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Process Name • Hazard Communication Program (04/04/2018 Revision)

Overview of Hazard Communication Program

Purpose: To ensure the safe use of hazardous chemicals and to comply with the requirements of OSHA 1910.1200.

Scope: This program is applicable to all CNM employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals.

CNM Way Expert: Safety & Environmental Health Department

Functional Units Involved-Responsibilities: A. Supervisors/Managers

1. Ensures that employees and areas under his/her supervision comply with this program.

2. Submits all updated inventory of hazardous material to the Safety Office.3. Notifies the safety office of non-routine work involving hazardous chemicals.4. Ensures that all containers are labeled, tagged or marked properly.

B. Employees1. Reads all container labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of hazardous chemicals

that they use or store in their area. 2. Properly cares for personal protective equipment, including proper use, routine

care and cleaning, storage and replacement.3. Completes the CNM online HazCom training as required.

C. Safety Director/Designee1. Develops and maintains the CNM Hazard Communication program and reviews it

annually. 2. Ensures the chemical inventory is requested and reviews it annually.

Beginning of Process: Development of the Hazard Communication program.

End of Process: Dynamic and continuing.

Related Documents and Forms:

A. Chemical Inventory Template Spreadsheet (page 2)B. HazCom Phase 2 Training Checklist (page 3)C. Pictograms (page 4)D. CNM Chemical Emergency Procedures (page 5)E. Sample of A Safety Data Sheet (page 6-11)

Created 05/17: Revised 04/18 1




(not chemical form




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Is Safety Data Sheet (SDS) available?

Does SDS have 16 sections per Haz Com


Inventory Personnel


Date Inventory

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(Supervisor is responsible to ensure this training is completed prior to initial assignment)

Employee: please initial every item that you have received information:

Brief overview of the Haz Com Program (HCP) and where

it is located within the department for me to refer to. ______

The right to obtain a copy of the HCP at the Safety Office ______

List of all chemicals that employee will use routinely at work ______

Location of the Safety Data Sheet binder in the area ______

Employee read the relevant SDS ______

Locations of the eye wash and/or emergency shower in the area ______

Location of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, etc. ______

How to properly don PPE on/off ______

Chemical Emergency Procedures ______

Employee’s Statement: I acknowledge that I have received the specific Haz Com training above and read the SDS chemicals I will use.

Employee Name_____________________________________Department_________________

Signature__________________________________________ Date_______________________

Supervisor’s Statement: I acknowledge that I have provided the specific Haz Com training above to the employee prior to his/her initial assignment.

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Supervisor Signature______________________________________ Date__________________


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Chemical Exposures

If chemical gets in your eyes: o Flush eyes out at eyewash station or at any source of water near by for at least 15

minutes.o Call 911 if it is a life-threatening situation.o Contact your Supervisor.o GET MEDICAL CARE.

If chemical gets on your skin:o Flush skin with water for at least 15 minutes.o Call 911 if it is a life-threatening situation.o Contact your Supervisor.o Get medical care if needed.

If you inhale some chemical: o Get to fresh air.o Call 911 if it is a life-threatening situation.o Contact your Supervisor.o Get medical care if needed.

Chemical Spill:

1. Evacuate the area.2. Call 911 if there is a life-threatening situation.3. Contact Security at ext. 43001.4. Barricade area to prevent people from entering.5. Re-enter only when an “all clear” is given by Security/Safety personnel.

Chemical Smell:

1. Contact Security at ext. 43001.2. Call 911 if there is a life-threatening situation.

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Safety Data Sheet ExampleIsopropyl Alcohol

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1) Components of the Program a) The program consists of five basic components:

i) Inventory and audit of chemicals.(1) An initial HazCom Inventory of all chemicals will be made of all work areas and

facilities. (2) An annual updated inventory shall be submitted to the Safety Office by the start of

every Fall semester. (3) Template for the HazCom Inventory spreadsheet is included in the appendices.(4) A copy of the HazCom Inventory for each work area will be kept with the SDSs for

that area (or in a secure location if the SDSs are in the public areas). (5) Chemical users are responsible to update all newly introduced chemicals to the

inventory.ii) Labels and labeling of hazardous chemical containers:

(1) All chemicals on hand or received in original container must have a label that will specify at least: (a) Product Identifier (chemical name or product number)(b) Precautionary/Hazard Statement (c) Pictogram(s)(d) A signal word (warning, danger)(e) Identification of the manufacturer or supplier and address.

