West Hillhurst Go-Getters Association February 2020 Newsletter · Reflexology . We will be taking...


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West Hillhurst Go-Getters Association

February 2020 Newsletter

.50 cents per copy


2 President’s Message

4 Professional Services

7 Travel & Activities

10 Donations Made Easy

14 February Calendar

Vision & Mission Statements

Vision: “To provide a welcoming meeting place for adults in social, recreational,

intellectual and educational activities which greatly improves their sense of well-being”.

Mission: “Go-Getters adults connecting for

support, community and friendship.”

The Go-Getters have fun!

Contact us at:

1940 – 6 Avenue NW

Calgary, AB T2N 0W3

Phone: (403) 283-3720 Fax: (403) 283-3744

Office Hours are from 8:30am – 4:00pm

Email: gogetters@telus.net

Web: www.gogetters.ca

and like us on Facebook


The Presidents Message 2020 is deemed as a "Leap Year" and as such we have an extra day in February. Besides allowing those born on February 29th an opportunity to celebrate their birthday on their actual birth date it is in fact, a corrective measure, because earth does not orbit the sun in precisely 365 days. In fact it takes 365.25 days to orbit the sun, so those in the know decided to add an extra day every 4 years to balance things out and they chose February because it is the only month without 30 or 31 days. "History Lesson Over". In keeping with tradition we will celebrate Valentines day on Friday, February 14th. While love happens every day, a special day has been set aside to express our everyday love in a very open manner. And don't you just think that a day of love followed, 3 days later, by a day to celebrate Family, is an ideal way to start a long weekend in spite of the off chance it could be freezing cold outside? Please note that our center will be closed on Family day so our staff can enjoy some quality time with their families. A gentle reminder that our monthly luncheons will be starting up again in February, so mark your calendars for February 10th. While I can't say for certain, rumor has it that we will be treated to "chicken stir-fry". Please plan to join us for some much enjoyed food and friendship. Back in November we had the opportunity to participate in a "cyanotype workshop" as part of the Aging Well with Art project, and now we have the opportunity to attend the closing reception at Artpoint Gallery, of the exhibition of the works of the participants of the traveling art workshop of which we were part of. The reception is on February 13th from 4pm to 6pm. If we have enough interest in attending we will arrange to take the bus there and back. Please let Carole or Cassy know if you would like to take this event in ASAP so they can make the necessary arrangements. Just a little refresher for those who so willingly volunteer for the Go-Getters, remember: if you do the time, (as in volunteering) you must remember to sign (as in the big red book on the front desk). As you may or may not know, our funding, in part from FCSS is based on how many volunteer hours we report in a year- more hours, could mean more funding. Also as we are a volunteer based organization our numbers can also be used to lobby the government for more funding for seniors groups. So, whether its 15 mins. or 5 hours or anything in between, please , please mark it down in the book. If you are unsure of exactly how or what to do, please just ask Cassy or Carole and the will be more than happy to help you. Oh yes, and thank you to each and everyone of you who so generously have given and continue to give of your time. Good news for those who lament " they can never get a ticket to Stage West" , for the first time in a very, very long time Stage West tickets are still available at this late date. If you want to go and see The Insider on February 26th, hurry down to the center and pick up one of the remaining tickets. Words to live by: Life is too short - forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably... and never regret anything that made you smile!! Remember, our lives are not made by the dreams we dream but by the choices we make, so says Joe Stowell. Embrace winter (despite the bone chilling wind ), stay warm, watch out for the ice when walking and know that spring is just around the corner. Cheers, Diane Allen President


WHGG Board of Directors


Diane Allen……..............................................President and Bingo Committee

Bev Wallace… ................................................Vice-President

Leona Schaal……………………………........Secretary

Pat Weatherley.................................................Treasurer


Aline Greaves – Travel Committee

Tom McKay – Scrabble Liaison

Carol Labrecque – Library/ Remembrance and Bingo Committee

Rita Neufeld – Telephone and Bingo Committee

Heather Normey – Director

Carole McIntosh – Special Events Committee

Anne Schneider – Special Events Committee

Diane Becker – Travel and Special Events Committee

Office Staff

Carole Saviak (gogetters@telus.net)...............Executive Director

Cassandra Towpich (programs@telus.net).....Program Coordinator

Your West Hillhurst Go-Getters Board represents you!

