Welcome to a Game Changing Seminar Revealing Information gathered from our work around the world...


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Welcome to a Game Changing Seminar

Revealing Information gathered from our work around the world over the past 13 years

Information that will help you work more productively & strategically

How to increase your Projects’ on time completion rates up to a 95% level!

How to cut Meeting times in half

How to make meetings twice as effective

How to reduce errors by up to 50%

Saved his company $40 million dollars in 6 months using ManagePro and our coaching services.

Is this webinar right for you?

C level executives

Mid-level managers

Business owners

People who want more from their team and meetings

Who want to actively execute their strategic plan and do it all in less time

If you want more team productivity

If you want to maximize team output

If you’re tired of holding more meetings to get updates

If you want to hit project deadlines and decrease time to market



Opted out of a career as a musician

Psychologist for 20 years

Management Consultant for 5 years

CEO of Performance Solutions Technology & ManagePro for 13 years


Most Organizations don’t manage people optimally

They don’t get the maximum results out of their people

They don’t have a system to effectively recognize all but a few for doing their best

They don’t have a system to help them with the very important process of managing people

What ManagePro did for me!

Reduce time spent tracking information

Reduced time spent tracking progress

Made it clearer about what worked/what didn’t

A better way… allowing me time to be focused on each client who walked through the door

As a Consultant:

ManagePro became my “secret weapon” part of my “secret sauce” to rapidly improve performance

A System that Generates Results:

After one success of over $100 million dollars in 12 months, I bought the rights to ManagePro

Robust system that has helped over 100,000 people, because it does everything you need to manage people effectively

A system that I am going to share with you.

I am going to reveal exactly what I

shared with much larger companies that paid me up to a half million dollars to get these secrets, and I’m going to do it for absolutely free!

Why Share for Free?

I understand what it’s like to bein your shoes, competing without all the resources big companies have.

I am on a mission to pay it forward, and to share what I have found works so well

This may very well be one of the most valuable 30 minutes you spend all year

The Challenge:

Most Businesses have trouble with CONTROL

Control over management of who-what-when

Control over which tasks and projects will deliver the most value on any given day

Most Businesses get by, but the hidden costs are huge.

By not knowing, you, like most businesses, are operating in the dark… some part of each day

Operating in the Dark about Information

That is vital to coordinating your work force

Vital to making the right decision,

Vital to making timely adjustments…

and yet so easily LOST

IT Can All Get Easily Lost

It get’s lost your inbox

It get’s lost on your desk

Shoved in a drawer or folder

Post-it Notes get thrown out

Conversations and meeting notes get forgotten or upstaged by something urgent

IT Can All Get Easily Lost (cont.)

Emails and updates and the related documents seem to get lost in a black hole,

It can seem impossible to easily get updates without holding or attending another meeting

The Information Challenge

Every increasing number of tools

An increasing amount of incoming information

And it’s increasingly difficult to keep up

What’s the Cost?

You and your team canspend literally 80% of your time on non-revenue producing activities.

You are really only getting part of the day you pay for.

Not to mention the cost involved in tracking follow-up, priorities, the correct plan, time and results delivered…

The Solution?

Managing People (and information) better, involves several solutions

The first part of the solution is to put VISIBILITY in place.

“You can’t manage what you can’t see.”

Slide expanded picture from center to upper right after 2nd bullet point is displayed


Business Improvement starts when accountability and recognition are applied… work is under control

You and your team able to see and access anything they need to be effective in two clicks

ManagePro can help you and I’ll show you how

Case History #1

Introducing you to Roger, a VP in the banking industry

Manages 65 people across an entire country

Has over $400 million dollars in simultaneous projects

Imagine what that would be like, especially if you didn’t have the right system in place?

Takeaway’s from Roger’s Success Story

Visibility Tactic #1 – Progress Updates

Everyone needs timely PROGRESS UPDATES. We all ultimately lose time and money when we don’t have them.

ManagePro collects & makes them available to the entire team, making them more accurate and speedier at what they do.

Takeaway’s from Roger’s Success Story (cont.)

1.2 Progress updates kept everyone on the same page, for accurate decisions

1.3 Progress updates became the audit trail if customers had any questions.

1.4 Progress updates, with a couple of clicks, were quickly converted into paperless reports, no rework involved

The Secret about Progress Updates

Most People think documenting progress updates slows them down, however the greater effect on the whole team is the OPPOSITE!

Entering progress updates makes people think

Simple documentation is the key to working fast and accurate in any type of collaborative effort.

Think of the old adage Ready, Aim, Fire and then add DOCUMENT YOUR RESULTS as a fourth step.

The Secret about Progress Updates (cont.)

