Welcome to Ye ar 2!


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Year 2 Transition Days 2020 

Welcome to Year 2! A big warm welcome to all of you! Miss Kimbley and Mrs Reynolds can’t wait to meet you in September. We love Year 2 

because we learn lots of new exciting things. We do some fabulous topics including Inventions and Inventors, 

Superheroes and we even learn about The Great Fire of London! Please see the videos of your new Year 2 teachers 

talking about Year 2 and introducing themselves! We have also created a Padlet page for you to share with us what you 

have been up to over the Summer! Keep an eye out for Mrs Reynolds’ and Miss Kimbley’s updates. Please see below 

(bingo grid) for further information about access to Padlet!  


This blog will cover Monday and Tuesday this week. Below you will find a bingo style activity sheet. You have the 

freedom to choose which activities to complete. See how many activities you can complete today and tomorrow or 

you may wish to do some during the Summer holidays.  


Puffins will be Kingfishers with Mrs Reynolds  

Owls will be Nightingales with Miss Kimbley 


Kingfisher bird Nightingale bird 

We would love to hear from you either today or tomorrow so you can email us at 

kingfishers@cringleford.norfolk.sch.uk or nightingales@cringleford.norfolk.sch.uk  


In September you will receive more detailed information about the school day,reading and the curriculum.  


What does my new teacher look like? 



Miss Kimbley Mrs Reynolds  


We hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday. The only learning we ask for you to continue with is reading. It will help 

you/your child hugely in September to read little and often throughout the holidays and enjoy books together. This is a 

link for the Summer Reading Challenge Summer Reading Challenge 2020 

We will see you in September for a fun and exciting new year at school! 


Miss Kimbley and Mrs Reynolds 

See below for activities 



Bag of Me Hunt 


Go on a hunt around your 


Imagine - if you could take 5 

things to space to tell an alien 

about you what would you take?  

For example ‘I would take a pair 

of football boots because I love 

football’ or ‘I would take my 

baking apron’.  

Please see Mrs Reynolds and 

Miss Kimbley’s Bag of Me videos.  



This is me! 


We would love your bright and 

colourful self portrait for our 

classroom next year! 


Don’t forget to look at a close up 

photograph or in a mirror to 

observe your face. 

You could include a background 






Movie Maker! 


Film a short clip introducing 

yourself for us to watch! You 

could include your name, your 

favourite game, your favourite 

toy, tell us who is in your family 

or who your friends are! Or 

anything else you would like us to 

know! It would be lovely to see 

and hear you! 



Two Truths and a Lie 


On the video you will have seen that 

we told you 2 truths and 1 lie about 

ourselves. Were you able to work 

out which was the lie? You can send 


your thoughts to the class email. 

It is now your turn to challenge us. 

Send in 3 sentences/facts about 

yourself (2 being true and 1 being a 

lie) and see if we can identify your 


You may prefer to record yourself 

and send this to the class email. 

Will you be able to trick us? 




Paper Friends! 


Can you make some paper dolls 

and draw your family and 

friends? Who will you choose to 

include? Maybe some friends 

from school, a club or special 

family friends. Maybe you could 

include family members too! 

Paper Doll Template and 


You may need a helping hand 

from an adult to start this 






You have all been doing a super 

job with your home learning and 


away from school for so long. 

The question is, if you could have 

just one super power what would 

it be? 

Would you want to be able to 

fly? Be invisible? Have super 


1) Explain what power you would 

choose and why. 

2) You may even like to draw 

yourself as a superhero 

My favourite book is… 


We love books! 


What is your favourite? 


Draw your favourite book. It 

could be a story or nonfiction. 

Include the front cover, the 

author, the illustrator and write 

what is about on the back.  

You could use the template we 

have included if you have a 


Book Eating Bookmark! 


Keep track of where you have 

read to this summer and make a 

funky book eating bookmark! 

Use the guide to help… 


Book Eating Bookmark 



Padlet is a great way to share what you have been up to! Share text 

and pictures for your class and new teacher to see. Simply click on 

the link below (only people with this link can contribute). Then click 

on the pink arrow in the corner.  

You must tell an adult before using Padlet. 

Keep an eye out for Mrs Reynolds and Miss Kimbley’s updates! 

Padlet Year 2 Summer Holidays Link 




Our first topic back next term is China. We would usually have a go 

at cooking a traditional Chinese meal to share. As cooking and food 

preparation is unlikely to go ahead next half term we thought you 

could have a go at cooking a meal at home. You could even share 

your dish on Padlet. A few options... 

Easy chow mein for kids recipe 

Baked Vegetable Spring Rolls Recipe 