We support open communication and encourage you to give us your kudos and constructive (positive and negative) comments. Please provide comments in writing (signed and dated) so we can review them at the next available Board meeting. Please deliver all comments to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to the board.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, February 24th, 2020 @ 1:30pm

Facility Closures Monday, February 17th, 2020 for


Professional Services

Reflexology We will be taking appointments the second Thursday (10am - 3pm) and sometimes the fourth Thursday (10am - 3pm) of every month with Diana Korpan, RCRT, PT. Cost is $25.00 for a ½ hour foot treatment (one hour treatments are preferred). *Next clinic dates are Thursday, February 13th and 27th, 2020 with Diana. There is a minimum of 3 appointments that need to be booked before the reflexologist will come in. Cancelation policy: for Thursday appointments, you must cancel 24 hrs. in advance of your appointment. If cancellation does not happen by this time, you will be required to pay for your appointment. Exceptions will be made for illness. Call our office to book your appointment. Diana Korpan RCRT, PT D & D Wellness Revolution

Foot Doctor DR. GREG SOMER takes his appointments

from 8:45 am – 12:00 pm. Please call the

office to book your appointment. Next Foot

Clinic: March 3rd, 2020. Cost: $10.00 per

appointment pd directly to Dr. Somer. If

you have booked an appointment, please do

your best to attend as we do not want to lose

our podiatrist due to unattended


Service Coordinator Annette Jordan-

Sackmann is available to be contacted. If

you need help or require information on

outreach services, call her (587) 231-1202 or

email at AnnetteJ@caryacalgary.ca

Lawyer services A lawyer willing to do some pro bono work has been recommended to the Go-Getters. He is willing to make appointments with our membership and can help out with the issues that arise for seniors. He will see you in his office or come to the Go-Getters centre if that is easier for you. His contact information is:

Cass Lintott (403) 520-2288 (main),

(403) 520-2283 (direct), (403) 230-3477 (fax) 2913 – Centre Street N.W., Calgary, AB T2E 2V9

Go-Getters Memberships: Go-Getters 2019-2020

membership purchase/renewals

are $25.00 each. Be sure to fill

out your membership forms &

survey to renew/join as they are

required in order to purchase a membership.

A surcharge of $5.00 per activity for non-

members (those that have not

renewed/joined) is in effect. Membership year

Sept. 1, 2019– Aug. 31, 2020.

Go-Getters Membership Benefit: 10% discount at Amato Gelato - Italian gelato in classic & creative flavours, plus pies & custom cakes, with indoor/outdoor seats. They also have sugar free and keto diet selections. All you need to do is show your Go-Getters

membership card when you pay and you will receive a 10% discount on your purchase. Address: 2104 Kensington Rd NW.

Facebook: Go-Getters has a Facebook page. Locate us at West Hillhurst Go-Getters Association. Like and follow us on Facebook.




Victoria Campbell Leona Williams Monique Wan Jill Wyatt


We go every Friday at 8:45 a.m. and alternate weekly between the North Hill Safeway and the

Brentwood Co-op. You must be in our bus boundary to be picked up. Cost is $4.00. If you would like to go, please call the office to put your name on the list. Please let us know by Thursday at 4pm if you plan to attend. Thank you.

Monthly Walmart Shopping FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 2020 NORTHLAND MALL COST: $4.00 TIME: 11:00 A.M. Go-Getters goes to Walmart once a month and we alternate between the Northland Mall and the Westbrook Mall locations. You must be in our bus boundary to be picked up. If you wish to go, call the office to put your name on the bus list. Please let us know by the Thursday before 4:00pm if you plan to attend.

Want a unique gift idea? Why not buy some gift certificates from the

Go-Getters! They can be used towards any activity or class in the club

Febraury Birthday ages ending in a zero or a five are celebrated

with a monthly luncheon invitation (we will contact you).

Ostiguy, Eileen Hongisto, Barbara

Fidler, Herta Jamieson, Frances

Martens, Mary Nedinis, Patrice

Lailey, Lori Becker, Doug Clair, Betty

Bakay, Marie Cholka, Delores Judd, Jacquelyn Schneider, Anne

Dry, Denice Thomas, Randall Shemko, Ernie Hutton, Elsie

Bubenik, Alena Vincent, Deane

Danyluk, Vonnie Fehr, Mildred Ridley, Sharon Campbell, June Williams, Fred

Towpich, Cassandra


Volunteer Incentive! Go-Getters is having draws for

volunteers who donate their time. One ballot

can be entered into our draw box for each

event completed. In order for the draw to be

fair, a volunteer may only win once in our

membership year. We will draw for a $50

Visa/Mastercard! The next draw will be

held on March 9th, 2020. The draw box and

ballots will be kept in the office. Please contact

the office if you are willing to volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Monthly luncheons, we are always looking for servers and clean up crew. There is a sign up sheet posted on our bulletin board. Sign up or call the office to see how you can help out.

