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The Passion of The Christ Analysis

In each country around the world has the own history that recorded all of events in the past of the country. We cannot know it without classified documents or something left in that period. The evidence can be recorded in the books, on the wall of the temple in the country or by video documentary film etc. In addition, one of the world histories The Passion of the Christ is a film that was depicted about the history of Jesus’ death and resurrection in Israel. To understand this film deeply, we will figure out the important scenes and the events.

The Passion of the Christ was produced in 2004 directed by Mel Gibson and starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus Christ. This film was constructed by Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew languages. The purpose of author of using these kinds of languages, I think he wants to make it more nature as in that period of the events. Those who don’t know these languages might feel inconvenient when watching it but, if we think deeper we will understand about the style of making film of director. It is drama and historical genre because the whole movie playing as a real story according to the bible in the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Therefore, the film covers the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ life and final scene ends with his resurrection.


The passion of the Christ is a movie that has the open scene in Gethsemane; it was the time Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan before being arrested by Romans guards while three of his apostle Peter, James and John sleep. And later, Judas, one of his twelve apostles who betrayed him came with temple guards to arrest Jesus. When guards move to arrest Jesus, Peter was so afraid, then he cut off the ears one of the guards, but Jesus heals him. When apostles see this incident they flee away, and the guards arrest Jesus and beat him during the way to the Sanhedrin. Mary, Jesus’ mother was told about the arresting of Jesus by John. When the guards bring Jesus to the trial Caiaphas starts questioning Jesus. “Are you the son of God?” Caiaphas asked, “Yes, I am” Jesus replied. After that, Caiaphas tore His robes and condemned Jesus to death for blasphemy. On the other hand, Peter was watching Jesus secretly, and as Jesus has predicted Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. Immediately he began to think of what Jesus has predicted, he cried out and run out away because of his shame. Meanwhile, remorseful Judas went to priests and asked for having Jesus free by exchanging that money he got but priests refused his suggestion. Finally, Judas’ life was ended because the devil tempted him. Later on, Jesus was sent to Pontius Pilate. Pontius Pilate tried to find the way to set Jesus free while he found not guilty on Jesus but priests always interrupted. There’s an option for freeing among Jesus and Barabbas. Pontius Pilate gave this option to people but the crowds demand Barabbas for free and they shouted to crucify Jesus. Jesus was punished cruelly then carried the cross along the way to Cavalry. There were two criminal thieves were crucified with Jesus. The left one mocked on Jesus but the right one confess his sin at his finally breathe to Jesus. Then he was saved as Jesus replied to him at that time.

After Jesus committed his spirit and dies, a single drop of rain falls from the sky, triggering an earthquake which destroys the temple and rips the cloth covering the Holy of Holies in two, to the horror of Caiaphas and the other priests. Satan is then shown screaming in defeat. Everything has done and at the end of the film He rose from the death having the scar of nail on his hands in the tomb.


According to the bible, the death of Christ is because God loves people. It is made up for everyone to understand about God’s love deeper and give hope to those who hopeless, restore faith for believers. Most of all, this movie inspires us to love each other and learn more how to forgive other too.


The conflict of this film is about the power of Jesus’ death. The entire film has mention only 12 hours before Jesus died but if we compare to other films, there are many days and nights created to make it fit. There are many complicated things happened before his death the make the film done. Actually the passion of this movie should refer to Christ’s passion but if we think deeply Gibson, director has the passion through his imagination. Movie can be designed in different perspectives depend on to how much director imagine and want it to be. Gibson’s passion has also applied to this movie too. In addition, Jim who plays a role as Jesus is also related to this part. In the movie, what we can feel is by director imagination but the real motivation is about his understanding of Jesus’ real passion in the past. Beside form director, actor is very important to put his heart follow the setting scenes. According to bible, the conflict of this movie is about Jesus’ love that gives up his life for sinners around the world. Jesus’ love is the eternal love no other one can compare. In order to verify his love, Jesus did not just die directly on the cross as two thieves but Jesus was punished cruelly and everything that Jesus was done has completed as in the more than thousand years of bible recorded. To prove the truth of Jesus’ story, there are so many people accept Jesus as their savior after watch this movie. So, The Passion of the Christ affected real society as well as the individual faith as well.


