Welcome to my class. Do you know them? The champion of Olympic Games — Deng Yaping



The champion of Olympic Games — Deng Yaping

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Welcome to my class

Do you know them?

The champion of Olympic Games — Deng Yaping

The famous hostess of China — Wang Xiaoya

The actress of Britain — Audrey Hepburn

The famous dancerfamous dancer of China — Tai LihuaTai Lihua

The U.S. Secretary of State — Hilary Clinton

The first woman to win two Nobel Prizes (Chemistry and Physics) — Madame Curie

The writer of “Harry Potter”

— J. K. Rolling

Module 4 Module 4 Unit 1Unit 1

Warming up & Speaking

Task 1 Rules Attention

Every group should send only 1 student at a time to come to the blackboard. Please take turns to get informationyou need as quickly as possible.Don’t take any paper or pen when you come to the blackboard.The first 3 teams who finish this task will get 1 point.

Working together

Task 1

Rules Attention

At the end of your report, if you can use more than 3 adjectives to describe the woman, you’ll get 1 point. Don’t take any paper or pen when you come to the blackboard.

The first 3 teams who finish this task will get 1 point.

Working together


Task 2

Joan of Arc _________ a small village in ______________.

She was a very ______ French lady who _____________ her country about 600 years ago.

was born in France

brave fought for

 During her __________, the English were ruling France.

Women ___________________ join the army at that time. So Joan decided to _________ and behaved like a man.

were not allowed to


dress up

Unluckily, Joan was caught by the English and _______________ at last.

She showed the French army how to win battles and ___________ them with the __________ to win.



burnt to death

The French soldiers were ________ by her spirit and _____ the English ______ France finally.

inspired drove

out of


Elizabeth Fry was born in a Quaker family in ________ in 1780.

Because of her job, she _____ less time with her family.

She was well educated, which was _______ for a girl in those days.




In the 19th century, the women prisoners were treated like ________. There were over 300 women and children _________ into a very small space.



From then on Elizabeth Fry began to work to ________ prison

conditions. She _________ food and clean clothes. Later In 1816 she began a

prison school for the children.

improve provided

Her _________ helped her gain the friendship and _________ of the prisoners. support


After her death her ideas did not _________ and she was given ________________ Prize.

disappear the Nobel Peace


Song Qingling was born into a ____ family .

Her family ____________________________ in Chinese politics in the first half of the 20th century.

She went to study in USA and had a good _________.


played animportant role


Song Qingling _________ the vice president of the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to 1975. served as

After new China was founded, she spent many years working for various _________ projects ( 福利事业 ) and set up Song Qingling __________ to help a lot of people and children ________.



in need

She made a great ____________ to the development of China.contribution


Lin Qiaozhi was born in ___________ in 1901.When she was a child, one of her teachers __________ her to become a doctor.In 1929, She __________ from the University with a PhD ________ in gynecology( 妇科 ). She chose to study at ________ college because she wanted to help women.






She made sure that about 50000 babies were safely __________ to their mothers.

Not having chosen to get married, Lin Qiaozhi ________ all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children with their illness and _______. devoted



Besides, she wrote a small book for mothers in the countryside who were _____________ get to a hospital easily. It was to help them ____________ their babies properly.

not able to

look after

Lin Qiaozhi ______________ to our young people in China.set a good example


Jane Goodall was born in _______ in 1934.As a young girl, she _______________________ in studying animals.

She __________________ go to the university but to work with the animals.

held a strong interest

decided not to


From 1960s Jane ___________________ go to Africa. Giving up _________ life, Jane Goodall chose to study chimps in their environment.

was determined to


Even though she ________________ in the wild, Jane _________________ observing chimps and recording their daily activities.

led a hard life

buried herself in

For 40 years, Jane has been helping the rest of the world _____________ and _________ the life of animals.

As a woman, she __________ everything and followed her dream _________________.

gave up

with all her heart

understand respect


Jody Williams was born in ________ in 1950.

Jody has worked for many years to help people in South America by organizing _______ care and __________.




In 1992 she helped found an international _____________ called ICBL to stop the use of __________.



Jody lost a lot of her own _________ time because of the job.

This organization tried to speak to _____________ around the world and asked them agree not to use landmines.



Jody Williams was given the ____________ Prize in l997.

But their efforts led to the greatest ________. 181 countries reached an __________ that they will stop the making and use of landmines.



Nobel Peace


a soldier

a prison reformer

a president

a doctor

an animal scientist

a supporter for peace

Task 3

Who do you admire most? Why?


Task 4

“My Favorite Woman”

1. Birthday and birth place2. Family background3. Education4. Achievements in her life (in order of time)5. Evaluation

Task 4


Outline for describing a person

Thank you!