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Welcome to the WorkINdiana Portal

This user guide will help you to better understand the different functions of the WorkINdiana portal.

Table of Contents

Google Chrome Installation Page 2

User Initial Screens

Log-In Screen Page 3

Home Screen Page 5

Student Listing Screen Page 6

Adding/Editing/Deleting Student Data

Add Function Page 7

Edit Page 13

Delete Function Page 14

Manipulating Student Data

Search Functions Page 16

Sort Functions Page 18

Column Function Page 19

Program Year Function Page 20

Region Function Page 21

Reporting Student Data

Export Function Page 22

Working with User Data

My Account Screen Page 24

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Google Chrome Installation

1) Google Chrome must be used to run the WorkIN portal. To install Google Chrome, ctrl + left click on the link below and follow the


A) https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/ (the link will take you to the screen below).

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Log-in Screen

1) The WorkINdiana portal can be found online at the following link: https://www.indygrants.com/login/. A) Click on the Login button, in the upper right corner of the screen, to display the “Username / Password” screen.

NOTE: Make sure to save frequently because the WorkINdiana portal will time out after 90 minutes of non-activity. This will require you to log in again.

2) Enter your WorkINdiana portal “User Name” and “Password”.

A) If you mistype the user or password you can’t use the “Backspace” key to erase them. There two (2) ways to delete.

a) You can use the “Left Arrow” key to move the cursor back to the beginning position then use the “Delete” key to erase everything.

b) You can highlight everything then use the “Delete” key to erase everything.

3) The “Enter” key won’t work. You must Left click on the Login button (in the center of the screen) to access the WorkINdiana portal.

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If your user name and password are unsuccessful, then contact the support staff at support.scherb.com.

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Home Screen

1) Home - This is displayed on all screens and will always return you to the Home screen from wherever you are.

2) WorkINdiana - This will take you to the Student Listing screen where you can work with your data. 3) My Account - This will take you to your account maintenance screen.

4) Log Out - This will return you to the Log-In screen.

5) If you have any PROBLEMS with the WorkINdiana Portal functions please contact the support staff at support.scherb.com.

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Student Listing Screen – After Log-In

The Student Listing screen contains a roster of all students associated with this account. It’s composed of multiple columns. In order to view all data, you must scroll to the

right. There are multiple functions that can be performed on the Student Listing screen which will be displayed on the following pages. For all screens displayed on the

following pages: (1) If a field is outlined in red or has a red asterisk (*) beside it, then it‘s required. (2) The red exclamation point (!) by a field means it contains an

invalid value (a specific field error message will be displayed when the mouse arrow is placed over the exclamation point).

1) Add Student: This button starts the Add function.

2) Search For: This field can contain values that the Search button will try to find in several of the screen fields (IE: SSN, First Name, Last Name, etc.) & display the

student record(s) with matching values.

A) The following functions can be performed on students found by the Search function.

a) Edit

b) Delete

c) Export

d) Sort

e) Column

3) Program Year: This is the class/training program year (IE: 2017-2018), which starts July 1st and runs thru June 30th of each year.

4) Region: The region number of the WorkINdiana Grantee that issued the voucher (WorkINdiana or WIA Incentive Grant) for the student.

5) Clear: This button will clear ‘Program Year’, ‘Region’, & ‘Search For’ fields then display all data.

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Student Listing Screen – Add Function

1) The Add function is used to add a new student record.

A) The Add function can be invoked in two (2) ways:

a) A left click on the Add Student button.

b) A right click (which displays the Add, Edit and Delete onscreen options) plus a left click on the Add option.

B) The Add function has five (4) screens of data that are displayed on the succeeding pages.

C) The Save button can’t be selected until all of the required fields have been completed.

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Student Listing Screen – Add Function – Training Tab

1) The following fields appear at the top of every Student Listing Screen Tab (IE: Training, Certifications, Education, Comments, & WIA Incentive Grant if


A) Region: The region number of the Workforce Development Board or Adult Education Provider where the student is enrolled.

