Welcome to the Catholic Parish of Stamford Saint Mary and


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Welcome to the Catholic Parish of Stamford

Saint Mary and Saint Augustine The Presbytery, 13 Broad Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 1PG Telephone: (01780) 762010

Website: www.staugustinescatholicchurchstamford.co.uk

Parish Priest: Father Simon Gillespie Mobile: 07760 372105 Email: simon@nottinghamcatholic.com

Deacons: Reverend Charles West-Sadler (with Oakham parish); Reverend Robert S Dawson (retired)

Parish Safeguarding Representative: Tony Williams Telephone: 01780 756456 Email: angant@talktalk.net

Parish Director of Music: Ruth Proctor Mobile: 07826 017487 Email: ruthproctor73@gmail.com

Parish Hall Manager: Anna Barwell Mobile: 07789 283140 Email: anna.barwell@tiscali.co.uk

Parish Primary School: Saint Augustine’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, Stamford (01780) 762094

Part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham Diocesan Website: www.nottingham-diocese.org.uk

Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees Company Number: 7151646 Charity Number: 1134449

10th and 11th March 2018 : Fourth Sunday of Lent : Laetare Sunday

This weekend marks the half-way point in our Lenten journey, and so we celebrate

Laetare Sunday, meaning ‘rejoice’. We replace the penitential purple vestments with

a softer rose colour, and some people relax their Lenten fasting by celebrating

Mothering Sunday on this day. It’s an opportunity for us to consider how our Lenten

charisms of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving are going, and to be encouraged in our

efforts if they’re beginning to flag a little. Pope Saint Leo the Great reminds us, in

this week’s reflection, that charity, love, is at the heart of all our Lenten activity:

In John’s gospel the Lord says: By this love you have for one another, everyone will

know you are my disciples. In a letter by John we read: My dear people, let us love

one another since love comes from God and everyone who loves is begotten by God

and knows God. Anyone who fails to love can never have known God, because God

is love.

So the faithful should look into

themselves and carefully examine their

minds and the impulses of their hearts. If

they find some of the fruits of love stored

in their hearts then they must not doubt

God’s presence within them, but to make

themselves more and more able to

receive so great a guest they should do

more and more works of durable mercy

and kindness. After all, if God is love,

charity should know no limit, for God

himself cannot be confined within limits.

What is the appropriate time for performing works of charity? My beloved

children, any time is the right time, but these days of Lent provide a special

encouragement. Those who want to be present at the Lord’s Passover in holiness of

mind and body should seek above all to win this grace. Charity contains all other

virtues and covers a multitude of sins. As we prepare to celebrate that greatest of

all mysteries, by which the blood of Jesus Christ destroyed our sins, let us first of all

make ready the sacrificial offerings — that is, our works of mercy. What God in his

goodness has already given to us, let us give to those who have sinned against us.

And to the poor also, and to those who are afflicted in various ways, let us

show a more open-handed generosity so that God may be thanked through many

voices and the needy may be fed as a result of our fasting. No act of devotion on the

part of the faithful gives God more pleasure than the support that is lavished on his

poor. Where God finds charity with its loving concern, there he recognises the

reflection of his own fatherly care. Do not be put off giving by a lack of resources. A

generous spirit is itself great wealth, and there can be no shortage of material for

generosity where it is Christ who feeds and Christ who is fed. His hand is present in

all this activity: his hand, which multiplies the bread by breaking it and increases it

by giving it away.

When you give alms, do not be anxious but full of happiness. The greatest

treasure will go to the one who has kept the least for himself. The holy apostle Paul

tells us: He who provides seed for the sower will give bread for food, provide you

with more seed, and increase the harvest of your goodness, in Christ Jesus our Lord,

who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Happy Mothering Sunday to all Mothers in our parish and beyond!

Welcome this week

We welcome our parish primary school to Mass on Sunday at 9.00am, and thank

them for animating our liturgy with their enthusiasm. From time to time Mass is

celebrated in school (usually on Tuesdays) and everyone is very welcome to join in

these Masses also, and to give praise to God with some of the youngest parishioners

in our parish.

We welcome Father Mamdouh from Bethlehem this week, especially at our Deanery

Station Mass on Thursday evening. Father Mamdouh will have some of his beautiful

carved olive wood items from Bethlehem on sale, the proceeds of which help to

support people in his local community. All are welcome to the Mass!

