427, J. Busliby, labourer, Andrew st.; 464, 428, M. K.Busbby, married, Andrew st.; 465 (Sup.), W. H. New-ton, married, Locke st.; 466, 847, A. M. Elliott, mar-ried, Locke st.; 467, 2558, H. S. Rouse, married, Nar-rakine st.; 468, 2624, K. Senior, married, Clayton rd.:469, 2625,,Joseph Senior,.pensioner, Clayton rd.; 470,429,Thos. Bushby, labourer, Fox st.; 471, 1.125 IV. IL. Hor-ton, labourer, -Williams rd.; 472, 393 E. W. Brouton,railWaY employee, Fox at.; 473 (Sup.), A. S. Murphy,labourer, Egerton at.; 474 (Sup.), N. Hellmrich re-pairer, Northwood at. ; 475, 3072, AL E. White, homeduties, Fox st.; 476, 2723, E. Smith, home duties, Foxst.; 477, 138, L Barron, labourer, Falcon st.s 478, 1067,H. Gill, labourer, Clayton rd.; 479, 465, IL Campbell,council employee, Palmer st.; 480 (Sup.), "C. F. Dean,labourer, Williams rd.; 481 (Sup.)-, L. P. Wafliss, lab-ourer, Kipling st.; 482, 2524, H. Rigoll, farmer, Barron

st.; 483 (Sup.), A. V. Smith, shearer, Egerton at.; 484(Sup.), A. AL Smith, married, Egerton st.; 485 (Sup:),AI. Norris, married, Egerton st.; 486 (Sup.), L. J.Sully, married, Egerton st.; 487 (Sup.), L. Sully, shopassistant, Egerton st.: 488, 855, C. A. Evans, married,Egerton It.; 489 (!Sup.), M. IHorrockjo married, Northwomlst.; 490 (Sup.), H. R. Scrivener, pensioner, Egerton st;491 (Sup.), Hannah Underwood, married, Egerton st.;402 (Sup.), N. M. Warren, married, Egerton st.; 493,(Sup.), T. J. Warren, labourer, Egerton st.; 494, 1257,E. A. Hawkes, married, Egerton st.; 495 2581, 0. KEnsuing, married, Egerton st.; 496 (Sup.), J. Kerr, pen-sioner, Egerton st.; 497 (Sup.), G. C. Hill, lab-ourer, Garfield st.; 498 (Sup.), M. Brennanmarried, Kipling st.; 499, 2725, F. Smith, married,Grant st.; 500, (sup.), L, Whitnell, housemaid, Grantst., 501 (Sup.), E. J. Withuell, labourer, Grant st.;502, (sup.), E. Haggla, baker, Egerton st.; 503, 1304,E. M. Hermig, married-, Egerton st.; 504, (sup.), Bar-baa Herr, married, Egerton st.; 505, (sup.), NitaBeotson, waitress, Clayton rd.; 506, (sup.), GeorgeGiles, labourer, Gray st.; 507 (sup.), A. Curtis,mechanic, Williams rd.; 508, 3021, A. E. Warren, lab-ourer, Clyde st.; 509, (sup.), E. Brown, married, Fal-con A.; 510, (sup.)T. K. Carlson, Married, Falcon st.;311, (,sup.), D. II. Mackie, farmer,' Williams rd.; 51.2,(sup), S. H. Brown, truck driver, Falcon st.; 513,(sup.), J. Kempton, woodyard,Havelock st.; 514, 2899,AT, A. Thompson, married, Falcon st.; 515, 384, ALBrown, married, Falcon st.; 516, (sup.), G. Williams,married, Falcon st.; 517, 121, B. Barnett, married, Fal-con st.; 518, 136, E. Barron, married., Falcon st.; 519,2989, 1. A. Walker, married, Falcon st.; 520, (sup.),E. R. Norris, labourer, Egerton st.; 521, (sup.), H. N.Pike, labourer, Egerton st.; 522, (sup.), ,Jane Black,domestic, Felspar st.; 523, 910, R. Fearns, engine -driver,Harper st.; 524, 588, IV. .1. Corrigan,' secretary, Federalst.; 525, (sup.), P. Galli, labourer, Fortune st. 526,1506, E. Jausson, married, Felspar st.; 527, 714, M.Davies, married, Forrest st.; 528, (sup.), IL H. Boothytabourer, Havelock st.; 529 (sup.), P. J. Goode, Golfhouse; 530, 596, AL D. Cousins, married, Kipling st.:531, (sup.), A. E. Stevens, domestic, Clayton rd.; 532,1301, E. J. Henley, married, Clayton rd.; 533, (sup.),N. J. Boyd, nurse, Falcon st.; 534, 1622, S. J. Kemp-ton, contractor, Northwood st.; 535, 2035, E. A. Milesi,married, Falcon st.; 536, (sup.), M. Young, married,Jersey st.; 537, 1817, K. T. Mackie, housewife., Wil-liams rd.; 538, (sup.), P. 0. Mackie, farmer, Williamsrd.; 339, 348, m. Brook. married, Locke st.; 540,(sup.), AV. J. Butler, Clayton rd.; 541, IV. Dawson,labourer, Palmer' st. 542, (sup.), A. C. Simpson lab-ourer, Farmer st.; 543, 3051, AV. Welsh, labourer, Eger-

tonst.; 544, 2595, A. J. Salmon, butcher, Eaton st.;545, (sup.), R. .T. Newton, labourer, Locke at.; 546,652, E. Cross, carpenter, Egerton st.; 547, 497, J.Causebrook, labourer, Forrest st.; 548, 1919, P. Al.Caul, council employee, Havelock st.; :549 (sup.), L.Grainger, married Martin st.; 550, 2523, A. AL Rigail,married, Barron st.; 551, 572, S. Cook, married, Have-lock st. 55`s-, 3140, A. Wilson, married, Furnival st.;5:53, 2413, D. Prior, married, Furnival at.; 554, (sup.),R. W. Newell, labourer, Furnival st.; 555, (sup.), E.Paynter, mare cd, Homer st. ; 556, 1885, A. A. Mason,

Paynter,Barron st.; 557, 2295, John "aynter, retiyed,Fromer st.; 558, 1498, Norman james, railway employee,Pitt st.; 559, 1491; Annie James, married, Pitt at.; 560.(sup.), A. P. Newell, married, Furnival st.; 561, 2006,

Meginuess, Clyde st.; 562, 2764, A. C. Spargo, mason,Daglish st.; 563, 32, IV. Andrews, retired :solicitor,Williams rd. 564, 779, M. Donnelly, married, John st.;565, 1022, N. Gallacher, married, Fortune st. 560,(sup.), M. Smith, married, Federal st.; 567, 850, J.Elliott, plumber, Locke at.; 568, 1750, F. Levitt, mar-ried, Herald st.; 569, (sup.), F. G-. Searle, labourer,Garfield st.; 570, (sup.), C. Searle, married, Gar-field st.; 371, 2159, J. Nicholls, railway employee,Northwood st.; 572, 543, W. I. Clements, labourer,Earl at. ; 573, 2019, D. M. Menzies, widow, Hansardat.; 574, (sup.), A. IV. Giles, married, Gray st.; 575,(sup.), C. C. Boothey, married, Gray at.; 576, 1918,c, AloCaul, married, Havelock st.; 577, 2603, F.Saunders, married, Havelock st.; 378, (sup.), I. A.Markham, married, Argus at.;. 579, (sup.), L. Mark-ham, railway employee, Argus st.; 580, 542 E.Clements, married, Earl st.; 581, 1037, P. Gibbons,spinster, felspar st.; 582, 1038, Minnie Gibbous, mar-ried, :Felspar 'A.; 587, 1039, P. J. Gibbons, retired,Felspar st.; 584, (sup.), E. V. Hemsley, railway elec-trician, Federal st.; 585, 3151, R. Wilson, ladies'-hair-dresser, Federal st.; 586, (sup.),, E. Mackie, typiste,Williams rd.; 587, 660, L. Culleton, married, Earl ist.;


588, (sup.), F. j. Morrish, married, Earl st.; 5S9,(sup.), M. Morrish, married, Earl st.; 590' (sup.), W.Searle,. pensioner, Forrest et.; 591, (sup.), 1M. Searle,married, Forrest st.; 592, (sup.); S. Wilson, labourer,Farmery st.; 593, (sup.), G. H. Oatley, labourer, Far-mery st.; 594, (sup.), G. Smith, labourer, Grant st.;593, (sup.), I. H. Jones,' Carfieth st.; 596, (sup.), R.Le Lievre, railway employee, Havelock st.; 597, 1747.0. ',LtiLievre, married, Havelock st.; 598, 842, M.Eggleston, married, Felspar st.; 599, (sup.), G. J.Boothey, labourer, Gray- st.; 600, (sup.), S. E. Eciare,married, Forrest street; 601, 2742, P. H. Smith,railway employee, Earl and Forrest streets, 602,1242; G. W. Harrold, woodyard, Forrest street;603, 1239, A. E. Harrold, carrier, Forrest st.; 604,(Sup.), S. G. Harrold, truck driver, Forrest st.; 600,2467, E. A. Randall, railway employee, Forrest st.;606; (Sup.), W. White, labourer, Farmer}, st.;. 607,1675, ,R. E. Kissatie, married, Havelock st.; 608, 2548,E. Rogers, married, Egerton st.; G09, 747, W. R. Dea-con, labourer, Homer st.;- 610, 882, E. J. Eyre, married,Homer st.; 611, 883, J. R. Eyre, bricklayer, Homer st; ;612, 2519, E. C. Riddler, married, Homer st.; 613, 2021,G. Menzies,. midwife, Grant st.; 614,, (Sup.), ,D. M.Edwards, married, Lock st.; 615, (Sup.), 0. E. Hewitt,married, Watt st.-; 616, ,835, 0. D. Edwards, domestic,Watt st.; '617, 856, D. Evans, engine-driver, Dollar st.;618, (Sup.), B. Stenhouse, married, Dollar st.; 619,2137, G. Neal, Williams rd.; 620, 1107, H. E.. Gottsch,labourer, Forrest st.; 621, (Sup.) C., Anderson, mar-ried, Forrest st.;, 622, 2485, G. Reid, married,- Falconst.; 623, 2548, W. -Rogers, railway employee, Egertonst.; 024, 909, M. Foams, married, Harper st. 625,(Sup.), H. .Massey, married, Palmer st.; 626, 468, F.Campbell, Married, Palmer st.; 627, (Sup.), EmmaCable, widow,' Clayton rd.; 628, (Sup.), Bertha Cable,married, Clayton st.; 629, (Sup.), A. AL Bennett, mar-ried, Clayton rd. 630, 3027, M. A. Warren, married,

st.;Clyde st. 631, (Sup.), E. J. Ingram, married, Clydest.; 632, 2913, F. A. Timewell, railway employee, Far-mery st.; 633, 3278, M. Cowie, railway employee, For-rest st.; 634, (sup.), W. J. Anderson, railway em-ployee, Forrest st.; 635, (Sup.), A. L. Tintewell, mar-ried, Farmery st.; 636, 2741., AL Smith, married, For-rest st.; 637, 1078, J. Gloe, poultry farmer, Forrest st.;638, (Sup.), N. Cable, labourer, Clayton rd.; 639,(Sup.), H. Bennett, railway employee, Clayton rd.;640, (Sup.), Mary L. Moore, married, Williams rd ;641, (Sup.); S. G. See, railway employee, Earl st.; 042,3494, E. M. Smith, housewife, Forrest st.; 643, (Sup.),R. ,Gardiner, waitress, Farmery st.; 644, 2575, E. Rum-sey, cook, Pederal st.; 645, 1474, H. H. Ingrain, Clydest.; 646, 2143: E. Nelligan, married, Hansard st.; 647,1126, G. Grainger, builder, Walker st.; 648, (Sup.),E. M. Boothey, married, Forrest st.; 649, (Sup.), L.Madson, married, Forrest st.; 650, (Sup.), 785. M. E.Dowling, widow, Forrest st.; 651, (Sup.), L. Hartnett,domestic; Forrest st.; 632, (Sup:), 3277, M. Cowie, mar-ried,- Forrest ,st.; 653, -"(Sup.),, L. 'Miller, married, ,Earlst.; 654, 2226, D. O'Loughlin, married, Furnival st.

Witnesses to signatures :-T. E. Cooke, Nos. 1 to 21Sand 361 to 366; J. Stone, Nos. 219 to 300 and 367 to654.

GOVERNMENT LAND SALES.THE undermentioned allotmentsfor sale at Public Auction onplaces specified below:-


of land will be offeredthe dates and at the

5th January, 1932, at 11 a.m., at time District LandsOffice-

Kukerin-*107, 4a. lr. 38p., £18.

COLLIE.6th January, 1932, at 11 a.m., at the Court Ho e-

Bmvelling-*t19, 4a. 3r. 38p. £30.

BUSSELTON.6th January, 1932, at 3 p.m., at the Group Settlement

Office-Capel-*219, 32a. lr. 23p., £65.

SOUTHERN CROSS.6th January, 1932, at 3 pan., at the District


Moorine Rock-*43, 5a. lr. 26p., £12.Warralakin-Town 11, lr., £18.

KATANNING.nth January, 1932, at 11 a.m., at the

Office-Tenterden-*Sub. 24, 2a. 2r. 17p.,

21a. 2r., £20; Sub. 35, 10a. Sr.10a. 3r. 3p., £18.

NARROGIN.7th January, 1932, at 12 noon, at time

Office--Karig, -Town 40, 39.1p., £20.

District Lands

£20; Sub. 34,£18; 150,

District Lauds

BRIDGETOWN.12th January, 1932, at 7.2 noon, at the District Lands ,

Office-Bridgetown-'715, 8a. Or. Op., £35'.

NORTHAM.140mceth JaLtuary, 1932, at 11.30 a.m., at the District Lands

Bolgart-5111, 4a. Or. 34p., £30.Clackline-*10, 13a. 2r. 21p.,£2 pc,r acre; *11, 14a.

Or. Op., £2 per acre.Cunderdin-Town 3, Or., £20; 2I8, 1r. 20.5p., £10,"Woogan Hills-*I63, 485. Or. 37p., £34.

PERTH.1,5th .January, 1932, at 11 a.m., at the Department of

Lands and Surveys--Parkerville-Town 219, lr. £12; *214, abort

8a. 2r. 31p., £20.Pinjarra-*Sub 109, 5a. Or. 5p., £10.Swan View "60, 2r. 16p., £25.

KALGOORLIE.20th, January, 1932, at 11 a.m., at the District Lands

Office-Kalgoorlie-Town 351, 1r., £15; 1896, l.r. 7p., £15;"

972, lr., £15.Boulder-Town 499, 20p., £10.

ATERREDIN.20th January, 1932, at 4 p.m., at the Com

Lake Brown-Town 5, lr., £20.*Suburban for cultivation.tSubject to payment of £40 for improvements, if pur-

chased by other than the owner of same.The purchaser will have the option of taking in lieu

of a grant of the fee simple, a lease under the Regula-tions at the scheduled capital value nearest the upsetprice for the term of 99 years, on payment of e.premium equal to the amount of his bid in excess ofthe upset price.

All improvements on the land offered for sale are theproperty of the Crown, and shall be paid for as theMinister may direct, whose valuation shall be final andbinding on the purchaser.

Plans and further particulars of these sales may beobtained at this office. Land sold to a depth of 200feet below the natural surface, except in mining dis-tricts, where it is granted to a depth of 40 feet only:

C. G. MORRIS,Under Secretary for Lands.


FORFEITURES.THE undermentioned leases have been cancelled under',Section 137A of " The ,Land Act, 1898," for non-pay- .

went of rent or other reasons:- tName, Lease No., Rent or other Reason, corres. No;,,

Plan.Logan, J. 5.;.68/264; £6 16s. Od.; 3247/28; 375C/40, '

374D/40.Logan, J. S.; 74/218; non-compliance with cenditiOns';

3380/28; 374/80, 375/80.Muirhead, Olive; 20/2242; £23 10s. 9d.; 5994/26;

Herne Hill Estate.The West Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency

Company, Limited; 20647/74; non-compliance withconditions; 1023/15; 410/80, Al.

C. G. MORRIS,Under Secretary for Lands.

DEctoluEn 31, 1931. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 2670

LAND OPEN FOR PASTORAL LEASINGunder Part X. of "The Land Act, 1898."

IT is hereby notified that the land described hereunderwill be available for general selection under Part X. of"The Land Act, 1898," and its amendments, on andafter the date specified:


Kimberley Division.Meda and Kwinana Districts (near Mt. Matthew).

Corr. 1832/24. (Plan 139/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

20,000 acres; being J. Atkinson's forfeited PastoralLease No. 2107/98.


Ruda and Eastern Divisions.Corres. 11061/04.All the vacant Crown land within 40 miles on either

side of the Trans-Australian Railway on Plans 40, 41,and 48/80, 16, 17, 26, and 27/300, subject to the fol-lowing conditions: -

1.: The boundaries of selections to be subject to Sec-tion 19 of the Land Act, but in all cases where there isa frontage to the railway, the proportion of the depthto breadth to be not less than two to one.

2. Selections in the same interests not to have morethan one frontage to the railway, and the boundaries ofany additional applications to be allowed at the dis-cretion, of the Department.

All previous notices making these areas available forleasing are hereby superseded.

PERTH LAND AGENCY.Eucla and Eastern Divisions.

Corres. 11061/04.All the vacant Crown land within 40 miles on either

side of the Trans-Australian Railway on Plans 14, 15,16, 17, 27, 28, and 29/300, subject to the following con-ditions:

1. The boundaries of selections to be subject to Sec-tion 19 of the Land Act, but in all cases where there isa frontage to the railway, the proportion of the depthto breadth to be not less than two to one.

2. Selections in the same interests not to have morethan one frontage to the railway, and the boundaries ofany additional applications to be allowed at the dis-cretion of the Department.

All previous notices making these areas available forleasing are hereby superseded.