Now shall we take time to think about the music in this movie? While I was watching this movie, I felt like sad music and it seems the traditional music of Israel and some other parts are Romans music style. Most of each scene seems to be conducted with soundtrack that applied to match with the events in the movie. In addition, The Passion of the Christ song was conducted in the whole movie. Word and music of this song was made by producers Mark Joseph and Tim Cook.


As I mentioned above, The Passion of the Christ was constructed by Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew languages. That is why English subtitle was used in this movie. Moreover, because this movie used Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew languages, it was also translated

into other languages subtitles. We might wonder why this movie can complete in Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew languages as well as director is American. According to wikipedia Gibson, director and Benedict Fitzgerald, screenwriter; are script writer in English language and translated by William Fulco, the Reverend and professor at Loyal Marymount University. There are many opinions about why they don’t use English in dialogue spoken language. Therefore, the purpose of director said he just want to surprise audience. Though when I watch I don’t feel familiar with this language because if English was used, I would have high attention on each events with my hearing language, instead of that it has interrupted my feeling to focus only reading subtitle. So this is the reason that I cannot focus on video movement I think. But, I think actors are perfect in speaking these kinds of language fluently to make it looks real.


As I observed while watching movie I found a few of symbols used in this film. First symbol is snake. It appeared in the opening scene of the film. This symbol represents about the word of God has done since God cursed Eve before expelling her from Garden of Eden. Depending on “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel (Gen 3:15)” and the scene that Jesus struck snake’s head are reasonable to claim that the Word of God is truth and it has done. Second symbol is stone. The scene that related to this symbol is when the crowd threw stone to kill Mary Magdalene. In the Romans tradition, those who are killed by stone represent that she or he does sin. But in the bible Jesus said those who no sin can threw stones to kill her. In the film immediately they stepped back and stop throwing stones to kill her. I think this symbol might make sense to acknowledge that stone is a symbol of sin. The third symbol in the film is cross. Cross represents salvation. The death of Jesus on the cross means those who believe in His name will be saved. There are many scriptures support this statement. 30Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.”(Acts 16:30-31), For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life( John 3:16), But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God(John1:12) and so on. According to theses scripture we can realize that cross is the symbol of salvation. Additionally, nowadays all churches always hang cross to dedicate as a sign of saving place. Moreover, there is also a symbol of cross used at hospital as well. The last symbol is communion party. At the last supper Jesus broke the bread and took a cup of wine. This party is always celebrated in each church to remember Jesus' death.

So in The Passion of the Christ has four symbols that has difference meaning but most of them are the symbols that recorded in the bible. Knowing the symbol of something is knowledge of knowing the culture and tradition of that country.


I will describe about the main characters who act in this film.

- Jim Caviezel as Jesus Christ: The most performance that approaches my eyes is in the punishment and crucifixion sequence. While watching it I felt so scare about his blood which punished by Romans guards. Through his performance I can feel that it’s not Jim Caviezel but it is really Jesus who is suffering. I think Jim acts like Jesus. His character is gentle and generous and unique. Even it is not spoken in English but I guess He might speak like native speaker. Jim is masculine, big and tall. His body fitness is very important to play as Jesus’ role. And the special point of Jim’s role is he puts situation as his real one and let his emption follow the story. Playing as Jesus is not easy but he’s done well.

- Maia Morgenstern as Mary, Jesus’ Mother. Because of the film is Romanian film so her performance is well acting with her dress design I think. In the bible said Mary decided keep her baby because she believes what the angels of God that appeared to her. So I think her character is humble and obedient. Maia plays this role is perfect because she can bear what happen in the scene and it looks real through her play role.

- Francesco DeVito as Peter. He is a perfect guy. In the scene he’s denying Jesus, he is bustle up. He doesn’t need to talk but he get exciting.

