welcome to our class Teacher : Pham Kim Chi Dong Thuy Anh High School


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welcome to our class

Teacher : Pham Kim Chi

Dong Thuy Anh High School

Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

1. Where can you find these scenes?

2. What does each of the pictures tell you?

In poor or under-developed countries

Pic 1: If we have a big family, we may not support our children and give them a good life and education

3. Do you think that the larger in population a country is, the stronger it is? Why/ why not?

It is not always true

Large population Poverty



Social evils

Pic 2: Population explosion may lead to poverty and unemployment


Lesson 1: ReadingI. Pre- reading


+ increase (v) /in’kri:s/: ≠ decrease (v) /di’kri:s/: giảm

+ figure (n) /'figə/:

+ resource (n) /ri'sɔ:s/:

+ double (v) /'dʌbl/:

+ limit (v/ n) /'limit/:


con số

gấp đôi

400 200 nguồn tài nguyên

hạn chế

+ birth-control method: /bз:θ- kən’trəul ‘meθəd/

phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ

+ family planning:/‘fæməli ‘plæniη/

kế hoạch hóa gia đình

Lesson 1: ReadingI. Pre- reading

II. While- reading

• Activity 1: Filling each blank with a suitable form of the word

Work in groups in 3’

1. ……………..most journalists studied journalism in college, some older writers never attended a university.

2. Can you explain the ……………….. for changing salt water to fresh water?

3. The number of injuries from automobile accidents………………every year.

4. Some countries are poor because they have very few natural…………..

5. These are all ………… 1, 75, 293.

6. There is a (n)……………of 20 minutes for this short test. Students must turn in their papers at the end of the 20th minute.

7. The United Nations is a (n) ………………….organization.

8. Some children behave badly and their parents can’t …………….them.










increase resources



Lesson 1: ReadingI. Pre- reading

II. While- reading

• Activity 2: Filling in the table with numbers

YearYear Population Population

11 10,000 B.C10,000 B.C

22 17501750

33 18501850

44 19501950

55 19851985

66 20002000

77 2015( expec2015( expected)ted)

10 million

625 million

1,300 million

2,510 million

4,760 million

6.6 billion

over 7 billion

Work in groups in 2’

Lesson 1: ReadingI. Pre- reading

II. While- reading

• Activity 3: Answering the questions

1. Can the Earth have enough resources to support its population?

2. Do most Third World women want to have a lot of children?

3. Why can’t women in the world limit the sire of their families?

Some scientists say it can, but others say it can’t (lines 2 – 4, Par.2).

No, they don’t (lines 2,3- Par. 3).

Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children (line 5- Par. 3).

Work in pairs

I. Pre- reading

II. While- reading

III. Post- reading: Discussion

Lesson 1: Reading

Student 1: Do you know five countries which have the most population in the world?

Student 2:…………………………………………………………...

Student 1: Can you tell me where they are?

Student 2:………………………………………………………….

Student 1: Which country is the richest and which one is the poorest?

Student 2:…………………………………………………………

Work in pairs

Five world largest countries in population

1,400 million 1,100 million

302 million245 million 189 million

The richest country is the USA, the poorest one may be India

I. Pre- reading

II. While- reading

III. Post- reading

IV. Homework

Lesson 1: Reading

- Learn by heart the new words and the phrases.

- Write some reasons why we shouldn’t have many children.

- Prepare the next lesson.