North-West Division.Murchison District (near Murchison House Station),

Corres. 3767/28. (Plan 56/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

100,000 acres; being H. McDonald's forfeited PastoralLease No. 3742/96.

Eastern Division.Yelina District (near Lake Carnegie).

Corres. 1459/28. (Plan 62/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

100,000 acres ; being C. W. J. Reading 's forfeited Pas-toral Lease No. 3563/97.

North-West Division.Windell District (near Bellary Creek). !

Corres. 1356/26. (Plan 92/300.)Those areas of unsurveyed laud, containing about

32,000 and 20,000 acres; being P. S. O'Brien's for-feited Pastoral Leases Nos. 3621/96 and 2110/96.


Eastern Division.Weld District (near White Cliffs).

Corres. 375/29. (Plan 44/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

30,000 acres; being W. H. Korner 's forfeited PastoralLease No. 3645/97',

C. G. MORRIS,Under Secretary for Lands.

LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that theareas scheduled hereunder are available for selectionunder and subject to "The Land Act, 1898," and itsamendments.

The areas marked "A" shall be open for selection bythe special classes of selectors hereinafter named in thefollowing order of preference:

(1) Under "The Discharged Soldiers' SettlementAct, 1918," by "Discharged Soldiers" with-in the meaning of paragraphs (a), (b), and(c) of the interpretation of the term inSection 3 of that Act, and "Dependants"within the meaning of that term in the Balisection.

(2) Under "The Land Act, 1898," by ex-BritishSoldiers who were on active service in thelate war.

(3) Under "The Land Act, 1898," by MunitionWorkers in the late war.

(4) Under "The Land Act, 1898," by ordinaryselectors.

(In the event of an applicant other than a DischargedSoldier under subparagraph (1) obtaining a block with-in a Repurchased Estate, the term of the lease and con-ditions of payment will be subject to re-adjustment inaccordance with the provisions of "The AgriculturalLands Purchase Act, 1909.")

The areas marked "B" are not subject to such orderof preference.

Applications must be lodged at the Local Land Officefor the district in which the land is situated, not laterthan the date specified, but may be lodged before suchdate if so desired.

All applications lodged on or before such date will betreated as having been received on the closing day, andif there are more applicants than one for any block,the application to be granted will be determined by theLand Board, except in cases where it is already deter-mined by the order of preference set out above under"A." Should any lands remain unselected such willcontinue available until applied for or otherwise dealtwith.

If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary, theapplicants for the blocks will be duly notified of thedate, time, and place of the meeting of the Board, andthere shall be an interval of at least three days be-tween the closing date and the sitting of the Board.

If an applicant wishes to appear before the LandBoard in person he may apply to the Head Office orto the Clerk in Charge of any of the District orBranch Land Offices for a certificate to the RailwayDepartment, which, on presentation at the nearestRailway Station, will entitle him to a Return Ticket,at Excursion Rates, to the place where the Board willsit, available for seven days from the date of issue.

The selector of a Homestead Farm from any locationavailable under Part VIII, must take the balance there-of, if any, under Conditional Purchase.

The prices quoted hereunder (exclusive of the value ofimprovements, if any,a/nd survey fees, and land acquiredby the Crown under "The Agricultural Lands PurchaseAct, 1909," or otherwise for settlement) are reduced byone-half to Discharged A.I.F. Soldiers only.


BEVERLEY LAND AGENCY.B.,)Roe District (about three miles East of Hyden).Corr. No. 1900/31.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 346/80,A & B4.)Location 1181, comprising 1,871a. lr. 34p., at 8s. 6d.

per acre; classification page 1 of 1657/28; subject topayment for improvements (if ally) ; being R. B. Elli-son's cancelled application.


Mendel Estate.Corr. No. 1544/30.Open under, Part V. of "The Land Act, 1898," as

modified by "The Agricultural Lands Purchase Ad,1909." (Plan 127/80, Dl.)


The area, containing about 26 acres, bounded on theNorth and East by Lot 10, on the South by a one -chainroad along the North boundaries of Wongoondy EstateLots 21 and 22, and on the West by a: line in prolcm-gation. Southward of the. Western boundary of MendelEstate Lot 10 aforesaid ; subject to survey, classifica-tion and ,pricing, and to the payment of, survey fee(£6) in advance.

NARROGIN LAND AGENCY.,Avon District (about eight miles East of Bullaring).

Corr. No. 5243/24.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plans 377A/40,

Cl; 377/80, D1.)Locations 19791 and 19795; containing 1,308 acres, at

4s, 90. per acre; classification page 10 of 5243/24; andLocation 19712, containing 160 acres; subject to re-pricing; classification page 74 of 10807/12; subject topayment for improvements; being IT. N. Cox's forfeited Leases 1S454/68 and 24236/74.

leR),Roe District (about four miles South-East of Ryden).

Corr, ,No. 4981/22.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 375/80,

Al.)Location 432, containing 1,420a. 3r. 36p., at 10s. per

acre ; classification page 11 of 498'1/22; subject to anAgricultural Bank mortgage; being J. Harrison's for-feited Lease 10561/55.

Williams District (near Cuballing).Corr. No. 10989/11.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 385A/40,

Cl.)Location 11624, containing about 03 acres; subject

y. classification, and pricing. Reserve 16028,"1, `cri from Sale," is hereby reduced.



Avon District (about six miles West of Bejoording).Corr. No. 2544/24.Open under Parts V., VI.; and VIII. '(Plan 27A/40,

Locations 1468S and 24273, containing 720a. lr. 30p.;subject to repricing; classification page 63 of 11713/07,Volume 2; being W. P. Buckley's fOrfeited Leases18001/68 and 24010/74.

`rB o0Ninghan District (about 11 miles South of Dalgouring).

Corr. No. 5153/26.Open tinder Parts V., VI., and VI (Plan 66/80,

D4.)Location 1149, containing 320a. hr. 32p., at 4s. 9d.

per acre, including survey fee; classification page 5 ofSi 53/26; being G. Cowling 's forfeited tease 21368/OS.

Ninghan District (about nifne miles North -West ofKoorda).

Corr. No. 2182/24.Open under Parts: V., and VIII. (Plan 56/80,

D1 & 2.)Location 2246, comprising 2,046a. 3r. 25p., at 3s. 9d.

per acre, excluding survey .fee ;, classification page 2] of2182/21; ''subject to the payment of one-quarter surveyfee (£11) with application ; being T. H. B. Taylor 'sforfeited Lease 20794/68.


Ninghan District (one mile ,South; of Marindo).Corr. No. 4644/28.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 66/80,

B2 & 3.)The area, containing about 1,917 acres, bounded on

the East by Location 2642, on the mouth by Locations2632 and 2631, on the West, by part of Location 3710,and on the North by 'a surveyed, road along the Southboundaries of Locations 3433, 3001, ,3353, and 2992,excluding 150 acres in the North-West corner of thisarea to be reserved for public purposes; subject to sur-vey, classification, and


Canning District.Corr. No. 13112/02.Open under Part V. (Plan 1D/20, South-Ea.st.)The land contained within the closed road passing

along the South-West and part of the South -East boun-dary of Canning Location 171, at £5 per acre. Thisland is available only to holders of land abutting thereon.

((B',Canning District (near Piesse's Brook).

Corr. No. 6856/20.Open under Parts V. and VIII. (Plan 1C/40 and

Piesse 's Brook, Sheet 1.)Location 764, comprising 26a. lr. 36p.; subject to

pricing, to an Agricultural Bank mortgage, and to thepayment of £200 for improvements (clearing) ; beingJ. W. O'Connor's forfeited Lease 22035/74.

4"R>,Coolup A.A. District (near Coolup).

Corr. No. 3205/14.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 380D/40,

C4.)Lot 250, containing 50 acres, at £2 per acre, includ-

ing survey fee and excluding improvements; classifi-cation page 2G of 3205/14; subject' to the payment of£200 for improvements within thirty (30) days fromdate called upon, otherwise application to be cancelled;being A. A. Spencer 's forfeited Lease 34726/55.

CB.2,Swan District (about eight miles North -East of

Wannamal).Corr. No. 5905/28.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII: (Plan 31/80,

E2.)The area, containing 552a. Or. 16p., bounded on the

East by Location 3234 on the South by LOcation 3245,on the West by Locations 3257 and 3258; and on theNorth by Location 935; subject to classification andpricing and available to adjoining holders only; beingthe area excluded from W. S. ,Henshilwood and J. A.Waldeck 's applications.

Swan District (near O'Connor Siding).Corr. No. 15650/99.Open under Part V., Section 60. (Plan 1C/40, E3.)The area, containing about 26 acres, bounded:by lines

starting froth the intersection of the Western side ofRoad No. 3447, along the Western side of ,.O'ConnorSiding with the North boundary of Location 2621, andextending Westward along said boundary of locationabout 1,700 links; thence about 32cleg. about 2,600 links;thence East to the Western -side of road aforesaid, andthence Southward along same, to the starting point, at£1 per acre; subject to survey and to the payment ofsurvey fee in advance.


Oldfield District (near Ra ensthorpe).Corr. No. 4902/22.Open under Parts V. and VI. (Plans, 420B/20;

105/80, P4.),. Location 261,' containing 369a. Or. 4p., at 12s. ' fid.

,-)er acre; classification page 17 of 4902/223. LocatiOnsSR and 238, containing 303a. 2r., at lls. per acre ; and

-Location 34, containing 279 acres, at 12s. per acre;classifications :pages S. and 9 of 311/15; slibject to anAgricultural Bank mortgage and toHmining conditions;being A. E. Jones' forfeited Leases 40326/55, :38827/55,"22167/74; ,and 38813/55.

Kent District (about five miles North-West ofHopetoun).

Corr. No. 5265/23.Open under Parts V. and VI. (Plans 433/80, El ;

420/80, E4.)Location 819, containing ,821a. 3r., at 5s. 6d. per acre;

classification page 5 of 5205/23; and Location 773,containing 160a. Or. 21p.; subject to classification andpricing; subject to mining conditions; being G. B,King's forfeited Leases 17473/68 and 23392/74,



Fitzgerald District (about four miles East of GrassPatch).

Corr. No. D.A.' 6003/22.Open under Parts V., VT., and VIII. (Plan 402/80,

DE)Locations 349 and 741, containing SS8a. 3r. 7p.; classi-

fication page 4 of 4898/22; subject to an AgriculturalBank mortgage, to reclassification and pricing, and tothe special conditions governing selection in this dis-trict; no further Agricultural Bank assistance is guar-anteed; being C. E. J. Martin 's forfeited Leases 39638/55 and 23039/74.


Yilgarn District (about nine miles North-EasBullfinch).


Nelson District (about tve miles South` of Northcliffe).Cory.' No. 201/30.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 454B/40,

E2.)Locations 8618, 8604, and 8605, containing 362a. 3r.

5p.; cash price, including survey fee-£380 10s.; half -yearly instalment over 30 years, including interest at 7per cent. per annum-£14 14s. 9d.; subject to the con-dition that the lessee shall maintain the improvementsto the satisfaction of the Minister for Lands, and-thatthe Government does not guarantee a continuance ofdrainage maintenance; being J. H. Ladhams' forfeitedLease 55/1776.


of Sussex District (about two miles East of Yallingup).Corr. No. 4111/30.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 413D/40,


Location 2860, containing 113a. Or. 39p., at 12s. 6d.gper acre; classification page 3 of 4111/30; being I'.

Sapcote 's forfeited Lease '74/1128.

Corr. No. 1687/27.Open under Parts V. and VT. (Plan 53/80, D3.)Location 663, containing 1,484a. 3r. 1p., at 6s. 6d.

per acre; classification page 3S of 6875/22; subject toan Agricultural Bank mortgage and to mining and tim-ber conditions; the Government retains the right toresume free any land required for railways or otherpublic pUrposes; being L. J. Clifford's forfeited Lease21707/68.


Williams 'District (North of Gundaring).Corr. No. 1121/12.Open under Part's' V: and VI. (Plan 409B/40, EL)That portion of Location 11133, containing about 27a.

2r., bounded by lines starting from the North corner ofsaid location and -extending

starting,about '1,719

links; thence 270deg. 2min. about 10 chains; thenceSouth to- a point 1 chain North of the South boundaryof said location; ; 11r:flee 270deg.. :2min..-to the North -West.-boundary of- tile location, and thence North-East-ward along ,same to the starting point; subject to sur-vey, classification, and, pricing, and to the payment ofcost of survey (£6) with application. Reserye 15113,

is hereby reduced.



Nelson District (near. Catterick).Corr. No. 4085/26.Open under,Part V., Section 60. (Plan 414C/40, E4.)Location S753, containing 11a. 2r. 20p., at 12s. 60.

per acre; classificatioit page 93 of File 4085/26; sub-ject to the existing rights of prospectors being pro-tected.

aaB r,

iron Dist riot, bout twoS

Corr. No. 756/31.Open under Pitets V., VT. and VIII. (Plan 4420/40,

F4.)Location 10286, containing 105a. 3r. 7p.; cash price,

including survey fee- -£21-5 10s. ; half-yearly instalmentover 30 years, including interest at 7 per cent. perannum---£8 6s. lid.

Available subject to the co ns:--i. That the lessee shall maintain the improvements

to the stitinfaCtion (CF the Miniater for Land S."lott the Government does not' guarantee a con-

:Mtn:nee of drainann omintentmm.'Mat no person shall uc grant:1 more than one

lot in' this locality containing buildings, exceptwith the "special approval of the Minister forLands.

Be W. Harper's cancelled application.


Sussex District (near Group 15).Corr. No. 1841/31:Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 413C/40,

F3.)An area of about 345 acres, bounded by lines com-

mencing at a point on the Northern side of a deviationof Road No. 114 situate about 1,100 links North andabout 500 links West of Angle Peg No. A92, on oldroad survey, and extending Northward about 8,000links; thence Eastward about 4,500 links; .thence South-ward about 6,000 links; thence Westward about 1,500links; thence Southward about 3,000 links to and thencegenerally Westerly and North-Westerly along saidNorthern side of road deviation to the starting point;subject to survey, classification, and pricing.



Roe District (about eight miles EastCorr. No. 3682/29.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII.

I34.)Location 1463, containing 2,183a. 3r.

acre; classification page 1 of 1657/28;payment of £16 for improvements (40being F. S. and G. F. Squires forfeited

of Ryden).

(Plan 346/80.

5p., at 8s. persubject to theacres rolling) ;Lease 68/290:5.


Victoria District (four to seven miles East of Yuna).Corr. No. 7402/19.Open under Parts V., Vi., and VIII. (Plan 160C/40,.

i.)(I) laniation 5916; about 157 acres.(2) The area, containing about 490 acres, bounded

on the West by Location 4716, on the North by Loca-tions' 8301 and 6109, on the East by Location 6109and 7865, and on the South by a' one-chain road alongthe North bounriary of Location 752:3; excluding 'sur-eyed road pa ssim through this area.(3) The area, (mutt:juin, about 330 acres, bounded

ou the West ,Inc Location A09, on the North by a sur-veyed road extending Eastward from the North-Eastcorner oil sail location, on the East by Location 7155,and on the South by a proposed road along the Northboundary of Location 7865.

All subject_ to any necessary surveys, classifications,and Pricing; and to tile right of free resumption forrailway purposes.


«B.',Victoria District (about eight miles East of Gutha).

Corr. No. 3547/26.. Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 128/80,

D2.)Location 8325, containing 1,000a. 2r. 6p., at lls. 6d.

per acre, excludinc, survey fee; classification page 11of 3547/26; subject to an Agricultural Bank mortgageand to the payment of one-quarter survey fee (£6 7s.6d.) with application; being T. S. Trindall's forfeitedLease 42652/55.


Hay District (about five miles South-West ofT enter den).

Corr. No. 8447/13.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 444/80,

F2.)Location 1069, comprising 160 acres; subject to pric-

ing and to payment for improvements; classificationpage 19 of 8447/13; being E. K. Perkins', forfeitedLease 20063/74.


Roe District (about two miles North of Karlgarin).Corr. No. 1544/25.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plans 376/80,

El; 345/80, E4.)The -area, containing about 1,300 acres, bounded on

the South by Locations 179 and 395, on the West byLocation 177, on the North by a road along the Southboundary of Location 172, and such road extendingEastward to and along the South boundaries of Loca-tions 522 and 523, and on the East by Location 396;subject to survey, classification, and pricing.


Ninghan District (about four miles South-East ofKondut).

Corr. No. 6664/26.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 57/80,

E2.)Location 2533, containing 426a. lr. 1p., at 5s. 3d.

per acre, including survey fee; classification page 7 of6664/26; subject to payment for improvements; beingV. W. Eastman's forfeited Lease 22648/68.

Victoria District (about six miles. East of Buntine).Corr. No. 4073/27.Open under Parts. V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 89/80,

C & D1.)Location 5544, containing 699a. 3r. 4p., at 6s. 6d.

per acre; classification page 15 of 2271/20; subject topayment for improvements; being W. F. T. Hunt's for-feited Lease 22292/68:

ccB.),Avon District (about nine miles South of Kununoppin).

Corr. No. 11940/09.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 34/80,

C3.)Location 11891, containing 602 acres, at 10s. 6d. per

acre; classification page 58 of 5780/08, Vol. 1; subjectto survey and to an Agricultural Bank mortgage; beingK. M. Leake's forfeited Lease 24675/55.

Ninghan District (about 41/2 miles South of ClearySiding).

Corr. No. 2868/30.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 66/80,

A3.)Location 1333, containing 1,638 acres, at 7s. 6d. per

acre; classification page 52 of 9152/12; being J. Arm-strong's forfeited Lease 68/2754,


ecB.,/Ninghan District (about four miles North of

Welbungin).Corr. No. 6448/19.

D2 .)Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 55/80,

Location 588, containing 838 acres, at 10s. 6d. peracre; classification page 20 of 9149/09; subject to sur-vey and to an Agricultural Bank mortgage and Indus-tries Assistance Board indebtedness; being G. M.Hymns' forfeited Lease 36803/55.

"B."Ninghan' District (adjoining Narkal Townsite).

