Weekly Newsletter 10th February 2020 - Oakdene Primary...2020/02/10  · Y5BR Orla Johnson Y5BE...


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Weekly Newsletter 10th February 2020

Right of the Fortnight: Article 38:

Children should be protected during war and not allowed to fight in the army.

Dear Parents and Carers,

All schools have received information from the Government and NHS regarding Coronavirus. The Government and NHS are well prepared to deal with this virus. You can help too. Germs can live on some surfaces for hours. To protect yourself and others:

Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Bin the tissue, and to kill the germs, wash your hands with soap and water, or use a

sanitiser gel. If you have arrived back from China within 14 days follow the specific advice for returning

travellers. This is the best way to slow the spread of almost any germs, including Coronavirus.

Find out more at gov.uk/coronavirus

Our SENCO, Mrs Farnaby, is currently on bereavement leave. Should you have any queries which are related to Special Educational Needs please contact Miss Champion.

We welcomed back Mrs Smith from her maternity leave this week . Mrs Smith will spend her first week working alongside Mrs Elliott. This will allow the perfect time for a thorough handover as Mrs Elliott will commence her maternity leave at half term. Mrs Smith will teach YRE Reception class on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Mrs Rowe (who already knows the children extremely well) will teach the class on Thursdays and Fridays.

Please remember the last day for pupils to attend school this half term is on Thursday, 13th February as staff have a PD Day on Friday, 14th February.

Have a wonderful half-term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday, 24th February!

Mrs E Bramley and Miss C Champion

Our main office can get extremely busy and congested at peak times, usually at the start and ends of the school day. To reduce waiting times for busy parents we try to encourage parents and carers to place any correspondence between home and school in a book bag belonging to your child/ren. If you prefer to drop things off at the office you can now securely leave dinner money envelopes, consent forms, etc in a wall-mounted letter box. The box will be emptied daily. We have also noticed that an increasing number of parents/carers telephone the main office regularly to inform school of who will be collecting your child at the end of the school day. Sometimes this means that the office is unmanned at the end of the school day when more parents tend to arrive at the office. Please try to pass this information onto the class teacher at the start of the school day. This planning will also helps prepare your child too. Thank you so much Mrs Swash and Miss O’Sullivan


The immersive displays at Eden Camp bring history to life, allowing the Y5s an opportunity to experience the sights, sounds and smells of life on the Home Front and the Front Line.

Housed in a unique setting, in the buildings and grounds of an original WWII Prisoner of War Camp, the visit provided a broad insight into all aspects of the social and military history of WWII, as well as WWI and post WWII conflicts.

Y3 were greeted warmly as they arrived at the Hartlepool Mosque. The children’s tour included noting features of the mosque and what they represented, for example, shoe racks, prayer mats, wash rooms and Tasbir beads. The children were shown the Minaret (a tall thin tower) used for calling Muslims to pray. They also saw the Mihrab, an alcove in the wall which shows the direction the worshippers need to face. This is the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the most sacred Muslim place in the world.

It was fantastic to see so many parents and carers attend the Open Morning for YRE & YR/1D pupils. The carousel of activities was based on a ‘wedding’ theme. Activities included preparing food for the wedding breakfast, making decorations and learning a ceilidh. The staff really appreciated your kind comments. Thank you.


Y4 visited York’s Chocolate Story to complement the history curriculum. ‘Y4 pupils explored the world of ancient Maya and their unforgettable legacy which is still influencing modern-day life. The children also found out about the history of confectionery in York. They discovered the importance of the cocoa bean to their society, from its use as currency, to a bitter drink consumed by the wealthy, as well as their part in the creation of the chocolate we know and love today. Y4 enjoyed a fully interactive session, with the opportunity to create their very own version of Xocolat drink and further cross-curricular links to Geography and Mathematics.