Name Buttons: Name buttons are an ongoing fundraiser. You can order as many as you like with anything you wish as your background. Order yours in the

office today. Cost is $4.00 per button and Go-Getters places that total fee towards our fundraising. Thank you to all that have supported this fundraiser thus far.

Please be reminded that Go-

Getters is a scent free zone. We

have again seen an increase in

fragrances. We have members that

are sensitive to these smells so

please be aware and don’t wear your scents when

attending the Go-Getters centre. Thank you!


Crib times are Thursday afternoon at

1:00pm for a drop-in fee of $3.00

each. Coffee, tea and prize pools are

included in the fee.

E-Transfer Payments:

We accept e-transfers by e-mail. This is meant for those that are not able to get to our facility easily. Those who come

to the centre and pay directly will have first claim on any spots/tickets and you will not have a spot/ticket until your e-transfer is confirmed as accepted. This may mean you are bumped until we are able to get to your payment. Before your e-transfer, please call the centre to make sure there is still room available on the trip or in the event you wish to attend. At that time, you will need to provide a list of what it is you are purchasing and the names of the people attending the trips/events for our records. The e-transfer must come to programs@telus.net. Please be aware that if you are not doing e-transfer, our centre accepts cash or cheque only, we do not have debit or credit card capabilities.

Calgary Scrabble Club Meets every Thursday at 6:45pm and Sundays at 12:00pm. All ages welcome including your grandchildren, Grade 5 and up. Cost: $3.00 drop-in fee Thursdays and $5.00 drop-in fee Sundays.

Bridge (contract/rubber) is on Monday nights at

6:30pm and Saturdays at 10:30am. There is a drop-in fee of $3.00 each time. There will be no Bridge Monday February 17th as the centre is closed for Family Day.

Qi Gong Class Spring Forest Qi Gong is a simple, efficient and effective method for helping you heal physical and emotional pain to enhance the quality of your life and the lives of others. Anyone and everyone, regardless of ability, age or beliefs can practice the techniques and become healthier and happier. This is a drop-in class at 11:15am on Mondays with a fee of $2.00 per class (class on monthly luncheon days is at 10:00am).


Travel & Activities

If you travel with us and you have any special medical needs that we should be aware of, please inform the office.

All information is kept completely confidential. Note! You must sign up at the Club AND pay for your tickets

BEFORE the deadline date. Seats are CONFIRMED ONLY AFTER TICKET IS PURCHASED. Payments by cash,

cheque or e-transfer only!

Please book your trips early! Tickets are first-come, first-served and can sell out quickly. Trips will be cancelled

if the minimum number of people have not signed up and paid by the cutoff date. The cutoff date is 1 week

prior for events that haven’t sold out. Minimums: in town - 10 people, out of town - 15 people. Non-Members

who would like to join in on trips must pay an extra $5.00 Fee

NO REFUNDS, IF YOU CAN’T MAKE A TRIP, YOU MUST FIND YOUR OWN REPLACMENT and list info. will not be provided for confidentiality reasons.

PLEASE ARRIVE AT LEAST 30 MINUTES BEFORE TRAVEL DEPARTURE TIME. Bus will not wait for late arrivals. The end time on your ticket is the time you’ll arrive back at the centre. Trip days: if possible, please park on far side of the community centre so handicap parking is left open.

Fri. Feb. 7 Games Night $2.00/person 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 10 Monthly Luncheon $10.00/member &


12:00 p.m.

Thur. Feb. 13 Reflexology with Diana

(by appointment only)

$25.00 ½ hr.

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Thur. Feb. 13 Cyanotpye Art Show

(if enough interest)

-- 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Sun. Feb. 16 Jubilations:

Pitched Perfect Golden Girls

$65.00/member &


4:30 p.m. – 9:45 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 24 Board Meeting -- 1:30 p.m.

Wed. Feb. 26 Stage West: The Outsider $60.00/member &


10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Thur. Feb. 27 Cash Casino $10.00/member &


9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Thur. Feb. 27 Reflexology with Diana

(by appointment only)

$25.00 ½ hr.

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Fri. Feb. 28 Walmart Shopping trip

at Northland Mall

$4.00 11:00 a.m.


Monthly Luncheon Monday, February 10th, 2020 Time: 12:00pm Cost: $10.00/Member & $15.00/Guest Menu: Chicken Stir Fry, Rice, Salad & Dessert (Dessert provided by Chartwell, Colonel Belcher). Last minute walk-ins will not be accepted as we

must know number of attendees for food

preparation. Thank you.