Documenting is the equivalent to a mechanic putting away their tools and updating their ticket

Documenting as a 25-50 word summary of :- What Happened- Issues encountered- Next Steps

Tactic #2 Assigning Tasks

Assign projects and tasks to worker that had bandwidth to finish it to completion

Assign in a way that: Avoids assignments getting lost, Makes it easy to track status, follow-through & progress

Assign tasks in a way that makes reporting up easy and the minimizes the risk of saying, “I don’t know.”

A system to deliver great results & control risks

Tactic #3 Increasing Visibility by Going Paperless

Assign projects and tasks to worker that had bandwidth to finish it to completion

Assign in a way that: Avoids assignments getting lost, Makes it easy to track status, follow-through & progress

Assign tasks in a way that makes reporting up easy and the minimizes the risk of saying, “I don’t know.”

A system to deliver great results & control risks

Tactic #3 - Going Paperless

Increase visibility by going paperless.

ManagePro has the key information on the screen… why commit it to paper

Since it only takes two clicks to create most reports in ManagePro, the labor efforts in creating reports went away.

Save 500 hours of labor with his team on one annual reporting requirement alone and hit all his deadlines

Move from reports to the ManagePro screen as the primary means of efficiently staying updated

Tactic #3 - Going Paperless (cont.)

He logged into ManagePro, with its color coded alerts and progress updates system and he had all the updates he needed from his entire 65 person team in just 20 minutes each morning

Imagine what it would be like, what could it do for you, for your business?

It can change your business instantly

Tactic # 4 – Tracking Each Project

Easily scan and see what’s happening by using up to 50 different sets of “color coded” criteria to track projects

Case History #2

Introducing you to Christian, a VP in the telcom industry

Over budget

Behind in deliverables

Consuming vast amounts of time in unproductive meetings

Numerous and costly production errors

Eager to Defend Status Quo

Meetings didn’t help resolve the issue of visibility &control, as updates were in factscattered across a cadre of tools

Without vital, easy access to status updates, half the time he felt as if he was driving blind folded

Needed to get back in control of deliverables and moving forward as rapidly as possible.

Christian’s solution: Turn-around with ManagePro

#1 - Loaded all projects in ManagePro for better visibility and control

#2 – He started using ManagePro to track what was critical to their success

Setting up scorecards for each manager to track ability to hit due dates hit, # of errors & update quality

#3 – Treated Meetings as Ground Zero for Improving Productivity

Used ManagePro in meetings to track progress, coordinate effort and track every action item

Reduced time spent in meetings by 50%

Accelerated time to market by over 30%

Reduced production errors by 50%

Increased projects completed on time from 40% to 95%

Saved him over $40 million in labor and speed to market in just 6 months

I think we need to insert some of the following or similar footnotes into Christian’s video so that the points aren’t missed given his presentation style

Takeaway’s from Christian’s Success Story

Tactic #1 – He used ManagePro in the meetings, projecting it up on the wall to track projects

He projected individual manager’s performance to date, tracking who hit and who missed their deadlines,

Created immense peer pressure to deliver on time… no one wants to visibly fall behind their peers

Everyone could see how they were doing, putting him and his team back in control.

Meeting Tactic #2

First of all there was no separate meeting agenda, he just highlighted the items in ManagePro to be addressed and they were ready to go

Meetings minutes were completed in two clicks

Instead of having individuals present verbally, managers wrote up and displayed their latest progress update to be read

Talking about status updates was reserved for discussion, not presentation… all of this reduced the amount of time spent in meetings by a whopping 50%

Meeting Tactic #3

He created a personal scorecard in ManagePro for each manager, based upon needed improvements, and made it public

He could get all of his status updates, as well as estimates of completion in just two clicks

He saved over $40 million in just six months in recovered labor and increased speed to market

Email, Time Saving & Productivity

The average executive gets 75 emails a day and send out 37 (study by Radicati group)

How to save countless hours when it comes to managing (by) email

How changing the way you manage (by) email can drive up productivity 20 – 30%

Case History #3

Introducing you to Tim, a CEO and consultant

Simplifying his Life

Compared with a past of managing staff using shared Office documents and email

Trouble tracking projects despite lots of information, and lots of invested hours in meeting and email review

Compounded by working with distributed teams

Needed something simple that generated massive results

Takeaway’s from Tim’s Story

Simplifying his work life results in more focused time to be both strategic & tactical

Saving hours a day; during the course of a projects, days of review / weeks of aggravation

Captures detailed information that needs to be organized in a particular way

Leveraging or recycling information

Takeaway’s from Tim’s Story

80% Improvement =

Helps me manage all the tactical to-do stuff (assigning, tracking & documenting completion)… that my staff need to be working on

