· Web viewThe global “conveyor belt” of surface and deep-ocean currents that is formed by...


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__________ _____________ - a continuous flow of water along a certain path in the ocean.

1) _______________ Currents – currents that flow in the upper 1000 meters of the ocean.

**Surface currents are driven by global winds**

__________ – a large system of circulating ocean currents, caused by the Coriolis Effect (clockwise in the Northern hemisphere, counter-clockwise in the Southern).

2) __________________ Currents – cold, high-salinity currents that move along the ocean floor and connect with warm surface currents to form the “Great Ocean Conveyor Belt.”

Thermohaline Circulation

Thermo- (temperature) -haline (salt or salinity)

The global “conveyor belt” of surface and deep-ocean currents that is formed by differences in density

High Density = Cold, high salinityLow Density = Warm, low salinity

Ocean Currents
