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Leo – The Lion

This is the twelfth and final chapter of the study.

The name of this constellation means the same thing whether you look at it in Arabic, Hebrew, Coptic or Syriac. It means: “He that Rends, That Tears Asunder”

The Lion is the king of the beasts and it also represents the King of Kings.

Jesus is described as “The lion of the tribe of Judah: the Root of David.”

Revelation 5:5 “Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book”

When John looked at the Lion he looked and saw a Lamb as it had been slain. We see the connection between the Lion and the Lamb.

His first coming was as a lamb that laid down his life, but at his second coming he will come as a lion with power and glory.

God represents himself as a Lion in many places in scripture. Psalm 50:22 says “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.” Leo the Lion means “He that tears asunder.”

Stars in this constellation are:

In the lion’s breast – Regal - which means: “The Treading Underfoot” A lion’s paw can exert the same force as dropping a 25 pound hammer. One blow can break the backbone of an ox or crush the skull of a horse. Leo’s front paw is just above the head of Hydra – The Serpent.

Another star is Denebola which means “The Judge”, “The Lord Who Cometh Quickly”Zosma which means “The Shining Forth”Minchir al Asad which means “The Punishing” or ”Tearing of Him Who Lays Waste”Al Defera which means “The Putting Down of the Enemy”

This last group of constellations is a perfect picture of the destruction of the enemy.

Hydra – The SerpentFirst Decan

Hydra – The Serpent is the first decan in this constellation. It is a great serpent who is directly beneath Leo – The Lion. This constellation stretches across 1/3 of the planisphere.

Lucifer means “light-bearer”. Satan was once the bearer of light but he fell from that position and became the Prince of Darkness. The serpent was at one time in the pole position. Draco – The Dragon was once the Pole Star but it has been replaced by Polaris which is also known as Cynosure which means The Center of Attraction or The Center of Attention. Christ is at the center of the drama that is being played out in the sky above us for all the world to see. At one time he was the Prince of the Power of the Air, but here we see him in the outer parts of the ecliptic with his head under the foot of the Lion.

Revelation 20 tells of the future of Satan.

Hydra means “He is the Abhorred”

Stars in this constellation are:

Al Phard in the neck of the serpent meaning “The Separated”, “The Excluded”, “The Put Out of the Way”Minchir al Sugia which means “Tearing to Shreds of the Deceiver”

Satan uses deception against us as his only real tool. His only power is in deceiving people. When we fall for his lies we hand him our authority. Satan is a liar and the father of all lies. The Bible tells us when he lies he is speaking his native tongue. John 8:44

Crater – The CupSecond Decan

Crater – The Cup is the second decan in this constellation.

The cup represents the cup of wrath spoken about in Revelation 14:10-11. “The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

Psalm 11:6 “Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup”

Psalm 75:8 “For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.”

Crater is affixed to the back of the serpent. Two of the stars in Crater are also in the serpent so that it is actually part of the serpent. The world is cursed because of him, but that curse is about to be poured out on him.

Corvus – The RavenThird Decan

Corvus is the third and final decan in this constellation. He too is located on the back of the serpent. All three of these decans are located outside of the ecliptic as though in outer darkness, cast away forever.

Revelation 19:17-18 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.”

Here we see the birds feasting on the remains of those who are killed in the great battle of Armageddon.

Revelation 19:21 “And the remnant were slain with the sword of him (Christ) that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”

Here we see the picture of all who followed the beast and were deceived by his lies. They will all be doomed just as the serpent is doomed to be cast into outer darkness and destroyed.

The Arabic name for this constellation is:Minchir al Gorab which means “The Raven’s Piercing or Tearing to Pieces”The brightest star is located in the eye of the Raven and is Al Chiba which means “The Curse Inflicted”

This chapter brings to a conclusion the destruction of Satan and his followers.


First Book of the Zodiac

Chapter 1:Virgo – The Virgin – Mary and the Birth of Christ

1st Decan - Coma – The Desired – Jesus, The Desired One

2nd Decan - Centaurus – The Centaur (two natured one) – Jesus is the two natured one. He was both man and God. He is pictured here with a spear slaying Lupus (The Victim, seen in the next chapter). Jesus is both characters. He laid down his life for us.

3rd Decan - Bootes – The Coming One – Jesus will one day come again.