(2) Chemical containers:(a) A chemical label will not be removed nor defaced from its container.(b) All containers of chemicals will be received, and the label assured to be

affixed on each container by Staff, Faculty, or Student Workers who have received Hazard Communication training.

(3) In case of a missing container label, it will be the responsibility of the supervisors in the area to ensure that all secondary containers are properly labeled with a duplicate of the manufacturer's label or a department's label with at least the 3 items listed above.

(4) All labels are required to have pictograms that are determined by the chemical hazard classification. (See Pictogram examples pgs. 4)

iii) Safety data sheets (SDSs) maintenance, distribution, availability and locations.(1) A SDS will be provided by department head on all required chemicals used within

the department (see example on pgs. 6-11).(2) All departments and users will obtain and maintain SDSs for each hazardous

material in use or storage at CNM. (3) The inventory of chemicals used in a specific work area or for a specific work

assignment will be available to personnel during their work period, in the work area.

(4) The inventory listing and audits will be used to ascertain that there is a SDS as may be required for each chemical and that all containers are properly labeled and stored.

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(5) In the event a SDS is not available for a new chemical, the immediate supervisor should be promptly notified. That supervisor or his/her designee will contact the manufacture or supplier and obtain the SDS for the product.

(6) If the SDS cannot be obtained and the Safety Office has been notified, a generic safety data sheet may be substituted.

iv) Personnel training and information, general and specific.(1) CNM HazCom online training is required for all applicable personnel prior to initial

assignment. The training will be required to be repeated for employees who act unsafe while using chemicals. Human Resources is responsible to ensure training completion for all applicable new hires in Phase I New Employee Orientation (NEO.)

(2) Specific HazCom training (phase II NEO): Prior to performing duties the supervisor is responsible to ensure employees are trained on the following items:

(3) This HazCom program and its availability.(4) List of all chemicals that employees will use routinely while doing their job.(5) Locations of SDSs for all chemicals employees use.(6) Locations of eyewash and emergency shower if available. (7) Personal protective equipment that the employees need while using chemicals(8) Chemical Emergency Procedures in the event of a chemical exposure (in

appendices). (9) Supervisor ensures employees sign a form indicating that they have completed all

above required items on the “Hazard Communication Phase II Training Checklist” for recordkeeping.

v) (5) Documentation: CNM Hazard Communication Program, the chemical inventory list, records, materials, etc., will be maintained and located in the Safety Office. Personnel may review the program and chemical listing at the Safety Office.

2) Non-Routine Work or Tasks a) Periodically, personnel may be required to perform non-routine work or tasks requiring

the use of hazardous chemicals or work in associated hazardous locations. The Supervisor is responsible to notify the Safety Office prior to starting such projects, a new hazardous chemical means new training is required.

b) The Safety Office will complete or coordinate a hazard analysis prior to approval of such projects ensuring that each affected individual is given information about the chemicals, materials, or exposure of such activity. Such information shall include:i) Specific hazards that may be associated with the chemical(s.) ii) Protective and other safety measures to be taken. iii) Measures the department is taking to lessen or prevent hazards, i.e., ventilation,

respirators, storage, safety watch personnel, postings and barriers, fire extinguishers, other personal protective equipment, etc.

iv) Review of the chemical(s), SDS or other technical information applicable to the work. v) Review emergency procedures to be taken.

3) Contractors a) The project manager is responsible to ensure:

i) The following information are provided to contractors:

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ii) Any hazardous chemicals to which the contractors may be exposed while on the site. iii) Measures the department is taking to lessen or prevent hazards, i.e., ventilation,

respirators, etc.iv) Precautions and controls to be taken to lessen or prevent possible exposure by use of

appropriate protective measures. b) The following information is provided by contractors:

i) All chemicals they bring on the worksite to personnel in the area. ii) The personnel in an area are notified in advance about such contract, name of

contractor, starting date, type of work to be performed in their area, and chemicals they use on site.

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