Dates For Your Diary - Spring Term

Mon 10th –Thurs 13th Feb Bikeability L1 and 2 for Y6 Pupils Tues 11th Feb Y4 Open Morning & Safer Internet Day Wed 12th Feb Y4 Church Visit Thurs 13th Feb Y3 Yorkshire Museum of Farming Visit Basketball for a Group of Children Between Y4, Y5 & Y6 Fri 14th Feb School closed for teacher training


Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February Mon 24th Feb School Re-opens & Fairtrade Fortnight Commences Tues 25th Feb Open Morning for Parents/Carers of Y1L Pupils Pancake Tuesday Fri 28th Feb Lewis Marr PE Workshops Snappy Classrooms (Music Workshops) YRE, YR/1D and Y2 Pupils Tues 3rd March Firefighters Visit Y1 Onsite Wed 4th March Open Morning for Parents/Carers of Y2F and Y2/3O Thurs 5th March World Book Day Fri 6th March Snappy Classrooms (Music Workshops) YRE, YR/1D and Y2 Pupils Launch of British Science Week Y1 Fire Station Visit Y6 Orienteering Wed 11th March Y6 Open Morning Tues 24th March Snappy Spring Y2 Thurs 26th March Nursery Open Morning and Afternoon Fri 27th March Destination Judo Mon 30th March Parent Consultation Evening Tues 31st March Parent Consultation Evening Wed 1st April Y3 Open Morning Thurs 2nd April Destination Judo Fri 3rd April School closed for teacher training

EASTER HOLIDAYS Monday 6th April - Friday 17th April


(w/e 31.01.20)

Y1L Jack Westmoreland

Y2F James Luker

Y2/3O Jake Cody

Y3S Jack Moss

Y4L Lainey Milne-Forbes

Y4RW Sam Carling

Y5Br Oscar Smith-Sewell

Y5Be Eleanor Ker

Y6G Caitlin Haley

Y6S Macauley Scarth


(w/e 07.02.20)

Y1L Poppy Wake

Y2F Trudi Langstaff

Y2/3O Zac Dale

Y3S Amelia Kelly

Y4L Lexi Singleton

Y4RW Alicia Archer

Y5BR Orla Johnson

Y5BE Imoshi Soyza

Y6G Jessica Fox

Y6S Nancy Hancock

Weekly Awards - week-ending Friday, 7th February 2020 Class Attendance Certificates: EY YRE KS1 Y2/3O KS2 Y4R EY Star Pupils: YR/1D Elliot Lambert YRE Ava Hammond Top Table: Y1L Cassius Dobson Y2F Olly Harris Y2/30 Joe Gardiner Y3S Jacob Stephenson Y4L Joshua Fenton Y4RW Robyn White Y5/6Be Reese Burrows Y5Br Isabelle Hausseguy Y6G Nathan Stamper Y6S Leena Scott 100% Weekly Attendance Award: NAM Leanne Fletcher NPM Edward Gardiner YR/1D Max Devlin YRE Logan Daniels-Owen Y1L Poppy Wake Y2F Ceejay Chambers Y2/30 Ollie Smith Y3S Holly Chapman Y4L Harry Bennington Y4RW Sam Carling Y5/6Be Reese Burrows Y5Br Oscar Smith-Sewell Y6G Ruby McCarthy Y6S Ruby Harrison

Staying safe in PE

We are advised that wearing jewellery, earrings and ear-studs (metal or

plastic) should not be permitted on health and safety grounds during

physical education lessons and other sporting activities such as

after-school clubs or competitive fixtures.

Pupils should be encouraged to leave items of jewellery and earrings at

home on days when they have physical education lessons. If children

forget, they will be asked to remove their earrings by a member of staff for

the PE lesson/club/competition.

Newly pierced ears can take a period of up to six weeks before sleepers and

studs can be removed. Head teachers are advised to remind parents and

carers that ears should be pierced at the start of the summer holidays to

allow sufficient time for earrings to be safely removed.

We thank you in anticipation

of your support.