Forthcoming Events in our parish, community and diocese

The Churches Together Lent Lunch will be held each Friday in Lent from 12.30pm in

the URC Hall (opposite us) on Broad Street. See the poster in the porch, and do come


The SVP (Saint Vincent de Paul Society) meets next on Thursday 15th March at

6.00pm in the parish hall. All are welcome.

Deanery Station Mass on Thursday 15th March with confessions and Adoration of

the Blessed Sacrament from 6.30pm, Mass at 7.30pm. Come along and help to host

our brothers and sisters from around the deanery.

Behold the Lamb a meditation in word and music for Passion Sunday, on Sunday 18th

March at 6.00pm in Stamford Methodist Church. See the poster in the porch.

The Parish Finance Committee meets on Monday 19th March at 9.45am in the

presbytery. If you have any items that you wish to be discussed at the meeting

please contact Joe Scott, chairman.

The next CWL meeting is on Monday 19th March at 7.30pm in the parish hall. All

members are invited to attend and are also reminded that the CWL membership fee

is due now. Could all members please contact Maria South (treasurer) if they have

any queries or to pay their fee. New members of all ages are welcomed!

Peterborough Theological Society will host Professor Sarah Coakley speaking about

‘John of the Cross on redeeming humanity : confronting ‘darkness’ on Wednesday

21st March. Details from Canon Jonathan Baker on 01733 355300.

A Lenten Retreat Day at Saint Augustine’s, Woodborough Road, Nottingham, on

Saturday 24th March; starting at 10.30am with tea and coffee and finishing at

3.30pm. Please bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee will be provided throughout the

day. For more information contact Sister Treasa Ridge: treasaridge@talktalk.net

The Stamford Hospital Chaplaincy team have arranged a Singalong at Van Geest

Ward on Wednesday 28th March at 3.00pm. We will have musical accompaniment

to old time songs that the patients will know and love, as well as some well known

hymns. The Singalong is open to anyone who would like to attend and no doubt it

will be good fun for the patients to enjoy; music and song help with health!

Search for the Light: Easter Retreat for young people (Yr 10 -Yr13). Young people

are invited to journey through the Easter story at The Briars Youth Retreat Centre.

From Thursday 29th March until Sunday 1st April. The cost is £60; contact


Divine Mercy Devotions on Sunday 8th April from 2.30pm, in Saint Joseph’s church,

Oakham. See the poster in the porch for more details.

1918 – 2018 at Stamford Methodist Church on Saturday 14th April at 7.30pm. See

the poster in the porch for more details, and information about tickets.

A Parish Quiz Night with Tom Jordan will be held on Saturday 28th April in the parish

hall at 7.00pm. Teams of 4 people; more details later.

An invitation to afternoon tea

In celebration of World Down’s

Syndrome day, the teenage

members of Peterborough Area

Down’s syndrome group would

like to invite you to tea in the parish hall on Saturday 24th March from 2.00pm

until 4.00pm. Our members will meet and greet, help serve teas and generally

make you very welcome! All donations made will go to support the work of our

local group. For more information please contact Maggie Scott on 01780

444233 or maggie@scotbeach.co.uk

Student Cross

The Student Cross is passing through Stamford on Palm Sunday, 25th March, and we

are looking for parishioners who would offer the participants (a minimum of two

people per home) a shower and a meal on Sunday evening. The walkers will be

sleeping in the parish hall. There is a board at the back

of the church for parishioners to kindly put their name

with their telephone number and how many people they

can accommodate. If you have any questions please

contact Stephanie on 07889 825712. Many thanks in

advance for your support.

Dementia Prayer Week : 12th – 19th March

Loving Father,

you are close to the broken hearted.

Look with compassion on those whose lost memories

have robbed them of home and belonging.

Comfort and strengthen those who care for them.

May they make their home in you.

This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen

Biscuit Baking for HMP Stocken

You might remember that last year our confirmation candidates, together with other

parishioners, helped to prepare for a Prison Mission by baking biscuits which were

distributed to all the men and staff in HMP Stocken. The Mission was a success, and

is being run again this Lent, from 12th until 16th March. Our parish was asked to help

once again this year but despite several requests no one from the parish volunteered

to co-ordinate this project, and so our quota of 500 biscuits is unfulfilled.

The Kairos Mission begins on Monday, and we are all invited to keep the men and

staff in prison, our fellow parishioners, in our prayers this week.

Safeguarding in our parish and in our diocese

The Diocese of Nottingham requires that each parish and Religious Congregation has

a Safeguarding Representative in place. The Safeguarding Representative has

responsibility for promoting good and safe practices in all activities involving

children, young people and adults and for providing advice on child and adult

safeguarding matters within the parish or Congregation.

