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THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASOBachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences

DRSC 4302- Verbal and Written Communication in Rehabilitation SciencesSpring 2021 Syllabus

Course Number: DRSC 4302Course Title: Verbal and Written Communication in Rehabilitation SciencesClass Time: Tuesday 10:30-11:30am Virtually via Blackboard Collaborate at

Course Location: Blackboard UltraCredit Hours: 3Instructor: Rocio Alvarenga, EdD, OTRE-mail: Phone: (915) 603-0084Office Hours: Wednesday 10-11am or by appointment Virtually via Blackboard Collaborate at

Catalog Course Description: Structure and dynamics of verbal communication and writing skills in the health professions with other professionals, patients, clients, families, and the public. Exploration of health literacy and numeracy in relation to health outcomes. Legal and professional applications in health-related communications, including patient/client-relateddocumentation, web-based consumer education and professional writing for publication.

Course Prerequisites: Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation program or department approval.

Course Goals: Introduce students to professional communications in the health field with practical applications for speaking, writing, participating, and organizing meetings and giving professional presentations.

1. Help students develop a working knowledge of the scientific literature and strategies for reading, writing, and communicating with other health professionals.

2. Gain confidence in effective communications in the health care workplace, including patient documentation, patient interview, patient education, business letters and memos, resume and cover letter, presentations, and scientific writing.

3. Assist students to assess their readiness and career development needs for an entry level role in the health professions.

Learner Objectives. At the completion of this course, students will be able to:1. Demonstrate effective and professional verbal communication skills appropriate for the modern

healthcare setting, including effective interview techniques, documentation, and patient education.

2. Demonstrate written proficiency with the elements of an initial assessment in a SOAP note format, treatment plan, progress notes, and discharge summary and critique samples of patient documentation.

3. Read and critique a sample of current literature relevant to one’s field or professional goals that relates to current issues in the field.


4. Design a patient education product on a health-related topic suitable for consumers who may have low health literacy.

5. Prepare a cover letter and resume and effectively communicate in a mock employment interview.6. Create a career portfolio that features a display of the products created in this course and a career

development plan.

REQUIRED READINGS: McCorry, L. K., & Mason, J. (2011). Communication skills for the healthcare

professional (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Recommended Readings:Barnard, S. R., & Hughes, K. T. (2001). Writing, speaking, and communication skills for health professionals. Yale University Press.

Additional readings will be provided to students electronically. Weekly articles, monographs, reports and web-based presentations may be assigned. Students are required to read these and be prepared to discuss them. Students are expected to research and find resources required for assignments.

Course Expectations:To assure the objectives of the course are attained, students are encouraged to:

Review material as instructed each week and ask about any uncertain points. Be active participants by completing the discussions as instructed and on time as well as working

with the assigned group to complete any online/virtual assignments. Submit all assignments/projects by the due dates identified on this syllabus. Late assignments will

be accepted, but 5 points will be deducted for each day it is late to include online discussion posts. Students should expect to consult the instructor regularly during online office hours or at another

scheduled time

Class Participation. Active participation in this course is very important. Students should be prepared to participate in online discussions/virtual meetings/complete assignments.

Assignments. The following assignments will be required as part of this course:Assignment Weight of AssignmentClass Participation: Participating in online/virtual discussions and assignments as instructed 25%

Online quizzes 5%Cover Letter & Resume 10%Mock Job Interview 10%Midterm Project: Communication Project 25%Final Project: Portfolio and Career Development Plan 25%Total 100%


Total Grade Points. The maximum number of points that can be earned in this course is 100. The translation of points to a letter grade for this course are as follows:

A (>90 %)B (80-89%)C (70-79%)D (60-69%)F (< 60%)

Letter grades based on this distribution will then be assigned each student. Notes:

1 point will be deducted for each day you are late posting in online discussions 5 points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late

Grades will not be adjusted for individuals. If you need help with class, come to the professor as soon as possible. Remember: Grades are earned by the student, not given by the professor All assignments should be typed and handed in on time. Academic integrity policies apply to each assignment. If confused of when collaboration is allowed and not allowed, clarify first!

TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTSCourse content is delivered via the Internet through the Blackboard Ultra Learn learning management system (be aware it is an updated platform). Ensure your UTEP e-mail account is working and that you have access to the Web and a stable web browser. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the best browsers for Blackboard; other browsers may cause complications. When having technical difficulties, update your browser, clear your cache, or try switching to another browser.

You will need to have access to a computer/laptop, scanner, a webcam, and a microphone. You will need to download or update the following software: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and Java. Check that your computer hardware and software are up-to-date and able to access all parts of the course.

If you do not have a word-processing software, you can download Word and other Microsoft Office programs (including Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and more) for free via UTEP’s Microsoft Office Portal. Click the following link for more information about Microsoft Office 365 and follow the instructions.

IMPORTANT: If you encounter technical difficulties beyond your scope of troubleshooting, please contact the UTEP Help Desk as they are trained specifically in assisting with technological needs of students. Please do not contact me for this type of assistance. The Help Desk is much better equipped than I am to assist you!

For blackboard and technical support, please visit: OR

Phone: 915-747-HELP Email: Links are also located in UTEP’s blackboard Institution Page

COURSE COMMUNICATION: How we will stay in contact with each other


Because this is an online class, we won’t see each other in the ways you may be accustomed to: during class time, small group meetings, and office hours. However, there are a number of ways we can keep the communication channels open:

• Office Hours: We will not be able to meet on campus, but I will still have office hours for your questions and comments about the course. My office hours will be held on o Blackboard Collaborate using this link: During the following times: Wednesday from 10-11 a.m. Mountain Time

• Email: UTEP e-mail is the best way to contact me. I will make every attempt to respond to your e-mail within 24-48 hours of receipt. When e-mailing me, be sure to email from your UTEP student account and please put the course number in the subject line. In the body of your e-mail, clearly state your question. At the end of your e-mail, be sure to put your first and last name, and your university identification number.

• Discussion Board: If you have a question that you believe other students may also have, please post it in the Help Board of the discussion boards inside of Blackboard. Please respond to other students’ questions if you have a helpful response.

• Announcements: Check the Blackboard announcements frequently for any updates, deadlines, or other important messages.

NETIQUETTEAs we know, sometimes communication online can be challenging. It’s possible to miscommunicate what we mean or to misunderstand what our classmates mean given the lack of body language and immediate feedback. Therefore, please keep these netiquette (network etiquette) guidelines in mind. Failure to observe them may result in disciplinary action.

Always consider audience. This is a college-level course; therefore, all communication should reflect polite consideration of other’s ideas.

Respect and courtesy must be provided to classmates and to the instructor at all times. No harassment or inappropriate postings will be tolerated.

When reacting to someone else’s message, address the ideas, not the person. Post only what anyone would comfortably state in a face-to-face situation.

Blackboard is not a public internet venue; all postings to it should be considered private and confidential. Whatever is posted on in these online spaces is intended for classmates and professor only. Please do not copy documents and paste them to a publicly accessible website, blog, or other space.

COURSE POLICIESAttendance Policy Attendance in the course is determined by participation in the learning activities of the course. Your participation in the course is important not only for your learning and success but also to create a community of learners. Participation is determined by completion of the following activities:

Reading/Viewing all course materials to ensure understanding of assignment requirements Participating in engaging discussion with your peers on the discussion boards (grading rubric

provided in the “grading information” area of each forum) Participating in scheduled Blackboard Collaborate sessions Other activities as indicated in the weekly modules

Because these activities are designed to contribute to your learning each week, they cannot be made up after their due date has passed.


