WELCOME TOJul 22, 2018  · THE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM Q. 103 What is God’s will for you in the...


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Scripture Reader Al Pounsett Doreen Dath

Greeters Sheila G & Mildred J Sue V & Anne T

Ushers Doug J & Andy V Spencer H & Van T

Nursery Mary Alexander Elizabeth Thiel

Chair Lift Larry Greig Andy V

Audio Visual Spencer & Gordon H Al P & Doug J

Flowers Elizabeth T Elizabeth T

Coffee Hour Anne T & Jan M Lee P & Ellie B


Always check your Quarterly Duty Roster. If, for any reason, you are

unable to serve in the following ministries, it would be appreciated if

you could find a substitute. Thank You.

Pastor Luke • pastor@standrewstrenton.ca Pastor Luke’s Cell Phone • 613.438.3024

Office • 613.392.1300 • office@standrewstrenton.ca



Time of Preparation

Call to Worship:


“How Majestic is Your Name”

“Our God Reigns”

Prayer of the People


Song of Preparation:

“Thy Word”

Scripture Reading: Acts 18:18-28

Message: Acts: Continuing the Story

Song: Favourites from the Congregation


Choral Blessing: “You Shall Go Out with Joy”



Saturday, August 25th, 2018 at Salt Creek Golf Links Tee off time 1:00 p.m.

Barbeque to follow at The Van Bodegom’s Home, 16863 Telephone Rd.

If interested, please let Andy or Sue know. 613-242-4241 or 613-242-7413


MORNING PRAYER "Every battle worth winning is fought in prayer". Let's join together in prayer every Mon-Fri at 8 AM. To join via computer go to zoom.us and click on 'join a meeting' and enter the meeting ID. To join by phone, call (toll) 1.647.558.0588. Meeting ID: 227 387 246.

St. Andrew's Golf Tournament


Time of Preparation: Before worship begins the chimes will be played and you are invited to spend that time quietly reflecting and preparing yourself for worship. By way of suggestion you can reflect on the meaning of worship and how God has called you to worship this morning.

What is Corporate Worship?



Sunday July 22, 2018

Prayer • 10 AM

Worship Service • 10:30 AM with Pastor Luke

AA Meetings Monday thru Friday

11:30 – 1:00 PM Mondays 7 PM – 8:30 PM

Fridays 6 PM – 9

Friday Community Meal Prog. • 11:30 AM

Next Sunday

Prayer • 10 AM

Worship Service • 10:30 AM with Pastor Luke

† Nursery and Sunday

School are available.

Please speak to an Usher

for more information.

† Please join us for

refreshments downstairs

after worship.

Pancakes and a Play . . . Last winter, the caring Sunday School class at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Toronto, ON, hosted a pancake lunch in support of Presbyterian World Service & Development. After reading a short play to illustrate PWS&D’s mission and vision, the children invited guests to feast on pancakes and syrup, yogurt and fruit as they passed around a donation basket. “St. John’s Sunday School pancake lunch raised over $900 for PWS&D,” shares Laurie McGugan, the event organizer. “We were happy that we got so many people out!” Whether saving pennies, launching a campaign or holding a fundraising lunch, generous support from Presbyterians across Canada sustains programs that are building a more sustainable, compassionate and just world.


Q. 103 What is God’s will for you in the fourth commandment?

A. First, that the gospel ministry and education for it be maintained, and that,

especially on the festive day of rest, I regularly attend the assembly of God’s

people to learn what God’s Word teaches, to participate in the sacraments, to pray

to God publicly, and to bring Christian offerings for the poor. Second, that every

day of my life I rest from my evil ways, let the Lord work in me through his

Spirit, and so begin already in this life the eternal Sabbath.



Becoming a people of worship, prayer and

healing. New Life Girls’ Home Safety for those

travelling Canadian Food Grains

Bank QW Preg. & Family Care YFC Youth Activities

Sick Tammy Evans

Cancer Concerns Dorothy Burke Linda Repar Lothar Mensch

Prayer Changes Things!

• Enjoyment of the fullness of God. • Treasuring and finding satisfaction in Jesus. • The glory of God experienced and expressed in thought, in emotion and through the whole body.

• Self-giving for God, fellow saints and community. • Ministering & being ministered to. • Spirit led and inspired. • Directed in and by the truth. • Mutual encouragement in Christ-likeness.