Corr. No. 3571/30.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 56/80,

P2.)Location 1785, containing 460a. 3r. 4p., at Os. per

acre; classification page 2 of 5094/23; being L. Tay-lor's forfeited Lease 68/2774.

PERTH LAND AGENCY.Peel Estate (about 21/2 miles North-West of Karnup).

Corr. No. 2621/30.Under Part V. of " The Land Act, 1898." (Plan

Peel Estate.)Lot 658, containing 51a. Or. 38p.; purchase price

£128 10s. half-yearly instalment over 293h. years, in-cluding interest at 7 per cent.£5 2s. 7d.; subject topayment for improvements and to the conditions apply-ing to this Estate; being Stubberfield & Ortons' for-feited Lease 55/1922.


Oldfield District (about two miles North of Ravens-thorpe and four miles North-East of Kuliba Siding).

Corr. No. 7376/20.Open under Parts V. and VI. (Plans 405/80, E & F4;

420B/20; 421/80, A3.)Locations 185, 184, and 305, containing 1,002a. lr.

16p., at 13s. per acre; classification page 14 of 7377/20;Location 84, containing 1,000 acres, at 7s. 6d. per acre,and Location 86, containing 1,000 acres, at Os. 6d. peracre; classifications pages 19 and 13a of 1201/14; sub-ject to mining conditions and, with the exception ofLocation 86, subject to an Agricultural Bank mortgage;Location 305 (1 acre) to be selected with Locations184 and 185; being Maroni and Scherini's forfeitedLeases 39021/55, 22644/74, 68/785, 68/1770, and lateReserve 18160.


Fitzgerald District (about 10 miles North-East ofDowak).

Corr. No. 4587/26.Open under Parts V. and VI. (Plans 392/80, 0 &

Dl; 371/80, C & D4.)Location 1023, comprising 1,692a. Or. 36p.; classifica-

tion page 38 of 5608/25; subject to an AgriculturalBank mortgage, to reclassification and pricing, to min-ing conditions, and to the special conditions governingselection in this district; no further Agricultural Bankadvances guaranteed; being G. Ion's forfeited Lease42079/55.

(tanFitzgerald District (about seven miles North-East of

Salmon Gums).Corr. No. 2219/25.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 392/80,

C & D2.)Location 614, containing 995a. Or. 35p.; subject to

pricing; clasification page 16 of 3760/23 and page 23of 2219/25; and Locations 616 and 1133,, containing992a. lr. 17p.; subject to pricing; classification page 18of 3760/23 and page 23 of 2219/25; subject to an Agri-cultural Bank mortgage and to the special conditionsgoverning selection in this district; no further Agri-cultural Bank assistance is guaranteed; being T.O'Neill's forfeited Leases 13140/56, 41436/55, and24554/74.


SOUTHERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.eta',Yilgarn District (about nine miles North of

Boodarockin).Corr. No. 654/28.Open under Parts V. and VI. (Plan 54/80, E3.)Location 762, comprising 1,824a. Or. 17p., at 6s. 9d.

per acre; classification page 32 of 081/26; subject toan Agricultural Bank mortgage and to mining condi-tions; being T. F. Ryan's forfeited Lease 22772/68.

tip),Yilgarn District (about five miles North and seven

miles North-East of Bullfinch).Corr. No. 660/25.Open under Parts V. and -VI. (Plan 53/80, C & D3.)Location 662, containing 995a. lr. 17p., at 8s. 6d.

per acre; and Location 624, containing 993a. 2r. 6p., at10s: 6d. per acre; classifications pages 37 and 23 of6875/22; subject to an Agricultural Bank mortgage andto mining and timber conditions being' G. Clayton'sforfeited LeaSes 41359/55 and 41353/55.

(ea),Yilgarn District (about three miles North of Moorine

Rock).Corr. No. 2666/31.Open under Farts V., VI., end VIII. (Plan 36/80,

03.)Location 439, containing 999a. lr. 27p., at 9s. 6d. per

acre; classification page 14 of 5033/22; subject to anAgricultural Bank mortgage, to timber conditions, andto the right of the Government to resume free any landrequired for railways or other public- purposes; beingH. J. Chapman's cancelled application.

cq3.7,Yilgarn District (about two miles North-West of

Moorine Rock).Corr. No. 5891/26.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 36/80,

C3 & 4.)Location 647, containing 1,003a. Or. 20p., at 9s. 6d.

per acre; classification page 8 of 5001/22; subject toan Agricultural Bank mortgage and to mining andtimber conditions; being A. Henderson's forfeitedLease 42142/55.


g B.Williams DiStrict (about seven miles South of.

Neendaling).Corr. No. 716/25.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 407/80,

Al.)Location 10779, containing 862a. 3r. 7p., at 8s. per

acre; classification page 27 of .716/20; being G. II.Young's forfeited Lease 19151/68.


Victoria` District (abOnt; 9 Miles East of Yuan).Corr. No. 4383/21.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII, (Plan 1600/40,

F. 4.Location 7523, containing 1,000a. lr. 13p., at 4s. 9d.

per acre; Classification page 10 of 4383/21; subjectto an Agricultural Bank mortgage; being W. F. Ches-ham 's forfeited Lease 15594/68.

NARROGIN LAND AGENCY.413),Williams District (near Congelin).

VIII. Plan 38413240;Cory. No:' 200/29.Open under Parts V., VI., and

Fl.Locations 5514, 5515, and 3336, containing 1,056a. 2r.

3p., at 6s. per acre, reducible to 3s. if poison is eradi-cated and land stocked within 10 years; classificationpage 9 of 200/29; being :W. II. Hall's forfeited Lease68/2425.


13.7.2Williams District (about 11 miles South-East of Kulin).

Corr. No. 4364/27.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 376/80,

A4.Locations 14341 and 14342, containing 1,257a. 2r. 3p.,

at Os. per acre, excluding survey fee; classificationpage 6 of 4364727 subject to the payment of onequarter survey fee (£.7 10s.) with application; beingW. Cusa.ck's forfeited Leases 68/221 and 74/208.


Avon District (about 17 miles East of Cramphorne).Corr. No. 6252/27.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plans 5/80,

F2; 6/80, A2.)Locations 25310 and 26215, containing 1,976a. 2r. 28p.,

at 4s. per acre, excluding survey fee; classification page15 of 6252/27; subject to the payment of one-quartersurvey fee (£9) with application; the Government doesnot guarantee Agricultural Bank assistance, nor theconstruction of a railway to serve this land; being,B. C, Chase's forfeited Leases 68/892 and 74/510.

(CRP)Avon District (near' Pilva Siding).

Corr. No. 4940/28.Open under' Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 25/80,

P3.) -Location 25364, containing 358a. Or. 7p., at 5s. 3d.

per acre, including survey fee; classification page 15of 4940/28; being M. E. Teesdale 's forfeited Lease68/1655.


Gascoyne District (near Carnarvon).Corr. No. 1060/25.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 563/80.)Location 109, containing 33a. 3r. Op., at 15s. per acre;

classification page 151 of 733/87; subject to paymentfor improvements (if any) and to the conditions ap-plying to this area; being 0. Roberts' forfeited Lease41332/55.


Roe District (about 2 miles East of Beenong).Corr. No. 2085/21.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 387/80,

D3.)Locations 4 and 32, containing 968a. Or. 22p., at 9s.

3d. per acre; classification page 42 of 2085/21; subjectto an Agricultural Bank mortgage; being E. W. Ben-nett's forfeited Leases 38625/55 and 22257/74.

up),Williams District (about 12 miles S.E. of Dumbleynng).

Corr: No. 2719/25.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 408D/40,

C3.)Locations 14159 and 9007, containing 213 acres, at

9s. 90. per acre, reducible to Os. 3d. per acre if poisonis eradicated and land stocked within 10 years; classifi-cation page 17 of 2780/20; the Government retains theright to resume free any land required for railways orother public purposes; being T. S. Francis' forfeitedLeases 19356/68 and 24919/74.

(iB,,Williams District (about 15 miles South of Toolibin).

Corr. No. 2852/30.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 386D/40,

A4.)Location 12320, containing 160a. Or. 19p., at 8s. 90.

per acre, reducible to 5s. 60. per acre if poison is eradi-cated and land stocked within 10 years; classificationpage 5 of 2852/30; being N. E. S. Cable's forfeitedLease 68/2889.

2984 G 07E R NME NT GAZE TTE [DECEMBER 31, 1931.


(413.),Sussex District (about 3 miles East of Bramley. big).

Corr. No. 2979/30.Open under Parts.V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 440A/40,

T31,)Locations 2940- and 3742, containing Ala. 3r. 13p.:

subject pricing: classification page -2 of 1644/23:being J.Currie's forfeited 4-eases 08/2763 and 74/1104.


Oldfield District (about three miles North-East ofHopetoun).

Corr. No. 3715/24.Open under Parts V. VI., and VIII. (Plans 433/80,

Fl; 432/80, Al.)Locations 375 and 298, comprising 500a. Or. 5p., at

s. Gd. per acre; classification page 16 of 3715/24;being T. Knox 's forfeited Leases 20505/68 and25105/74.


-"B"Fitzgerald District (about 10 miles East of Red Lake).

Corr. No. 1729/30.Open under Parts V., VI., and VIII. (Plan 392/80,

D & F 4.)Locations, 626 and 1402, containing 1,130a. 3r. 10p.;

classification page 28 of 3760/23; subject to -reclassill-

cation and, pideing'and to the special conditions govern-ing selection in this district; Agricultural Bank ad-vances not 'guaranteed : being E. C. Robinson's can-celled application.

C. G MORRIS,Under See ctnry for Lands.

THE ROM) DISTRICTS ACT, 1919.Closdre of Road.

WE, Maria Caroline Verona Prevost, formerly MariaCaroline Verona Grave, and F. J. and E. R. Norrish,being the owners of land over or along which the por-tion of road hereunder described passes,, haVle; appliedto the Broomehill Road Board to close the said portionof road, viz :

Broomehill.1532/27.B. 377.That portion of Road No. 1097, along parts

of the North boundaries of Kojonup Locations 261(D. 4) and 835; flora Road No. 3203 at its intersec-tion with the North boundary of the former, location toRoad No. 1 415 at its intersection, with -the North,boun-dary of said Location 835. (Plan 416C/40, E4.)



I, J01111 !7rederick ,Hillman, on behalf of the Broome-hill Road Board, hereby assent to the above applicationto (dose -the road therein described.

J. FRED. HILLMAN,Chairman Broomehill Road Board.

501 May, 1931.

LAND DRAINAGE ACT, 1925.Drainage Board Election.

Department of Water Supply,Sewerage, and Drainage,

Perth, 23rd December, 1931.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, in accordance with Section 35 of " The 'Land Drainage Act, 1925,", that the fol.lowing gentleman has been elected a member of the underMentioned Drainage Board :

Drainage Board. Date of Election.

Member Elected :


Surname. . Christian Name.

East Janclakot ... ...


August 29 ... Leggatt ... Cecil Robert ... Poultry-keeper

T. S. J. HALL,Acting Under Secretary for Water Supply.


Date ofNotice.


Dec. 10


Dec. 31

Nature of Work.

G.W.S. Toodyay Main Devia-tionSupply, delivery, carting,laying, and jointing of . 4,350feet of Gin. diameter ReinforcedConcrete Pipes, with steel col-lars

East Kumari and Ileac SchoolRemoval from EaSt :Dowak(8100)

Midland Junction AbattoirsNewPig Pens-(8101)

Date and Timefor Closing.

1932.(Noon on Tuesday.)12th January ...

19th January

19th January

Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc.,to be seen.

Contractors' Room, Perth.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.D. Office,' Kalgoorlie ;Court House, Norseman; and Agricultural Bank,Salmon Gums, on and after 29th December, 1931.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after 5th January,-1932.

Tenders, together with the prescribed deposit, are to be addressed to The Hon. theWorks and Labour," and marked "Tender," and will be received at the Public Works Office,lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

Cl forPerth. The

C. A. MUNT,Under Secretary for Works and Labour.


THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919.York District Road Board.

ANNUAL Statement showing opera; ions and transac-tions of the Board-for Financial Year ended 30th June,1931:




Credit Balance at commencement of year-7Balance at Treasury

General Rate(1) Current Rates collected during year ... 1,584 14 2(2) Arrears of Rates collected during year 93 8 3

Traffic Licenses.Cart and Carriage ... ... 101 11 6

Motor Vehicles(a) Cars (Private) ... 899 0 0(b) Motor Cycles ... 20 10. 0(c) Motor Wagons 237 0 0Duplicate, ... 0

Other Licenses, Fees, etcDogsIncome from Property and Plant (other than

Lighting)Truck Hire, Main Roads Board ... ... 244 0 0Grader Hire, Main Roads Board ... 30 13 0

Government Grants (including Main RoadsBoard)

Commonwealth Unemployment 297 0 0State Unemployment. Grant . 30 0 0Flood Drainage ... 100 0 0Sustenance Grant 12 12 0

Fines and Penalties (Traffic)'"Deposits

Contractors' ...Nomination 3 0 0

,2 12 0

Vermin Account ReceiptsAll other Receipts

Registration Discs ... 10 14 6License Plates, Cart ... 4 1 0Sale of Plant... ... 0 5 0Dishonoured cheque... ... 6 0 0Refund, Maintenance Main Road Board

RoadsClosing RoadRefund Deposit, Grader ...Main Road BoardNortham-York-Cran-

brook Road ... , 235 17 2Chidlows-York Road 586 15 4Refund, Insurance ... 2 0 o

130,.10 S

10 5 5



Particulars.Debit Balance at commencement of yearAt

Union Bank ..Expenses for Levying, RatesCollection

Commission, etc. ...Expenses for Collecting Licenses

(1) Licensing Plates, Discs, etc. ...(2). Holders ...

Office Expenses (Rent, Postage, Petty Cash,

Audit FeesAdvertising ...Interest off Bank Overdraft ...Bank Charges ...Three per cents.Legal Expenses (ordinary) ...Stationery and Printing ..Insurances (Guarantees, etc.)Insurances (Works, etc.) ...Construction Works (from Revenue, including

Government Grants) as per Form-No. 51(a) Roads ... ... 1,148 3 4(b) Bridges... ... .... 117 16 10'(c) Benzine, etc. ... ... 90 0

Maintenance -Works (from Revenue, includingGovernment Grants) as per Form No. 51

(a) Roads 1,463 7(b) Bridges... ... . .

10(c) Crossings ...(d) Benzine, etc. ... 90 0

Supervision ...Plant and Tools

15 9 1019 15 0

s. d.

0 10 11

678 2 5

258 8 911 6 6

274 13 0




s. d.Rates owing but which cannot be collected ... 42 1 4Outstanding Accounts 103 15 2All other Liabilities

Balance, Sustenance Grant S 10 0Due to Main Road Board, Traffic Fees ... 0 11 3

Balance of Assets over Liabilities ... 2,363 9 1

Total Ti2,518 6 10



('redit Balance at Treasury ... 0s. d.

5£ s. d.

Credit Balance at Union Bank 183 11-----,4 183 13 9Rates outstanding

General Rates ... 1,575 8 8Health Rates... ... 1 12 10

1,577 1 6Estimated Current Value of Property owned

by BoardFurniture 34 16 4Plant and Tools ... 611 16 10Buildings ... 37 12 10

684 6 0Due by Vermin Board 26 15 1All other Assets7-7

Sleepers on hand ... 46 1.0 0

Total £2,518 6 10

We certify` having examined the junks and accountsof the York Road Board; also compared the Statements

439 12 0 of "Receipts and Expenditure," the "Assets and Lia-1 0 0 hilities," also supporting statements, and found same to

5 12 0299 3 7

186 13 1

£4,055 2 3

159 10' 10

0 7 1

35 7 10380 19 0

45 19 210 0 03 11 06 16 64 11 4

34 13 02 2 0

21 9 014 2 070 18 0

1,356 0'11


1,583'12 360 0 0

(1) Tools (purchased during year) 30 1 (i

(2) Repairs to Furniture, Tools, Plant, etc. 191 14 1'---- '221 15 7Refund of Contractors' Deposits ... 3 12 0Refund of Rates ... ... 1 8 0Refunds, Nomination Deposits ... 0 0

8 0 0Vermin Account Payments ... 389 18 8Statutory PaymentsTraffic Fees ... 282 12 3All other Expenditure (to be specified if on

Works)Rates and Taxes ...Plant Hire ...Returned cheque ...Sundries ...

Balances at end of YearTo credit .of Board at Treasury ...To Credit of Board at Union Bank


6 18 861 5 0

6 0 01 16 5

76 0 1

0 " 5183 11 4

183 13 5

£4,955 2 3

he correct.G. SAMUEL,

Government inspector.A. L. A.TTEWELL,

Ratepayers' Auditor.

Form No.' 51.The Roads Districts Ad, 1919.