Excused Absences and/or Course Drop PolicyAccording to UTEP Curriculum and Classroom Policies, “When, in the judgment of the instructor, a student has been absent to such a degree as to impair his or her status relative to credit for the course, the instructor may drop the student from the class with a grade of “W” before the course drop deadline and with a grade of “F” after the course drop deadline.” See academic regulations in the UTEP Undergraduate Catalog for a list of excuse absences.

Therefore, if I find that, due to non-performance in the course, you are at risk of failing, I will drop you from the course. I will provide 24 hours advance notice via email.


If you feel that you are unable to complete the course successfully, please let me know and then contact the Registrar’s Office to initiate the drop process. If you do not, you are at risk of receiving an “F” for the course.

Blackboard Collaborate SessionsThis class requires that you participate in scheduled Blackboard Collaborate sessions. The purpose of these sessions are for you to view live demonstrations of the course material and/or to participate in small discussion groups with your classmates. These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

o Blackboard Collaborate using this link:

Students are expected to, at least occasionally, participate in these sessions with a webcam and microphone. The sessions will be recorded and provided so that they can be reviewed by classmates at a later time. Students should not record the sessions and post them to any sites outside of Blackboard.

If you are unable to attend a Collaborate session, please let me know as soon as possible so that accommodations can be made when appropriate.

Deadlines, Late Work, And Absence PolicyMajor Writing Assignments

• Major writing assignments will be due on Sundays at midnight (11:59 PM). No late work will be accepted if the reason is not considered excusable.

Quiz and Discussion Assignments• All quiz, blog, and discussion board assignments will be due on Sundays at midnight (11:59 PM).

No late work will be accepted if the reason is not considered excusable.

Make-Up WorkMake-up work will be given only in the case of a documented emergency. Note that make-up work may be in a different format than the original work, may require more intensive preparation, and may be graded with penalty points. If you miss an assignment and the reason is not considered excusable, you will receive a zero. It is therefore important to reach out to me—in advance if at all possible—and explain with proper documentation why you missed a given course requirement. Once a deadline has been established for make-up work, no further extensions or exceptions will be granted.


Alternative Means of Submitting Work In Case Of Technical IssuesI strongly suggest that you submit your work with plenty of time to spare in the event that you have a technical issue with the course website, network, and/or your computer. I also suggest you save all your work (answers to discussion points, quizzes, exams, and essays) in a separate Word document as a back-up. This way, you will have evidence that you completed the work and will not lose credit. If you are experiencing difficulties submitting your work through the course website, please contact the UTEP Help Desk. You can email me your back-up document as a last resort.

Incomplete Grade PolicyIncomplete grades may be requested only in exceptional circumstances after you have completed at least half of the course requirements. Talk to me immediately if you believe an incomplete is warranted. If granted, we will establish a contract of work to be completed with deadlines.

Accommodations PolicyThe University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and auxiliary services to students, staff, faculty, job applicants, applicants for admissions, and other beneficiaries of University programs, services and activities with documented disabilities in order to provide them with equal opportunities to participate in programs, services, and activities in compliance with sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008. Reasonable accommodations will be made unless it is determined that doing so would cause undue hardship on the University. Students requesting an accommodation based on a disability must register with the UTEP Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS). Contact the Center for Accommodations and Support Services or apply for accommodations online via the CASS portal.

Phone: (915) 747-5148 voice or TTYFax: (915) 747-8712Email: cass@utep.eduWeb:

COVID-19 AccommodationsStudents are not permitted on campus when they have a positive COVID-19 test, exposure or symptoms. If you are not permitted on campus, you should contact me as soon as possible so we can arrange necessary and appropriate accommodations.

(classes with on-campus meetings) Students who are considered high risk according to CDC guidelines and/or those who live with individuals who are considered high risk may contact Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) to discuss temporary accommodations for on-campus courses and activities. Apply at and fill out a three-question application. You will be scheduled to meet with disability coordinator to discuss your unique situation.