- Rosalinda Celentano as Satan. When I heard the word “Satan” I always think of man, never think it is woman like this movie. And I also curious why director chose woman to act as Satan? Maybe he thought woman is weaker than Jesus, the Son of God or it has some relationship with Eve, Adam’s wife. First time I watch the movie I cannot recognize that she is Satan because her costume and Mary is the same, black color. I just thought she is also a simple woman. Her expression (face and eyes) is scary when she looks to Jesus as her enemy. It is a great performance.


1. When Jesus made table: while Jesus was standing and He saw a carpenter was knocking the table. It means He was thinking of his mother, Mary, as his memory with his mother. And his feeling is like regretful. Then he saw Mary came before him looking his situation.

2. Peter commits to follow Jesus. After Peter denied knowing Jesus, He was Jesus’ falling down so that it makes Peter thinks of when he committed to follow Jesus with prediction of Peter’s denying . (Before the cock crows, three times you will deny me Jesus said to Peter).

3. Jesus cleans the feet for disciples. This built up when Jesus lied on the ground while being punished by the guards and He look to guard’s foot so He think of when He clean foot for his disciples.

4. Mary Magdalene met Jesus. While she was mopping the blood of Jesus after punishment she think of her first time she met Jesus.

5. Cleaning hands. When Pontius Pilate cleans his hands, Jesus thinks of the time he and his disciple clean the hands too.

6. The crowds shout hallelujah to him when He was riding on the donkey. On the way he carry the cross, he think of the way he was riding on the donkey.

7. When Jesus was a child. While Jesus carrying the cross, He fall down, at the same time Mary, Jesus’ mother thinks of Jesus’ childhood too. It was the time that Jesus fall down and as soon as Mary goes to pick him up carefully. But this time she cannot.

8. Jesus teaching on the mountain. This flashback came up with when the place where Jesus is going to crucify is setting.

9. The last supper. When Jesus stood up look to the sky he thinks about the last supper. He continues to teach while breaking the bread and sharing the wine.


Photography In the film Photography looks dynamic and beautiful. Even everything at night it still looks real and emotionality. The commendation of Blue and gold, it refers to the blue moon at night in the first scene Jesus was praying. I am so appreciate that the color looks sleek, gloss. And with the mixing with the fire it was so wonderful color in the scene. The color designed in the temple where Jesus start carry the cross is also fit with the ancient time. Shorty, photography of The Passion the Christ was built up to attract the audiences’ eyes to feel real. There are a lot of techniques and aspects to make it great looking, but the real motivation is conscious to do how audience feel and express.

Costume I think it is beautiful costume including fabric and hand made. It looks very real of this custom.

Pharisee’s costume in the film Pharisee’s costume pattern picture

In the movie Jesus’ costume

Behind the scene of Jesus’ costume

Visual Effect

Jesus’ body make up looks very real.

Hair make up Body make up

Peeling the blood on the body

Jim just turns his hands down into the cross, instead of that the different hand coming up.

While Jesus was punished, Jesus’ back revealing scar was faked by cover up with computer generated screen

It is used the program special animated effect with green screen cutting.


Extreme Long shot

Long shot-Low angel

Bust Shot- over the shoulder

Close up- High angel

Extreme close up

Arc- RepeatConclusion

To sum up, The Passion of The Christ is a movie which related to history of Israel and the whole movie focuses on the death of Christ. I think this movie is great because director, Gibson has a passion in making this movie, the story, place, languages, actors, actresses, costume, photography, visual effect and any other designs look real and completed. Even in the crucifixion sequence used a lot of visual effect and computer graphic design but what I am so appreciate is it can touch the audiences’ heart, most of all on the cross Jesus did it. So, this is how the core point of this movie’s purpose. I believe that those who watch this film will understand God’s love and accept Jesus as their Lord.

Reference1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmVDK5jtwRA 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Passion_of_the_Christ 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luoCCmK2E6Y
