Wednesday 25th November. All Year Groups Micro Tyco Team Unlimited are offering any pupil in...


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Wednesday 25th November

All Year GroupsMicro Tyco

Team Unlimited are offering any pupil in Bellahouston a chance to have anyone in their family to advertise their

business. Forms and information can be found in registration. All completed forms must be handed in to

Mrs McLaughlin’s room by Thursday 27th November

with all money.


BadmintonMiss DickmanAll year groups

3pm – 4pmGSOS Hall

(You MUST bring a change of trainers!)

FootballMr McCloy

All year groups3.10pm – 4.10pm

Ibrox Complex

Vocal Group

Mr Fraser

All staff and pupils


Music Room 2

Quarriers Drop In Club

S1 OnlyLunchtime

HWB room (beside RE)

S5/6Modern Apprenticeship


Are you looking for an alternative route to school? Is it time for you to

move on? Have you had enough and this job appeals to you?

We have received an email offering 9 places to pupils who wish to get

straight into an Administration Apprenticeship and start earning a


The Commonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative are running a workshop to help you prepare for the application

and interview process. See Miss McWaters for more


National Museums – History Trip

Would all S5/6 History pupils participating on the trip to the

National Museums Scotland, please ensure that they return permission

forms ASAP.  

All pupils should meet in Miss Kennedy’s room at 9.15 TODAY.


3.00 – 4.00 Biology G Kennedy3.00 – 4.00 Chemistry Y Ahmed3.00 – 4.00 Geography M Scouller3.00 – 4.00 Physics S Dadgostar3.00 – 4.00 Maths F

McGuinness3.00 – 4.00 Maths A Summers

Supported Study

Interested in a Career in Law?

Corporate & Banking/ Criminal/ Employment/

Personal & Family/ Real Estate/ Sports’ Law information available at


If you would just like information on routes to a career in Law and Police

Federation, please come and see Miss McWaters today.

Morgan Stanley Glasgow: Finance Apprenticeship Programme 2015 For those who are both ambitious,

academically strong and want to start earning whilst they learn…

Morgan Stanley are offering an alternative to university through their apprenticeship programme - study towards a professional qualification while gaining both practical industry

experience and earning a salary. See Miss McWaters if you are interested.

Please note if you are attending Mr Scobie’sSupported Study tomorrow you must add your name to the list posted outside his classroom to ensure resources are available. Tomorrow’s theme is problem solving.


3.00 – 4.00 S4 Art P Bain3.00 – 4.00 S4 Mod Studies P Devlin3.00 – 4.00 S4/5 Biology G Kennedy3.00 – 4.00 S4/5/6 Chemistry Y Ahmed3.00 – 4.00 S4/5/6 Geography M Scouller3.00 – 4.00 S4/5/6 Physics S Dadgostar




The S1 Science Club will start back up tomorrow


New Members welcome!!!

See Miss Dadgostar if you are interested in joining.

S1 Science Club is back!