Scholastic IntegrityAcademic dishonesty is prohibited and is considered a violation of the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures. It includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion. Cheating may involve copying from or providing information to another student, possessing unauthorized materials during a test, or falsifying research data on laboratory reports. Plagiarism occurs when someone intentionally or knowingly represents the words or ideas of another as ones' own. Collusion involves collaborating with


another person to commit any academically dishonest act. Any act of academic dishonesty attempted by a UTEP student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. All suspected violations of academic integrity at The University of Texas at El Paso must be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) for possible disciplinary action. To learn more, please visitHOOP: Student Conduct and Discipline.

Class RecordingsThe use of recordings will enable you to have access to class lectures, group discussions, and so on in the event you miss a synchronous or in-person class meeting due to illness or other extenuating circumstance. Our use of such technology is governed by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and UTEP’s acceptable-use policy. A recording of class sessions will be kept and stored by UTEP, in accordance with FERPA and UTEP policies. Your instructor will not share the recordings of your class activities outside of course participants, which include your fellow students, teaching assistants, or graduate assistants, and any guest faculty or community-based learning partners with whom we may engage during a class session. You may not share recordings outside of this course. Doing so may result in disciplinary action.

Test Proctoring SoftwareTwo course assessments (the midterm and final exams) will make use of Respondus Lock Down Browser and Respondus Monitor inside of Blackboard to promote academic integrity. You are encouraged to learn more about how to use these programs prior to the first test.

Please review the following guidelines:• The assessments will only be available at the times identified on the course calendar.• You may take the test at any time during the 24-hour window.• A reliable Internet connection is essential to completing the exam. If you must go to a location to

take the exam (such as the library), be sure to follow their health and safety requirements.• You have 2 attempts to take the test. Once the window closes, your answers will be saved, and no

changes can be made. The higher score will be recorded.• Respondus Lockdown Browser will require that all internet tabs are closed prior to the start of the

test.• Respondus Monitor requires a webcam and microphone.• You will be required to show the webcam your student ID prior to the start of the test.• Your face should be completely visible during the test. Blocking the camera will disable the test.• No notes or textbook materials are permitted during the test. Respondus Monitor requires you to

take a video of your surrounding area (desk, chair, walls, etc.)• You should not have conversations with other people and/or leave and return to the area during

the test.

Plagiarism Detecting SoftwareSome of your course work and assessments may submitted to SafeAssign, a plagiarism detecting software. SafeAssign is used review assignment submissions for originality and will help you learn how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase.

Copyright Statement for Course Materials


All materials used in this course are protected by copyright law. The course materials are only for the use of students currently enrolled in this course and only for the purpose of this course. They may not be further disseminated.

Course Resources: Where you can go for assistanceUTEP provides a variety of student services and support:Technology Resources

• Help Desk: Students experiencing technological challenges (email, Blackboard, software, etc.) can submit a ticket to the UTEP Helpdesk for assistance. Contact the Helpdesk via phone, email, chat, website, or in person if on campus.

Academic Resources• UTEP Library: Access a wide range of resources including online full-text access to thousands of

journals and eBooks plus reference service and librarian assistance for enrolled students. University Writing Center (UWC): Submit papers here for assistance with writing style and

formatting, ask a tutor for help and explore other writing resources.Individual Resources

• Military Student Success Center: Assists personnel in any branch of service to reach their educational goals.

• Center for Accommodations and Support Services: Assists students with ADA-related accommodations for coursework, housing, and internships.

• Counseling and Psychological Services: Provides a variety of counseling services including individual, couples, and group sessions as well as career and disability assessments.

COVID-19 PRECAUTIONSYou must STAY AT HOME and REPORT if you (1) have been diagnosed with COVID-19, (2) are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or (3) have had recent contact with a person who has received a positive coronavirus test. Reports should be made at If you know of anyone who should report any of these three criteria, you should encourage them to report. If the individual cannot report, you can report on their behalf by sending an email to

For each day that you attend campus—for any reason—you must complete the questions on the UTEP screening website ( prior to arriving on campus. The website will verify if you are permitted to come to campus. Under no circumstances should anyone come to class when feeling ill or exhibiting any of the known COVID-19 symptoms. If you are feeling unwell, please let me know as soon as possible, and alternative instruction will be provided. Students are advised to minimize the number of encounters with others to avoid infection.

