Weight Loss Counselling a Powerful Weapon in the Obesity Battle



Weight loss counselling is designed to assist clients gain control over their weight issues and maintain their ideal weight for the long term. This powerful technique is used by psychologists at the Centre for Human Potential. http://www.centreforhumanpotential.com.au

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Weight Loss Counselling a Powerful Weapon in the Obesity Battle

It is now accepted that obesity is one of the biggest dangers to long-term health and well-being in Western society. Despite constant warnings from health professionals, people continue to gain excessive amounts of weight, and around 50% of the population is now obese. Our health systems are already facing an epidemic of preventable conditions including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gastric ulcers, gallstones, cancer and infertility. The often touted quick solution is to eat less and exercise more, but for most overweight people, it is not always that simple. For them, the struggle against weight gain has been going on for years with many successfully losing weight, only to regain what they lost, plus many more extra kilos. Clearly, the solution is much more complex. A key issue to be understood about weight loss is that there can be multiple influencing factors. Psychological and physiological conditions as well as genetics all play a part, and unless these are identified and dealt with, those who are trying to lose weight are waging a battle they cannot win. The Centre for Human Potential understands these influences and offers their clients individual assessments and personal weight loss coaching by an experienced and qualified psychologist specialising in weight loss. Weight loss counselling provides the client with professional support to help them change their thoughts and beliefs about what eating means to them. They could be eating to fill an emotional need, as a subconscious reward (often a behaviour learnt in childhood), to counter negative feelings or as a buffer against stress. There are many other reasons. Through counselling Brisbane the client is assisted to identify why they overeat, and to develop tools to change that behaviour. Clinical Hypnosis for Weight Loss is one of the techniques used at the Centre for Human Potential to help overweight clients. These confidential sessions are designed to put the client at ease, and they are conducted in an atmosphere of understanding and safety. It is vital for the client to have no fear about the treatment as fear is a powerful barrier to understanding the cause of their overeating. These sessions teach the client self-hypnosis, enabling them to be aware of their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours and identifying those that are sabotaging their weight loss efforts. This long-term approach places control back in the hands

of the client so that they can make healthy food choices, not just for a few weeks or months, but for the years ahead. Every person struggling with weight issues has battled against the expectations of others that often do not match their own. This style of weight loss counselling has assisted many of the Centre’s clients to not only reach their weight loss goals, but to maintain them within their work, social and family groups. Get further information at www.centreforhumanpotential.com.au and take control over your weight loss situation.

