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Purim? Done!—DATMinyan.org/Purim is open! Sign up for our Purim Seudah, do-nate Matanot L’evyonim, and see the Purim schedule. The Purim Seudah will be Thurs-day, March 5, 5:00 pm at the JCC. $16/adult, $8/child, children ages 0-2 free. This year, part of our Matanot L’evyonim is being given to Leket Israel, and part is being given locally. See our website for details.

Teen Shabbat Morning Program with Rabbi Sunshine upstairs at 10:45 am.

Our themed Shabbatot continue next week with Denver Broncos Shabbat, high-lighting the important work of this valuable local organization. A member of the Bron-cos publicity staff will speak Shabbat morn-ing to hawk season tickets. Wear orange and blue!

The previous paragraph was a simulated “practice joke.” Actual jokes may appear increasingly often as Adar proceeds, in keeping with the lighter spirit of this time of year. If you read something that is obviously ridiculous, such as the above, disregard it. It is a joke.

Seudah Shelishit Change—Please note that beginning this Shabbat, Feb. 21, our Open Beit Midrash program returns to its old time, one hour before Mincha, and Seudah Shelishit will return to its traditional sit-down style with singing and a D’var Torah. Please plan accordingly.

Special Seudah Shelishit here at the DAT Minyan next Shabbat, Feb. 28, with the Traveling Chassidim. See p. 3.

Teen Shabbat Lunch at DAT Minyan with Reb Noam next Shabbat, Feb. 28. Speak to Reb Noam for more infor-mation. See Page 3.

Class Updates: Morah Gross substitutes for Ellyn Hutt at the 8:30 am Shabbat class this week. The OU Skype class with Rabbi Dov Schreier has been rescheduled for Sunday, April 19.

MP3 Audio for Rabbi Rackovsky’s classes are now online at DATMinyan.org/audio. Listen or download.

Denver Academy of Torah 22nd Annual Gala—This Mon., Feb. 23. Honor ing Rabbi Daniel and Rivka Alter & Dr. Jonathan and Kim Fishman. At Comedy Works–Landmark in Greenwood Village. 6:45 pm – cocktails and silent auction; 8:00 pm – Program. Dessert to follow. RSVP at www.datcampus.org, or contact Kathy Bashari directly—kbashari@datcampus.org or 720-941-6455.

DAT Minyan Annual Event—Sunday, March 22 at the Soiled Dove Underground. Watch for more information coming soon.

Rabbi Yisrael Rosenfeld’s autobiography, “The Princi-pal,” is now available at RabbiIsraelRosenfeld.com. This remarkable, previously unpublished volume chronicles Rabbi Rosenfeld’s early life, his ordeal during the Holo-caust, and his tenure as principal of Hillel Academy. If you have any questions, contact Scott Friedman.

Like DAT Minyan on Facebook and follow us on Twit-ter. Now posting and tweeting almost daily!


Please help make our Tefillot meaningful by refraining from talking during Davening.

Fri. Feb. 20 Rosh Chodesh

שבתFeb. 21

Sun. Feb. 22

Mon. Feb. 23

Tue. Feb. 24

Wed. Feb. 25

Thu. Feb. 26

Fri. Feb. 27

Shacharit Latest Shema 9:29 am

6:25 8:00 9:00 ,7:30 ... מרבים בשמחה!

Sign up today 6:35 for the Purim

6:45 Seudah at

6:45 DATMinyan

6:35 .org/Purim! (No

6:45 exclamation point)

Mincha/Maariv Earliest Shema 6:17 pm

5:25 5:15/6:24 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30

DAT Minyan 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 www.datminyan.org Twitter: @datminyan



Fri. Before Maariv D’var Torah Rabbi Alter MPR


8:30 am Tefillah Warmup Morah Gross DAT

After Hashkama D’var Torah Zev Narrowe 111

10:00 am Women’s Parsha Chabura 201

Haftarah/Mussaf Parsha Class Rabbi Gitler 111

After Mussaf Derasha Rabbi Alter MPR

4:00 pm HS Boys Gemara Dr. N. Rabinovitch MPR

4:15 pm SHAWL Rabbi Gitler N/A

4:15 pm Open Beit Medrash MPR

Not Meeting 5th-7th Girls Mishna Aryeh Fischer N/A

4:35 pm 5th-7th Boys Mishna Rabbi Alter DAT

After Mincha Women’s Mesillat Yesharim Chabura 112

Sun. 7:45 pm Kashrut In-Depth Reb Noam Horowitz DAT

8:00 pm Advanced Talmud R’ Eli Mozes MPR

KIDDUSH sponsored by Judy and David Carmel and Ruchama and Irving Alter in honor of Rabbi Daniel and Rivka Alter and family.

SEUDAH SHELISHIT sponsored by the Shul.

