Welcome to the train-the-trainer workshop Experimento 10+ Capetown 28th of February to 2nd of March...


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to the train-the-trainer workshopExperimento 10+

Capetown28th of February to 2nd of March 2012

SIEMENS Foundation


Program today


Tuesday, Feb. 28nd

08:30 – 10:00 Welcome, concept and objectives of Experimento | 10+ Clarification of administrative issuesAdaption of Experimento | 10+ to Syllabus of SA

10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break

10:15 – 12:30 Focus on Energy – experiment trials Methods I: „Learning at stations“

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Feedback on Energy

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15.15 – 16.30 Focus on Health – experiment trialsMethods II: „Methodology tools”

Learning at Stations• Material argument:

Large classes means never enough material to work in parallel groups

• Safety argument:Too many groups working on experiments increases safety risks

• Learning argument:Working at different stations gives students a feeling of „this is especially for us“ (proved by research)

• Preparation argument:Constructing stations can be carried out in common by several teachers and can be used for several years



Learning at Stations-General layout

- e.g. 6 Stations (may vary widely) - partly experimental (3 or 4 stations)- partly non experimental (2 or 3 stations)

- all (should) need approx. same time- none needs another as precondition

- a circle can be astablished twice (or more often) in classroom if neccessary- there may be compulsory stations and additional stations- at each station material and written instructions are provided - a task is to be carried out (results to be fixed)


Learning at Stations: Energy (A2) Experimental• Station 1

We store heat • Station 2

Water as heat store• Station 3

Heat pack• Station 4

How the heat pack works

Non experimental• Station 5

Crossword puzzle „So hot !“

• Station 6Text to chart translation„Water storing heat“

• Station 7Graph interpretation„Heating water“


Learning at Stations: Energy (A2)

Now let‘s start !


Learning at StationsWhat else to be considered

• How much time do we have / will we need? • How are groups formed?• What precautions must be taken?• How should a group signal for teacher‘s help?• How should the change to the next station be

organized? (bell, on their own after finishing, other)

• What about additional work at home lateron?


Learning at StationsWeb Ressources

• General information, definition http://wik.ed.uiuc.edu/index.php/Learning_Centers_in_the_Middle_School_Classroom

• Example: learning stations blood / pressure http://seattlescience.pbworks.com/f/Circ_Learning_Stations_Comb.doc

• The Station Approach: How to Teach With Limited Resources http://learningcenter.nsta.org/product_detail.aspx?id=10.2505/4/ss07_030_06_16


Collaborative forms of learning (Methods IV)

Jigsaw method – Group puzzle

The Health Experiments (C2)


Carbohydrates as Providers of Energy

A Preparation of starch solution

B Preparation of Iodine-KI-Solution

C Proof of starch

D Effect of saliva on starch

C Enzyme inhibition by heavy metal influence & acids


Methodology tools Constructivism and learning

• There is no direct way from reality into brain• Nor is there a 1 to 1 understanding of speech

• Therefore learning means „constructing one‘s own model of the world“

• This need different and manyfold means• Methodology tools can help on this way


Methodology tools

Crossword P.

Speech bubbles

Flow Process ChartMemory


Fill in the blank text


Methodology tools

Crossword P.



Fill in the blank text

Try it … play the „Nutrition Memory“

and see how it was made


Methodology tools

Crossword P.



Fill in the blank text

There is Freeware available for you and your pupilse.g. Edraw Max V6.3 English (download from www.cnet.com/)


Methodology tools

Crossword P.



Fill in the blank text

There is a free powerful tool called HotPotatoes 6 (download from http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ )

Program today


Wednesday, March 1st

08:30 – 10:00 Feedback on the first day Focus on Environment – Experiment trialsMethods III: “Tasks”

10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break

10:15 – 12:30 Experience sharing and joint planningMethods IV: “Collaborative forms of learning”

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Workshop agenda for education professionals

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 16:30 Evaluation and Conclusion to Experimento | 10+


Methods III: TasksTasks are good• when they allow the students autonomous working / learning• when they use preknowledge and activate it• when they mean a cognitive challenge• when they guide the learner to a higher step of

understanding• when they allow cooperative work (and thereby item related

communication)• when it is clear for the students from the start what kind of

answer is requested


Methods: TasksAn example

Develop a series of experiments which show the translation of states for water.Write down an instruction which allows another group to carry out the experiments. Add a sketch to show what you mean. Icecube

Pot on stove

Lid with condensed water



Methods: TasksFor more examples see the educators handout

- „Separating different types of plastic”- „How do sun rays transport energy?“- Any task of „translating“ information from one

kind of representation into another(text to chart, picture to text, formula to text, data to graph …)

- „Summarize …..- „Show how …..

The Today Environment Experiments (B7)


Storage of renewable Energy

A Hydrogen

B Capacitors

C Redox flow cells


Methods IV: Collaborative forms of learning

• Every possibility for subject related talking should be used

• Less competent learn from more competent

• Arguments are sharpened

• Team playing is practiced

Special forms• Working in groups• Think-pair-share• Jigsaw• Learning tandems• …


Methods IV: Collaborative forms of learning

Something simple but effective Think – pair – share

Some questionto think about

? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

? ?




Methods IV: Collaborative forms of learning

Something simple but effective Think – pair – share


Methods IV: Collaborative forms of learning

Something simple but effective Think – pair – share