Week in Review October 13-19, 2013



WInC Week Review Digital Magazine

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Women’s Intercultural Center Oct. 13-19, 2013

Mr. & Mrs. Rodarte were extremely happy to have passed their U.S. Citizenship Exam.


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

Letter From the E.D. Life always finds a way to remind us of what we lack. I’ve learned that I will always find someone who is more successful, more talented, more attractive, or more advanced in meeting milestones than I am. I encounter these people every day—in fact, they are often my friends, family members, and colleagues. I must admit that sometimes these encounters can

leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth and green eyes of envy. After all, I’m only human. I strive and encourage our participants to avoid desiring something that someone else possesses. We must tend to our garden instead of allowing envy to crush our self-esteem, inspire efforts to undermine others’ successes, or even cause us to lash out violently. Plus it’s a horrible feeling that we really need to avoid. Disarming the Green Eyed Monster So what do I do and how do I teach our participants to disarm the green-eyed monster when it strikes? Acknowledging envy: Admitting being envious

can be threatening, because it means acknowledging our own weakness and insecurity. However, in order to stop it we must be aware of it.

Pride is the flip side of the envy coin:

Reassuring ourselves about our own enviable traits is unlikely to be sustainable, and it maintains the same unstable social comparison hierarchy where someone else needs to be put down in order for us to feel boosted up, and vice versa.

It is hard to see someone do well when you’re floundering, but we must remind ourselves that we are very much not alone in our feelings of inadequacy. Even the most successful people suffer from self-doubt more often than you think. Being imperfect is synonymous with being human.

Replace envy with compassion: Envy is not a compliment, it can be quite dehumanizing. It reduces the object of envy to something very narrow and masks the full picture of who they are and what their life is like.

Have you ever envied someone who seemed to have the perfect life, only to find out later that they were in fact suffering in a very major way? These cases are quite common—we just don’t have the opportunity to learn about someone’s difficulties when we’re envying their seemingly charmed life. We should not seek out others’ suffering, searching for chinks in their armor, but rather we should be open to seeing them in a fuller way, a way that will inevitably include both strengths and weaknesses, joys and sorrows. Doing so will allow us to notice things we may have otherwise overlooked—and as a result, be there for them when they are in need.

Appreciating a person in their fullness can also help us feel genuinely happy for their successes.

Fuel self-improvement when appropriate: When

our envy is rooted in things we cannot change about ourselves, such as a difficult childhood, a traumatic event, or certain health conditions and disabilities, using envy to motivate self-improvement will likely dig us deeper into frustration and self-blame.

Sometimes envy alerts us to things that we want in life that are potentially attainable, if we’re willing to make certain changes. For example, if you envy your productive colleague, you may find that you could be more productive yourself if you learned to manage your time better. You may even be able to get a few tips from him or her.

Don’t forget to count your own blessings: Envy is counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.

Counting our blessings focuses on what is really important in life, and on the sometimes intangible or invisible things we do possess—and that are less dependent on social comparisons, like a strong spirit, a diversity of life experiences, or just the simple fact of being alive.

Bottom line: Envy drains our happiness and saps our energy. It’s appreciation that reveals abundance in places where we might have failed to look.


Benefit from making your 2013 gift to the Women's Intercultural Center through your IRA.

The IRA Charitable Rollover was extended through December 31, 2013, as one of the provisions of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. The IRA charitable rollover enables individuals age 70 1/2 and older to make direct transfers up to $100,000 to 501(c)(3) organizations, without having to count the transfers as income for federal income tax purposes. Who qualifies to use the IRA charitable rollover provision? Individuals who are age 70 1/2 or older at the time of the contribution. From what accounts can I make transfers? Transfers must come from your IRAs directly to the Women's Intercultural Center. If you have retirement assets in a 401(k), 403(b), etc., you must first roll those funds into an IRA, and then you can direct the IRA custodian to transfer the funds from the IRA directly to the Women's Intercultural Center. How much can I transfer? Up to $100,000 per spouse for 2013. Does this transfer qualify as my minimum required distribution? Once you reach age 70 1/2, you are required to take minimum distributions from your retirement plans each year, according to a federal formula. IRA charitable rollovers count towards your minimum required distributions for the year. What are the tax implications to me? Please consult with your own tax advisor to learn how an IRA charitable rollover may benefit you. Under federal law, the transfer of funds as your charitable gift, from your IRA account directly to the Women's Intercultural Center from your IRA custodian, will not be counted as income to you. You can lower your taxable income by making a charitable rollover distri-bution, which may place you in a more favorable tax

bracket. However, you will not be entitled to an income tax charitable deduction for this gift. Can I use the rollover to fund life-income gifts such as a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder trust, a donor advised fund or a supporting organization? No, these are not eligible. How do I know if an IRA charitable rollover is right for me? If you are at least 70 1/2 and: You do not need the additional income necessitated by the minimum required distribution, OR 1. Your charitable gifts already equaled 50% of your

adjusted gross income, so you do not benefit from an income tax charitable deduction for additional gifts, OR

2. You do not itemize deductions, OR 3. You are subject to income tax deduction and

exemption phase outs. What is the procedure for executing an IRA charitable rollover? To complete an IRA charitable rollover, the first step is to contact your IRA custodian to learn their procedures. Please contact Mary Carter at 575-882-5556 or via email at mcarter@qwestoffice.net for wire transfer instructions before you direct your IRA custodian to transfer the funds to Women's Intercultural Center or kindly notify us if your IRA custodian will be sending your funds by check.

