Web viewCreate rule for allow (clients range and deny (domain like...


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Homework Proxy server with IPTABLE


Server 2003 (DNS,DHCP,AD,ip Proxy server with iptable linux (2 interface vmnet1,vmnet2 Xp client for test(ip range>

Task to do

1. Clients use services of server 2. Clients access internet using proxy only3. Block website facebook.com, youtube.com, dap-news.com

Proxy Server

Assing ip for proxy server have two interface Assing defautgateway

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Teacher : KIM Bunthoun

Student : CHAN Sarat

Class : SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Assign DNS cist.lan

Test by ping ip dns cist.lan

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Ping defaut gateway cist.lan

Server2003 Assign ip and defaut gateway

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Forwarder dns

Test by ping dns cist.lan

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Test ping google.com

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Create rule iptables to allow client & server access internet throw router-proxy

Test proxy server ping google.com

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

XP client

clients use dns “sarat.com”

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Proxy Server

Install sqid

File configure squid “vim/etc/squid/squid.conf”

Default port squid 3128 and 8080

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Cache file

Create acl (acl client src Disable some options

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Disable “icp_access allow localnet”

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Restart services squid

Create acl for lan client and domain

Create rule for allow (clients range and deny (domain like facebook.com,youtue.com,dap-news.com)

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

XP test

Access don’t use proxy server

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Access use proxy server IP interface router connect to server( Port use default port proxy server 3128

Result can access internet

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Test website that we block

We access facebook.com

We access dap-news.com

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

We access youtube.com


Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B

Prepare by CHAN Sarat SNA2012B