Expenditure on Roads for year eliding 30-6-31.Name of Road, Street, etc. Construction. Maintenance.

s. S. s. d.Beverley, East 10 15 10 79 19 9

10 14 4Bookagine 16 18 3Balladong 5 13 0Brown's ... 6Burges Siding ... 0 17 6Bogland's 5 9 0 8 9 11Chidlow's-York 27 11 5 27 10 6Chidlow's-York 255 11 -7Caljle-Meekering 34 6 8 II 13 4Clackline 14' 3 2 9.16 6Cobhand - Woodside. 25 15 4 12 10 0Club Hotel ...Carter ... 609 109 0

10 15 10

DanginDevenish... 19 0

20 106 9


Duckpool 17 10 0 16 3 4East Beverley ... 28 1 2Enright's 18 ,6 11Gwambygine, East ... 1.6.6 18 5 86 14 3Goldfields 26 17 1 47 1 11General Maintenance ... 96 14 3Gunns 12 19 0Greenhilis, North-East... 27' 13 S 27 16 8Greenhills-Quairading ..Gault's .. 11



4 0 4

Tsbest er's 46 10 0 -15 6 SJones' ... 11 14 0 14 4 11lager's ... 74 9 0Naming ... 42 15 10I: ra bine o 0 2 16 8Kennedy's

07 1151 01

Maywood 11 15 7Mackie ..,Marley

20 17 0-16 3 9

Mannavale-Meckering 18.6 15 0 5 18 0Midland junction-Merredin 3 15 . 5 5 3 10Northam-York-Cranbrook 7 7 2Northam-York-Cranbrook 202 10 11Northam, West 47 12 4 10. 9 2Northbourne 9 0 4New Quellington 13 2 11 9.13Narraloggin 16 13 4 7 11 1Old Quellington 42 2 7 10 11 3Old.' Goldfields ... 72 5 3 7 2 4Oven's ... 6 8 4O'Shea's ... 3 5 4Old Beverley,- 8 13 4Peacock'sPrairie Lands

5 13t

Qualen 4 1 8 co :', SSees 59 17 0

1 '-'1 3Spring ... 1 0South Mecke 5 18 4Station ... 4 3Seabrook's . 14 0 7Sandgate... 57 8 4Sherry's ... 9 9 0 2 18 0Talbot ... 44 2 11Trew's 1 6 8Taylor's ... 1 7 3Wilberforce 3 6 SWoken ... 29 17 6\V Heeler's - . 12 0 10White's ... AlYork-Greenhills 8517 ,7Young's ... 0 7 9

£1,148 3 4 1,463 7 8


Expenditure on Bridges and Crossings for year ending 30th June, 1931.

Bridges. NewlyConstructed. Maintenance.

s. d. £ s. d.Duckpool Bridge ... ...

£.... 9 4 0

Burges Siding Bridge ... ... 0 10 0Grass Valley Bridge ... 2 3 2Hamersley Bridge ... 3 10 4Sherry's Bridge ... 117 10 10 ...

Crossings.Mackie's Crossing ...Qualen Crossing

£117 16 10 £20 13 0

7 8 32 2 2

£9 10 5

We hereby certify that the e, and particularsabove are correct.

30th July, 1931.

W. G. BURGES,Chairman.

J. E. SPAR,KE,Secretary.

TILE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919.Bridgetown Disirict Road Board.

ANNUAL Statement showing operations and transac-tions of the Board for Financial Year ended 30th dayof June, 1930:




Credit Balance at commencement of yearBalance at Treasury 1 2 7In hands of Secretary 2 0 3

General Rate(1) Current Rates collected' during year ... 1,779 11 2(2) Arrears of Rates collected during year 41 6 0

s. d.

Loan Rate(1) Current Rates collected during year ... 403 13 3(2) Arrears of Rates collected during year... 6 1 0

Licenses(a) Cart and Carriage(b) Dog(e). Motor Cars (Private)(d) Motor Cars (Hire)(e) Motor Cycles ...(f) Motor Wagons ...(g) Carriers ...(h) Traction Engines(i) Drivers(j) Passenger

Fees(a) Gate Registration(b) Pounds

225 19 138 1 11

,287 0 027 0 038 7 6

590 0 027 0 0

4 0 01 0 06 0 0

4 0 030 8 0

:Income from Property and Plant (other thanlighting)

Rents from Halls, etc. .. ... 32 2 0Mechanics' Institute ... 343 18 0

Government GrantsAnnual Subsidy for Maintenance ;Lial Con-

struction ... 140Special Grants

Main Road Board

Flues and Penalties ...Health Account ReceiptsVermin Account ReceiptsAll other Receipts

Sale Plant, Material, etc.Insurance Claims ...Transfer Treasury to General RevenueMain Roads Board Contract ...Refunds ..Contributions to Works ...Rent, Petrol PumpsNomination FeesTelephone CallsDishonoured Cheques

Debit Balance at end of yearAt Bank of New South Wales


s. d.

4 8 10

1,820 17 S

409 14 0

Insurances (Fire Guarantees, etc.) ...Three per cents. ...Legal ExpensesStationery and Printing ...Maintenance Works (from Revenue, including

Government Grants) as per Form No. 51

s. d.

1,734 18 11(b) Bridges... ... ... ... ... 7 10 8(e) Wells, Dams, etc. ... 9 0 4(d) Footpaths ... ... 46 2 10(e) Street Lighting, etc. 258 8 0(f) Recreation Grounds ... 42 11 0(g) Pounds ... ... 23 13 6

Maintenance of Halls, Libraries, etc. ... ,

Construction Works (from Revenue, includingGovernment Grants) as per Form No. 51

(a) Roads... ... 1,137 0 11(b) Wells, Dams, etc. ... ... 1 8 0(e) Footpaths ... ... 104 S 1(d) Recreation Grounds, Parks, etc. ... 47 19 S

Disbursements in respect to Loans raisedunder 10° Geo. V., No. 38 (Part V11.) (seeForm 17)

Repayment of Loans Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (notprovided for by Sinking Fund) 354 19 11'

Interest on Loans 103 16 0

Plant and Tools(1) Tools, Plant, etc. (purchased during

(2) Repairs to -Furniture, Tools, Plant, etc. 283 10 177 14 5

Refund of Rates (in suspense)Health Account Payments ...Vermin Account Payments ...All other Expenditure (to be speci lied if on

works)Refund Poundage Fees ... ... 36 SDishonoured' cheques ... ... 3 17 0Refund of Rates (previous years) 13 11' 10Mechanics' Institute 348 18 0

7 12 6:P.W. Department, Plans Gravel ne-

se:VMS ..Road Board AssociationTransfer Treasury to General RevenueElectric Light Claim ...Traffic Inspector's BadgeNomination Fees refunded

-Balances at end of yearTo credit of Board at Treasury ...In hands of Secretary

Total ...

£ s. d.127 6 3

37 16 015 3 623 1 0

2,122 11 911 11 8

1,200 17 2

458 1511

361 13 60 2 6

283 13 153 12 9

10 10 00 7 6

168 14 47 15 00 4 64 0 0


... 105 12 110 5





2,244 8 6 . Debit Balance at Bank of New Sontth'Wales(unsecured) ... ,.. ...; ..., ...

Rates owing but winch cannot be collected(approximately) ... ... .. . ,...

40 8 6 LoansNo. 2, 5600 ; No. 3, £905 4s. 3d.Interest, No. 2, £18 ; No. 3, £27 is. Id.

Outstanding AccountsAll other Liabilities

370 0 0 Main Road Board, 221, per Cent. License

Due to Loan Rates Account ...0 0 Vermin Account ...

4 11 Balance of Assets over Liabilities



Debit Balance at commencement of yearat Bank of New South Wales ...

Expenses for Levying RatesCollection,Commission, etc. ...

Expenses for Collecting LicensesLicensingPlates, Discs, etc.

Office Expenses (Rent, Postage, Petty Cash,etc.)

Audit Fees ...Advertising ...Interest on Bank OverdraftBank Charges ...

514 4 1117 8 0

238 10 611 12 9

8 213 5 0

108 14 49 19 2

70 14 1

10 0 03 0 04 0 00 2 33 17 0

300 14 0

508 8 7

56,487 3 6

s.d. s. d.

544 0 1-1

13 1

3 13321 0



55 10 119 0 0

14 10 013 5 3

0 0




Credit Balance at Treasury ...Cash in hands of Secretary ...Rates outstanding:

General Rates . 161 10 8Loan Rates ...4 14 3

Estimated Current Value of Property ownedby Board

Buildings, etc. ...Movable Plants and Tools ...Furniture, etc. ...Furniture, etc. (Mechanics' Institute) ...Other Property (Town Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, of

101 ; 29, 642) ...All other Accounts owing to Board ...All other Assets

Loan Rates Account, No. 1 LoanDue by Health Board ...

496 849 341 18

9 2

7 11

£6,487 3 6

s d.

`` 08 8 7

20 0 0

1,505 4 345 3 2

105 17 2


10587 11 0

£2,806 5.21:5,578 9 4

£ s. d.. 105 12 11

0 5 0

Total ...

4 12 013 1= 5

206 4 11

2,490 0 01,440 14 6

181 0 0433 13 6

750 0 0103 5 1

17 13 5

.. £5,578 9 4

I certify having examined the books and accounts ofthe Bridgetown Road Board; also compared the 'State-ments of ,"Receipts and Expenditure'and "AsSets andLiabilities," and found same to be correct.

S. V. GLASKI/NTGovernment Auditor . and Inspector.

31, 1931.] GOAT ENT GAZETTE; W.A. 2087

Form No. 51.

The Road Districts Act, 1919.

Statement showing Expenditure, on Roads or other Works yearended 30th June, 1930.

Name of Road, Street, etc.

Street WateringGreenbushesHester SidingDean ...Spencer ...River ...Henry StreetLoftin ...Ed le ...Phillip ...SteereWilliam ...Roe ...Bar leeGrange ...Turner ...MattaanattupDoustTweed ...Campbell's ...Crowd-WheatleyLongs ...Carbup Brook ...Glen TullockYornup-Glen TullockMaranupDwalganupAlbany ...JayesR. Wheatley's ...Bradshaw's ...Blackwood ParkYornup Mill ...Peninsula ...MokerdillupWheatley RiverNash'sJohnsen-Gunn ...YatesKangaroo GullySeaton Road ...Warburton's ...Sundry Works ...HamptonHamiltonBoyup ..Waters ...Taylor's ...Greenfield'sHowell's ...WennigupDalmoreFalnashForrest ...Railway ...Hester ...BunburyGifford ...

CampbellCraddock & YoungRowley ...BleehyndenBalbarrupWalter ...BrockmanMay ...Rose ...Bridge ...Clarke'sWestralian FarmersBrett'sWatson's...Henderson's ...Wheatley Mill ...Blackboy Flat ...liflphick-Fleeton


Maintenance. Construction.s. d.s. (1.

71 11 8106 11 148 12 010 1 1119 12 9

7 14 0 5 14 102 9 1035



.26 3 4 9 958 0, 0 24 -16 11

17 t3 101 8

90 14 49 0 0 :)2 16 0

14 12 8 7 4 06 4 67 12 4

94 15 913 7 887 10 2

17 1061 10 16 0

38 2 0 27- 19 73 0 5

53 1 11 35 0 322 16 4 7 18 7

7 2 1083 4 0 qy 6 5

0 11 3 11 5 629 5 4-

al 11 61 1 3 3.0 8 8

41 14 5 12 12 031 0 11 100 9 7

112 5 9 5 0 06 7 11

10 0 10

'II44 14 2

4 522 19 7 158 16 7

0 17 4 4 15 1178' 7 0

62 9 4.4119 5 8 6 7

5 12 3 41 0 60 10 0 24 10 7

2 4 414 11 82 1 2

92 0 7 34 0 123 :1 2 53 2 2

4 15 0 42 13 98 12 0

-6 11 01 4 9 7 5

11 5 42 17 S .3 2 03 18 4 121 7 10

4 32 S



76 24

41 18

22 9

1 0 o4 13 3 12 11 8 4 ; 8

'33 16 81 9 9

24 10 21 5 72 17 1

3 1 S

-31 7

14 ..1 10 0

11 18 97 0 4

9 174- 19 2

£1,734 18 11 1,137 0 11

Form No. 17.

The Road Districts Act, 1919 (Sections 304 and 307).

Road Board Loans Current Year ended 30th June, 1930.

Loan No. 1-Amount authorised, £3,000 ; Net amount realised(nominal). Amount less discount and Flotation Expenses, £3,000 ;Where floated, Perth ; Date of issue, 5-2-14 ; Currency, 15 years ;Rate of Interest, 5 per cent. ; Annual liability due on account of in-terest and sinking fund, £61 14s. 9d. ; Amount-paid during the yearunder review; £01 14s. 9d. ; Purpose for which the loan was raised,Works and Undertakings. Loan No. 2-Amount authorised, £1.500;Net amount realised (nominal). Amount less Discount and Mtn-

' tion Expenses, £1,500 ; Where floated; Perth ; Date of issue, 18-8-20;Currency, 15 years ; Rate of Interest, 6 per cent. ; Annual liabilitydue on account of interest and sinking fund, £139 ; Amount paidduring the-year under review, £139 ; Purpose for which Loan wasraised, Works.' Loan No. 3-Anaount authorised, £1,100 ; Netamount realised (nominal). Amount less Discount and FlotationExpenses, £1,100 ; Where floated, Treasury ; Date of issue, 25-2-29 ;Currency, 5 years ; ltate of interest, 6 per cent. ; Annual liabilitydue on account of interest and sinking fund, £258 is. 2(1. ; Amountpaid during the year under review, £258 is. 2d. ; Purpose for whichloan was raised, Plant.

LOAN REPAYMENZi.Loan No. 1-Amount of loan current on 30th June, 1929, £60 Is.

2(1. ; Debentures redeemed during year, £00 4s. 2d ; Net liability onloan, 30th June, 1930, nit ; Loan No. 2, AMount of loan currenton 30th June; 1929, T700 ; Debentures redeemed during year, £100 ;Net liability on loan 30th J une, 1930, £600 ; Loan No. :i-Annount ofloan current on 30th June, 1929, £1,100 ; Debentures -redeemedduring year, £194 15s. 9d. ; Net liability on loan, 30th June, 1930,£905 4s. 3d.We hereby certify that the figures and particulars

above a-re correct.W. A. HUGGEIr, Chairman.C. V. DRAPER, Secretary.

MUNICIPALITY OP COTTESLOE.IN pursuance of the powers conferred in that behalfby "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1906," and " TheHealth Act, 1911," the Municipality of Cottesloe clothhereby order and direct that the following Rates bemade and levied on all rateable property within theMunicipal District for the year ending 31st October,1932:-

Rates- made and levied.General Rate-One shilling and teupence iu the £

(WO); Loan Rate-One shilling and sixpence in the(1/6) ; Health Rate-Threepence in the (3d.) ; Saul-tary Rate-Twopence in the (2(1.) on the annual ratc-able value; also the following charges:-Sanitary PanCharge-One pound five shillings (£1 5s.) per pan forone removal weekly.

The said Rates are levied upon the owner and/oroccupier of every allotment of rateable land; the saidpan charge i.e respect of all buildings where a sanitarypan service is necessary.

All such Rates and charges are due and payable in twomoieties on the First day of January and the First dayof July, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two:

Dated 16th December, 1931.W. H. ACKLAND,'



NOTICE is hereby given that the section of Bay Roadfrom Princess Road to Alice Road will be closed tovehicular traffic from Monday, 4th January, 1932, untilcompletion of repairs.

W. ST: O. BROCKWAY,Town Clerk.

THE TRAFFIC ACT, 1919-30.Koorda Road Board.

P.W. 919/28.THE Koorda Road Board, pursuant to all Order inCouncil under Section 43 of "The Traffic-Act, 1919-30,"and in exercise of the. power thereby conferred, dotl.hereby make the following By -law to regulate the useof roads, with a view to the preVention of undue damagethereto, to have effect within the Koorda ,Roadtrict:-

The passage of any vehicle engaged in heavy trafficover the road along North boundary of Location 1318,also road along South of railway line through Location1318, within the Koorda Road District, is prohibiteduntil 30th June, 1932.

For the purposes of this By-law "Heavy traffic"means and includes the traffic of all vehicles engaged inthe carriage or conveyance of timber, or of sleepers orother sawn, hewn, or split timber, firewood, bricks, stone,gravel, metal, salt, lime, cement, farming produce, orother material iu bulk, and the traffic of any vehicle theweight whereof (including any load) exceeds twentyhundred-weights per wheel.

Any person who commits a breach of this By -law shallbe liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding £20(Twenty pounds).

Made and passed. at a meeting of the KoordaBoard on the 30th clay of November, 1931.

A. AITKEN,Chairman.

H. L. .MeGUIGAN,Secretary.

Recommended(Sgd.) J. LINDSAY,

Minister for Works.

Approved by His Excellency the Administrator inExecutive Council this 15th day of December, 1931

(Sgd.) L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.


THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919;Claremont Road Board.

Notice of intention to Borrow.Proposed Loan of £2,500.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Claremont RoadBoard proposes to borrow the sum of Two thousandfive hundred pounds (£2,500). This amount is pro-posed to be raised by the sale of Debentures. The Loanwill be repayable by half-yearly instalments over aperiod of fifteen years after the date of issue thereof,and will bear interest at a rate not exceeding six poundsper cent. (£6 per cent.) per annum, payable half-yearly. The amount of the said Debentures and theinterest thereon is to be paid at. the office of the Board,199 Perth-Fremantle Road, Claremont, W.A.

The purpose for which the Loan is to be applied isthe paving of roads (bitumen surfacing) as set out inthe plans and specifications covering the proposed work.

The plans, specifications, and an estimate of the costof such work, and a statement showing the proposedexpenditure of the money to be borrowed, are open forinspection of ratepayers at the office of the Board forone month after the last publication of this notice.

The hours during which such inspection may be madeare 10 a.m. to 12- noon and it p.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.

The works and undertakings for which the Loan isproposed to be raised will, in the opinion of the Board,he of special benefit to a portion of the Claremont RoadDistrict, namely, the North Ward as defined in theGoverment Gazette of the 21st December, 1923, pages2427-8, and any Loan Rate applicable to such Loanwill be levied only on the rateable land within the saidNorth Ward of the said District.

Dated the 21st day of December, 1931.

F. W. MARTIN,Acting Chairman.

A. JENKINS,Secretary.

THE ROAD. DISTRICTS ACT, 1919.Serpentine-Jarrandale Road District and Rockingham

Road District-Alteration of Boundaries-Notice ofintention.

Department Works and Labour,P.W. 792/31. Perth, 17th December, 1931.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that itis the intention of His Excellency the Administrator,under the provisions of "The Road Districts Act,1919," and all others powers enabling bins in this be-half to-

(1) sever that portion of the Rockingham Road Dis-trict as described in Schedule A hereto andannex it to the Serpentine-Jarrandale RoadDistrict;

(2) sever that portion of the Serpentine-jarrandaleRoad District as described in Schedule B here-to and annex it to the Rockingham Road Dis-trict.

Plans showing the proposed alterations. may be seenat the Local Government Office, Department of Worksand Labour, Perth.

