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We’re sitting on a fast ticking time bomb

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The term “Muslim Extremist” was meant to draw a cleardistinction between good Muslims and bad ones.But as long as every single day that “good Muslim” didabsolutely nothing about the atrocities being committedin their name, the line between “good Muslim” and “badMuslim” became more and more blurred.

All that was necessary for EVIL to triumph was for thegood people to do nothing. We therefore should be verydetermined that our nation will not be overrun by Islam. The French are already a lost cause and many othernations are following suit by allowing Islamic courtsof law, banning historically significant symbols, icons,dressing habits and other traditional country pastimes.If these Muslims wanted things to be exactly as they werein their country of origin, why didn’t they remain there ? ?

I am not a Jew

I am not an American

I am not Danish

I am not from the extreme rightI am not even a

real believer ...

... I am just a European

A family man ,Who respects others ,

Who respects differences ,

Who respects the laws ,And who’s only

aspiration is just to want to live free !

A sincerely concerned citizen ,

I educated and informed myself to reach a personal

opinion.That’s why now...

I seem to have become…



Muslims marching through the streets of Londonduring their recent ‘Religion of Peace Demonstration.‘

Great Britain - the United Kingdom ! This is not justlike another European country where one can just walk in across the border. This country has a special status and which other invading countries could not conquer in thepast. Now the Muslim Extremists seem to have too easilytaken over and are dictating their rules with the apparent silent consent of the traditionally so proud British people.

Is EVERBODY BLIND ? ? ? How on earth can thefree world and the British people allow this to happen on their own sovereign soil. Such peopledo not deserve to be in such a civilized country.FOR THE SAME REASON, THEY DON’T DESERVE TOBE IN ANY EUROPEAN COUNTRY WHATSOEVER !

Some small European farmers villages during the last forty years expanded into little industrial towns.

Guess what ….. ?

They now have their first mosque in town …! Who would ever have dreamt about this …!

The leaders …

… and the punishers !

All in the name of


Is this a Religion ...

... or a Bloody Sect ?

Mother’s love …?

Islam has no place

in Europe! It has no

place in a civilized world whatsoever !

Yet , we keep befriending them !

Are you going to shoot or just point ?

Europe finally extends the hand to Islam…..!

Talk to my ass …… I have a headache !

The Trojan Horse !

Fanaticism radiates from his face ….!

Believer insulted by The Infidels – Infidel insulted by The Believers !

WOMEN’S DAYToday she has the right to go out!

There is no room for further tolerance for

these savage extremists , who are so

thirsty of blood and hate ! Unless you want our

children’s future to be one of slavery or death !

Stop these fanatic

extremists …

… before it’s really too late !

Actually it’s quite late already !

… N O W …