Welcome to the Parshat Noach

October 25, 2014 1 Marcheshvan 5775

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Welcome to the Shabbat Parshat Terumah

Feb. 21, 2015 2 Adar 5775

Candles: 4:33-5:24 Havdalah: 6:25

Parsha: p. 444 Haftarah: p. 1157

Weekly Halacha : Kashrut Rabbi David Brofsky—Yeshivat Gush Etzion (vbm.org) In previous weeks Rabbi Brofsky discussed the obligation of Chalav Yisrael (Kosher-supervised milk). This week we begin a new essay, on Pat Yisrael, Kosher-supervised bread. Pat Akum Previously we noted that the Mishna (Avoda Zara 35b) lists bread baked by a non-Jew among the foods produced by non-Jews that are prohibited. We suggested that as we approach each of the three major prohibitions of the Mishna - i.e., chalav, pat, and bishul - we should ask why these foods were prohibited, as well as investigate the nature of the issur and its details. We demonstrated that the rabbis prohibited chalav akum because they feared the non-Jew might adulterate the kosher milk with non-kosher milk. Subsequently, chalav akum is viewed, mi-derabanan, as an inherently prohibited substance that has the ability to cause the prohibition of keilim (utensils) with which it came into contact. What is the reason for the prohibition of pat akum? What type of issur did the rabbis create? When is this pro-hibition applicable? Reason for Pat Akum The Gemara (35b) explicitly links the prohibition of pat akum to “chatnut.” Seemingly, "chatnut" should be translated as “intermarriage,” implying that the rabbis feared that if Jews would partake of non-Jews' bread—bread being a staple of every meal—this might lead to excessive socializing and ultimately to intermarriage.

Interestingly, the Rambam in his commentary on the Mishna, writes: “All of these things were prohibited in order that we should distance ourselves from them and not become mixed among them so that we should not be led, out of our extensive socializing with them, to stretch forth our hand for that which is prohibited ... and that is what the rabbis are referring to when they mention ‘chatnut.’” In other words, the Rambam is suggest-ing that the notion of "chatnut" may include other negative reper-cussions of socializing with non-Jews, in addition to intermar-riage. (Needless to say, if the major concern of pat akum is the socializing that its consumption might cause, the kashrut of the bread itself seems to be unchallenged. We may assume that bak-

D’var Torah Rabbi Yochanan Zweig, Torah.org

ויקחו לי תרומה ...“… take for Me a portion …" (25:2) There is an obscure Midrash which states that when Hashem instructed Bnei Yisroel to assemble the materials for the building of the Mishkan, they responded “Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echod.” What message were Bnei Yisroel attempting to convey through this response? Our daily prayers contains a section known as Ta-chanun. In the concluding portion of the Tachanun we recite the following two stanzas: “O Guardian of Israel, protect the rem-nants of Israel, let not Israel be destroyed—those who proclaim ‘Shema Yisroel.’ O Guardian of the unique nation, protect the remnants of the unique people. Let not the unique nation be destroyed—those who proclaim “Hashem Elokeinu Hashem echod.’” We beseech Hashem to save us in the merit of our saying “Shema Yiroel” and “Hashem Elokeinu Hashem echod.” Why are these two proclamations listed separately and consid-ered separate merits? The Talmud states that Yaakov Avinu wished to reveal to his sons the time of the ultimate redemption, but the Divine Presence departed from him. He feared that perhaps one of his sons was unworthy. However, his sons reassured him that they all were righteous by proclaiming “Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem echod.” If they were standing in front of him, why did they need to say “Listen our father Israel?” Why do we initiate our affirmation of the unity of Hashem with “Shema Yisroel?” Our obligation to observe the precepts stems from a dual sense of responsibility; most obvious is the responsibility we have to our Creator. However, there is an additional respon-sibility, the responsibility to upkeep the traditions and heritage of our forefathers. An essential element of honoring our par-ents, who give us existence, is honoring the values and tradi-tions which they have received as a legacy from their parents. Consequently, nonobservance of our heritage is an affront not only to our Creator, but to our parents and their ancestors as well. By addressing their father, “Hear O Israel,” the broth-ers were proclaiming to him their commitment to adhere to the traditions and values with which he had inculcated them. They then added, “We are also obligated to keep our

Refuah Shleima

Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shleima. Names are kept on the list until the next Rosh Chodesh. Help us keep the list accurate by verifying the necessary details each month on the Cholim GoogleDoc.