Chapter 2:Libra – The Scales – We are weighed in the balances and are not able to pay the price for our redemption, but Jesus paid the price for us.

1st Decan - Crux – The Southern Cross – Located under the Centaur - Visible from the northern hemisphere until about the time of Jesus’ crucifixion.

2nd Decan - Lupus – The Victim – A lamb that is being slain by the Centaur from the first chapter. He is the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world.

3rd Decan - Corona – The Crown – Jesus is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We see the serpent in chapter 3 trying to reach the crown but being restrained by Ophiuchus (another image of Christ)

Chapter 3:Scorpio – The Scorpion – A type of Satan. We see Ophiuchus with his foot on Scorpio’s head.

1st Decan - Ophiuchus – The Serpent Holder – A type of Christ who is restraining the serpent who is trying to reach the crown in Chapter 2.

2nd Decan - Serpens – The Serpent – Another type of Satan

3rd Decan - Hercules – The Mighty One – Jesus is again the victor in this chapter. He is the Mighty One and his foot is on the head of Draco which we will see in the last chapter of this book.

Chapter 4:Sagittarius – The Archer – This is another Centaur but this time he is not slaying himself, but he is depicted as victorious. He has his bow drawn with his arrow pointing at Antares, the star at the heart of Scorpio.

1st Decan - Lyra – The Harp – Meaning Praise for the Conqueror and it is being lifted up with an eagle at the top. The Eagle is the natural enemy of the serpent.

2nd Decan - Ara – The Altar – Meaning Consuming Fire Prepared for His Enemies – No longer visible from the northern hemisphere. The altar is pointing downward with the flames going in to the regions beyond.

3rd Decan - Draco – The Dragon – Another type of Satan. We end with him here and we see Hercules with his foot on his head. The Dragon is defeated just as we are told in Rev. 12:9-11.

There are 3 books in the Zodiac and each one ends with Christ as the victor over Satan. The ultimate ending is the final destruction of Satan by Christ.

Second Book in the Zodiac

Chapter 1:

Capricornius – The Goat - The front half was a dying goat and the back half was a fish that was alive and thriving. This is a picture of Jesus laying down his life and birthing the church.

1st Decan – Saggita – The Arrow – It is an image of God’s arrow piercing the Eagle (Jesus)

2nd Decan – Aquila – The Eagle – The eagle falling as though it has been slain and is falling in the sky.

3rd Decan – Delphinus – The Dolphin – A strong fish rising strong from the depths of the sea. Just as Jesus died and was buried he rose victorious as the first fruits of the resurrection.

Chapter 2:

Aquarius – The Water Pourer – Picture of a man pouring water over the body and into the mouth of a large fish. When Jesus died he sent the Holy Spirit which is a type of water in the scripture.

1st Decan – Piscis Australis – The Southern Fish – represents the Christian who is invited to drink freely from the water of life.

2nd Decan – Pegasus – The Winged Horse – This is a picture of the church going forth in the power of Christ taking the gospel to the world.

3rd Decan – Cygnus – The Swan – the constellation is in the form of a cross a is a majestic bird in rapid flight. Rev. 3:11 says Behold I come quickly: hold fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

Chapter 3:

Pisces – The Fishes – which shows two fish, one facing upwards and the other along the horizon and each connected at the tails with a band. They represent the Old Testament Saints and the New Testament Christians who are inseparably bound together with a band.

1st Decan - The Bands – The bands connect the two fish together by their tails and the band is fastened to the back of Cetus – The Sea Monster’s head. Aries, the Ram has one paw on the bands holding them. The Bands signify the connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

2nd Decan – Andromeda – The Chained Woman – A picture of a woman chained to a rock in danger of the enemy destroying her, but her redeemer looms high in the sky and we will meet him in the next chapter. He is Perseus – The Breaker who breaks her bonds and sets her free.

3rd Decan – Cepheus – The Crowned King – He is a bearded man seated on a throne. He holds a septer in one hand and part of a robe in his other hand. His right foot is planted on the North Star. This is a picture of Christ ruling and reigning.

Chapter 4:

Aries – The Ram – Lying with his back to the end of the story but looking in that direction with his paw on the bands that connect the two fish in Pisces.

1st Decan – Cassiopeia – The Enthroned Woman – She is s woman seated and preparing herself for the wedding of the Lamb. She is no longer chained as we say with Andromeda.

