Welcome to Class13 Grade 9 上派初中 梁昌平. Unit 2 We all own English. Module 7 English for...


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上派初中 梁昌平

Unit 2 We all own English.

Unit 2 We all own English.

Module 7 English for you and me

英语在我们的生活中已经变得无处不在。据统计,全世界 60%的广播节目是用英语进行的, 75%的电视节目是英语,互联网上多达 80% 的信息都是英文,绝大部分国际会议以英语为第一通用语言,英语还是联合国的正式工作语言之一。 —— 《中国教育报》

Work in pairs

Look at the photos and say:• where they are• what languages you can see


English, Chinese




Korean, English

Look at the map of the world

Can you point out some English speaking countries?


Canada UK



In China , people have been making

waves of learning English.

1. Why English become so popular today?

2. As China is growing rapidly, do you think Chinese will become an international language in the future? Why?

Work in groups

Do you want to learn more about the

development of English and the future

of Chinese and English? Let’s read the

passage and finish the following tasks.

Listen and answer the questions:

1. How many people in the world use English? About 400 million people in the world use English.

2. How did English become an international language?

In the 1800s, English became the language of world trade, and in the 1900s, the US spread English to the world through newspapers, television and films.

Task 1Listening

3. When do you think Chinese will become an international language?I think Chinese will become an international language by

the middle of the twenty-first century.

4. Who owns English?Everyone who speaks it owns English.

Listen and answer the questions:

Listening Task 1

Reading Task 2

Match the ideas with the paragraphs.a) Chinese may be the next world

language in the future.b) English is the most important

international language today.c) English spread through trade and

the media.d) We all own English.e) English has borrowed many words

from other languages.





Task 3

popular around the



Will it last?

Who owns English?

Writing 1

Not less than 80 words

Task 3Writing 2

Complete the passage with proper words.

English, which is an international language, is now used by nearly ___________ world’s population. In some countries, English is the most important foreign language. Children have to learn it at school because _____ they grow up, they will need a common language to _________________ foreigners.______________ English became so popular _____ it became the language of world

trade first and then the US _______ it to the world.

a quarter of


communicate with The reason why Is that


English has _________ many words _____ other languages. ____ China continues to grow, many people think that Chinese will become _____________ English in the future. However, it is sure that English is now owned by all of us ____ speaks it.

borrowed fromAs

as common as


Words: boss secretary quarter industryzero Indian typePhrases:a quarter of, all over the world, as common as, even thoughPatterns:1 、 It is also important to…2 、 The reason why ... is that ...

Task 4

Practise 根据汉语意思和提示,翻译句子。

1. 一年中的这个时候去野餐很有趣。 (It is + adj + to do) _________________________________ _________________________________2 、他考试不及格的原因是他没有努力学习。(the reason why ... is that ...)________________________________________________________________________

It is interesting to go on a picnic at this time of year.

The reason why he failed the exam was that he didn’t work hard. 

1. Retell the passage to your partner.

2. Write a composition called: The future of Chinese