Michael Aharon ben Hasia Rachama Sara Sima Bat Basha Liba Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah Ida bat Esa Chaim Eytan Ben Sara Noa Shani bat Chaya Bracha Leah bat Sarah Yisroel Yosef Ben Leah Rabbi Ephraim Ben Henna Barak Mordechai ben Edit Shoshana Reisa bat Ahuva Raphael Yotam ben Efrat Lebah Chanah bat Hadassah Adina Tamar bat Sarah Tzirel Sandra Miriam Shoshana bat Chanah Esther Bat Margalit Sarah Azariah Simcha ben Adina Tamar Sarah Shoshanna bat Sarah Sarah Esther bat Faiyge Bentzion ben Masha Yehudit Shashi bat Batya Baila Shimon ben Miriam Hendel Eirit bat Tzafi Shirley Hasia bat Devorah Simcha haKohen ben Chana Miriam bat Tzippa Sara Shoshana Bat Smadar Yehuda ben Margalit Sarah Yehoshua Meshullam ben Sara Leah Tova Leah bat Chana Chaya Chanah Elisheva Rivka bat Sarah Yosef Yisrael ben Rachel Hudi Yonna bat Esther Vladimir ben Lyudmila Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah Ita Sheiva bas Udya Avraham Shalom ben Henna Meyer Pesach ben Etel Chaim Benjamin ben Bracha Naomi Miriam bat Sarah Emanu Devorah Leah bat Chanah Raizel Shayna bas Basya Dina bat Hyla and Shayla Zvi Aharon Ben Chaya Rochel Ephraim Chai Ben Rahel Yisroel Yosef Ben Leah Golda Vichma bat Malka Kayla Dov Shmuel Ben Nechama Rivka Leah Devora Kivitiya bat Chaya Eliyahu Chayim HaKohen ben Sarah Rivka (Rabbi) Tzvi Gershon ben Shaindel Shaina Raizel

Cont’d on page 4 Cont’d on page 4

Local Jewish Youth Group Activities Under the Auspices of Steve Feldman and the Leadership of Reb Noam:

Snif / Luncheon next Shabbat, Feb 28. Lunch at DAT Minyan around 12:15 pm (after Shul Kiddush) with yummy food, singing and Divrei Torah. Activities and Oneg following luch. For grades 3-8. Walking groups home. Teen Lazer Tag—Sat. night, Feb. 28. Meet at Lazerquest at 7:45 pm. Pickup at 10:00 pm. Please register ASAP with Reb Noam. Purim Teen Party. Stay tuned for details! Ski Shabbaton with BA Houston, the weekend of March 27. Need to register now!

Tomchai Shabbat of Denver Purim Card Campaign—Our annual Purim Card Campaign is officially underway! We are once again providing Purim letters to honor your friends and family. Beautiful full color 2015 Tomchei Shab-bat Mishloach Manot Purim letters are available. 25 cards with envelopes are only $36.00. Contact Eytan Abra-hams at (303) 596-9009 or eytan@eytans.net to arrange your order. An electronic version of the Purim Card is once again available for $50.00. Tomchei Shabbat will provide you with a beautiful PDF Purim Card, personalized with your own custom greeting and name that you will be able to email to your friends and family! Tomchei Shabbat also accepts credit card donations via PayPal. Contact Elana Shapiro at 303-388-7546 or shapfam2@gmail.com to order this version. Orders can be taken only until Tuesday, March 3.

* Jewish Experience Wine and Cheese—The Jewish Experience is rolling out the red carpet for “Wine & Cheese Presents The Bubbes: Denver's First Jewish Video Awards” on Feb. 21 at 8 pm at Infinity Park Event Center. You be the judge as four teams vie for the coveted Bubbe Award. Enter to win a VIP trip for two to California, a roundtrip trip to Israel, and more! RSVP by February 12 for your chance to win a $2,000 shopping spree at Jay Feder Jewelers. www.theje.com/rsvp2015 or rsvp@theje.com.

* Rocky Mountain Chevra Kaddisha Annual Zayin Adar Shomrim and M’taharim Appreciation Dinner—Wed., Feb. 25, 7:00 pm at East Denver Orthodox Synagogue, 198 S. Holly St. Speaker: Rabbi Gershon Eliezer Schaf-fel, Rav of Young Israel of Skokie and Chicago community educator. $25 donation requested. To RSVP or for ques-tions, contact DenverChevra@hotmail.com

* CHOICES 2015—Thu., Feb. 26, 6:00 pm, at Sheraton Denver Downtown, 1550 Court Street. Speaker: Felice Friedson—President & CEO of Media Line, Ltd., a non-profit news organization specializing in fair and balanced coverage of the Middle East. She is a thought leader and subject matter expert in a male dominated field. She also employed Steven Sotloff, the journalist who was murdered by ISIS while reporting in Syria. RSVP: 303-316-6484 or Events@JEWISHcolorado.org. For further information about CHOICES go to JEWISHcolorado.org/CHOICES.