Helps me frame and understand “Why” we’re doing things

To free up time to be a leader… to establish, manage and show progress towards the goals

Using a tool that combines the strategic and the tactical, pulling together in one program pieces that are found in MS Project, Excel and Outlook

Takeaway’s from Tim’s Story

Tactic #1 – Saving time & aggravation through logical organization

Tactic #2 - Manage email instead of being managed by it

Tactic #3 – Directly linking key projects to your Strategic plan, in much the same way as setting dependencies in a Gantt chart

Case History #4

Introducing Dennis, Director of Systems, LA Fire Department

The Challenge of Implementing the Strategic Plan

A firewall between strategy & what actually happens day to day

Difficulty keeping the two stay connected…Tendency to drift back into reacting to issues and the urgent Didn’t have a handle or easy access to the plan, once created, or

the Resources to visibly track progress along with all their other



“ I've used ManagePro for 7 - 8 years. Like others, I was looking for a solution to the problem of establishing strategic and tactical goals and managing multiple projects. Some of the tools, like Microsoft's Project, work well for project management but lack the ability to help develop and implement strategic plans. With ManagePro I have been able to track all of our projects, develop and implement strategic plans, and ensure that the plans are in scope and on course. ManagePro has the tools that, if used daily and worked consistently, will help to successfully manage projects, to do's, goals, strategies and performance. A gem that may be overlooked by many is the documentation… Very clear, concise and accurate. The experiences of Rodney Brim have been provided to any who wish to read the material and apply the lessons. “

Dennis Bloemhof, LA Fire Department

Takeaway’s from Dennis’ Quote:

There were strategic management tools and project management tools, but nothing that bridged between the two… until ManagePro

Sooner or later, success at your business, will hinge on someone’s ability to implement a strategic plan

Imagine what it would be like to implement, to track, to manage to your strategic plan… with less brain damage

ManagePro links supporting projects to strategy in 2 clicks… Visibility in action, Powerful… Accountable

ManagePro keeps track of your progress toward your strategy goals with a color coded scorecard

Everyone on the team sees the connectionbetween what they are doing on a day-to-day basis…and the overall strategy, and what kind of progress you’re making with unmistakable clarity

Linking strategy to your project plans and deliverables is VISIBILITY in ACTION, it’s powerful, accountable

Case History #5

Introducing Robert Flannigan, Group Managing Director, the Tower Group, NZ

Quote: “I have used ManagePro for many years. .. to align the strategic and

operational plans for a Group Executive of seven, running companies with approximately 1,000 people. With each Executive updating their respective area on a regular basis this has enabled me to review and hold meaningful monthly one-on-one meetings with each individual ensuring alignment of our goals. We review our strategic plans every six months to sense check whether the world has changed or not. By having a tool that enables these reviews to be carried out simply and tweaked if required, it has saved a huge an amount of time. Buy in is quicker and the whole process becomes a living document - which in this fast moving world is the key to our success. I would have to say that the disciplines that ManagePro brings to each individual in setting out in understandable language dates of delivery and reporting progress are substantial. It creates a focus and an atmosphere of achievement as one can not only see but show the achievements of each individual.

Although we are a long way in physical distance from ManagePro the support has been excellent.”

Our Support:

First of all ManagePro is very configurable, based upon what works best for each user

Wouldn’t it be powerful if you had project and people experts available to help you configure the software to match your business needs & processes?

We are your experts at helping you implement ManagePro successfully and get the results you want

When working with ManagePro you always have top notch experts to help you be successful

ManagePro software is game changing

It allows you to stay: On top of your priorities, In touch with your people and Up-to-date in just minutes a day

While creating a highly visible & accountable work environment that supports you getting the best from your people.

ManagePro software is game changing

It allows you to manage email, not be managed by it

Get control of your strategic plan

Manage your team with Visibility

ManagePro software is game changing

In short it raises the bar for your team, while making them more efficient and effective...

Get team updates and status in 2 clicks

Access tracking reports and aggregate team deadlines

Drop and drag emails from Outlook into your project files

Training and Productivity blueprints

Purchase Options:

1. Purchase the software, training and setup services and implement on your own

2. Purchase the software and our monthly coaching service, to ensure your staff is well supported

3. Hit the Easy Button; We plug in your projects, your strategy, your

people and connect it all together, and we collect the updates, enter them into the system, you just click the buttons to get the information you need

Sign Up for the People Management Audit

It’s the right choice for you if: Want to purchase ManagePro, but want to find out a

little more about what to expect, or

Would like more information in order to make that decision

Take advantage of this limited offer now by clicking on the link on this page to schedule a People Management Audit session and Online Demo today!
