“Weigh in for the Great Commission” Make a change for yourself and the world


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Weigh in for the Great Commission Make a change for yourself and the world Slide 2 1. God wants His people to greatly influence the culture of their world. That is why He placed His people in the land of Israel and wanted them to occupy the city of Gezer, which was an international crossroads. Likewise, God wants you and me-His followers today-to live at the crossroads of life. He wants us to live so publicly that we become a "flavoring influence" on our culture. Rather than isolating ourselves from the world, God wants us to actively participate in and control areas that shape our culture and the world as a whole. Ray Vander Laan from Faith Lessons from the Promised Land Weigh in for the Great Commission Slide 3 2. Israel failed to conquer the Gezers of their world and as a result failed in their mission to be God's witnesses to the world. We also fail in our mission as God's witnesses to the world when we don't take control and exert a godly influence on that which is significant in our culture. Ray Vander Laan from Faith Lessons from the Promised Land Weigh in for the Great Commission Slide 4 3. Just as the people of ancient Israel erected "standing stones" to commemorate God's supernatural actions on their behalf (such as when He gave them the Ten Commandments), God wants each of us to be a massebah- a living, standing stone. In 1 Peter 2:4-5, we learn that we, "like living stones are being built into a spiritual house." Each of us is like a piece of stone that God is shaping and cutting in order to build His house-His world, His kingdom, His church. He wants us to exhibit Him to a watching world. As we live godly lives, non-Christians will see our good deeds and be drawn toward God-just as the people in ancient times were reminded about what God had done for them when they saw standing stones. Ray Vander Laan from Faith Lessons from the Promised Land Weigh in for the Great Commission Slide 5 Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Slide 6 People will notice the change you make when you start eating, moving, and thinking the way God intended. And will ask you how you are doing it. Slide 7 Let Me Tell You How Great My God is: I lost 30 pounds and got off blood pressure medication, ran a mini-marathon, went on mission trip.etc. Do you want to pray about your problem and you could join my small group or visit my church there are a lot more people who have overcome problems by Connecting to God As you get healthy take advantage of a witnessing opportunity Be a Standing Stone! When someone ask how you are getting in better shape. Take advantage of the opportunity to tell them: Slide 8 Weigh in for the Great Commission Challenge One Connect to God by not conforming to the world who lives in a health care crisis and start living a preventable/wellness lifestyle the way God intended. Witness about how great God is to a hurting world about your health progress. Be a Standing Stone. Slide 9 Weigh in for the Great Commission Challenge Two Donate Money for Every pound you lose to a Mission Trip through Go Ministries, or your own church. or Donate money to go on your own Mission Trip through Go Ministries and Connecting to Wellness to the Dominican Republic. Slide 10 Weigh in for the Great Commission Challenge Three Donate Money for every improvement on your Connecting to Wellness Health Score Sheet to a Mission Trip. or Donate money for every check mark on your Connecting to Wellness Checklist/Cheat Sheet to a Mission Trip. Slide 11 Copyright In the United States We have what is called a health care crisis. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the country accounting for nearly 1 million deaths annually (National Vital Statistic Report) a very preventable LIFESTYLE disease. So are the other top killers! Many times, the treatment for the disease is more dangerous than the disease itself. (Vioxx caused as many as 60,000 deaths - David Graham, M.D. of the FDA) Over 100,000 people die every year as a result of these safe and properly prescribed prescription drugs. (JAMA) 180,000 people have died every year as a result of iatrogenic injury. (JAMA) #3 killer in the U.S. every year. Marcia Angel (NEJM) reports this number could be as high as 783,936 yearly deaths due to medical care - #1 killer in the U.S. Slide 12 Copyright The Economics of Illness The crisis is not just the fact that we are sicker as a culture; we also pay the price financially. The U.S. spends over $2.4 trillion per year on sick care thats over $6,500 for every man, woman, and child. In 1960 this amount was just $35 per person. Over 50% of all personal bankruptcies are a result of health related problems. Despite this soaring investment, the U.S. ranks just 37 th in the world in its health system performance according to the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) Slide 13 Purpose Driven Life Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure (Worship) Purpose #2: You Were Formed for God's Family (Fellowship) Purpose #3: You Were Created to Become Like Christ (Discipleship) Purpose #4: You Were Shaped for Serving God (Ministry) Purpose #5: You Were Made for a Mission (Mission) Are you in good enough shape to make it to church worship and to participate? Can you make it to a fellowship event or be in charge of one? Could you walk a mile in Jesus footsteps? Do you have enough time and money after taking care of yourself to give to church? Can you tithe 10% or is your money going to pay for sick care? Could you go on a mission trip? Or help out for several hours at a mission event for the community? Yes!!! I can do all things through Christ! Slide 14 The world will let you down. But, God is your Father and He is there waiting for you. He is waiting to have a relationship with you and help you overcome the world. He has already conquered the world. John 20:19-23 My personal story: When I was ending my freshmen year in college I was on a bike with my feet strapped in when a TARC (city bus) hit me. The accident ripped everything from my knees to my hips and injuring my lower back. Nothing was broken but severe tissue damage made me bed bound for months on medications. After failed therapy and surgery in the future I went to a Chiropractor who allowed me to walk again and function without drugs and surgery. My mother is the one who forced me to go to the chiropractor. I could have been bound to medications and life of disability but because of someone caring and through the power of chiropractic adjustment releasing the healing mechanism in my body I was able to get healthy again. Now I am helping others by being a chiropractor, health coach, and short term missionary. Please take the Weigh in to the Great Commission challenge 2 seriously and be a Standing Stone. Slide 15 1 SICKNESS CRISIS 2 AVERAGE 3. PREVENTION WELLNESS RIVERTOWN CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS SCORE SHEET CALE R I V ER T O W N C H I R O P R A C T I C 401 Madison 2nd St. Madison, IN 47250 www.rivertownchiro.com 812-273-HEAL (4325) Empowering families to live healthy lives STRENGTH TEST - MRULFB SCORE MRULFB TEST MRULFB Performed MRULFB > than 2to3 week week weekly====2 MRULFB not performed weekly (1-3) If you performed all upper, lower, front and back exercises, MRULFB, with minimum resistance 2 to 3 times a week score yourself a 3. MRULFB once a week score is a 2. MRULFB less than every week or can not do minimum resistance score yourself a 1. Greater than 10 off any region give yourself a 1. Strength UPPER AND LOWER BODY: Lift MINIMUM RESISTANCE: weight (10lbs) or elastic band (blue Synergy at our office) 8 times (reps) and check if performed every week (2 to 3 times a week). Bench Press:______ Biceps Curl:________ Triceps Curl:________ Reverse Fly:_____ Quadriceps:______ Hamstrings:________ Calves:__________ Neck Muscles: Using a 22cm Synergy ball (or comparable size) available at our office do minimum amount of reps 2 to 3 times a week:_______ STRENGTH FRONT: Abdominals: Do minimum (20 times) sit-ups at one time without rest 2 to 3 times a week. Check if performed. Sit Ups:_______ STRENTH BACK: Back Extensors: Do minimum (8 times) back extension exercises 2 to 3 times a week. Check if performed. Superman Exercise:_____ or Elastic Band Back Extension Exercise:______ See Rehab Sheet for Picture of Exercise RE-EVALUATE 30 DAYS 45 DAYS 90 DAYS 120DAYS 1/2 YEAR __YEAR 1 SICKNESS CRISIS 2 AVERAGE 3. PREVENTION WELLNESS RIVERTOWN CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS SCORE SHEET CALE R I V ER T O W N C H I R O P R A C T I C 401 Madison 2nd St. Madison, IN 47250 www.rivertownchiro.com 812-273-HEAL (4325) Empowering families to live healthy lives STRENGTH TEST - MRULFB SCORE MRULFB TEST MRULFB Performed MRULFB > than 2to3 week week weekl====2 MRULFB not performed weekly (1-3) If you performed all upper, lower, front and back exercises, MRULFB, with minimum resistance 2 to 3 times a week score yourself a 3. MRULFB once a week score is a 2. MRULFB less than every week or can not do minimum resistance score yourself a 1. Greater than 10 off any region give yourself a 1. Strength UPPER AND LOWER BODY: Lift MINIMUM RESISTANCE: weight (10lbs) or elastic band (blue Synergy at our office) 8 times (reps) and check if performed every week (2 to 3 times a week). Bench Press:______ Biceps Curl:________ Triceps Curl:________ Reverse Fly:_____ Quadriceps:______ Hamstrings:________ Calves:__________ Neck Muscles: Using a 22cm Synergy ball (or comparable size) available at our office do minimum amount of reps 2 to 3 times a week:_______ STRENGTH FRONT: Abdominals: Do minimum (20 times) sit-ups at one time without rest 2 to 3 times a week. Check if performed. Sit Ups:_______ STRENTH BACK: Back Extensors: Do minimum (8 times) back extension exercises 2 to 3 times a week. Check if performed. Superman Exercise:_____ or Elastic Band Back Extension Exercise:______ See Rehab Sheet for Picture of Exercise RE-EVALUATE 30 DAYS 45 DAYS 90 DAYS 120DAYS 1/2 YEAR __YEAR Challenge Three Donate Money for each test score improvement to go on a Mission Trip or for someone else to go on a Mission Trip Make a change for yourself and the world Slide 16 ANY QUESTIONS? Make a change for yourself and the world Challenge Three Donate Money for each test score improvement to go on a Mission Trip or for someone else to go on a Mission Trip