* Next Week—The Traveling Chassidim! Next Shabbos, Parshas Zachor , Feb. 27. Community-wide Shabbos-shel-Chizuk, hosted by local shuls and organizations, including Seudah Shelshit at DAT Minyan. Communal daven-ing, meals, Divrei Torah, and inspirational Havdala at Yeshiva Toras Chaim’s Melava Malka. The Traveling Chassi-dim is a group of Chassidic families who travel the country, using classic Chassidic warmth and liveliness to form a connection with the community, resulting in a Shabbaton that is transformational. Look for flyer with more details. More info. and RSVP—Rabbi Chaim Sher, 720-881-2768, csher@ytc.edu.

Yeshiva Toras Chaim Ladies Auxiliary and Merkaz Torah V’Chesed invite you to join us at our Annual Melave Mal-ka and Chinese Auction at YTC Social Hall on Saturday evening, February 28, 8:00 pm. Enjoy dining on Chi-nese cuisine while viewing our fabulous prizes. To view and bid on auction items, please visit us online at www.ytcauction.com. Entertainment will be provided by the Traveling Chassidim. For more information, please call 303-629-8200.

Kollel 17th Anniversary Celebration March 17—The Denver Community Kollel will hold its 17th Annual Celebra-tion on Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 pm at Aish Denver. Attendees will be presented with an exclusive new publication of the book From Denver to Sinai: Our Mesorah - The Unbroken Chain of Torah Transmission. The Kollel will be recognizing Andy and Rana Kark with the Torah Partners Award. Ad deadline is March 1. To reserve or place an ad, contact 303-820-2855, email journal@denverkollel.org, or visit denverkollel.org

Radio Chavura—This Sunday, Feb. 22, at 6:30 pm, exclusively at www.chavura.com, we air another edition of Ra-dio Chavura - the weekly half-hour Jewish radio program that celebrates Colorado's vibrant Jewish community. Radio Chavura features a diverse range of guests that includes authors, artists, students, and congregational leaders. This multi-generational show will make you laugh, cry, and reminisce.—www.chavura.com

* DAT Minyan only certifies Kashrut of events it hosts or co-sponsors.


DAT Minyan Rabbi Daniel Alter 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 (303) 281-8999 facebook.com/datminyan

DAT Minyan: A dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages dedicated to meaningful prayer, personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education and Religious Zionism.

heritage because Hashem our G-d requires us to do so.” It is this very proclamation which we recite twice daily, stating that our commitment to serve our Creator is twofold: our responsibility to upkeep the values of our Patriarch Israel, and our responsibility to Hashem. When Hashem instructed Bnei Yisroel to begin donating ma-terials for the creation of a Mishkan, their response to Him was that they were committed to establishing a House for the Divine Presence because He had commanded that this be done. However they empha-sized that they had already accepted this responsibility from their fa-ther Israel who ingrained in them the importance of having such an abode, as the Midrash states that Yaakov foresaw with prophetic vision that his children would be required to build a Mishkan. Therefore he commanded them to bring to Mitzrayim all the components necessary for the building of the Mishkan so that the materials would be availa-ble when leaving Mitsrayim two hundred ten years later.

D’VAR TORAH (cont’d from Page 2)


Youth Group Guidelines: Pick up for all groups (including 4th-6th graders) is indoors. Please bring your child’s labeled water bottle, hat, and jacket to groups with them. Advisors

and kids are not allowed to get these items from the coat rack or strollers during groups.

A parent or guardian must be on shul premises when children are in groups.

Children not attending groups must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.

Please remember to pick up your children immediately after the Rabbi’s speech.

Tefillot Parsha skits and songs Trivia Weekly raffle Run by Aliza Makovsky, Zev Narrowe,

Sarah Senkfor, and Caleb Wedgle 9:30—Early-bird treat

Come by 9:45 to receive an extra raffle ticket! Speak to Mor for more information.

Jr. Congregation for 4th-6th Grades upstairs in Room 204!

ers in those times only used kosher ingredients, and their baking utensils were considered kosher.

Tosafot (s.v. Mi-khlal) writes that one who strin-gently adheres to the laws of pat akum may share a plate with one who doesn't—even though the taste of the oth-er's pat akum may become mixed with his food—as the taste of pat akum doesn't cause another substance to be prohibited. The Shulchan Arukh (112:15) codifies this position and adds that one may consume a drink (“kutach”) that contains pieces of pat akum. The Rema explains that pat akum is “batel be-rov” (nullified by a permitted majority) regardless of whether the mixture is wet (lach be-lach) or dry (yavesh be-yavesh). Seemingly, since the kashrut of pat akum isn't the issue but rather the impact of its consumption, Chazal didn't rule the bread not kosher.

WEEKLY HALACHA (cont’d from Page 2) D’VAR TORAH (cont’d from Page 2)