Wear face coverings when in common areas of campus or when others are present. You must wear a face covering over your nose and mouth at all times in this class. If you choose not to wear a face covering, you may not enter the classroom. If you remove your face covering, you will be asked to put it on or leave the classroom. Students who refuse to wear a face covering and follow preventive COVID-19 guidelines will be dismissed from the class and will be subject to disciplinary action according to Section 1.2.3 Health and Safety and Section Disruptions in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures.

(classes with on-campus meetings) Please note that if COVID-19 conditions deteriorate in the City of El Paso, all course and lab activities may be transitioned to remote delivery.


The University of Texas at El Paso DRSC 4302- Verbal and Written Communication in Rehabilitation Sciences

Spring 2021

*Course Calendar Subject to Change*Note: Readings for each week are listed in the online weekly content. This is an online course with

synchronous meetings. All assignments are expected to be completed by 11:59 PM Central Time on due date unless otherwise noted. See syllabus for participation and online attendance requirements.

Class Time: Tuesday 10:30am – 11:30am through Blackboard CollaborateWeek Date Topic Readings Assignments Due

1 1/19-22

Introduction to Course Communication &

Quality of CareReview APA/Writing


MCCorry & Mason Ch 1, Ch 12

Additional Reading in BB

Complete online discussion/assignment by

Sunday, 1/24/21

2 1/25-29Verbal & Nonverbal

Communication for the Healthcare Professional

McCorry & Mason, Ch 2 & 3

Conduct 1st Virtual Group meeting, record meeting,

and upload 1 video per group by Sunday, 1/31/21

3 2/1-5

Professional Communication and

Behavior/Core Values

McCorry & Mason, Ch 4

Complete online discussion/assignment by

Sunday, 2/7/21

Quiz 1 (Ch 2,3)

4 2/8-12Modifying & Adapting Communication to the


McCorry & Mason,Ch 5 & 6

Complete Core Value Essay by Sunday, 2/14/21

5 2/15-19Cultural Sensitivity in

Healthcare Communication

McCorry & Mason, Ch 7

Complete online discussion/assignment by

Sunday, 2/21/21

Quiz 2 (Ch 4, 5, 6)

6 2/22-26 Patient Interview McCorry & Mason, Ch 8

Complete Cultural Competency Essay by

Sunday, 2/28/21

7 3/1-5 Patient Documentation McCorry & Mason, Ch 12 pp. 254-255

Complete SOAP Note by Sunday, 3/7/21Quiz 3 (Ch 7, 8)

8 3/8-12 Patient Education McCorry & Mason, Ch 9

Complete Patient Education Plan by Sunday,




9 3/22-25 Administrative Communication

McCorry & Mason, Ch 10

Turn in Communication Project by Sunday, 3/28/21

10 3/29-4/1 Professional Development

McCorry & Mason, Ch 11

Conduct 2nd Virtual Group meeting, record meeting,

and upload 1 video per group by Sunday, 4/4/21

Quiz 4 (Ch 10, 11)

11 4/5-9 Professional Development Cont.