B) Grantee: The Grantee for the specific region.

C) Program Year: This is the class/training program year (IE: 2017-2018) which starts July 1st and runs thru June 30th of each year.

C) First Name: Official first name as listed on the birth certificate or other legal document (e.g. driver’s license).

D) Last Name: Official last name as listed on the birth certificate or other legal document (e.g. driver’s license).

E) SSN: The full social security number is required.

F) DOB: Official birth date (MM/DD/YYYY) as listed on the birth certificate or other legal document (e.g. driver’s license).

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2) WorkINdiana Approved Training Program: This is the unique number and name assigned to each class/training program.

A) If non-IDOC student, then the only required fields are:

a) WorkIndiana approved Training Program - Select ‘999995 - EXCEPTION ( EXCEPTION )’.

b) Start Date

o Enter the earliest of the dates below:

Training Start Date

Work Experience Start Date

B) If an IDOC student then select one (1) of the three (3) IDOC programs (999992, 999993, 999994)

3) Start Date: The date (MM/DD/YYYY) the student started his/her WorkINdiana training program.

4) End Date: A date (MM/DD/YYYY) should only be entered after the student dropped or completed training.

5) Enrollment Status: Every student must be either currently enrolled in training, completed training or dropped training.

6) Employment Status: The employment status should be completed after training unless a WIA Incentive Grant participant.

7) Work Start Date: Indicate the first date (MM/DD/YYYY) student participant started to work.

8) Total Tuition (Full Amount): The full cost of the training should be entered here even if the student drops out of the training program.

9) Supportive Service Costs: Please enter all of the supportive service costs that are allowable per the regional policy after the student starts training.

10) TANF Eligibility: If a student is eligible for TANF services, check the box in the space to the right.

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Student Listing Screen – Add Function – Certifications Tab

1) Target Certification: Name of first Certification that student anticipates earning.

A) Select applicable certification from dropdown list.

2) Certification Status: The status of the certification training.

A) Select applicable certification status from dropdown list.

3) Certification Earned Date: Please enter the full date (MM/DD/YYYY) the student earned his/her first certification.

A) The date can be directly entered.

B) Or the calendar can be displayed, by left clicking in the far right corner of the input box, & a date selected.

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Student Listing Screen – Add Function – Education Tab

1) WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) Enrollment: The type of WIOA enrollment. It is possible the student is NOT enrolled in WIOA.

2) JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) Enrollment: The status of the JAG enrollment.

3) Obtained HSE (High School Equivalency)/Diploma prior to WorkINdiana Enrollment: Select “Yes” or “No”.

4) Started Training while Enrolled in Adult ED:

5) AE Program Lookup by SSN: All fields are not used by the Add function & are automatically filled-in by the ‘Edit’ function.

A) AE Program Name: Adult Education unique number and name of the class/training program

(IE: [ABE_70] ABE Program Lakeridge).

B) Application Date: The date (MM/DD/YYYY) of the student application to the program.

C) Enrolled Flag: This is a yes/no field that indicates if the student has completed twelve (12) hours and has become enrolled.

D) Exit Date: The date (MM/DD/YYYY) the student left the program.

E) Most Recent TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education)/SURV (Survey Test) Math at Entry: The student’s grade equivalent (as determined by a TABE assessment) in

mathematics at the time of enrollment into WorkINdiana training (IE: ABE Intermediate High [8.00]).

F) Most Recent TABE/SURV Reading at Entry: The student’s grade equivalent (as determined by a TABE assessment) in reading at the time of enrollment into WorkINdiana

training (IE: ABE Low [10.50]).

6) DOC (Department of Corrections) Only: This section is reserved for the Department of Corrections (DOC).

A) DOC (Department of Corrections) Number: Unique student number assigned by DOC.

B) Release Date: The DOC student’s planned release date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be entered here.