Thank You for Your Support!




A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.


As we were working on the all the gutters around the property, WInC Volunteer Eddie Torres had to pause when we got to the front gutters, the ones that were in worst shape throughout the building. The ladder we had was too short to reach the gutters in the front. Eddie offered to try using the ladder but we thought it would be much too dangerous for him so we opted to wait until we could find someone to lend us a ladder. That morning we had contacted the Anthony Water and Sanitation District in reference to a question on our billing. We were wondering if there was a leak in the building as our water bill had tripled. As Charles came out to check the water meters we started talking about the gutters. I mentioned to him that we needed a 12 ft ladder to finish the job. He quickly offered to lend us the ladder he had at home. Thanks to his kindness in lending us the ladder, Eddie was able to finish the job. As he proudly showed me his work he said, “Look how beautiful your building looks now with all the gutters fixed!” We are extremely grateful to everyone that in some small way participated in helping us fix the gutters of our main building. We are especially thankful to Eddie Torres for all the work that he put in. He came up with the solution to our problem and did most of the work for the job. To Charles for lending us the ladder. To Allen G. Carter, Jr. & Saif Almuhairbi for helping out when they could. Thank you all for the great work!


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.


These Chaquira bracelets are handmade by the students of the Chaquira Class. These designs are inspired by Rosalia Acevedo’s (Chaquira Instructor) creativity. Each students gives a unique touch to their bracelet. They are learning how to make one of a kind treasures. Some are giving them as gifts to their family others are learning how to do the beadwork to start a micro-enterprise. For more information about our Chaquira class, please call us at 575-882-5556


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.


The students in the Cake Decorating Class really LOVED making a Bikini Cake for their husbands. They had a lot of fun doing it and creating their own bikini design. Many of the students coming out of our cake decorating class led by Luzelva Muñoz end up creating micro-enterprises with their new found skills. Luzelva is an incredible teacher with experience in the Wilton method which she shares with her students. The creations that come out of our commercial kitchen are amazing not mention tasty. We had a group of college students visiting the area that stopped by for a

tour of the Center as the students were working on their cakes. They were so fascinated by their work that after the tour they all wanted to stop by the commercial kitchen to see how the cakes turned out. We all loved the cake above as the student designed such a beautiful belly button. She said she carefully made it using just the back end of a paintbrush. They are doing some very cool work in the Cake Decorating Class. I’m sure many husbands were pleased when their wives presented their cakes to them. At least for sure Noemi’s husband was since she added his name to the cake.

Bikini Cake!!


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.


Domestic Violence Vigil Remembers Victims & Survivors Victims and survivors of domestic were remembered at a candlelight vigil at the Women’s Intercultural Center.

Six life-size silhouettes were on display to represent each one of the women, men and children who have been killed as a result of domestic violence in Southern New Mexico.

A table was set with an empty place setting to remember those that will be missing at our tables due to domestic violence.

An employee from Sun Loans stated how everyone he spoke to in reference to promoting the vigil had a relative, friend or someone they knew were victims of domestic violence. Yet very few try to educate themselves on how they can seek help for those individuals who are unable to help themselves. Alberto Zavala, La Casa Inc. Community Liaison, gave everyone present a balloon and a sharpie to write down barriers that we would identify as reasons for the victims not leaving the abusers. He threw up each balloon up in the air and asked everyone present to sustain the balloons in the air.

Ten of us could not maintain the balloons in the air. Alberto emphasize how difficult it was for us to maintain ten balloons in the air between all of us, he asked us to imagine how difficult it would be for one person to do without the appropriate resources or support. This why it’s so important that family and friends of the victims educate themselves on how they can help them overcome their situation before it’s too late. "It’s important for us to remember the victims of domestic violence. We need to remember that those lives were lost and there are holes in our community because of it," said WInC Executive Director Mary Carter. Albert shared a movie depicting the poem I received flowers today… The visual depiction had everyone present in tears. Cookie covered her eyes and held on tight to Mary’s hand throughout the movie. La Casa Inc. organizes the vigil in Anthony and in Las Cruces each year.


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

The day before their exam, Mr. and Mrs. Rodarte were extremely nervous. They came in to have WInC Instructor Olivia Contreras verify that all their documentation was in order. Additionally, they wanted to make arrangements to meet with Olivia who customarily accompanies her students to the exam.

Nervously the next morning they made their trek to El Paso. Upon their return they couldn’t contain their smiles. Mrs. Rodarte said, “The Officer asked me ‘Are you aware that you have to know the 100 questions? And I responded to her that I knew that.” She excitedly exclaimed, “She only asked me five

questions!” Her husband added, “Yes, she got less than me. I had to answer all six and I answered them all correctly!” We congratulate Mr. & Mrs. Rodarte for successfully completing their goal of become U.S. Citizens!