McCorry & Mason, Ch 11

Turn in Cover letter & Resume by Sunday,


12 4/12-16 Critical evaluation of a Scientific Article

Additional Reading in BB: Barnard & Hughes,

Ch 1

Guest Lecture: Collaborate Meeting Tues OR Thurs TBA


Complete Critical Evaluation of an Article by

Sunday, 4/18/21

13 4/19-23

Giving Professional Presentations

Developing Effective Poster Presentations

Additional Reading in BB: Barnard & Hughes,

Ch 6 & 8

Mock Job Interviews

Interviewers turn in your Mock Job Interview Forms

by Sunday, 4/25/21

14 4/26-30Grad School Application Procedure and Review Additional Reading in

BB: Barnard & Hughes, Ch 14

Mock Job Interviews

Interviewers turn in your Mock Job Interview Forms

by Sunday, 5/2/21

15 5/3-7 Work on Portfolio and Career Development Plan

Mock Job Interviews

Interviewers turn in your Mock Job Interview Forms

by Sunday, 5/9/21

Final 5/10 Portfolio and Career Development Plan due by 11:59pm on Monday, 5/10/21

* Course Schedule is subject to change as the instructor deems necessary



A. Participation Verbal communication is an invaluable skill for the Rehabilitation Science professional that will be used daily in the healthcare setting. As such, students in this course shall be provided the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their proficiency in the communication process each class. The following Rubric shall be used as a means of evaluating overall class participation as you complete online/virtual group discussions and assignments for the course, which represents 25% of the total grade.

Observed Behavior DescriptionActive Listening Alert and engaged in class discussions throughout the week

Displays respectful behavior Demonstrates correct nonverbal behavior, as discussed in class

Answering/asking Questions

Routinely provides useful ideas and contributes when participating in the discussion boards

Asks insightful questions Demonstrates knowledge of required and recommended reading

Participation in class activities

Consistently stays focused on class discussions and activities Self-directed and highly motivated

Attendance and punctuality

Completes assignments by due dates Completes assignments demonstrating preparation for the material

Professionalism Student is always respectful of himself/herself, others, and instructor Has positive attitude Does not criticize anyone else’s ideas or work but provides

constructive feedback to help improve other’s communication skills Follows all classroom procedures including completing

assignments/readings on time

1) Group Discussions Online discussions will consist of questions related to the reading that will serve to further your knowledge. You will be randomly assigned to a group and will discuss the topics with your assigned groups. You will be required to respond to one of your group member’s post by the due date.

On 2 occasions, your group will meet virtually to discuss the question of the week. As a group, you will decide on the platform you will use (i.e. Zoom, Team Meet). The experience is meant to give your group an opportunity to meet each other, practice communication skills, and prepare you as you will use the same format to conduct the Mock interviews when your group is role playing as interviewers in an interview committee (see Mock Job Interview Assignment).

2) Online Assignments Online assignments will assist you to begin completing aspect of the Communication Project or the Portfolio and Career Development Plan as they relate to the weekly reading(s).

Grading Percentage


Post response to question in 2 Discussion Posts 5 points each= 10Ask 1 classmate a question in 2 Discussion posts 5 points each= 10Participates in 2 virtual group meetings 10 points each= 20Completes 6 online assignments as instructed 10 points each= 60TOTAL 100

B. Quizzes Four quizzes will be provided that will consist of true/false and multiple-choice questions that will be based primarily to ensure you have read the materials for the course.

C. Midterm Project: Communication Project Throughout this course the learner will acquire numerous clinical communication skills. This is a cumulative project that will allow the learner to develop empathy and demonstrate proficiency in various clinical communication skills, particularly written skills, that will be used daily in the professional healthcare setting. The Communication Project will constitute 25% of your total grade for the course. This is an INDIVIDUAL PROJECT due at 11:59 pm on Sunday, March 28, 2021.

Task:1) Read a novel or a memoir about a diagnosis of interest.

Research shows that reading literary fiction helps to develop empathy, which is a critical skill that helps improve communication between provider and patient, results in better patient outcomes, and decreases provider burnout.

You can choose any work of fiction or memoir, but please note it may be easier to complete the project if the protagonist has a specific medical diagnosis.

Please do not use a novel that has been turned into a film .

2) Write an essay: Title in the middle of the page before essay 1-3 pages long Indent paragraphs Double space essay Include introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs

o Introduction Paragraph: Tell us a little about the protagonist and end by stating what you will talk about in the body

o Body1. Paragraph 1: Briefly summarize the memoir and describe how you empathized with

the protagonist(s) when reading your novel. What kind of emotional reactions did you have?

