Wellington Town Council...2016/03/16  · 25.02.16 1 Wellington Town Council Town Mayor Town Clerk...


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Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016



Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016



Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016



Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016



Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016



Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016



Wellington Town Council

Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER B.A (Hons), DMS Civic Offices, Larkin Way Tan Bank, Wellington Telford TF1 1LX Tel: 01952 567697 Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk


Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 24th February 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Present:

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones Cllr Sylvia Hall Cllr Pat Fairclough Cllr Mason-Morris

Cllr Karen Tomlinson - Chair Cllr John Alvey Cllr Chris Brittain – Cllr Sherrel Fikeis

John Sweetland Jean Wordsworth - Lions Bob Coalbran – Walkers are Welcome representative Ross Vickers

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Assistant to the Town Clerk. 72/15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Tomlinson welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her apologies for not attending last month’s meeting.

73/15 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lee Carter

Ian Davis

Apologies accepted

74/15 Declarations of Interest Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda. No declarations were received.



75/15 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting – 27th January 2016 Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY

that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

Noted amendment of 69/15 should read ‘Severnside Country Side Trust’

76/15 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(i) (ii)

Minute 56/15(iii) Design of new Town Council website: Caroline informed the committee that the new Council website was now live and that requested links had been added to the site. The new branded letterhead was also shown to the committee who agreed it looked professional. Cllr Fikeis and Cllr Brittain at this point joined the meeting. Minute 54/15 (ii) Christmas Light Switch on and tender process: Cllr Tomlinson informed the committee that three tenders had been requested. One from Turnocks who had visited on 17th February and were due to send in a quote before the end of March. CMK were due in for a meeting to discuss proposals and a quote on 3rd March and Blanchere were booked in for 15th March. Turnocks highlighted that a ‘pull test’ needed to be done on the entire town and recommended the voltage be reduced to 110v. Initially Karen Roper and Cllr Tomlinson will meet with the above, when quotes have been received it was agreed that a working group consisting of the following members would consider all options: Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Phil Morris-Jones, Cllr Fairclough and Ross Vickers. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that Oakengates had sent out a ‘Survey Monkey’ to the parish to consult with the public on what they would like to see. It was agreed that this was a good idea for the Wellington Town Council to do the same. Cllr Tomlinson suggested that an alternative to the Mayor should be considered for the actual switching on of the lights to attract more people. Caroline updated the committee with a quote that she had received from Octopus Events for providing a Lantern Parade. The quote was in line with the budget coming in at £1000.00 - £1170.00 but the committee would like Caroline to obtain another quote for comparison. After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that a Marketing and Advertising budget was needed as its felt this area could be vastly improved. Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that after a recent meeting with members at T & W we had been offered access to their 40,000 TLC card membership database and that they would be happy for us to use for promotional purposes. The two new noticeboards, for both entrances at the Market Hall, were currently in the process of being made and would also help with the promotion of events.



77/15 Correspondence:

1) Twinning Association; Cllr Tomlinson explained to the committee that when she was Mayor the Twinning Association had presented the Town Council with a gift of a plate from a local museum. A display case was currently being made and when complete would be hung in Wellington Library.

(iii) (iv) (v)

Minute 67/15 Bayley Mile – 20th anniversary ideas: Cllr Tomlinson had researched into Sir John Bayley and it was agreed that the history of his life should be displayed at the event and if a family member could be traced it was suggested that they should be invited to attend. Cllr Fairclough recommended that the local community groups and school governors should also be invited to support this annual event. Refreshments should be improved upon and a seating area established. Caroline was requested to speak with Jim Mostyn to try and ‘tighten up’ the programme so that there is no ‘hanging around’ time and to speak with the schools to request that they wait to watch the following race and not leave immediately after theirs has finished. Caroline had emailed Micky Bushell to open the event but as yet has had no reply. Debbie Brennan was given as another option to consider. Leo’s loco circus had sent in a quote to offer a circus workshop on the day to occupy the children. The committee rejected this idea. Marshalling needs consideration as in 2015 office staff had to assist as there was not enough volunteers. Minute 67-15 (ii) Town Crier – Vacancy: No new Town Crier had been appointed and with the forthcoming ‘Charter day’ it was now seen as an urgent post to fill. Ross Vickers had given Caroline a possible contact to which she has sent him all the details and is awaiting a response. Cllr Alvey informed the committee that he would consider the post and possibly as a temporary measure cover Charter Day. Minute 67/15 (v) Wellington Unity Carnival: There would be no Wellington Unity Carnival in 2016 due to there being no committee to coordinate the event. Cllr Alvey reported to the committee that Eddie Lowe at the Plough pub had mentioned that his Help the Hero’s event in May was out growing his pub and that he was considering moving the event to the Bowring Park. If this did happen it would create an opportunity to ‘bolt on’ things such as a fun fair and stalls, therefore creating a type of carnival atmosphere. Proposed by Cllr Fikeis, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morris and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that should this be the case the P & L committee should form a working group to support this event.



2) Pride in High Street Innovation Bid: Cllr Tomlinson confirmed that the Town Councils Innovation bid had been unsuccessful. No reason had been formally given for this but Cllr Tomlinson would be meeting with Cllr Shaun Davies next week. Cllr Mason-Morris explained that monies had been awarded to the vision 2020 project and that she was helping to write a bid requesting £5k towards the Wellington Festival.

78/15 Literary Festival / Wellington Festival: Cllr Mason-Morris spoke as Cllr Fairclough had just left the meeting at this point. She explained that the meeting of the Wellington Festival had now moved to every 3rd Thursday at 2.00pm to suit diaries. Some very sad news to report that member Alan James /Cooper had passed away suddenly on 13th February. It was agreed by all that this would be a great loss. A card had been sent to the family and Cllr Mason-Morris would be attending the funeral. It was suggested that we dedicate one of the festivals events to Alan which was supported by the committee. With the loss of Alan and several other members resigning the festival committee now had several seats available. Caroline to advertise this on social media and request new members. Plans were well under way for the 2016 festival but a headline guest had still not been secured. Kevin Tanner updated the committee that he and Caroline had met with Martin Haynes and he was more than happy to host the festivals dedicated website again this year for us. The Committee were all very grateful for this. Martin also had some contacts that may be useful and he would pass them onto Caroline.

79/15 Walkers are Welcome: Bob Coalbran stated that the last two path clearing days had been very fortunate with good

weather. The walking festival programme was coming along well and included over 25 walks. The festival wold take place the 2nd week in September and would also include a guided walk of Dothill nature reserve and Beanhill. A lady called Fiona Smith had approached Walkers are Welcome and has kindly offered to assist with their publicity.

80/15 To receive information on other future events and activities.

Mayors Charity Concert – Saturday 27th February at all Saints Church at 7.30pm Shropshire Drama Festival – 9-12 March Mayors Civic Ball – 19th March 2016 at the Buckatree Hall Hotel, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Charter Day 5th March 2016 11-3pm Wellington Market Square

81/15 To agree date and time of next meeting; Wednesday 30th March 2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ………………………………………… 30th March 2016