Friday, Oct. 25, 2013 At 9:30 am

Workshop Fee: $2 Women’s Intercultural Center

303 Lincoln St Anthony, NM 88021

For more info call 575-882-5556

Bring the following Materials: Barbie or similar doll Roll of wide ribbon 1 card board Roll of thin ribbon Glue Gun Scissors Ribbon cutter (rasgador)

Viernes, 25 de Octubre, 2013 A las 9:30 am

Costo del Taller: $2 Centro Intercultural de la Mujer

Calle Lincoln #303 Anthony, NM 88021

Para mas informacion llame al 575-882-5556

Va necesitar los siguientes materiales: Barbie Rollo de liston ancho Cartulina Liston Delgado Pistola de pegamento caliente Tijeras Rasgador


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

EcoArt Jewelry and Flowers made by WInC Former Participant and Volunteer

and current Artist Fabiola Rodriguez.



A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

Special BIG THANK YOU to HUGH DOYLE for his continuous support of the Women’s Intercultural Center! His donations throughout the year have helped us pay for two instructors to provide two 2-hour classes to our participants in skills areas where they can become economically self-sufficient. He is not only investing in us...he is investing in the women who participate in the classes. He is giving them a lifeline to change their future, their families future and their com-munities. THANK YOU!!!! FEATURED WAYS TO HELP WInC Getting a new phone? Donate your inactive

phone(s) to WInC. Help us recycle while at the same time helping us generate funding for our operations.

At WInC we appreciate the open and honest

feedback (positive or negative) about our work. It

helps our team to constantly improve. And it allows us to celebrate small wins that we achieved during the week, which makes us feel appreciated for what we do. Won't you give us your feedback today by writing a review? To write a review visit: http://greatnonprofits.org/reviews/write/womens-intercultural-center-inc.

OTHER SIMPLE WAYS TO HELP WInC When it comes to Halloween, we definitely recommend choosing to treat rather than trick – but this year, put a twist on the old mantra by treating WInC with a dona-tion. Find out the many ways you can treat us at http://www.womensinterculturalcenter.org/donate. If you have other creative ways to help, please don’t hesitate to contact Mary Carter at 575-882-5556 or via email at mcarter@qwestoffice.net.

Thank you for your support!


Interested in teaching a class, scheduling a workshop, presentation or training at WInC? We are always searching for Volunteer Instructors to teach in their areas of expertise. We currently have a special need for a haircutting instructor. For more info, contact Ilse Arrieta, Program Coordinator at

dates to remember For additional information please contact us at 575-882-5556 or the contact number listed next to the event announcement.

October Open Enrollment—Medicare from 10:30am to 3pm

by Irene Sonora from the Sonora Insurance Group. The enrollments will be on Thursdays on the following dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31; Nov. 7, 14, 21; & Dec. 5: Open Enrollment - Medicare

17-Dec. 5

Join our Halloween Party and have fun with us at 5 p.m. 31

Health Fair & Enrollment in Anthony - The health fair will have a presentation on the Medicaid Expansion along with information regarding the marketplace exchange. Eligi-

bility specialists will be enrolling individuals in Medi-caid along with the 4 providers (United Healthcare, Molina, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Presbyterian) that serve NM. La Clinica de Familia will be there to test blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.



Health Sciences Academy Board Meeting at 6pm. 4

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Come make an altar

with us. A new altar will be added each day in honor of the designated deaths based on the Mexican cultural celebration of the Day of the Dead. The Altars will be on exhibit from Oct. 28 thru November 2. Official Celebration Day will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 29 from 9-10am. Join us for Chocolate, coffee and sweet bread and admire the altars.

28-Nov 2

Women’s Camp from 10 am a 2pm. Enrich and enhance your mind, body and soul. 4-8

20th Anniversary Celebration: Join us in one of three celebrations in honor of our 20th Anniversary. Anthony

Mayor Arnie Castañeda will join us in the celebration at the Business Breakfast and Participant/Volunteer Potluck Luncheon. A $20 donation is encouraged. RSVP at https://winc20thanniversarycelebration.eventbrite.com/ Business Breakfast Celebration—7 to 9 am Local area businesses are invited to a special breakfast celebration at the Center from 7am to 9am. Come learn what we’re all about and how we can work together for the betterment of your business and our community. Participant/Volunteer Potluck Luncheon Celebration—12 to 2pm Bring your favorite dish and your favorite story of the Center to share with your peers. All former participants and volunteers are encouraged to join the fun. Let’s reminisce and catch up. Celebration Dinner—6:30 to 8:30pm Current and prospective donors join us in cele-brating 20 years of being a catalyst for change. Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to provide the tools and resources needed for women to become the authors of their own lives. For more info call: 575-882-5556.



Women’s Intercultural Center WHERE IT STARTS

303 Lincoln Street / PO Box 2411 Anthony, NM 88021

575-882-5556 Fax: 1-866-285-7245

