Welcome to the 33 rd Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies 24 th to 26 th April 2013 Dublin


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Welcome to the 33rd Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies

24th to 26th April 2013Dublin

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites you to

Dublin in 2013

Staying at the Davenport Hotel

And at the Alexander Hotel

The Conference takes place in Dublin Castle - 1.5 km from Hotels

Workshops in State Apartments, Dublin Castle

Join us for Dinner at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham

Built in 1680 modelled on Les Invalides Paris

Enjoy the City…..

The History…. National Museum of Ireland

The Sights….

The Culture…..Home of Joyce, Yates, Shaw, Wilde

and Beckett

And there’s always….

See you all Next Year