Games Night Friday, February 7th, 2020 Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm Cost: $2.00/ person Games night is a monthly get together where our members can use the centre to play games of their choice. Come on out and brighten your mood with a night filled with friends and games. There will be games, comfort food, and good company.

Cash Casino Thursday, February 27th, 2020 Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm Cost: $10.00/member & $15.00/guest Lunch is included.

Try your luck at the slots or tables and enjoy a day with your fellow Go-Getters. Lunch is included in your cost.

Indoor FitWalk Tuesday, January 14th – March 17th, 2020 Time: 12:15pm – 1:00pm Cost: This Class is full! Instructor: Paula Bickford

Join Paula for a 45 minute indoor cardio walking program! This program will have you moving to the beat of the music while having a blast! You will get all the benefits of cardio, balance and strength in the safety of the indoors. This is an easy to follow program (no tricky dance moves) that is suitable for anyone. Class will conclude with a nice stretch. We will prorate for late starters!

Line Dancing Two new sessions started in January. One for the beginner continued level (does NOT start from scratch) and the intermediate class. Instructor: Paula Bickford Beginners Continued: Thursdays from 10:00 – 11:00am started Thursday, January 16th. This is a 10 week session ending March 19th. Cost is $50.00 for this 10 week session. This class is a continuation and will not be from scratch.

Intermediate: Fridays from 10:15 – 11:15am started Friday, January 17th. This is a 10 week session ending March 20th. Cost is $50.00 for this 10 week session.

Mosey on in and register for your spot in our classes. You’re sure to have some boot-scootin fun! These classes are for members only. We prorate for late starters!

Carpet Bowling

Carpet Bowling is Mondays at 9:15am (there is no bowling on luncheon days or holiday Mondays). This group is looking for more people to join so come on in and give it your best shot. Drop in fee of $2.00 per person.

Jubilations: Pitched Perfect Golden Girls

Sunday, February 16th, 2020 Time: 4:30pm – 9:45pm Cost: $65.00/member & $70.00/guest

The ladies of the

Maple Oaks Seniors home may have missed out on their college years, but thanks to a loophole in the Collegiate Singing Group Competition’s eligibility guidelines… it may not be too late! Come and watch these Golden Girls show the college chicks how it’s done!


Stage West: The Outsider

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 Time: 10:30am – 3:00pm Cost: $60.00/member

& $65.00/guest

In politics, the less you know, the higher you’ll go! At once a razor-sharp comedy and a sincere tribute to democracy, The Outsider is a timely and hilarious take on modern politics.

In the midst of a political scandal, Ned Newley, the ultimate policy wonk, is unexpectedly thrust into the position of Governor. Ned Newley doesn’t even want to be Governor. He has no political instincts, a paralyzing fear of public speaking, and his poll numbers are impressively bad. Ned might be the worst candidate to ever run for office. Unless the public is looking for… the worst candidate ever to run for office.

Politics is a visual medium. People vote for idiots who look like leaders. But Ned Newley is a new phenomenon: a leader… who looks like an idiot.


Next Book: “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles. Please join us at Reading Circle Friday March 6th to discuss the novel “A

Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles. We meet in the Library at the Go-Getters centre @ 10:00 a.m. There is coffee/tea provided, plus sweets and good conversation. Rosemary Christmas rosemarychristmas6@gmail.com

Cyanotype – In light of Things

For those who are interested in attending the cyanotype prints display at the Artpoint Gallery, please advise the office. The reception is Thursday, February 13th from 4:00 – 6:00pm. We are willing to take the bus at 3:30pm if

there is enough people interested in attending. There would be no charge for the bus ride. The office must know no later than Friday, February 7th to have time to arrange this trip.



Go-Getters BINGO is held EVERY WEDNESDAY afternoon starting with Nickels & Early Bird

(shaded/unshaded) at 12:00 noon followed by Regular Bingo starting at 12:45 p.m. and includes Pot of Gold, Double Action, 6 page program, Super Bonanza, concluding with the Houdini blackout

game. Featured progressives include Early Bird (shaded/unshaded) & Pot of Gold that starts the second half of the program. Loonie pot is also available as are 2 different pull ticket Nevada’s


Donations Made Easy:

West Hillhurst Go-Getters

(S.C.) Association - Donation Form


Donor’s Name:___________________________

Full Address: ____________________________

Donation Amount: $______________________

Payment by:

Cash Cheque

(Tax Receipts issued for $10+)

