Welcome! Presenter: Robert Goldman. Major Topics To Be Covered In This Presentation The Warehouse...


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Presenter: Robert Goldman

Major Topics To Be Covered In This Presentation

• The Warehouse Locator

• Tracking “Eaches” in the Locator

• Non-Locator Warehouse Functionality

Advanced Warehouse

Advanced Warehouse

Warehouse Locator

Why Use the Warehouse Locator?

• Track Inventory by Location

• Keep a SKU in Multiple Locations

• Perform Picks for Allocations

• Pick by Location for Sales Order/Web Order Fulfillment

Warehouse Locator

Why not to use the Warehouse Locator?

• Each SKU is always in a single location in your warehouse

• The Locator adds a layer of complexity

• It is a separate inventory that the system maintains

Warehouse Locator

Tracking Eaches

• Receive and Put-away individual units within the Locator

• Transfer and track individual units with in the Locator

• No need to receive or track cases

Warehouse Locator

Advanced Warehouse

Setting up the Locator

Creating Locations

Setting up the Locator

Print Location Labels

Setting up the Locator

Default Put-Away Locations

• Define default location for PO Receivings

• Separate location for Transfers received into the WH

Setting up the Locator

Advanced Warehouse

Receiving & Moving in the


Receiving Items into the Locator

• Receive from the same screens you are used to

• PO Receiving automatically adds units to the locator

• Transfer Receiving also adds to the locator automatically

Receiving and Moving in the Locator

Move Items in the Locator

• Use Location Transfer to move items in the locator

• Use for the actual “put-away” or to just rearrange items

• Always tell the system when you are moving items

• Use the Frontend or the Mobile App

Receiving and Moving in the Locator

Location Transfer - Frontend

Receiving and Moving in the Locator

Location Transfer – Mobile

Receiving and Moving in the Locator

Advanced Warehouse

Locator Tracking and


Location SKUs List

• Find items in the Locator

• Search by Brand, Style, Size, Dept, etc.

• Each location that contains each SKU

• Shows physical quantity of SKU in location

• Also shows quantity “pending” on picks for allocations

Locator Tracking and Maintenance

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Manual Adjustments to Items in Locator

• Adjust quantities as part of a “spot-check”

• Add items missing from the locator

• All adjustments create a Physical Adjustment transfer

• Report on warehouse adjustments

Locator Tracking and Maintenance

Adjust SKU in Location

Locator Tracking and Maintenance

Add SKU to Location

Locator Tracking and Maintenance

Warehouse Physical Inventory

• 3 Types of Warehouse Physical:• Entire Warehouse• Some Styles• Certain Locations

• Adjusts “regular” inventory and the Locator

• Mobile app for warehouse physical

Locator Tracking and Maintenance

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Advanced Warehouse

Allocations and Picks

System-Generated Picks

• Picks generated for warehouse-to-store allocations

• Picks generated for sales and Web orders

• Print pick sheets for warehouse personnel

• Uncommitted Picks Set the “Pending” Quantity

• Committing Pick Relieves Pending and Location Quantity

Allocations and Picks

Generate and Print Allocation Picks

Allocations and Picks

Print and View Picks for Sales/Web Orders

Allocations and Picks

Mobile Picks/Allocation

• Two apps in one

• Scan items off the shelves for system-generated picks

• Create a new allocation on-the-fly in the warehouse

Allocations and Picks

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Advanced Warehouse

Non-Locator Functionality

Pack to Store

• Build store-bound cases on the fly by scanning

• Select the destination store for the case

• Scan each unit into a case

• Running total of scans and unique SKUs

• Finish Case prints packing list/case label

• Use the Frontend or Mobile App

Non-Locator Functionality

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Insert Screenshots, etc.

Shipping Manifest

• Scan store-bound cases onto a Manifest

• Validates that only appropriate cases can be added

• Option to update inventory once the case is manifested

• Print manifest documents for carrier

Non-Locator Functionality
