Welcome to the unit. Lead-in 1.What do you know about art? 2.What’s your favourite type of...


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Welcome to the unit

Lead-in1. What do you know about art?

2. What’s your favourite type of painting?

3. Can you name some famous artists you like

4. or you are familiar with?

Let’s talk about the following paintings.

1.What is a mural?

2. What are the characteristics of a mural?

1. What is a still life picture?

2. What are the characteristics of a still life picture?

1. What do you know about abstract art?

2. Do you think it easy or difficult to understand abstract painting?

What do you know about paintings of nature?

What do you know about a portrait?

Do you know any famous portrait in the world?

1. Nowadays more and more people would like to spend lots of money buying some paintings to decorate their house. Do you know the reason?

2. Do you think painting is also a kind of language?



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