In Memorium

If this is a memorial donation, please provide the name

of the person being honoured, and contact information

for the family member who should receive an


Memorial to: ____________________________

Send Attn. To: __________________________

Full Address: ____________________________

A charitable donation receipt for all donations of $10.00 or more. Make Donation cheque payable to: West Hillhurst Go-Getters Mailing address: 1940 6 Ave. NW, Calgary, AB T2N 0W3 Are you or members of your family looking for an easy way to donate to the Go-Getters? You can now donate online and use your credit card or even Interac! And it is easy to do! Just go to our website and click the Donate Now button located on all of the tabs. You will be taken to the “Canada Helps!” website and directly to the Go-Getters Giving Page where you can donate to us. It’s that easy! You will receive a tax receipt by email from Canada Helps. You can make the donation in your name or in honor a loved one. Donate today! A Great way to help your centre is to donate your…. Bucks. With your donations of Canadian Tire money, we are able to purchase items we may otherwise not get. Example: kitchen pots and pans. There is a jar in the office to drop them in.

Nickel (3 Page Booklet)

Gold Bingo Card $1.00 each

6 cards $6.00 9 cards $9.00

12 cards $12.00 15 cards $15.00


Regularly scheduled events


Game Day Time Cost

Carpet Bowling


(Luncheon days & holiday

Mondays, there is no bowling)

9:15 a.m.


Euchre Monday 1:00 p.m. $3.00





10:30 a.m.

6:30 p.m.




(Hand & Foot) Tuesday 1:00 p.m. $2.00

Whist Tuesday 1:00 p.m. $3.00

Crib Thursday 1:00 p.m. $3.00

Scrabble Thursday


6:45 p.m.

12:00 p.m.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9:15 a.m. Carpet Bowling

11:15 a.m. Qi Gong

1:00 p.m. Euchre

6:30 p.m.


10:00 a.m. Tai Chi

12:15 p.m.


1:00 p.m. Canasta

1:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. Beginner Line


11:00 a.m. Tai Chi

1:00 p.m.


6:45 p.m. Scrabble Club

8:45 a.m. Grocery


10:15 a.m. Intermediate Line Dancing

10:30 a.m.


12:00 p.m.

Scrabble Club


Exercise Classes

Paid Advertising

Qi Gong Monday 11:15 a.m. (Luncheon

days class is 10:00 a.m.)

On-going $2.00

Tai Chi Practice

(no instructor)



10:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.



FitWalk Tuesday 12:15 a.m. 10 week session started

January 14th, 2020

$50.00 for the 10

week session

Line Dancing Thursday


10:00 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

Beginners Continued is

10 weeks and started

Jan. 16th, 2020

Intermediate is 10

weeks and started Jan.

17th, 2020

Beginners continued

class is $50.00 for

a 10 week session

Inter. class is

$50.00 for a 10

week session




1 Bridge 10:30

2 Scrabble Club


3 Carpet Bowling 9:15

Qi Gong 11:15

Euchre 1:00

Bridge 6:30

4 Tai Chi 10:00

FitWalk 12:15

Canasta 1:00

Whist 1:00

5 Bingo 12:00

6 Beginner Line Dance


Tai Chi 11:00

Crib 1:00

Scrabble Club 6:45

7 Safeway 8:45

Intermediate Line

Dance 10:15

Games Night 6:30

8 Bridge 10:30

9 Scrabble Club


10 Qi Gong 10:00

Monthly Luncheon


Euchre 1:00

Bridge 6:30

11 Tai Chi 10:00

FitWalk 12:15

Canasta 1:00

Whist 1:00

12 Bingo 12:00

13 Reflexology 10:00

Beginner Line Dance


Tai Chi 11:00

Crib 1:00

Scrabble Club 6:45

Cyanotype Art show

3:30 pm

14 Co-op 8:45

Intermediate Line

Dance 10:15

15 Bridge 10:30

16 Scrabble Club


Jubilations 4:30pm

17 Facility Closed

18 Tai Chi 10:00

FitWalk 12:15

Canasta 1:00

Whist 1:00

19 Bingo 12:00

20 Beginner Line Dance


Tai Chi 11:00

Crib 1:00

Scrabble Club 6:45

21 Safeway 8:45

Intermediate Line

Dance 10:15

22 Bridge 10:30

23 Scrabble Club


24 Carpet Bowling 9:15

Qi Gong 11:15

Euchre 1:00

Board Meeting 1:30

Bridge 6:30

25 Tai Chi 10:00

FitWalk 12:15

Canasta 1:00

Whist 1:00

26 Bingo 12:00

Stage West 10:30

27 Reflexology 10:00

Cash Casino 9:30

Beginner Line Dance


Tai Chi 11:00

Crib 1:00

Scrabble Club 6:45

28 Co-op 8:45

Intermediate Line

Dance 10:15

Walmart Northland Mall 11:00

29 Bridge 10:30
