Welcome to Year 5. Maldives Mrs Vicki Hurst & Mrs Sara Elsworth


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Welcome to Year 5


Mrs Vicki Hurst & Mrs Sara Elsworth


Mr Ben Overton & Mrs Michaela Bagley


Mr Michael Wallis & Mrs Jan Turner

In Year 5 we aim to: Ensure a smooth transition from Year 4 Encourage confidence and self belief Develop children’s independence Expand skills for life long learning Encourage ownership of their learning Promote team work Enable every child to experience success

What will the children learn? We aim to match our teaching to the needs of the

children and last year, Year 5 covered topics including;

Hot and cold climates, with a strong focus on science.

The impact of Fair Trade, with a strong focus on geography.

Victorian Britain and the local area, with a strong focus on history.

A topic web is sent home prior to each new term detailing areas of learning and any key texts.

Daily routines Most routines/timings

remain the same, however there are some minor differences;

Gates open – 8:40am Registration – 8:55am Assembly – 11am Break time – 11:15am Lunchtime – 12:30pm

till 1:20pm Home time 3:20pm

Daily routines continued School book bags should be brought in every day with

your child’s home school liaison books in case we need to get a message home to you or you need to communicate with us. These will continue to be checked daily.

Children will have access to the toilets and water fountain nearest to their classroom. We encourage them to bring in a water bottle to keep in class (clearly labelled with their name)

Children need PE kit in school every day.

Books and jotters

As well as the home school liaison book, your child also has several other small books/jotters that they will need to continue to bring to school on a regular basis. These are;

Reading journal (where you can encourage your child to read independently at home and comment on their book)

Spelling log book (where you can help support you child with any spelling words they need to focus on learning)

Mental maths jotter (where your child will keep a record of how well they are progressing with their multiplication facts and times tables as well as quick mental recall of maths facts)

Celebrating achievements


This is a brilliant way to get to know each other and celebrate success. Children can bring in information about themselves from hobbies to family to show to the class. This could be pictures, certificates anything then they present to the class at the end of the week.


Petworth, Cowdray, Parham, GoodwoodThe houses will now be a regular feature of the school day. Children will earn house points for good behaviour, helpfulness and many other things.


Merits start again in September.10 merits – bronze15 merits – silver25 merits – gold50 merits – diamond

These are awarded for work and other outstanding things.


Homework will follow a very similar pattern to year 4 There will be a selection of

homework options, closely related to the topic for the term, these will cover both literacy and maths areas of the curriculum.

Mental maths jotters will be used weekly to reinforce the importance of quick recall of maths facts.

There will be a regular opportunity to share and comment on homework in class.

Parents role

Encourage your child to develop a sense of independence – packing their own school bag, remembering their books and jotters (home school liaison, spelling log, mental maths,

Ensure your child is reading regularly at home and using their reading log book to comment on their book, every night if possible.

Home work – help and guidance where necessary. Come in to help in the classroom or on trip if you

can. Communicate any messages to your child’s

teacher via the home school liaison book.


We plan to have a variety of trips to compliment our topics throughout the year. These will be confirmed once we have decided upon the precise content of each topic.

We would encourage you to help out in class, and of course if you wish to help on the trip you will need to have an up to date CRB check.

Any questions?