(Sgd.) C. A. HUNT,Under Secretary for Works and Labour.

Schedule A.SERPENTINE-JARRAHDALE ROAD DISTRICT.Transfer of Territory from the Rockingham Road

District.All that piece of land bounded In- lines commencing

on the present District boundary at the North-West cor-ner of Peel Estate Lot 160 and extendihg East, North,East, South, West, South, again West and Northalong part of said District boundary to the Noth-Eastcorner of Lot 3 (L.T.O. Diagram 2909) of CoekburaSound Location 16; thence along part of the Westboundary of Lot 81 (L.T.O. Plan 739A), and the Westboundaries of Lots SO and 79, part' of the South boun-dary of Peel Estate Lot 804, the South boundary ofLot 7090, the Western boundaries of Lots 1090 to 1086inclusive and of Lots 1043 to 1033 inclusive, the North-

tern boundaries of Lbts 1032 and 1031 and theWest boundaries of 'Lots 386 and 160 to the startingpoint.


Transfer of Territory Irons the Serpentine- JairandaleRoad District.

All that piece of land bounded by lines commencingon the present District boundary at the Northern cornerof Peel Estate Lot 1098 and extending along its NorthEastern boundary and continuing to the Eastern, side ofthe Serpentine River Diversion Reserve (along the,East-ern boundaries of Lots 1098, 1099, 1100, -587, 1101 to1106 inclusive, and the South-Eastern boundaries of Lots1107 to 1113 inclusive) ; thence Southward along saidside of River Diversion Reserve to rejoin the 'presentDistrict boundary at the North-West corner of Lot 160;thence Westwariq and Northward along said 'pr'esentDistrict boundary to the starting point.

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT,' 19,19. ,Augusta-Margaret River and SUISsex Road DiStricts-

_,Uteration of Boundaries and Redvision into WardsNotice of Intention.

Department of Works and:T./06hr,189 /91., Perth, 10th Deceniber; 1931.

IT is bereh notified, for general information, that itis the intention of His Excellency the Adininistrator,under the provisions of ' "The Road Districts Act, 1919,"and all other powers enabling him in this behalf 'to-

1. Sever parts of Locations 2593, 3001, and 3000,also certain vacant lauds from the AuguSta-MargaretRiver Road District and annex same to the = Sussex RoadDistrict.

2. Sever parts of Locations 2947, 1692, 2228, 2239,2240, 3005, 3006, and 3036, alsb certain Vacant landsfrom the Sussex Road District, and annex same to theAugusta-Margaret River Road District, in order thatthe South boundary of the Sussex Road District and theNorth boundary of the Augusta-Margaret Ricer RoadDistrict shall be as described in Schedule A; hereto. ,

3. Redivide the Augusta:Margaret River"Road;Boardinto seven Wards, with the names, boundaries and num-ber of members allotted to each Ward as. shoWn inSchedule B hereto.

Plans showing the proposed boundaries may be seenat the Local Government Office, Department" of Worksand Labour, Perth.

(Sgd.) C. A.,MUNT,Under Secretary for Works and. Labour.

Schedule A.


Redescription of Portion of Common Boundary.Commencing at. the junction of the shores of the

Indian Ocean with the production West of the Southboundary of Sussex Location 540 and extending East-ward along said production and South boundary and theSouthern boundaries of Locations 1052, 1053, and 1081,part of the Western, the South, and the Easternmostboundary of Location 1668, the North and the Eastboundary of Location 1669 (Reserve 1465), the North-West and ,North-East boundaries of Location 2947, theNorth Eastern, boundary of ,Location 1686, and partof the North-Bastern boundary of Location 2949, theWest and North boundaries of Location 1683,,stheSNorthand North-Eastern boundaries, of ,Location 3175,i theNorth-Eastern boundary of Location 1689, and :part ofthe North-Eastern. boundary of LoCation S-'1690;' theNorth-Western boundary of Location 1692, the South-Western ,boundary of Location 2730'; thence along- theWestern side of the BuSSelton-Augusta Railway 'Reserveto the production West of the South boundary of ,Loca-tion 2594 and along said production and South bOundary,the South boundaries of Locations ,3193,,and 2537, partof the North boundary of -Location 2202 and 'theNorthboundaries of Locations 2203" and ,2204;, thence: S along


the Southern side of a surveyed road to and along theNorthern boundary of Location 2228 and the Northernboundaries of. Locations 2239, 2240, 2241, 3002, 3005,and 3006, the South-Western and South-Eastern boun-daries of Location 969 (Reserve 18521), the South-Western boundaries of Locations 3032 and 3033, aNorth, a West, the Northernmost and part of the Eastboundary of Location 3036, the Northern boundariesof Locations 3037, 3038, and 3039 to the North-Easterncorner of the last-mentioned location ; thence North tothe production West of the South boundary of Location696 (the present boundary).


Description of Ward Boundaries.Cowararimp -Ward.

Bounded on the Westward and Northward by partof the. district boundaries from the right bank of theMargaret River AO the intersection of the productionSouth- Eastward of the North- Eastern boundary ofSussex Location 2194 with the Western side of the Bus-selton-Augusta railway reserve; on the Eastward bylines commencing at the said intersection, and extend-ing Southward along said side of the railway reserveto an East and West line passing through the 26-MilePost on the Busselton-Karridale Road; thence East tothe Eastern side of said road and South along same tointersect the Northern boundary of Margaret Rivertownsite; on the Southward by lines commencing atthe last-mentioned intersection, and extending Westward along parts of the North and West boundaries ofthe said ,. towusite to the right bank of the MargaretRiver, and along said bank of the river to the startingpoint. (One member.)

Margaret Ward.Bounded on the Northward by the Southern boundary

of 'the Cowaramup Ward and by part of the North boun-dary of Margaret River Townsite : to the North-Eastcorner of the said Townsite; on the Eastward by linescommencing at the said North-East corner and extend-ing Southward along the East and part of the Southboundaries of the said Townsite to the Eastern sideof the Busselton-Karridale Road ; thence South alongsaid side of the road passing along the Western boun-daries of Locations 2151, 2152, 859, 1066, 2151, 2155,2173, 2812, 2807, and 1627; the North and West boun-daries of Location 1617, the Westernmost, a Southernand a Western boundary of Location 1616, the West-ernmost boundary of Location 1615, part of the Northand Western boundaries of Location 1554, the Westernboundaries of Locations 1635, 1636, and the Southboundary of the last-mentioned location; thence alongthe Western side of the Busselton-Karridale Road tothe North boundary of Location 1564: and along partof theNorth, the West, and part of the South boundaryof the last-mentioned location; the West boundariesof Locations 1649 and 1650 and continuing along theEastern side of the road to and along the North-West-ern and Western boundaries of Location 1965, theWestern boundaries of Locations 1964 and 3186, andcontinuing to and along part of the West boundaryof LoCation 2601 to intersect the production East ofthe North boundary of Location 968; on the Southwardby lines commencing at the last-mentioned intersection,and extending Westward to and along tlm North boun-daries of Location 968, Reserve 1942, and Location 1.386and to and, along the South boundary of Location 1358to the shores of the Indian Ocean on the -Westwardby the shores of the Indian Ocean to the starting point.(Two members.)

The Rapids Ward.Bounded on "the NorthWard and Eastward by part of

the-district boundary from the North-Eastern cornerof the Cowaramup Ward to intersect an East andWest lisle passing through the Southernmost corner ofLocation 2891; on the Southward by the said East andWest line to the Southernmost corner of Location 2891and continuing the right, bank of the MargiiretRiver to the East boundary of Margaret River :Townsite; on the Westward by part of the East and Northboundaries of the said Townsite, and the East boundaryof the .CoWaramup Ward to the starting point. (Onemember.)

East Ward.Bounded on the Northward by the South boundary of

the Rapids Ward; ou the Eastward by part of thedistrict boundary to the right bank of the BlackwoodRiver; on the Southward by the right bank of theBlackwood River to the North-Western corner. of Loca-tion i; thence along part of the West boundary of saidLocation i to the South-East corner of Location 2402;ou the Southward by lines commencing at the saidSouth-East corner and extending. Westward along tileSouth and part of the Western boundary of said Loca-tion 2402, the North-Western boundary of Location2404, the South and part of the West boundary of Loca-tion 2403, the North boundary of Location 2659, theSouth boundaries of Locations 2262, 1274, and 232,part of the East, the South, and part of the West boun-dary' of Location 1357, the North boundary of Location3143, part of the East, the North, and part of theWestern boundary of Location 1968, the South boun-dary of Location 1955, part of the East and Southboundaries of Location 1954, the East and part of theNorth boundaries of Location 2601 to the East boun-dary of the Margaret Ward; on the Westward by theEast boundary of Margaret River to the starting point.(One member)

Karridale Ward.Bounded on the Northward by the South boundary of

the Margaret Ward and part of the boundaries of theEast Ward to the right bank of the Blackwood River ;on the Eastward by the said bank of the BlackwoodRiver to Point Dalton (Hardy Inlet); thence South tothe Northern boundary of Location e,, and acmin West-ward 'along the Southern shore of Hardy Inlet to theNorth-Eastern corner of Location 931; along the Eastand South boundaries of the said location, and partof the South boundary of Location 946, the Easternboundaries of Locations 1242, 1435, and 1152, part ofthe .North, and the East boundary of Location 1380(Reserve 13984), and the Northern boundary of Loca-tion 11 to the shores of the Indian Ocean ; and Westwardby the shores of the Indian Ocean to the starting point.(Two members.)

Augusta Ward.Bounded on the Northward and Westward, and again

Northward by the boundaries of the Karridale Wardand the North boundary of Location e; thence Southalong its Eastern boundary to the shores of FlindersBay; thence Southward along said shores of FlindersBay, Westward and Northward along the shores of theIndian Ocean to the starting point. (One member.)

Blackwood Ward.Bounded on the Westward by part of the boundaries

of the Augusta, Karridale, and East Wards, and onthe Northward by part of the South boundary of theEast Ward ; on the East and South by part of thedistrict boundary to the staring point. (One member.)

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919.Arma.dale-Kelmscott Road District-Alteration to Ward

Boundaries-Notice of Intention.Department of Works and Labour,

P.W. 1805/23. Perth, 23rd December, 1931.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that itis the intention of His Excellency the Administrator,under the provisions of "The Road Districts Act, 1919,"and all other powers enabling him in this behalf to-

(1) sever that portion of the West Ward of theArmadale-Kelmscott Road District described inSchedule A hereto and annex it to the Kelm-scott Ward of the said District;

(2) sever that portion of the Roleystone Ward of theArmadale-Kelmseott Road District described inSchedule B hereto and annex it to the Kelm-scott Ward of the said District;

(3) sever that portion of the Roleystone Ward of theArmadale-Kelmscott Road District described inSchedule C hereto and annex it to the ArmadaleWard of the said District;

(4) sever that portion of the Roleystone Ward of theArmadale-Kelmscott Road District described inSchedule D hereto and annex it to the Bed-fordale Ward of the said District;


(5) abolish the Forrestdale Ward of the Armadale-- Kelmscott Road District and include such ter-

ritory within the West Ward of the said Dis-trict.

Plans showing the proposed boundaries may be seenat the Local Government Office, Department of Works:Old Labour, Perth.

(Sgd.) T. S. J. HALL,Acting Under Secretary for Works.

Schedule A.All that piece of land bounded by lines commencing

on the District boundary at the Northern corner ofJandakot A.A. Lot 90 and extending Noith-EaStwardand South-Eastward along said District boundary tothe present Ward boundary; thence 'Southward alongpart of the present boundaries of the RoleyStone andKelmscott Wards to the production North-Eastward ofthe Noith-Western boundary of Lot 23 of Location31; thence along said production and part of the saidNorth-West boundary and the North-Eastern boun-daries of Lets 24 and 27 of the said location, part ofthe South-East and the NorthEaSt boundary of Jan-dakot A.A. Lot 89 and the North-East 'boundary ofLot 90 to the starting point.

Schedule 13.All that piece of land bounded by lines commencing

on the present District boundary: at the Southern cornerof Location 40 and extending along said District boun-dary to the North-East corner of Location 516; thenceSouth along the East boundaries of Locations 516, 515,650, 404, and 330, and of Kelmscott Lot 193 and theSouthern boundary of the last-mentioned lot, a South-Western, a South-Eastern, and the Southern boundaryof ,Lot 192, the Southern boundaries of Lot 191. theSouth-Western boundary of Lot 190, and part of theSouth-Western boundary of Lot 189, the North-Western-boundary of Lot 182, and its production to the Easternboundary of Sub. Lot 37; thence Southward along part

of the EaStern boundary of said Sub. Lot 37 and theEastern boundaries of Sub. Lots 43 and 44 and partof the Eastern boundary of Lot 86, the Northern andthe East boundary of Lot 82, and the East boundaryof Lot 83 to the South-East corner of the last-mentionedlot; thence Westward along the South boundaries ofLots 83 and 84 and of Sub. Lots 49, 51, 52, 53, and theSouth side of Roads Nos. 1346 and 2971 to the Eastside of Road No. 122; thence South along said sideof Road 122 to the South side of Lilian Avenue (RoadNo. 3846) and West along said side of Lilian Avenueto the Eastern side of the South-Western Railway Re-serve; thence Northward along part of the presentboundary of the Roleystone Ward and part of thepresent boundaries of the Kelmscott Ward and againalong part of the present boundary of the RoleystoneWard to the starting point.

Schedule C.All that piece of land bounded by lines commencing

on the present Ward boundary at the intersection ofthe production West of the South side of Lilian. Avenue(Road No. 3846) with the Eastern side of the ;South-Western Railway Reserve and extending Eastward alongsaid side of Lilian Avenue to the EaStern side of RoadNo. 122; thence North along said side of Road No.' 122to the South side of Road. No. 2971 and East along saidside of Road No. 2971 to the North-West corner ofLot 122 (Location 31) ; thence South along -the Westboundary of said Lot 122 to the present Ward boundaryat its South -West corner and West and North along thepresent Ward 'boimdaries to the starting point.

Schedule D.Bounded by lines commencing at the North-Western

corner of Lot 122 (LoCation 31) and extending Eastalong the 'South side of Road No. 1346 and the ',Smithboundaries of Kelmscott Sub. Lots 53, 52, 51, and 49and of Lots 84 and 83; thence South through CanningLocation 31 to the present Ward boundary and Westalong said present Ward boundary to the 'South- Westerncorner of Lot 122; thence North along the West 'boun-dary of Lot 122 to the starting point.


Tender Board No.


Dee. 24 Smi h & Son

To: Particulars.

V. R. Lynch Cartage of Coal and Firewood for Hospital forInsane and Lemnos Hospital during 1932.

Tenders far Government Supplies.

-Date ofadvertising. Seheatile No.

1931.Dec. 4 ,.. 190A, 1931

Dee. 18 '204A, 1931Dec. 21 ... 207-A, 1931Dec. 15 ... 201A, -1931

Dec. 45 ... 202A, 1931

'Dee. 18 206A, 1931

Supplies required.Date ofclosing.


1932.Fuel ,Oil for-Government Requirements during a period of 12 months corn-

mencing 1st February, 1932, approx. '1,000 tons ... ... an. ,7 .iBitunien;'80/100'penetration, 45 tons, and 200 penetration, 28 tons ... ... Jan. 7.Jute Yarn, 101b., 10 cwt., and Jute Sewing Twine, 91b., 10 cwt. ... ... Jan. 7.Chains for Overhead Electric Cranes, 60ft. long, ,3 only, and 66ft. long,-

3 only .. Feb. 11.Copper .Tube Plates, 3 only, and Copper Wrapper Plates, 3 only ... ... Feb. 11.

For Sale by Tender.

ay, 400 tons, or lesser quantity if desired, as it now lies in the stack at theRabbit Department's Paddock at Burracoppin, where inspection can bemade. (The successful tenderer will be required to press and bale with3' Wires and-place on rail at Burracoppin a further 100 tons of. Hay for theDepartinent of Agriculture) ... .. -

Surplus Government Property for Sale.The Tender Board has for disposal large number of Second-hand'Tip:Drays,

for which offers are invited. Inspection can be made at the East Perth'Plant Depot. Oilers should be made in writing to the undersigned.

an. 7.

Tenders addressed to the Chairman, Tender Board, Perth, will be received for the above-mentioned supplies until 2.15 p.m.on the dater of closing.

Tenders must be properly endorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection.Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, Murray Street, Perth.





No.Date. Contractor.


Particulars. Departmentconcerned. Rate.



1931.Dec. 23

Dec. 24

F. Grundy ...

Barnet Glass RubberCo , Ltd.



Carting of approx. 800 cords ofFirewood to the Dump atWooroloo (Item .1 )

Rubber-lined Canvas Hose, 21in.,1,500 feet, delivered .to <1.V.S.Department, Fremantle


Metropolitan WaterSupply

. 7d. per cord..3s. 2d. foot, les

21 per cent.

Dated this 30th day of December, 1931.M J CALANCHINI,

Chairman, W.A. Government Tender Board.


C.A. 31/008.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that thefollowing alterations and additions have been made tothe Coaching and Goods Rates Books dated December 1,

Coaching Rates Book.Page 50: ,tConcession ParesAdd Convalescent Home, Cottesloe.Cou-

valescent patients travelling to enter the M.C.L. Con-valescent:Home at Cottesloe will be issued return ticketsat half the ordinary return fares minimum, 1st class8s. ,4d., ,2nd class 5s. 3d. Tickets will be issued on pre-sentation-:of a 'memorandum :signed by the secretary ermatron ;certifying that the patient is travelling for ad-mission to the Home.

The concession tickets will be issued for travel overtiiturnment lines ,only, :and, they will be available for

the period as prescribed on page 18 for ordinary returntickets.

Page 85 : Free Luggage Allowance :Lisert tyPeivriter may be carried as part of

passenger's free luggage allowance.Page 07: Insert :Motor tyres (worn) returned after

repairs or retreading*** Half minimum ls. 6d.Insert footnote :`-**Consignment note to be endorsed with date of

Original despatch, sender 'a name, and name of sendingstation. Must be consigned on return Journey withinone month of original despatch.