2nd Decan – Cetus – The Sea Monster – This is a large constellation and is an image of Satan but stars in this constellation assure us of his ultimate defeat. He is “The Rebel”, “The Bound”, “Chained Enemy”, “The Overthrown”.

3rd Decan – The Breaker – Jesus is the breaker of the chains and the one who destroyes the enemy that turns men’s hearts to stone. He sets men free and he is the ultimate victor over the enemy.

Third Book of the Zodiac

Chapter 1:

Taurus – The Bull: This is a picture of the front half of a bull with his head lowered, horns facing forward and charging bringing destruction to anything that gets in his way. It is a picture of Christ bringing destruction to the wicked in the last days.

1st Decan – Orion – The Glorious One – Orion is a mighty hunter with a club in his right hand and the skin of a lion in his left hand. His name means, “He Who Cometh Forth as Light” Jesus is portrayed as destroying the one who prowls around as a lion seeking whom he may devour.

2nd Decan – Eridanus – The River – This is a fiery river that flows from the foot of Orion past Cetus – the Sea Monster and into outer darkness. This constellation is a picture of the final judgment

3rd Decan – Auriga – The Shepherd – The Shepherd is seated on the Milky Way. He holds a band in his right hand similar to the bands that once connected to two fish in Pisces. The band is no longer connected. He holds a lamb in his left arm and 2 new-born goats in his lap. He is pictured as the good shepherd who nurtures the adult lambs and the newborn lambs as well.

Chapter 2:

Gemini – The Twins – Two youthful figures that are seated side by side. One holds a club at his side and the other a bow and arrow in one hand and a harp in the other hand. They were once warriors but they are now at rest. They represent Christ as two natures, divine and human, prince and ruler, savior and sufferer.

1st Decan – Lepus – The Enemy – Originally this was a picture of a serpent. Modern zodiacs depict it as a rabbit or hare. Orion has his foot on Lepus

2nd Decan – Canis Major – The Prince – It is pictured as a hawk which is the natural enemy of the serpent.

3rd Decan – Canis Minor – The Redeemer – Here we see Christ as our redeemer. The second decan shows him as a prince and this one shows him as our redeemer.

Chapter 3:

Cancer – The Crab – The most prominent feature are the claws of the crab. The imagery here is that he holds his elect tightly in his hands. Stars in the constellation give us that meaning. “The One Who Holds”.

1st Decan – Ursa Minor – The Lesser Sheepfold – Here we see the ingathering of the sheep into the fold. It is now called the Little Bear but bears do not have long tails. This constellation has been corrupted by the astrology. Its ancient meaning was a sheepfold. This constellation contains Polaris the North Star. It is the star on which the earth appears to rotate. Christ is our center.

2nd Decan – Ursa Major – The Greater Sheepfold – Again this constellation has been corrupted by astrology. Its original meaning was a sheepfold. It means “The Assembled Together”. This constellation refers to a large assembly.

3rd Decan – Argo – The Ship – This constellation is the front of a large ship that has safely reached its home. Its figurehead is a lion that is looking backwards into the ship rather than forward as most figureheads to. It is watching over the inhabitants of the ship.

Chapter 4:

Leo – The Lion – This constellation is a depiction of Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He has his paw on the head of Hydra – The Serpent.

1st Decan – Hydra – The Serpent – This constellation covers a large part of the sky. It is a picture of Satan. Leo the Lion has his paw just above his head. Hydra lies outside the ecliptic as though it is in outer darkness.

2nd Decan – Crater – The Cup – This constellation is attached to the back of Hydra – The Serpent and represents the cup of wrath that will be poured out in the last days.

3rd Decan – Corvus – The Raven – This constellation is also connected to Hydra – The Serpent. All three of these constellations are outside the ecliptic as though in outer darkness. The ravens will feast on the flesh of all the wicked after the battle of Armageddon and the wicked will be cast into outer darkness.

Information Resources: “The Real Meaning of the Zodiac” by Dr. James Kennedy, Ph.D. Special TBN Edition Copyright 1989

“The Witness in the Stars” by E.W. Bullinger, published by Kregel Publications Reprint from 1893

“The Gospel in the Stars” Dr. Joseph A Seiss published by Kregel Publications Copyright 1972
