Week 7 construction



melb uni

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Zac Goldberg 582837, Group 15

Studio this week was split into two sections, the first being going through glossary terms and the second the site visit as a cohort to a build-ing.

The glossary for me has been positive as it allows you to reflect on terms otherwise not looked in to.

The site visit:

This is an image taken out the front of the site that we visited.

It is a 9 story high rise apart-ment building, with a budget of approimately 12 million dollars.

The building I am anaylising

/visiting weekly for my a02 project is also a high rise apartment building, so I was keen to see the similarities.

In this apartment building there is 55 apartments and is approximately 75% finished.

The image to the above shows a lintel load being distributed down through the stud walls/columns and transferring the load. This is highlighting in ching on sev-eral occasions and was tested on during the semester.

Lintels are used in a wide variation of walls, and is de-fined as a stuctural elements or block that spans over an opening (such as this) - (from elements of ching.

This picture on the top right shows the underside (soffit) of the concrete suspended slab above the ground ( level 1.)

Concrete is very strong in compression and is defined as a masonry material.

often a layer of mesh is used in between to help with the strength of the slab.


This image highlights the hollow concrete blocks, and the main reason for the hollow blocks is to allow for insulation in.

The image above highlights the roughing of electrical services such as plumbing, airconditioning and sewage pipes. This would be covered by a cladding of some sort to hide it.

This image depicts the fire chech plasterboard on the walls, and is a safety stand-ard and requirement.

- it allows the fire to be held within the room for a cer-tain length of time to allow evacution ease.

Behind the wall is a form of metal stud framing

do drawing

To the bottom left is an example of a metal stud wall in 3d, and is closely linked to the actual site with the presence of the lintel above the jamb.

The image above highlights the steel beams along the roof, as well as the roof bracing .

steel beams. - strong in tension


Bracing is used to support a structure and add additional strength to it.


This is another view of the bracing used in the metal stud wall.

- fire chech plasterboard and another plasterboard clad-ding will be used in this case.

- ‘ chanel studs ‘ - yellow col-umn - metal stud framing.

The bottom left highlights a different view, and shows the services being passed through.

This is the lintel, distributing loads on either side from the wall system (tested week 7)

This is the jamb, of which takes the weight load of the door through its hinges (e learning/ ching)

This is the ducts/pipes for the airconditioning/heating throughout the building.

The concrete column, going all the way to the ground floor.

- The builder also made note of the foundation system being that of piles, due to the fact it was on unstable soils

(This is also the same meth-od used on my A02 assign-ment site visit.)