Y 3836/31. Western Australian


Page 99: C.O.D. Parcels Traffic :Paragraph 3: After the words " C.O.D. parcels will

not be accepted from or to stations on the MidlandRailway Co 's. Line "

Add 7-except agricultural parts and motor. accessorieswhich will be aceepted under' C.O.D. conditions at Accounting Stations on Government lines and AccountingStationS on the MidlanRailway Co 's. line.

Page 113: Racehorses for Race Meetings :Amend convey,si iii cattle trucks to read

as folloWS :One racehorse in a small cattle truck consigned to a

race meeting is chargeable as shown hereunder :Up to50 miles, full rate as for two racehorses in a horse box(i.e., not two-thirds of three horse rate). Over 50 miles,

.same rate as :above,: Jess- 25, per cent, but with a ,mini-mum as Tor 50 miles,

ShOuld two racehorses be loaded in a small cattletruck:Tor 'a race meeting, the charge up to 50 miles willbe full horse box rate for three racehorses. For dis-tances" over 50 Miles; thd smile' rate Will apply, less 25per cent., but with a minimum charge as for 50 miles.

No charge is to be made for use of a tarpaulin cover-ing one or more racehorses in a cattle truck when con-signed to and from a race meeting under the foregoingconditionS.

Page 139: Insert :New Form:Certificate for School ClubsConcession Fare200

P. 78.,

Government Railways. 200. P.78.


NOTE. The information required to complete thisCertificate must be written in ink by the applicant,for theconcession, or the person authoused to issue the certifi-cate, and no certificate containing an alteration, omis-sion, or closure can be accepted.


131I-1,AW No. 71.- -If any person shall in any certifi-cate for concession fares make" any statement 'contrary to the fact he shall, oulesS he proves that he hasmade such statement in5 5 ,git(wmi.;t3 and without any in-tention-,to defraud, be guilty of an °fleece and liable,ousummary conviction to -a penalty not exceeding Tenpounds.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that Scholars under:six t een (16) years of age,

(Number in words.) (Number in ;words,)Scholarsuyer sixteen (16),and uncle] twenty-pne (21) years of age (who are I ot in and employment or receipt of any remuner--

'..-.Schoolation) of my College accompanied by (number) teachers. will travel from. . .

to on (date) for the purpose ofand are entitled to return tickets at concession fare in accordoneCwitli

(Here <insert event or outing.)the Departmental Rates Book.


Chief Traffic Manager.

(Written Signature of Principal orHead Teacher.)

(Name of School or College.)


CONDITIONS.(i.) A teacher must accompany each party.

The minimum number of scholars entitled to the concession, shall be six (6) and the proportion of teacher; shall not..eitceed,.pne ..(1).toevery.:_ten (10) scholars or fraction of ten (10). ,

(iii.) The Certificate must trepresented4t.,,the, Office of the Chief Traffid "Manager for approval, uaccpi. \wn soltelars aretravelling between Suburban Stations for school sport or to attend swimming clasSeS, in 'Whieh cases the Station-master isauthorised to issue the concession tickets.

Tr) RP Ti T T. T.7,1 Ti TAT AV inn TTT 717/T rtr TOD T7


Page 153: InsertKulja was opened as an Accounting Station for Coach-

ing traffic on December 1, 1931. Traffic will be acceptedunder Platform and Siding conditions, but may bebooked to pay.

Page 156: Brunswick Junction-Narrogin Line:Insert: Stopping place 1391/4 miles (between Muja

and Dowelling).Page 157: Bowelling-Wagin Line:Insert:Bennelaking 153 miles from Perth.Page 160: Geraldton-Meekatharra Line:Insert:

Miles fromGeraldton.

Miles from Miles from Station.Perth via East Perth via Mid-

Northam. land Railway.349 615 639 Gnaweeda362 628 652 Richardson401 667 691 Paroo

Page 161: :Hopetoun-Ravensthorpe Line:Delete --State-: Smelting Works Siding and insert

Cordingup.Delete:Smelters Junction 32 miles.

Goods Rates Book.Page 10: Class Weight Minima:Insert:Bulk wheat loaded in "Rbw" and "Kw"

wagons, the minimum_ weight for freight purposes willbe the full- tonnage capacity as painted on side of wagon.

Page 31: Coal in Coal Boxes:Delete :-1s. per ton for use of coal boxes from 1st

December, 1931.Page 37: Groceries N.O.S. packed:Insert footnote:Packages declared as grocerieS and

containing not more than 10 per cent. in weight of 3rdclass traffic and/or tobacco will be charged at 2nd Classrates for a period of -12 months ending December 9,1932:

Page 37: Gypsum:The rate of "M" less 33 1/3rd per cent. applies to

local traffic on Government lines-only.Gypsurn.carried from, to, or via the Midland Railway

will be chargedat," M" rates on both Government andMidland lines.

Page 43: ;Marble chips for covering graves, whensent with base stones or kerbings:

Amend the rate. to read:A + 15 per cent.-P0ge Lubricating oils, etc.:Affi I to footnote -Einpty return drums May be loaded,

With lubricating Oils to make up the minimum of 5 tons,provided that the total contents of truck are charged' at"C" rate.

Page 36: Insert:Fruit and Effervescing Salts madein Commonwealth, Class 2.

Page 48: Insert :Salts, Effervescing and fruit,Made in 'Commonwealth Class 2.

Page* 49: Scales, Wheat:After "packed" add "or unpacked."Page 111: Contractors' plant for Main: Roads Board,

when railed to and froin construction works, is to becharged as

4 ton lotsClasS A.SMaller lotsClass 1 25 per cent.

The conditions will be thoSe applicable to GovernmentRailway Contractors' Plant (see page 123) and con-signment notes should he endorsed "P.W.D. Con-tractors' ,Plant."

Page 126: Delete:Station.,Lowden

Page 130: Delete:

Company.Bunning Bros;

Instruction, re'goat manure from Eastern Goldfields.Page 138: Insert:Pine logs .for milling on "Up" journey only, will,

for a period of 12 months ending_ November 7, 1932, heearrted at "A" rates less 25 per cent. (hardwoodminima).

Page 139:. Traffic in truck loads from and to Crampton Siding, Midland Railway:.

Add :--For wheat in truck loads from Crampton toGerald.ton the Midland Company's charge is is. perton.

Page 144: Standard weights for Texas Co's. pro-ducts:

Delete and insert:Texaco motor spirit (case) .. 76 lbs.400 motor spirit (case) 74Light of Age kerosene 85Texaco power kerosene 84Lubricating oil 94Empty drum (metal) 44' galls. 50

Empty drum (steel) 44 galls. ... .. 100 lbs.Texaco motor spirit (metal drum) 44galls 375Texaco power kerosene (metal drum)

44galls. .. .. .. .. .. 411-Texaco motor spirit (steel drum) 44galls. 425Texaco power kerosene (steel, drum)

44galls.Page 153: Livestock Rates:Add :Senders of cattle may be allowed to combine

their stock so as to receive the benefit of full bitch rates,provided the whole is consigned from, one sender to one

.,consignee. -

Page 177: Shunting ChargesBoulder:Insert: (two sidings) after "Associated Gold Mines

of W.A.,'Page 178: Delete :

Brookton--Siding. Miles from

Perth.G rain Shed . . 118 . .

Shunting ChargeThrough Traffic.2/- & 4/- per 4 &8-wheeledcwagon.

Page 184: , Donnybrook:Delete:

Bunning Bros., 1424 ;:. 2/- & 4/- per '4 &Lowden 8-wheeled wagon.

Page 184 : GeraldtonKing 's Bond Store :InSert:-,,LesseesSunshine Trading- 'Co.Page 19S: Lint of Stations and Sidings :Insert:Bennelaking, 153 miles' from Perth.Page 200: Insert:Cordingup (29 miles from Hope-

toult).Page 202: List of Stations andInsert:

Station Brand. Miles from Perth.- -Station.G. N. W. .615-:- Gnaweeda"

PageS 204, 214, and 225: Insert: 4,Kulja was opened as an Accounting Station for Goods

and Livestock traffic on 1st December, 1931. Traffic willbe accepted under platform and siding conditions, butmay be booked to pay.

_Pages 204, 212, and 224: ;Insert: ---

Koojedda-451/4 'miles. E.R., is an authorised, stoppingplace for consignments up to 10 'cwt.:- Station 'brand

KJA"Mileage for rate purposes, 45.:Page 207: Insert:Station Brand. dle front 'Perth. Station:

P A B 067 ,-Paroo*Page 208: Insert :Station Brand. MiHs from Perth. Station:,

11 D N 628 Richai.dSon"Page 209: Delete :--State ,SineR,ing WorkS Siding (29 Dui les i!romHope-

toun).Page 212: Delete instructions siarra --Dwa rda-

Narrogin Line, amid insert:' Iu calculating,' the shortest route for into purpo,scs thePinjarra-Dwarda-Narrogin line is not taken into ac-

- onmel. except us 'Shown in Clauses (a) and (b) here-under - ... ,

(a) Ti; y"loch originates- or terminates at stationon the -said line other than- Pinjarra-or Narrogin.,

(b) Pro me which -originates and:4 terminates at astation on the said line including Pinjarra-,and lqarrogin.

Traffic originating or terminating on the - South-\Vestern or Great Southern systems, when the route isnot specified by senders, will be carried by the routemost convenient to the Department and charged theshortest distance; subject ta the preceding clause.

Page 217: Brunswick Junction- Narrogin Line:Insert:Stopping place 1391/4, miles (between Muja

and Bowel:hug).Page 217: Bowelling-Wagin Line:

,-,Insert :Bennelaking,_153 _Perth.Page 22:1: Geraldton-Meekatharra :Line:Iusert:

ll -iles from Miles :front ..Miles fromGeraldton. Perth ,via East Perth via, Mid- ....Station.

- Northam. land Railway.349 615 , 639 . Gnaweeda362 628 652 Richardsot401 667 691 Paroo

Page 223: Hopetoun-Ravensthorpe Line:Delete :State Smelting Works Siding and ,insert-

Cordingup.Page 224: South-Western Railway and Branches:Insert:Stopping place at 1391/4 miles (between

Muja and Dowelling).Page 224: Insert :Bennelaking.

-,-E, 'A. ,EVANS,Commissioner of Railways.

23rd December, 1931.


Form 7.Western AuStralia.'

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order .made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the- Court:E.A. No.' 32S of 1931

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Goldsborough, Mort & Co., Ltd., Applicant, and

The West 'Australian' Sliep Assistants and Ware-house Employees' Industrial reion of Workers,Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the ahovenamed applicant,. by on applica-tion made nutter. Section 14 of "The Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931," hearing date the 24th day ofSepteMber, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Industrial Agreement' No. 7 of 1929, date1the 13th day of Mrch, 7929, he. varied, and the Courthearing the said application on the 10th day of NOWC111-her, 1931; it is ordered that 'the said Industrial Agree-ment be varied so that the rates of salaries, wages, orremuneration therein prescribed shall Le' reduced in ac-cordance with the:provisions of Part II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 16th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Westerii Australia:

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of 'Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 330 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration; at Perth.Between Port and Company,' Limited, Applicant, and

United Metropolitan Timber Yards, Sawmills, andWood-wolkets Employees' Union of Workers, Re-spondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applica-tion Made tinder Section 14 of `The Financial Emer-

Act, 1931," bearing date the 28th day ofl-eHanb,er, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Awor,ls Nos. 4 of 1926; dated the 29th day -ofSoptembei, 1926, and 20 of 1926, dated the 22nd day ofNoveMber, 1926. be varied, and the Court hearing thesaid application pa the 27th clay of October, 1931, it isordered thatr'the said Awards be varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages, or remuneration therein preScribedshall be reduced in accordance with the provisions ofPart II. of the above Act and the rates prescribed inthe Schedule thereto.

Dated 'the 27th day of October, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL .EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 336 of 1931.

In the Court .of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Bryans, Limited. (in liquidation), Applicant,

and Western Australian Branch of the PrintingIndustry Employees' Union of Australia IndustrialUnion of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed n,appliCec, by an applica-tion made under Section 14 of "Ile Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931;" bearing date the 24ill day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the- Court for an.order ,that. Award No. 6 of 1928, dated the 11th day ofDecember, 1928, as amended, be varied, and the Courthealing the said application on the 28th day of October,1931, it is ordered that the said Award be varied so thatthe rates wages, 01' reinuneratioir thereinprescribed shall be reduced in accordance with the pro-visions of Part II. of the above Act red the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 2nd day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court:E.A. No. 338 of 1931.

Inn the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Malloch Bros., Applicant, and State Executive

Australasian Secie:ty, of Engineers' Industrial As-sociation of 'Workers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicald, by an applica-tion Made under Section 14 Financial Eine:-gency Act, 1931," bearing dale ,the 24th day ofSeptember, ,1931, Ina& applical ion 10 the Court for anorder that Industrial Agreement No. 17 of 1928, dat(.ulthe. 23rd day of June, .1928, be varied, and the Courthearing the said application on the 3rd day of Novem-ber, 1931, it Is ,ordered that the said Industrial Agree-ment be varied so that ,the rates of salaries, wages,, orremuneration' therein prescribed shall bc.reduce4 in ae-e,ordoneC with the provisions of Part IL of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Doted the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.S.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of -Court.

Form 7.--Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court' of Arbitration in relation to

all application- made to the Court.E.A. No. 339 of 1931:

In the Court of Arbitration, at. Perth.Between Malloch Bros., Applicant, and Coastal District

Committee Amalgamated Engineering Union- Asso-ciation of Workers and Australasian Society of En-gineers'. Industrial Union of .Workers, Perth,' W.A.,

. Respondent.'WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant,-by an applica-tion made under Section. '14 of "The_ Financial Emer-gency ,Act, 1931," bearing date the 24th day OfSeptember; 1931; made application to the Court' for anorder that Award No. 10 of 1923, dated the 31st day ofJuly, 1925, as amended, 'be varied, and the Court hear-ing,, the, said application on the 3rd .day of November,1931, it is ordered that the said Award be ',varied sothat the rates of salaries, wages, or remuneration there-n shall be reduced in accordance with theprovisions of Part II. of the above Act and the ratesprescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 340 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Malloch Bros., Applicant; and The West Aus-

tralian Plumbers and Sheet Metal Workers' Indus-trial Union of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applica-tion made under' Section 14 of 'The Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931," bearing date the' 24th day ofSeptember, 1931; made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 3 of 1928, dated the 18th day of.May, 1931, as amended, be varied, and the Court hearbig the said application on the 3rd day of November,1931; it is ordered that the said Award be varied so thatthe rates of salaries; wages, or remuneration thereinprescribed shall be reduced in accordance 'with the pro-visions of Part II. of the above Act and the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

2694_ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; W.A. E ER 31, 1931..


Western, Australia.THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.

Order made by the court, of Arbitration in relation toan application made to the Court.

E.A. No. 341 of 1931.In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.

Between Mailech Bros., Applicant, and Perth CityAmalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners'of Australia InditStrial Union of Workers, Respon-dent.

WHEREAS the abovcnained applicant, by an applica-tion made" under Section 14 of "the Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931," bearing date the 24th day ofSepteMber, 1931, made application to the Court for anoider that, Industrial Agreethent No. 17 of 1927, datedthe 20th day' July, 1927, as amended, be varied, andthe Conrt hearing the said application on the-3rd clay ofNovember, 1931, it is ordered that life said IndustrialAgreement be varied so that the rates of salaries wages,

therein prescribed shall be reduced inaccordance with the proviSionS of Patt II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of NOVeMber, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Form 7.Western Australia.

TIfE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY. ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 343 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between 'Mallbch Bros., Applicant, and Federated

Clerks' Union of AuStralia Industrial Union ofWorkers, W.A. Branch, RespondePt.

WHEREAS the aboVenained applicant, by an applica-tion made under Section 14 of " The Financial "Emer-gency Act; 1931,'' bearing date the 24th day ofSepteinber 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 10 of '1927, dated the 2nd dayof March, ;1931i be varied, and the Court hearing thesaid application on the 3rd day of NoVember, 1931, itis ordered that the said Award be varied so that therateS, of Salaries,, wages, or remuneration therein pre-scribed shall be reduced in accordance with the pro-

of'Part II. of the above Act and the ratespreScribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation

an application made to the Cdtitt.E.A. No. 344 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.

Form .7.Western. Australia.-

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Cobrt of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 345 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration,. at Perth.Between Malloch Bros., Applicant,, and The West

tralian Shop, AssiSthnts and WaOlouse EmployeIndustrial Union of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamedt applicaft by an applica-tion made under Section 14, of ` Thy Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931,'' bearing date the .24th; day ofSepteinber, 1931. made application to the .Court,for anorder that AWard No. 3 of 1929, dated the 15th day ofMarch 1929; as amended, be varied, and the Court: hear-ing the said application on the 3rd: clay of November,1931, it is ordered that the said Award be varied sothat the rates of salaries, wages, or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be reduced in accordance withthe provisions of Part TI. of the above .Act'tand therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Coiit t,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENC Y ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to tho Court.E.A. No. 346 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Malloch Bros., Applicant, and Amalgamated

Road Transport Union of Workers, Perth; Respon-dent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applica-tion made under Section 14 of "The Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931," bearing date, the 24th day ofSeptember; 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 2 of 1928, dated the 1st day ofOctober, 1928, as amended, be varied, and the Courthearing the said application on. the 3rd day, of Novem-ber, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award be variedSO that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be re"duced in accordance withthe prOvisionS of Part II. of the above Act and the ratesprescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of NoveMber, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.to E.A. No. 849 of 1931.

