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WelcomeFind a comfortable Seat,

Close Your Eyes, Rest and BREATHE!

The Magic in Breathing

“Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, Founder-Plum Village

Meet Aero- An 8-year old, Female Congo African Grey Who Learned To Fly

From: Calm Down Mindfulness for Kids. pp. 24-25 (DK Children)

The word for Breath control in Yoga is PRANAYAMA

Practitioners of yoga talk about pranayama, or yogic breathing. Break the word apart; prana refers to a life force, or energy which in yoga takes the form of breathing. Yama means controlling, or reining. So pranayama is about focusing and controlling one’s breath. For thousands of years, practitioners of yoga have claimed this breathing brings focus and calm.

Etymology of Sympathetic/ParasympatheticGreek

Sym (together/with) Pathos (feeling)

Para (beside) the sympathetic and parasympathetic work side-by-side

Summary: Pranayamic breathing, defined as a manipulation of breath movement, has been shown to contribute to a physiologic response characterized by the presence of decreased oxygen consumption, decreased heart rate, and decreased blood pressure, as well as increased theta wave amplitude in EEG recordings, increased parasympathetic activity accompanied by the experience of alertness and reinvigoration. The mechanism of how pranayamic breathing interacts with the nervous system affecting metabolism and autonomic functions remains to be clearly understood. It is our hypothesis that voluntary slow deep breathing functionally resets the autonomic nervous system ...

The QuICK LITERATURE REVIEW!CBS This Morning- October 26, 2016

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Breathing Cups (pg. 44-45 Calm Down Mindfulness for Kids)

Let’S Learn Beach Ball BALL BREATHING! From EM Morrison of Mindful Schools

About Those Leftover Beanie Babies!

Daniel Goleman Co-Founder CASEL(Collaborative for Academic, Social And Emotional Learning)

Breathing with a Hoberman Sphere

From the University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken

center for Spirituality and Healing

Abstract: Yoga balances Autonomic nervous system: Autonomic nervous system consists of two limbs; sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Although individual asan and pranayam practices can selectively affect sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, the overall effect of yoga practice is to bring a state of parasympathetic dominance. . . . Overall there is tilt towards parasympathetic dominance after practice of alternate nostril breathing.

Alternate Nostril Breathing


The Future will Be Brighter Through The Magic of Breathing