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Student Listing Screen - Add Function – Comments Tab

1) Training Notes: This section should be used to explain irregularities or provide comments pertinent to the student’s situation as it

relates to training.

2) WorkOne Comments: Please track your comments here regarding work experiences or OJTs.

A) Provide rationale for the quit or fired and other data that you believe is relevant including best practices.

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Student Listing Screen – Edit Function 1) Edit Function:

A) There are two (2) ways to find the record that is to be edited.

a) Use the Search function (RE: P-21 & 22) to find a specific record or records.

b) Use a record that is currently displayed.

B) The Edit function can be invoked in two (2) ways.

a) A left click on a single displayed record.

b) A right click (which displays the Add, Edit and Delete onscreen options) plus a left click on the Edit option.

C) The Edit function has five (4) screens of data that are displayed on the succeeding pages.

D) The Save button can be selected anytime.

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Student Listing Screen – Delete Function

1) Delete Function

A) There are two (2) ways to find the record that is to be deleted.

a) Use the Search function to find a specific record or records.

b) Use a record that is currently displayed.

B) The Delete function is invoked by:

a) A right click (which displays the Add, Edit and Delete onscreen options), on a single displayed record to select it for deletion,

plus a left click on the Delete option.

b) A left click on the OK button in the confirm delete box.

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2) Select “OK”.

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Student Listing Screen – Search Function

1) Use the Search function to find a specific record or records. It is invoked in the following manner:

A) Enter information (IE: SSN, Name) into the Search For field.

B) A left click on the Search button which will display the student record(s) that match the search criteria.

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Student Listing Screen – Search Function Result(s)

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Student Listing Screen – Sort Functions

1) Each column has two (2) Sort functions which can be used to display the data in differing order. They are invoked by moving the mouse

cursor to the desired column (a little box will appear in the far right end of the column) then left click on the box (which displays the sort

ascending and sort descending options).

A) “Sort Ascending” will arrange the data in alphabetical (A to Z) or numerical (small to large) order depending on the type of data.

B) “Sort Descending” will arrange the data in alphabetical (Z to A) or numerical (large to small) order depending on the type of data.

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Student Listing Screen – Column Function

1) The “Column” function can be used to show or hide columns of data. It is invoked by moving the mouse cursor to any column (a little box

will appear in the far right end of the column) then left click on the box (which displays all of the columns that can be displayed).

A) A check in the box by a column field means that is a displayed column.

B) A blank box by a column field means that is a non-displayed column.

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Student Listing Screen – Program Year Function

1) The “Program Year” function is simply a way to fine tune what program year students are displayed for. Rather than displaying all students,

only the students in the specified program year will be displayed. The “Program Year” function is invoked by performing the following steps:

A) Left click on the “Program Year” box which will display a drop down menu of all of the program years that data can be displayed for.

B) Left click on the program year you want data to be displayed for.

2) The Clear button resets the ‘Program Year’ function so all students will be displayed.

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Student Listing Screen – Region Function

1) The “Region” function is simply a way to fine tune what region students are displayed for. Rather than displaying all students, only the

students in the specified region will be displayed. The ‘Region’ function is invoked by performing the following steps:

A) Left click on the “Region” box which will display a drop down menu of all of the regions that data can be displayed for.

B) Left click on the region you want data to be displayed for.

2) The Clear button resets the “Region” function so all students will be displayed.

***The same steps will be used for the “Grantee” function.

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Student Listing Screen – Export Function

1) The Export button will create a copy of the displayed screen in the Excel file format.

A) Make certain you have everything you need displayed because the export function will ONLY export the displayed columns. The

hidden columns will not be exported.

B) It is invoked by a left click.

C) A box with a default Excel file name will appear in the lower left corner of the screen.

a) Left click on the box & select ‘Open’ to open the Excel file which is displayed on the next page.

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Student Listing Screen – Export Function – Excel File

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My Account Screen

The My Account screen allows you to edit your personal account information.