Iii the Court of Arbitration, at Perth;Between Hubert JOSeph Cartwright, Applicant, and the

Federated Engine:dtiverS and Eifemen's Associa-tion of Australasia West AnStialian Branch Asso-ciation of Workers, ReSpondent,

V 11 h;R:EAS the abovenained applicant, by an dppli-cuida Made under Sectien 14 of " the FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date die 29th day ofSeptenibert'' 1931, made application to the Court leran Order that Industrial Agreement No. 55 of 1927,dated the 25th day of November, 1927, be varied, andthe Court hearing the said application on the 12th dayof November, 1931, it is ordered thht the Said Indus-trial Agreement be varied so that the rates of salaries,wages, or remuneration therein prescribed shall bereduced in accordance with the preVisions of Part II.of the above Act and the rat6 prescribed in theSchedule thereto.

Dated the 16th day of November; 1931::

Between Malloch Bros.; Applicant, and FederatedClerks' Union of AriStralia Industrial -Union ofWorkers, W.A. Branch, Respondent.

WHEREAS the 'aboVeiramed; applicant, by-an applica-tion made under ,SectiOn 14 of The Finandial Emer-n,ncy Act.:: 1931," bearing . date the ,24th- , day of

1931, made ,aPplicatioo to,,the:Court, for an°rile'. that Industrial Agreement No: 7, ,of 1925, datedthe 2 dip day of January, 1925, as amended; be :varied,and Llic Court hearing the said application, on the 3rdclay of November, it is ordered that the saidIndustrial Agreenient be :varied so that the rates ofsalaries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribed shallbe reduced in accordance with the provisions of Part-II. of the above Act and the rates prescribed in theSchedule thereto.

Dated, the 9th day of NoVernber, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] "' FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


By the Court,FRANK. WALSH",

Clerk of Court.

Th 1931. COYI TioNT 2695

Form 7.Western, Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the:court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 368 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,Between Saunders & Stuart Pty., Ltd., Applicant, and

Coastal District Committee Amalgamated Engineer-ing Union Association of Workers and AustralasianSociety of Engineers' Industrial Union of Workers,Perth, W.A., Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation , made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the ,21st day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 10 of 1923, dated the 31st dayof July, 1925, as amended, be varied, and the Courthearing the said application on the 3rd day of Novem-ber, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award be variedso that the rates of salaries, wages; or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be reduced in accordance withthe provisions of Part II. of the above Act and therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the ,Court.E.A. No. 369 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,Between Saunders & Stuart Pty., Ltd., Applicant, and

Federated Society of Boilermakers and StructuralIron and Steel Workers' Union of Workers, CoastalDistricts, W.A., Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 22nd day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 40 of 1922, dated the 3rd day ofJune, 1924, as amended, be varied, and the Court hear-ing the said application on the 3rd day of November,3931, it is ordered that the said Award be varied sothat the rates of salaries, wages, or remuneration there-in prescribed shall be reduced in accordance with theprovisions of Part II. of the above Act and the ratesprescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[a.s.] PRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Perm 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court, of Arbitration in relatioi

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 370 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,B tween Saunders & Stuart Pty., Ltd., Applicant, and

Federated Clerks' Union of Australia IndustrialUnion of Workers, W.A. Branch, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an Appli-cation made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing. date the 22nd day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 10 of 1927, dated the 2nd dayof March, 1931, be varied, and 'the Court hearing thesaid application- on the 3rd day of November, 1931, itis ordered that the said Award be varied so that therates of salaries, wages, or remuneration therein pre-scribed shall be reduced in accordance with the provi-sions of Part of the above Act and the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931..By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court,

Form, 7..Western Australia.,

FINANCIAL, EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 371 of 1931.

Di the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,Between the Structural Engineering Co, of W.A., Ltd.,

Applicant, and Coastal District Committee Amal-gamated Engineering Union Association- of Work-ers and Australasian Society of Engineers Indus-trial Union of Workers, Perth, W.A., Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 15th day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 10 of 1923, dated the 31st dayof .July, 1925, as amended, be varied., and the Courthearing the said application on the 3rd day of Novem-ber, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award be variedso that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be reduced in accordance withthe provisions of Part II. of the above Act and therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, .1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Co

Forin 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.No. 372 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,Between: the Structural Engineering Co. of W.A., Ltd.,

Applicant, and Federated Society of Boilermakersand Structural Iron and Steel -Workers' Union ofWorkers, Coastal Districts, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 15th day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 40 of 1922, dated the 3rd clayof June, 1924, as amended, be varied, and the Courthearing, the said application on the 3rd day of Novem-ber, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award be variedso that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be reduced in accordance withthe provisions of Part II. of the above Act and therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1.931.By the Court,

[Ls.] PRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.'estern Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

o'an application made to the Court.

E.A. No. 373 of 1931.In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,

Between the Structural Engineering, Co. of W.A., Ltd.,Applicant, and Federated Clerks' Union of Aus-tralia Industrial Union of Workers, W.A. Branch,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation Made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," hearing date the 15th day ofSeptember 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 10 of 1927, dated the 2nd dayof March, 1931,, be varied, and the Court hearing thesaid application on the 3rd day of November, 1931,it is ordered that the said Award be varied so that therates of salaries, wages, or remuneration therein pre-scribed shall be reduced in accordance with the provi-sions of Part II. of the ,above Act and the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.,By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order Made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 375 of 1931.

In the Court; of Arbitration, at Perth,Between Hugh Craig Cowan, trading as J. Cowan &

Son, Applicant, and United Metropolitan TimberYards, SawmillS, and Woodworkers Employees'Union of Workers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made' under Section '14 of "The FinancialEnnagency Act, 1931," bearing date the 30th day ofSeptember, 1931, made appliCation to the Court for anorder that Award 'No.- 4 of 1926, dated the 29th dayof' September, 1926, and Award No. 20 of 1926, datedthe 22nd day of November 1926, be varied, and theCoat hearing the said application on the 20th day of

1931, it is ordered that the said Award be--, that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunera-

tion titereia prescribed shall be reduced in accordancewith the provisions of Part II. of the above Act andthe rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 20th day of October, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order 'node by the. Court of Arbitration in relation to

all application made to the Court.E.A. No. 379 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,Between Frank Parry & Sons Applicant, and the United

Furniture Trades Industrial Union of Workers,Perth,.. W.A., Respondent.

FER.EAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation name under Section lt: of "The FinancialEnna-go:n..- Act,. 1931,'' bearing date the 30th day ofSeptember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder t Award No. 6 of 1926, dated the 16th dayof December, 1926, as amended, be varied, and theCourt hearing the said application on the 2nd day ofNovember, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award bevaried so that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunera-tion therein prescribed shall be reduced in accordancewith the provisions of Part II. of the above Act andthe rates prescribed . in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western ,Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 382 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth,Between Sands & McDougall Pty., Linaited, Applicant,

and Western Australian Branch of the PrintingIndustry EmplayeeS' Unioh of Australia Indus-trial Union of Workers, Perth, ResPoodent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation Made under Section 14 of "The Fioancial'Emergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 26th ;day of

.pi ember, 1931, made application to the eurt for anorder that Award No. 6 of 1928, dated the 1 ltli day ofDe. imber,, 1928, as amended, be varied, et the Courthearing the said application on the 27th da \- of Octo-ber, 1931, it is:Ordered that the said Award be variedso that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be reduced, in accordance withthe provisions of Part II. of the above Act and therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 2nd day of November, 1931.the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

ForM 7.Westerh 'Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMER.GENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 383 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between ;the Colortype Press, Limited, Applicant; and

Western Australian Branch of the Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia Industrial Unionof Workers, Perth, Respondent. "

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by tan applica tionmade under Section 14 of " The Financial -EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 28th day- of :September,1931, made application to the Court. for an order, thatAward No. 6 of 1928, dated the 11th day of December,1928, as amended, be, varied, and the Court-hearing thesaid application on the 28th day. of October,.,1931,,:it isordered that the said Award .be'varied,,so that the ratesof 'salaries, wages, or remuneration 'therein. preScribedshall be reduced in accordance with the_ provisions. ofPart IL of the above Act and the rates prescribed in theSchedule thereto. .

Dated the 2nd day of Noveniber, 1931.By the Court,

[Ins.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of the Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

alt application made to the Court.E.A. No. 387 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitratioh; at Perth.Between A t Douglas .Imes & Company, Limited, Ap-

diva la, and West Australian Timber Workers In-dustrial Union of Workers (South -West Land Div-ision), Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed nt; by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EinergeOcyAct, 1931," hearing date the' 30th day of ..September,1931, made application to" the Cdurt for-an order thatAward No. 6 (a) of 1929, dated the 18th, day of June,-1930, as amended, be varied, and the Court hearing thesaid applicatioa on the 27th day of October, .1931, it isordered that the said Award_ lie varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages; or remuneration therein prescribedshall be reduced in accordance With the .provisions ofPart II. of the'above Act and the rates prescribed in theSchedule thereto.

Dated the 27th day of October, 1931.By the Court,

[ins.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of the Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 388 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between A. Douglas Jones & Company, Limited; Appli-

cant, and the Federated Engine-drivers and Fire-meO's Association of Australasia West AustralianBranch Association of Workers, Respondent

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an up itioOMade under Section 14 of " The Financial' EmergencyAct, 1931;'' bearing date the 30th day of September,1931, made; application to the Court for an order thatAward No: 10 of 1929, dated the 18th day of June,1930, be varied, and the Court hearing the said 'appli-cation on the 27th day of October, 1.931,"it is :orderedthat the said AWard be varied so` that the rates ofsalarieS; wageS, or remuneration therein prescribed shallbe reduced in accordance with the provisions of Partof the above Act- and the rates prescribed in the Sche-dule thereto.

Dated the 27th 'day of. October, 1931.

By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,'Clerk of Court.


Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 398 of 1931.

In the Court. of Arbitration, at Perth.Between W. Zimpel,, Limited, Applicant; and the United

Furniture Trades Industrial 'Union. of WorkersPerth, W.A., Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationMade' under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct;'1931,"" bearing date the 2nd day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 6 of 1926, dated the 16th day of December,' 1926,as amended, be varied,, and the Court hearing the saidapplication on the 2nd day of November, 1931, it isordered that the said Award be varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages, or remuneration therein- prescribedshall be reduced in accordance with the provisions ofPart II. of the above Act and the rates prescribed inthe Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th' day of November, 1931.'By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 193LOrder made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 399 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between W. Zimpel, Limited; Applicant, and the West

Australian Shop Assistants and Warehouse Em-ployees' Industrial Union of Workers, 'Perth, Re-spondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct; 1931," bearing date the 2nd day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 3 of 1929, dated the 15th day of March, 1329, asamended, be varied, and the Court hearing the acid ap-plication on the 2nd" day of November, 1931, it is or-dered that the said Award be varied so that the rates ofsalaries, wages, or remuneration therein. prescribed shallbe..reduced in accordance with the provisions of Part II.of the above Act and the rates prescribed in the Schedulethereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.,

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to _the Court.E.A. No. 400 of 1931.

In the Court of 'Arbitration, at, Perth.Between W. Zimpel, Limited, Applicant, and Federated

Clerics' Union of Australia Industrial Union ofWorkers, W.A. Branch, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant; by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 2nd day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that Indns-trial Agreement No. 7 of 1925, dated the '24th day ofJanuary, 1925, as amended, be varied, and the Courthearing they said application on the 2nd: day-of Novem-ber, 1931, it is ordered Hot the said Industrial Agree-ment be varied so that the rates of salaries, wages, orremuneration therein prescribed shall be redimed in ac-cordance with the provisions of Part II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.'

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of. Court.

Form 7.Western Australia..

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 413 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Fred Parry, Applicant, and the United Forni-

ture Trades Industrial Union of Workers, Perth,W.A., Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 8th day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 6 of 1926, .dated the 16th day of December 1926,

nas ameded, be varied, and the Court hearing tlre saidapplication on the 2nd day of Noveniber, 1931, it is or-dered that the said Award be varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribedshall be reduced in accordance with the provisions ofPart IL of the above Act and the rates prescribed inthe Schedule _thereto.

Dated the 9th day" of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the, Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. . No. 114 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between A. Douglas Jones & Company, Limited, Appli-

cant, and United Metropolitan Timber Yards, Saw-mills, and Wood Workers Eniployees' Union ofWorkers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by'an applicationmade under Section 14 of " The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 6th day, of October, ''1931,made application to the 'Court for an order that AwardsNos., 4 of 1926, dated the 29th day of September, 1.926,

20 of 1926, dated "the 22nd day:of November, 1926,be varied, and the Cotirt hearing the said applicationon the 27th day of October, 1931, it is ordered that thesaid Awards be varied so that the rates . of salaries,wages; or remuneration therein "prescribed" shall be re-duced in accordance with the provisions of Part II. ofthe above Act and the rates prescribed in the Schedulethereto.

Dated the 27th day of October, 1931.By the Court,

[a.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 415 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between A. Douglas Jones & Company, Limited, Appli-

cant, and Perth City Amalgamated Society of Car-p,enters and Joiners of Australia Industrial Unionof Workers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an' applicationmade under Section 1.4 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," :bearing date the 6th day of October, 1931,made applicatioa to the Court for an order that .Indus-trial Agreement No. 17 of 1927, dated the 20th. day ofJuly, 1927, as ,amended, be varied and the Court hearingthe said .application on the 27th day -of October, 1931,it is ordered that the said Industrial Agreement bevaried so that the rates of salaries, wages, or remuner-ation therein prescribed such be reduced, in accordancewith the provisions of Part IL of the above Act andthe rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 27th day of October, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Form. 7.tern .Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 416 of 1931.Court of Arbitration, at Perth.

Between. A. Douglas Jones & Company, Limited, Appli-cant and Coastal District Committee AmalgamatedEngineering Union Association of Workers and Aus-tralian Society of Engineers' Industrial Union ofWorkers, Perth, W.A.; Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 11 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 6th day of October, -1931;made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 10' of 1923, dated the 31st day of July, 1925, asamended, be varied and the Court hearing the said ap-plication on the 27th day of October, 1931, it is orderedthat the said Award be varied so that the rates of sal-aries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribed shallbe reduced in accordance' with the provisions of PartII. of the above Act and the rates prescribed in theSchedule thereto.

Dated the 27th day of October, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

:Form ,7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 19.31.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 436 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between William Adams & Co., Ltd.; Applicant, and

Federated. Clerks' Union of Australia Industrialunion of Workers, W.A. 'Branch; Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 13th day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 10 of 1927, dated the 2nd day of March, 1931, bevaried and the Court hearing the said application ontime 2nd day of November, 1931, it is ordered that .thesaid Award be varied so that the rates of salaries, wages,or .remuneration therein prescribed shall be reduced inaccordance with the provisions of Part II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931-.By the Court,

[L.S.1 FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL 'EMERGENCY ACT, 193E'Order- made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 437 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between William -Adams & Co., Ltd., Applicant, and

the West Australian Shop Assistants and WarehouseEmployees'. Industrial Union of Workers, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an application.made under Section 14- of "The Financial EmergencyA ct,1.931," bearing date the 13th day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 3 of 1929, dated the 15th day of March, 1929, asiniended, be varied and the Court hearing the said ap-plication on the 2nd day of November, 1931, it is

. ordered- that the said Award be varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribedshall be reduced in accordance with the provisions ofPart II. of the above Act and the rates prescribed inthe Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,. Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western ,Australia:

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of . Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 118 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Bayswater Road Board, Applicant, and West

Australian Local-Goyeruing Bodies Officers' Associa-tion Union of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial Emerg,;:cyAct, 1931," bearing date the 8th day of October, 1931,made application to the ,Court for an order that Award.No. 14 of 1928, dated the 24th day of June, 1930, asamended, be varied and the Court bearing the said ap-plication on the, 4th day of November, 1931, it is or-dered that the said Award be varied so that the rates ofsalaries, wages, or remuneration -therein prescribed shallbe reduced in accordance with the provisions of Part.IL of the above Act and the rates prescribed in theSchedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7. .

Western Australia.THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.

Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation toan application made to the Court.

E.A. No. 481 of 1931.In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.

Between A. Pipped, Applicant, and the MetropolitanHairdressers ad Wigmakers Employees' Union of.Workers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of " The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 16th day of October, 1.931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 17 of 1928, dated the 18th day of 'December, 1928,be varied and the Court hearing the said application onthe 12th day of November, 1931, it is ordered that thesaid Award

dayvaried so that the rates of salaries, wages,

or remuneration therein prescribed shall be reduced inaccordance with the provisions of Part II of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 16th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of COurt.

Form 7.Western AnStralia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT; 193Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 482 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between John Shields, Applicant, and the Metropolitan

Hairdressers and Wigmakers Employees' Union ofWorkers, Respondent.

VirREREAS the abovenamed applicant, by -an applicationmade under Section J14 of " The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 16th day of Octoberf'1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 17 of 1928, dated the 18th day of December, -1928,be varied, and the Court hearing the said application onthe 12th day of Noyember, 1931, it is ordered that thesaid Award be varied so that time rates of salaries, wages,or remuneration therein prescribed shall be reduced- inaccordance with the provisions of Part II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 16th day of November, 1931:By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL. EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 483 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between T. Blakeley & Son, Applicant, and the Metro-

-politan Hairdressers and Wigmakers Employees'Union of Workers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade' under Section 14 of " The Financial EmergencyAct; 1931;" bearing date the 16th day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 17 of 1928, dated the 18th day of December, 1928,be varied, and the Court hearing the said applicationon the 12th day of November, 1931; it is ordered thatthe said Award be varied so that the rates of salaries,wages, or remuneration therein prescribed shall be re-duced in accordance with the provisions of Part II. ofthe above Act and the rates prescribed in the Schedulethereto.

Dated the 16th day of Mvember,1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A: No. 509 of -1931.