2. 1-2 Paragraphs: Using the protagonist of your novel or memoir as an imaginary patient, describe how you would adjust your communication style to best suit the patient during the patient interview. Address the following: Describe the verbal/nonverbal communication skills that you would employ to

better interview the patient. Include discussion of any roadblocks to therapeutic communication you would



How you would adapt your communication style to your patient based on their ability to understand (health literacy and any physical impairments) and their unique cultural context?

o Concluding Paragraph: Summarize what you talked about Grammar and spelling count

3) On 1 page alone After essay: Document an initial patient evaluation utilizing the SOAP note format to describe your encounter with this patient based on something encountered in the novel or created malady or diagnosis. If this is not a diagnosis you are familiar with, conduct pertinent research into the condition

so that you are able to accurately write your SOAP note.

4) After SOAP Note: Create a Patient Education Product based on your encounter with the patient. Home exercise program, education brochure, etc.

5) Put Reference page as last page Title in middle of page that says “References”. It should at least include the book/memoir you read, and any references used in Patient

Education Use APA 7th edition style.

o Look at if you are not sure.

6) Total of at least 6 pages or more

Grading PercentageProject Parts: Essay, SOAP Note, Education Plan, References 20Essay Content: Summary, discusses verbal/nonverbal skills, discusses roadblocks, discuses adapting communication style


Essay Formatting: 1-3 pages, double spaced, indented paragraphs, intro paragraph, body paragraph(s), conclusion paragraph


Grammar and spelling 10TOTAL 100

D. Cover Letter/Resume You are applying to a Graduate School (PT, OT, SLP, Rehab Counseling) and you will need a Cover Letter and Resume. The Cover Letter and Resume will constitute another 10% of your total grade for the course.

1) Review Chapter 11 from McCorry & Mason 2) Develop or update your Resume. Pages 203-204 provide examples of a functional and

chronological resume-You will pick your style and approach3) Develop a Cover Letter for your Graduate Application. Page 207 provides an example of a

general cover letter that can help you get started. Make the cover letter 1 page in length Make the cover letter a general letter with true, current information about yourself


Grading PercentageCover Letter 50Resume 50TOTAL 100

D. Mock Interview Role playing is a wonderful way to practice your professional development and communication skills as a future health professional. The Mock Interview provides you the opportunity to practice communication with peers to conduct the interviews as a group as well as the opportunity to practice being in an interview. The time and dates of the interview are to be determined. The Mock Interview will constitute 10% of your total grade for the course.

Each group will role play as interviewers in an interview committee who will be assigned 4-5 individuals to interview during an assigned week. o The interview committee (group members) will

Develop 10 questions for applicants applying to graduate school (PT/OT/SLP/Rehab Counseling)

The same questions need to be used with all the interviewees. You may select questions found in McCorry & Mason, Chapter 11, but can develop your own

All committee members will be present for ALL interviews Take turns asking each interviewee questions so all interviewers participate for each

interview Use the UTEP Interview Guide to guide your process

o The interview committee (group members) will set up the meeting time that accommodates everyone’s schedule during the week your group is assigned.

Use doodle poll or something similar to set up your groups schedule 1st With your groups schedule set, use doodle poll or something similar to invite your

interviewees Interviews need to be completed between Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm during your

scheduled week. Please speak to instructor if accommodations are needed to meet outside this time but attempt to stay within the time frame assigned.

o The interview committee (group members) will use the virtual platform Zoom and will invite the instructor and the individual being interviewed-One interview at a time-Do Not have them all in the platform together

Record each interview and upload in Blackboard discussion board by 11:59pm on Sunday during the week your group is interviewing others

Do NOT upload the recording anywhere else outside of blackboard as it is a school assignment

o All interviews need to be between 8-12 minutes in length Please no more or less: 5 points deducted if under or over time. Cut a question if you are running out of time by using effective communication skills

to end the interview


o Each person in the interview committee (group members) will fill out 2 Mock Interview Grading Forms for 2 of the individuals assigned to each of you from the people interviewed (1 for each person).

THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT-DO NOT SHARE! Look at the Mock Interview Schedule. Each person’s name in each group is a certain color.

The people you interview who have the same color are the people who you will complete a form on. For example, if your name is in RED then the interviewees who are in RED are the 2 people you have to complete a Mock Interview Grading Form. Some interviewees will have 2 colors so everyone can complete 2 forms. Turn in as indicated in the course calendar.

Each person will participate in a graduate school interview by one of these interview committees (group members)o You will be required to turn in a Cover letter and a Resume by 11:59pm on 4/11/21 before

the interview process and o Email the Cover letter and Resume to all committee members at least 24 hours before the

scheduled interview.

Grading Percentage2 Mock Interview Grading Criteria Forms to include 2x20= 40Interviews within time limit 8-12 min each 20Following directions & Uploading Recorded Interviews 10Participation in an interview 30TOTAL 100

E. Final Project: Portfolio and Career Development Plan This portfolio serves as an evolving record of your progress in becoming a rehabilitation professional, including compiling evidence of your professional development and a dynamic self-assessment of your progress and plan for continued professional growth.

Please include the first 4 bolded sections listed below - they are required. Any item that has an asterisk (*) after it is also required. Other than those items, the portfolio is yours and should be a unique reflection of your professional growth up to this point. The portfolio should also reflect your professional goals and your plans for attaining them. The Portfolio and Career Development Plan will constitute of 25% of your total grade for the course. This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL PROJECT due by 11:59 pm on Monday, May 10, 2021.

I. Professional Development 2-3 Sentence Statement of Purpose/personal goal statement/personal philosophy* Professional Development Plan Essay*

o Assessment of where you are nowo At least 3 professional goals o Description of how you plan on meeting these goals

Activity in professional association Resume * Research Experience


Community service/Volunteer Activity (including observation hours) Advocacy Core Values Essay* Licenses/certifications Continuing Education certificates Diplomas/transcripts

II. Professional Communication Sample SOAP initial evaluation note (from Communication Project) * Patient Education Sample (from Communication Project) * Professional Reflection

III. Cultural Competency Cultural Competency Essay* Communication Project Reflections on Study Abroad Experience Professional Reflection

IV. Evidence-based Practice Critical Evaluation of a Scientific Article* Professional Reflection

V. Safe and Efficient Practice Certificate of Completion: CPR for Healthcare Professionals Immunization Record

Format: Follow organization indicated above with each section in Roman numerals Each section (I-V) should have appropriate Headings Essays in Plan that MUST be included: Professional Development Plan Essay, Core Value Essay,

Cultural Competency Essayo Essays should have introduction paragraph, body, and concluding paragrapho Essays should be 1-2 pages long when double spacedo Essays in this plan can be either single OR double spacedo Paragraphs in essays should be indentedo Grammar and spelling count

Reference list should the last page with a title in the middle that says "References"o ALL references for all documents should be in last page in alphabetical order, NOT after

each documento Use APA 7th edition style

Look at if you are not sure how to reference


Grading PercentageAdherence of format and inclusion of required Major headings 10Professional Development

Purpose/personal goal statement/personal philosophy 10 Professional Development Plan Essay (1-2 pages) 10 Resume 10 Core Values Essay (1-2 pages) 10

Professional Communication Sample SOAP Note 10 Patient Education Sample 10

Cultural Competency Cultural Competency Essay (1-2 pages) 10

Evidence Based Practice Critical Evaluation of a Scientific Article 10

Inclusion of required essay content and APA 10TOTAL 100

Any errors in the above syllabus are subject to correction and all course requirements are subject to revision. Students will be notified in writing of all changes made to this syllabus.