My name is Tony Williams and I am the Safeguarding Rep for Saint Mary and Saint

Augustine parish, Stamford. I provide the link between the parish and the

Safeguarding Coordinator for the Diocese. As Safeguarding Representative I have

received relevant training and know who to contact if a concern or allegation is

raised. In addition I have a key role in administering the safer recruitment process,

including facilitating the DBS Disclosure process at a local level.

My contact details are 01780 756456 or angant@talktalk.net, and are also displayed

on a poster at the back of the church. The Safeguarding Coordinator for the

Nottingham Diocese is Mrs Clare McKenzie who can be contacted at Family Care

Nottingham, telephone: 0115 960 3010.

Lenten Penitential Services and Station Masses

Thursday 15th March – Confessions and Adoration at 6.30pm; Station Mass (with

Father Mamdouh) at 7.30pm, with refreshments after – in Stamford

Wednesday 21st March – Confessions and Adoration at 6.30pm; Station Mass at

7.30pm, with refreshments after – in Bourne

Thursday 22nd March – Confessions and Adoration at 7.00pm – in Oakham

Monday 26th March – Confessions and Adoration at 7.00pm – in Grantham

Holy Week and Easter – an Invitation

We can’t journey through Lent without thinking about the journey’s end – Holy Week

and Easter itself. Put these dates in your diary now and make every effort to come

to church over that Great Week:

Palm Sunday (25th March)

• Masses at 6.00pm vigil and 9.00am; then a Procession (as last year) from Saint

Michael’s Churchyard at 10.30am, leading into the 11am Mass;

• Sung Vespers in church at 5.00pm

Maundy Thursday (29th March)

• The Mandatum Mass of the Lord’s Supper, with the washing of feet, at 7.00pm,

and then Watching before the Blessed Sacrament until midnight;

Good Friday (30th March)

• An Ecumenical Walk of Witness, starting from Saint Michael’s church on the

High Street, at 12.00 noon

• The Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday at 3.00pm;

Holy Saturday (31st March)

• We will spend the day in silence and stillness, waiting at the tomb; during the

day we’ll pray the Liturgy of the Hours in church;

EASTER DAY (1st April)

• We will begin Easter with the Solemn Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection at

4.30am (followed by bacon sandwiches and prosecco in the parish hall);

• Masses as usual at 9.00am and 11.00am;

• Sung vespers of Easter Day at 5.00pm.

Put these dates in your diary now

and commit to walking with Christ on the path to Calvary and Resurrection

New Saints for the 21st Century

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has made public the following decrees

which Pope Francis authorised in a meeting this week with Cardinal Angel Amato,

Prefect of the Congregation.

A miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Paul VI (Giovanni Battista

Montini), Supreme Pontiff, born on 26 September 1897 and died in Castel

Gandolfo, Italy on 6 August 1978.

A miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Oscar Arnulfo Romero y

Galdamez, Archbishop of San Salvador (El Salvador) on 15 August 1917 and

murdered in San Salvador on 24 March 1980.

A miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Francesco Spinelli, Diocesan

priest, founder of the Institute of the Sister Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament,

born in Milan, Italy, on 14 April 1853, died at Rivolta d'Adda on 6 February 1913.

A miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Vincezo Romani, Diocesan

priest, born at Torre del Greco, Italy, on 3 June 1751 and died there on 20

December 1831.

A miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Maria Catherine Kaspar,

Foundress of the Institute of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, born on 26 May

1820 in Dernbach, Germany and died there on 2 February 1898.

A miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Maria

Felicia Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (secular name Maria Guggiarria Echeverria)

Professed Sister of the Order of Discalced Carmelites: born in Villarica, Paraguay

on 12 January 1925, and died in Asuncion, Paraguay on 28 April 1959.

The Martyrdom of the Servant of God Anna Kolesarova, Laywoman, born in Visoka

nad Uhom, Solvakia, on 14 July 1929 and killed in hatred of the Faith on 22

November 1944.

The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Bernard Lubienski, professed priest of the

Congregation of the Holy Redeemer, born in Guzow, Poland on 9 December 1846

and died in Warsaw on 10 September 1933.

The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Cecilio Maria Cortinovis, secular name

Antonio Pietro, Professed religious of the Order of friars Minor, Capuchin, born in

Nespello, Italy on 7 November 1885 and died in Bergamo on 10 April 1984.