In the Court of -Arbitration; at Perth.Between National Clothing Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,

Applicant, and the Western AnStralian Clothing andAllied Trades' Industrial Union of WorkerS, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAet,1931," bearing date the 19th day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that Indus-trial Agreement No. 45 of 1926, dated the 20th day ofDecember, 1926, as amended, be varied, and the Courthearing the said application on the 5th day of Novem-ber; 1931, it is ordered that the said Industrial Agree-ment be varied so that the rates of salaries, wages, orremuneration therein prescribed shall be reduced in ac-cordance with the provisions of Part II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.BY the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order niade by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 510 Of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between National Clothing Manufacturing Co, Ltd.,

Applicant; and the Western Australian Clothing andAllied Trades' Industrial Union of Workers, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenained applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 19th day of October, 1931,made application to the Court for an order that Indus-trial: Agreement No. 46 of 1920, dated the 20th day ofDecember, 1926, as Muended, be varied, and the Courthearing ?the said applicatien on. the 5th day of November, 1931, it is ordered that the said Industrial Agree-ment i')P varied so that the ?rates of salaries, wages, orremuneration therein prescribed shall be reduced in ac-cordance % ith the provisions Of Part II. of the aboveAct and the Lutes pteseribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 9th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 515 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Mrs. M. M. Tree, trading as Waverley Laundry,

Applicant, and Metropolitan Laundry Employes'Industrial Union of Workers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of " The Financial EmergencyAct; 1931," bearing date the 16th day of October


1931,made application to the Court for an order that AwardNo. 5 of 1923, dated the 1st day of April, 1924, asamended, be varied, and the Court hearing the saidapplication on the 12th day of November, 1931, it isordered that the said Award be varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribedshall be reduced in accordance with the provisions ofPart II. of the above Act and the rates prescribed in theSchedule thereto.

Dated the 16th clay of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 519 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Bantocks; Limited,- Applicant, and the Feder-,

ated Engine-drivers and Firemen's Association ofAustralasia West Australian Branch Association ofWorkers, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applicationmade under Section 14 of "The Financial EmergencyAct, 1931," bearing date the 19th day of October,1931, Made application to the Court for an order thatIndustrial Agreement No. 55 of 1927, dated the 25thday of November, 1927, be varied, and the Court hear -'Mg the said application on the 12th day of Noveinber;1931, it is ordered that the said Industrial Agreementbe varied so that the rates of salaries, wages, or remun-eration therein prescribed shall he reduced in accordancewith the provisions of Part II. of the above Act andthe rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 16th? day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[ms.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 313 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between West Australian Master Coachbuilders and

Farriers' Industrial Union of Employers, on behalfof J. W. Filear; Campbell & Mannix; J. Rhodes;Bryan's Motor Body Works; J. H. Buzza; A. F.Hoare & Son; E. Brown, Applicant, and The West-ern Australian Coach, Car, and Rolling StockBuilders' Industrial Union of Workers, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applica-tion made under Section 14 of "The Financial 'Ether-gency Act, 1931," bearing date the 21st day of Sep-tember, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 26 of 1926, dated the 28th dayof September, 1928, as amended, be varied, and theCourt hearing the said application on the 9th day ofNovember, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award' bevaried- as regards the abovenamed applicants so thatthe rates of salaries, wages, or remuneration thereinprescribed shall be reduced in accordance with the pro-visions of Part II. of--the above Act and the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 16th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Forin 7.Western Australia.

TIIE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made Court of Arbitration in relation to

pplication made to the,,Court.E.A. No. 266, of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Boltons, Limited, Applicant, and The Western

Australian Coach, Car, and Rolling Stock Builders'Industrial Union of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

-WH Eli \ S the abovenamed applicant, by an :applica-tion made under Section 14 of "The -Finaneial Emer-gency .\ el, 1931," bearing data the 21st day of Sep-tembee, 1931,, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 26 of 1926, dated the 28th- dayof September, 192S-, as amended, be varied, and theCourt hearing the said application on the 9th day ofNovember, 1931,; it is ordered that the said Award bevaried so that the rates of salaries, wages, or remunera-tion therein prescribed shall be reduced in accordance_with the provisions of Part II. of the above Act and therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 16th day of November, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 313 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between West Australian Master COachbuilders . and

Farriers' Industrial Union of Employers, on behalfof IL & II. 'Withirell, Applicant, and The WesternAustralian Coach, Car, and Rolling Stock Builders'Industrial Union of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applica-tion made under Section 14 of "The Financial Emer-gency Act, -1931," bearing date the 21st day of Sep-tember, 1931, made application, to the Court for anorder that Award No. 26 of 1926, dated the 28th dayof September, 192S, as amended, be varied, and theCourt hearing the. said application on the 9th day ofNovember, 1931; it is ordered that the said Award bevaried as regards the abovenamed applicant so that the .

rates of salaries, wages, or remuneration therein pre-scribed shall be reduced in accordance with the pro-visions of Part II. of the above Act and the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 14th clay of December, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Anstralia.,

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration -in relation to

an application made to the Court. _E.A. No. 423 of 1931.

In the Court of , Arbitration, at Perth.Between D. & W. Murray, Limited, Applicant, and

Federated Clerks' Union of Australia IndustrialUnion-of Workers, V.A.. Branch, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an applica-'tion made under Section 1.4 of " The ,Financial Emer-gency Act, 1931," bearing: date the 13th day of Oc-tober, 1931, made 'application to the COurt for- an orderthat Award -No. 10 of 19;17, dated the 2nd day of March,1931, be varied, the c on rt, ileting- in pursuance of thepoWers contained in Sect 4m 14 (6) of the said Act -amt.all other powers and aunoritios thereto enabling -it,hereby orders- and declares the said Award be varied sothat the rates of salaries, wages,- or remuneration thereinprescribed shall be reduced in accordance with the pro-visions of Part II. of the aboVe Act and the rates pre-scribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 14th day of December, 1931.By Hie Court,


Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relatiOn to

am application made to the Court.E.A. No. 424 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between D. & W. Murray, Limited, Applicant, and

Amalgamated Road Transport Union of Workers,Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the aboveia applicant., by an applica-tion, made under Section 14 of " The,Financial Emer-gency Act,: 1931,", bearing date the 13th ,day of Oc-tober, 1931, made application to the Court for all :-orderthat Award No. 2 of 1928, dated the 1st day of October,1928, as amended, be varied, the Court, acting in pur-suance of the powers contained in Section 14 (6) of thesaid Act and all other powers and authorities theretoenabling it, hereby 'orders and declares the said Awardbe varied so that the rates- of salaries,, wages, or -remun-eration therein prescribed shall be reduced in accordancewith the provisions of ,Part II. of the above Act and: therates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 14th day of December, 1931.By the Court,

[Ls] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

iForm 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the 'Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 425 of 1931.

In the Court ofArbitration,,, at Perth.Between D. & W. Murray, Limited, Applicant, and the

Western Australian , Clothing and Allied Trades'Industrial Union, of Workers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant,_ by .an_ appli-cation made under Section 14_ of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing :date, the 13th day ofOctober, 1981; Made application to the Court for anorder that Industrial Agreement No. 44,, of 1926,. datedthe 20th :day of December, 1920, as amended, be - varied,varied,the Court, acting in pursuance of the powers containedin Section 14 (6) of the said Act and all other powersand authorities thereto enabling it,, hereby ,orders anddeclares the said Industrial Agreement be, varied sothat the rates of salaries, wages, or remuneration there-in prescribed shall be reduced in-accordance with theprovisions of Part of the above Act and the ,rates-piescribed in the, Schedule thereto.

Dated the 14th day. of December, 1931.By the Court,

[a.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

corm 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an "application made to the Court.E.A. No. 426 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between D. & Murray, Limited, Applicant; and the

West Australian Shop Assistants and WarehouseEmployees' Industrial Union of Workers, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 13th day ofOctober, 1931, made apPlication to the Court for amorder that Award No. 3 of 1929, dated the 15th day ofMarch, 1929, as amended, be varied, the Court; actingin pursuance of the powers contained in Section' 14 (6)of the said Act and all other powers and authoritiesthereto enabling it hereby orders and declares thesaid Award be varied so that the rates, of salaries,wages, or remuneration therein prescribed shall be re-duced in accordance With the provisions of Part II. ofthe above Act and the rates prescribed in the Schedulethereto.

Dated the 14th day of December, 1931.By the Court,



Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY. ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 427 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between D. & W. Murray, Limited, 'Applicant, and

Coastal District Committee Amalgamated Engineer-ing Union Association of ',Yorkers and AustralasianSociety of Engineers' Industrial Union of Workers,Perth, W.A., Respondent.

WHEREAS the eabovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of ." The FinancialEmergency Act,- 1931,'' bearing date the 13th day ofOctober, 1931, made application to the Court for, anorder that Award No. 10 of 1923, dated the 31st dayof July, 1925, as amended, be varied, the Court,' actingin pursuance of the powers contained in Section 14 (6)of the said Act and all other powers and authoritiesthereto enabling it, hereby orders and declares the saidAward be varied so that the rates of satires, wages,or remuneration therein, prescribed shall be reduced inaccordance with the provisions of Part II. of the aboveAct and the rates prescribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 15th day of December, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

tTorm 7.Western. Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the -Court of Arbitration in relation to

application made to the Court.E.A. No. -.520 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Pearse Bros., Limited, Applicant, and the

Boot Trade of Western Australia Union of Work-ers, Perth, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of " The FinancialEMeroiency Act, 1931," bearing date the 22nd day ofOctober, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder. that InduStrial Agreement No. 38 of 192(1, datedthe 19th day of November, 1926, as amended, be varied,and the .Court hearing the said application on the 10thday of December, 1931, it is ordered that the said In..dustrial Agreement be varied so that the rates of sal-aries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribed: shallbe reduced in accordance with the provisions of- Partoff. the above Act and the rates prescribed in the Sche-dide thereto.

Dated the 14th day of December, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.Western Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Older made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 521 Of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Pearse Bros , Limited, Applicant, and the

West Australian Shop Assistants and WarehouseEmployees' Industrial Union of Workers, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of "The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 22nd day ofOctober, 1931, made applicat1on to the CourtOrder) that Award No. 3 of 1929, dated, the 15th dayof ?March, 1929, as amended, be varied, and the Coarthearing the said application on the:10th day of Decem-ber, 1931, it is ordered that the said Award be variedso. the rates of salaries, wages, or remunerationtherein prescribed shall be reduced in accordance withthe provisions of Part II.' of the above Act and the ratesprbscribed in the Schedule thereto.

Dated the 14th day, of December, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

FoWestern Australia.

THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 522 of 1931.

Iu the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between Pearse Bros., Limited, Applicant, and Feder-

ated Clerks' Union of Australia Industrial Unionof Workers, W.A. Branch, Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by. an appli-cation made under Section 14 of " The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing date the 22nd day ofOctober; 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award No. 10 of 1927, dated the 2nd day ofMarch, 1931, be varied, and the Court hearing the saidapplication on the 10th day of December, 1931, it isordered that the said Award be varied so that the ratesof salaries, wages, or remuneration therein prescribedshall 'be reduced in accordance with the provisions ofPart II. of the above Act and the rates prescribed inthe Schedule thereto.

Dated the 14th day of December, 1931.By the Court,

FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.

Form 7.-Western Australia.

THE 'FINANCIAL -EMERGENCY ACT, 1931.Order made by the, Court of Arbitration in relation to

an application made to the Court.E.A. No. 523 of 1931.

In the Court of Arbitration, at Perth.Between PearSe Bros., Limited, Applicant, and Amal-

gamated Road Transport Union of Workers, Perth,Respondent.

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant, by an appli-cation made under Section 14 of " The FinancialEmergency Act, 1931," bearing . date the 22nd clay. ofOctober, 1931, made application to the Court for anorder that Award. No. 2 of 1928, dated the 1st day ofOctober, 1928, as amended, be varied, and the Court hear-big the said application on time 10th day of December,1931, it is ordered that the said Award be varied sothat the rates of salaries, wages, or remuneration thereinriescribed shall be reduced in accordance with the pro-visions of Part 11. of the above Act and the rates pre-scribed tin the Schedule thereto.

Dated --the 14th day of December, 1931.By the Court,

[L.s.] FRANK WALSH,Clerk of Court.


Company - NO. 9 of 1931.In the matter of "The Companies Act, 1893," and in

the matter of Brennans, Limited.THE - creditors of the abovenamed Company are re.quired, on or before the 30th day of Jandary, 1932, tosend Until:names and addresses, and particulars of theirdebts or claims, and the names and addresses of theirSolicitors (if any) to Frederick RObert Boyce, of AJILP.Chambers, St. George 's 'Terrace, Perth, in the State ofWestern 'Australia, Chartered"AccOuntant (Australia),the Official Liquidator, of time said Coinpany and, ifso? required by notice iu writing from the saidOfficial Liquidator, are by their golieiters or other-wise to prove their said debts or claims, at the office ofthe said Official Liquietitur, at such time as shall bespecified in such notic, or in default thereof they willbe excluded from the benefit of any distribution madebefore such debts are proved; Monday, the 1st day ofFebruary, 1932, at 10.30 o 'clock in the forenoon, at thesaid office, is appointed for: deternuning as to the allow-ance of the debts and claims...

Dated this 23rd day of December, 1931.F. R. BOYCE, i

Offidial Liquidator.Parker & Parker, 21 Howard Street, Perth, . Solicitors

for the Official Liquidator.-


THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Perry Engineering Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the office or prinicpalplace of business in the State of Western Australia ofPerry Engineering company, Limited, is situate at No.74 Melville Terrace, South Perth: Essington Day, ofNo. 74 Melville Terrace, South Perth, Manufacturer 'sAgent, is the duly appointed Attorney in the State ofWestern Australia of the said Company.

Dated the 10th day of December, 1931.

ROBINSON, COX, ,& WHEATLEY,20 Howard Street, Perth,

Solicitors for the abovenamed CoMpany.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Geraldton Cash Stores, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby -given that the Registered Office ofGeraldton Cash Stores, Limited,, previously situate at,1.40 Marine Terrace,. Geraldton, will from and after the22nd day of December, 1931, be situate at .120 MarineTerrace, Geraldton, and is open and accessible to thepublic between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays (Saturdays and -Wednesdays excepted) and onSaturdays between the hours of 9 a.m. and noon.

Dated this 22nd day of December, 1931.

STAWELL, HARDWICK, & FORMAN,Solicitors for the abovenamed Company.

Stawell, Hardwick, .& Forman, Victoria House, St.George's Terrace, Perth, Solicitors for the above-named Geraldton Cash Stores, Limited.

IN THE MATTER OF TEE COMPANIES ACT, 1893,and in the matter of The Sureflush Cistern Company,

Limited.Notice of Liquidation.

NOTICE is hereby given that, at an extraordinarygeneral meeting of the Shareholders of The SureflushCistern Company, :Limited, -held at the Registered Officeof the Company, Royal Insurance Buildings, Perth, onThursday, the 17th clay of December, 1931, at 12.15p.m., a special resolution was passed to the effect thatthe Company be wound up voluntarily and that Reginald

Goyne Miller, of Royal Insu 'ance Buildings, Perth, beappointed Liquidator for' 'the purposes of such windingup.

Dated this 17th day of December, 1931.R. GOYNE MILLER,

Liquidator.R. Goyne Miller, Chartered Accountant (Aust.), Royal

Insurance Buildings, Perth.


Company No. 9 of 1931.In the matter of " The Companies Act, 1893," and in

the matter of Brennans,HIS Honour Mr. Justice Draper ha's, by an Order"datedthe 23rd day of December, 1931, appointed ErederiokRobert Boyce, of A.M.P. Chambers, St. George's -Ter-race, Perth, in the State of Western Australia, CharteredAccountant, to be the Official Liquidator of the abovenamed Company.

Dated the 23rd day of December, 1931.HURTLE FISHER,

AsSociate.Parker & Parker, 21 Howard Street; Perth, Solicitors

for the Official Liquidator.


In the matter of The Companies "Act, 1893," and inthe matter of Western Australian Land, 'Finance,and General Development Company, Limited.

HIS Honour 'Mr. justice Draper -has, by an Order datedthe 23rd day of 'December, 1931, appointed John BadenThornton. Hanson, of -.Commercial Union Chambers, St.George's Terrace, Perth, Public Accountant, to. .1)eOfficial Liquidator of the abovenamed Company.

Dated the 23rd day of December, 1931.-

.EARLE B. ARNEY,Msociate.

Dwyer & Thomas, of National House, 49 William. Street,Perth, Solicitors for the petitioning creditor.


Application for Discharge.

Debtor's :Name. Address. Description. Court. Number. Date fixedfor ,hearing.

fohn. Hocking Jennings 41 Arlington Avenue, South Perth Butcher ... ... Supreme Courtof WesternAustralia

19 of1919

10.30 a.m. on27th Tan.,1932, at Su-preme: Court,Perth.

Dated this 24th day of December, 1931.M. M. :MOSS,

Official Receiver in Bankruptcy,, Supreme Court, Perth.






£ s. d.Abattoirs Act and Amendment 0 1 0Aborigines Act (Consolidated) 0 1 3Abstraet of Stamp Duties .. 0 0 6Adoption of Children Act . 0 2 3Agricultural Bank .Act (Consolidated) 0 1 0Agricultural Seeds Act 0 1 0Arbitration Act .. .. 0 1 0Associations Incorporation Act 0 0 6Auctioneers Act .. .. 0 1 0Bills of Sale Act (Consolidated) 0 1 6Brands Act .. .. .. 0 1 3Bread .Act (Consolidated) .. 0 0 6Bunbury Harbour Board Act .. 0 1 3Bush Fires Act (Consolidated) 0 0 6Cemeteries Act and Amendments 0 3 0Child Welfare Act 0 2 0Companies Act (Consolidated) .. 0 4 3Co-operative and Provident Societies Act .. 0 1 6Criminal Code Act and Rules, quarter bound,

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CONTENTS :continued.Page

Municipalities . . . . 2687Premier 's .De;ia r tm eat . 2673Proclamation 2673Public: Service Comm ssioner 2674Public Works itepar Inept 2684, 2687-90Railways .. 2691-2Road Boards 2684-90Supretne -Court' Rules 2674Tend& Board, ' . 2690-1

''117enders accepted 2691Tenders 2684, 2690'pro file Act' Regulations 2687Trua,n ry 2673

n iv e rsity 2673

Authority: FRED. VI M. SiMPSON, Governuu:nt Printer Perth.