The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Giustina Schiapparoli , Foundress of the

Congregation of Beneditcine Sisters of Divine Providence of Voghera, born in

Castel San Giovanni, Italy on 19 July 1819, died in Voghera on 13 November 1877.

The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Maria Antonelli Bordoni, Laywoman of

the Third Order of St Dominic, Foundress of the Lay Fraternity of the Little

Daughters of the Mother of God, born on 13 October 1916 in Arezzo, Italy and died

in Castel Gandolfo on 16 January 1978.

The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Allessadra Sabattini, Layman, born on 19

August 1961 in Riccione, Italy and died in Bologna on 2 May 1984.

Job Opportunities at Evergreen

Evergreen Care Trust’s Care Services Manager

The Trust is looking to launch its full regulated personal care provision, Florence Care,

later in the year and we wish to recruit a suitable, experienced Care Services

Manager (RCM) to ensure that the infrastructure, policies and procedures, CQC and

Charity Commission compliance, staff recruitment, training and member

identification for Florence Care is ready and fit for purpose. The existing unregulated

and regulated care services we provide will also be managed by the successful

candidate, who will relieve our CEO of her current responsibility as our Registered

Care Manager. Applications close on Monday 19th March.

Office Cleaner

We are looking for a reliable and energetic cleaner to maintain the Evergreen Care

Trust Head office and Meeting room in the former SHYP House on Barnack Road

Stamford. Hours are 1.5hrs twice a week - total is 3 hours per week to ensure that

the office site and meeting room are kept clean, safe and up to standard for

personnel working in the building and guests who visit the office site. Currently

service is provided on a Friday evening after 5pm so that the office is ready for

Monday and a Wednesday evening after 5pm so that the office during the latter part

of the week is again, clean and tidy.

Anyone interested in either position should contact Evergreen on 01780 765 900 for

a job description and an application form.

A reflection from ‘Marriage Matters’

Called to be a sign

The world often ridicules marriage saying ‘it’s just a piece of paper’, but Scripture

draws attention to God’s powerful message. Saint Paul says: “We are God’s work of

art; created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant

us to live it.” Let us shine out so the world sees what it’s missing.

From our Parish Primary School

This week Elephant’s class have been looking at time.

We ordered and spoke about our daily routines, we

played what is the time Mr Wolf at playtimes, the

children practically used clocks to make and tell

O’clock times. The Year 1 children also looked at

making half past

times. We would like

to ask you to

encourage your

children to tell the

time and talk about

their daily routine.

On Thursday the girls’ netball team went to Welland

Academy to play in a tournament. Jaynie Parker said,

“We played very well and won and drew games

against some of the primary schools in Stamford.

There were four games in total and we scored five

goals.” The team captain was Poppy McCulloch and

our Player of the Event was Abaigael Meekins.

Science Week

focussing on Healthy Living

Next week we have lots of exciting

events happening at Saint Augustine’s

for Science Week ~ Taekwondo, Dance

Hip Hop, Internet Safety, Dental Care

and Fran Williamson the British

Paralympic Swimmer will be visiting us

on Thursday.

Mission Statement this week:

I know it’s ok for me to make mistakes

Parish Fundraising – 200 Club Winners

The first draw for the Parish 200 Club was held after Mass last Sunday morning;

congratulation to our winners:

£250 – number 074 – Kevin Vinter

£150 – number 099 – Stephanie Crook

£100 – number 057 – Anthony Jephcott

Thanks to Christina Armitage, our parish co-ordinator, and to everyone who’s joined.

If you want a chance to win one of the monthly prizes, and help our parish to raise

money for the refurbishment of the presbytery and the church lighting, do complete

an application form from the back of church today.

Many Thanks for your Generosity

11th February

Envelopes £341.62 Loose plate £186.17

Standing Order £274.00 Collection Total £801.79

18th February

Envelopes £312.00 Loose plate £258.63

Standing Order £274.00 Collection Total £844.63

25th February

Envelopes £316.00 Loose plate £260.96

Standing Order £274.00 Collection Total £850.96

4th March

Envelopes £243.50 Loose plate £197.58

Standing Order £274.00 Collection Total £715.08

Cafod Lenten Fast Day : £765.90

Faith in Families Crib Offerings : £229.83

Readings at Masses this Week

Monday Isaiah 65:17-21; Psalm 29(30):2.4-6.11-13; John 4:43-54

Tuesday Ezekiel 47:1-9.12; Psalm 45(46):2-9; John 5:1-16

Wednesday Isaiah 49:8-15; Psalm 144(145):8-9.13-14.17-18; John 5:17-30

Thursday Exodus 32:7-14; Psalm 105(106):19-23; John 5:31-47

Friday Wisdom 2:1.12-22; Psalm 33(34):16-23; John 7:1-2.10.25-30

Saturday 1 Peter 4:7-11; Psalm 95(96):1-3.7-8.10; Luke 5:1-4

Prayers For . . .

All who have died recently: especially Susan Blasdale; Charles Woseley and

Elizabeth Mary Rogers. May they rest in peace!

All our sick and housebound parishioners and friends: especially Kevin Vinter, Kitty

Hughes, Father David Bowler, Father Kevin Clark, Father Terry Fellows, John and Julia

Newman, Maria Pinto, Catherine Farndell, John Griffiths, John Salthouse, Marie

Lunny, Mary Patrick, Dympna Middleton, Vincent Kelly, Sister Attracta, Verlia Duque,

Father Thomas Breslin, Provost Michael Bell, John Chapple, Father Peter Peterken,

Father Chris Hogan, Father Michael Stappard, Margaret West-Sadler, John Herd,

Father Dominic O’Connor, Father Joe O’Hanlon, Jo and Bernard Raffo, Victoria

Crouch, Father James O’Hanlon, Father Eamonn O’Hara, Peter Herrick, Father John

Cairns, Deacon Bernard Croft, Mark Grab, Rosa Maria Santos, Kenneth Court,

Veronica Hosking, Beth Coleman, Joan Middleton, Pat Dancer, Augusta Deane, Irene

Mulligan, Connie Edgar, Gladys Brown, Nora Hunt, Valerie Pellier, Fiona Ruddle,

David Cooke, Maeve Swann, Helen Allen, Jean Maker, Anna Orme, Lucy Court, Debbie

Reed, Ken Woods, Lilian Popple, Anne Woods, Deacon Bob Dawson, Father Peter Harvey.

Liturgy this Week and next Week

Celebration Fourth Sunday of Lent Fifth Sunday of Lent

Cycle & Psalter Year B, Week 4 Year B, Week 1

Mass Page 162 Page 169

Penitential Rite B, page 8 B, page 8

First Reading 2 Chronicles 36:14-16.19-23 Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm Psalm 136 Psalm 50:3-4.12-15

Second Reading Ephesians 2:4-10 Hebrews 5:7-9

Gospel John 3:14-21 John 12:20-30

Preface Lent 1, page 56 Lent 2, page 56

Eucharistic Prayer Three, page 28 Two, page 24

Memorial Acclamation B (When we eat) B (When we eat)

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for March

For formation in spiritual discernment. Let us pray together that the Church may

appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal

and communitarian levels.

Masses and Services this Week

Saturday 10th March Fourth Sunday of Lent : Laetare Sunday

6.00pm Vigil Mass Mary Alston RIP

7.00pm Confessions

Sunday 11th March Fourth Sunday of Lent : Laetare Sunday

9.00am School Mass Irena Dudek RIP

Tea and coffee after

11.00am Mass Pro Populo (people of the parish)

Tea and coffee after

5.00pm Sung Vespers

Monday 12th March Lenten Feria

9.00am Mass Susan Blasdale RIP

Tuesday 13th March Lenten Feria

7.00am Mass Edie McLaughlin RIP

Wednesday 14th March Lenten Feria

7.30am Mass Angus Forbes and family

Thursday 15th March Lenten Feria

4.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6.30pm Deanery Confessions and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

7.30pm Deanery Station Mass – Lesley Arthur Starsmore RIP

Tea and coffee after

Friday 16th March Lenten Feria

10.00am Mass Success of my operation (KV)

Saturday 17th March Feast of Saint Patrick, bishop, Patron of Ireland

9.00am Confessions

Fifth Sunday of Lent : Passion Sunday

Retiring Collection for Easter Flowers

6.00pm Mass Miss C Smith RIP, George Ebenezer Hyland RIP,

Willescott family RIP

7.00pm Confessions

Sunday 18th March Fifth Sunday of Lent : Passion Sunday

9.00am Mass Luke Flynn (first anniversary)

Children’s liturgy; Tea and coffee after

11.00am Mass Pro Populo (people of the parish)

Tea and coffee after

3.00pm Ecumenical Service at Whitefriars

3.15pm Prison Mass Father Gordon Cordy RIP

5.00pm Sung Vespers
