€¦  · Web viewRainbow Guides are the youngest members of the...


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Baildon Community LinkAnnual Report 2013 – 2014

35 Cliffe Avenue,Baildon, Shipley,West Yorkshire

BD17 6NX

Tel. 01274 588681

A report from the Chair of the Trustees 2013-14Successes

Once again it is lovely to report that activities and services have increased this year at Baildon Community Link. The feedback we have received from the many people that use the Link is so positive. In addition to the regular groups that are detailed on the timetable included in this report, the new groups we have had this year include Fisical football for tots, Baby Sensory, and Thula Mama singing.


We are lucky to have so many dedicated volunteers. The Link would not be able to run without them, e.g. day care, the cafe, youth club, reception, social and support groups, fundraising and maintaining the outside and inside of the building. I would like to thank all the volunteers very much.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer, please ask Lucy.

We are currently looking for a volunteer who can come out once a week, preferably on a Wednesday, for 2 to 3 hours to sweep up and tidy the yard. If you are interested in this volunteering opportunity, please call at reception or ring 01274 588681 and ask for Lucy.


Lucy, our Centre Manager / Community Development Worker, works so hard in keeping the centre running smoothly, alongside her Community Development work, with help from James, the admin worker. Special thanks to Kim and Ann our Day Care workers who do such a

good job that none of the clients want to leave. Thanks to Christine who cleans the centre so well also. Thanks to Paul and Christine who are our part-time caretakers. We must remember also to thank our two new Youth Workers who have joined our team, Charis & Dot, and they are doing a great job with our local young people with the Tuesday Youth Club being its busiest ever.


We thank our trustees, who come with different qualifications and experience. Special thanks go to our Treasurer Tom Gurney who works so hard keeping our finances in order. We would love to have some more people on our Management Committee, anyone interested please see Lucy.

Grahame Thornton

It is with sadness that Grahame Thornton, who was our Company Secretary for many years, died recently. Grahame was such a valued member of our committee. Over time, we noticed that Grahame’s health was fading and he could no longer attend the Management Committee meetings so we decided to make him an Honorary Member of Baildon Community Link. Lucy rang him and he was delighted to know how much he was valued.

Advisory Members

We would like to thank our Ward Councillors, who all act as advisory members on our committee.

The way ahead

We need to ensure that Baildon Community Link goes from strength to strength and grasp any opportunity that comes our way.

Room hire is increasing for parties and meetings, which is why I think that a new volunteer for the

Community Link would strengthen our team and help keep it looking clean and tidy. Any help with this would be appreciated.

Funding support from Bradford Council helps us to provide many of our core activities and services and I take this opportunity to thank Bradford Council and our other funders.

Thank you so much,

Renee Lancaster

Centre Manager / Community

Development Worker’s Report

2013-14 You will see from reading the contributions to this year’s Annual Report that during the year 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014, Baildon Community Link has offered numerous activities and services. We run some activities and services ourselves and others are run by other local groups and individuals.It is a delight to report that the new building continues to be very well used.

In addition to managing the centre, during this reporting year I have in my capacity as a Community Development Worker been involved in many other projects. A report of this nature cannot do justice to all these projects but I highlight several notable ones. Firstly, working in partnership with St Hugh’s Centre and Shipley Area Coordinator's Office, a food poverty project has resulted in food bank provision at three centres in Baildon and an up-to-date signposting leaflet has been created and distributed throughout the area to help relevant local professionals including GP surgeries,

local pharmacies, social workers, schools and churches to effectively signpost those in need. A copy of this leaflet is attached to this report.

In April 2013, the first seated exercise group took place. This group was set up in response to local need and supports local community members who have recently undergone surgery or have other limiting or chronic conditions including COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I’m pleased to say that one year on, the group leader has managed to sustain the group alongside other regular exercise classes.

Alongside a local community member, we began work towards developing a wild flower meadow in Baildon which resulted in the peace garden on the site of the former Link building. A poppy-rich flower meadow was planted in 2014 to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. You can see an information board which shows various wartime connections in Baildon on the site itself. Alternatively, we’ve installed one for people to read in the welcome zone.

As usual, work out in the community has been significant. I have met several times with residents who live at Library Woods to discuss the spare land behind their properties and associated issues (Zoe has been kind enough to let us meet at her hairdressers). In the summer, we were a key partner in organising an event at Southcliffe Drive to launch a new playground. There are significant issues linked to drugs in this area and at this event local residents were encouraged to report issues of substance misuse. Young people had fun decorating biscuits and making masks and bookmarks, alongside other play activities.

Working with the Alzheimer’s Society and Shipley Neighbourhood Services, Baildon Community Link built on work

towards making Baildon more dementia-friendly, resulting in the first session to raise awareness of dementia (taking place on 1st April 2014). You can see the community artwork in the main hall, which shows people’s ideas for how to make Baildon a more dementia-friendly place to live. Thanks go to local artist Nicola Steffen who painted the forget-me-not flower to which people added their ideas.

Smaller initiatives throughout the year have included supporting local parents to set up some home schooling sessions which took place at the Link, supporting a local resident to set up a chess club and supporting one of our youth leaders to teach members of the youth club how to play guitar.


Baildon Community Link is an organisation that cares and that brings people together – something that we can all feel proud of. We owe a debt of gratitude to all members of our team, including our paid staff, our volunteers and our members, users and supporters. In addition, through working in partnership with other local professionals including staff at Shipley Area Coordinator's Office, housing officers, police, local youth workers and wardens we have been able to successfully tackle neighbourhood issues including anti-social behaviour and crime.

I would also particularly like to thank Renee Lancaster for her work chairing the management meetings and Tom Gurney for his regular commitment to Baildon Community Link, including careful budget preparations and planning.Grahame Thornton has supported Baildon Community Link in many ways over the years, including serving as Company Secretary and providing invaluable legal expertise and support. The new building is part

of his legacy – alongside his animated story telling and his diplomatic skills in defusing sometimes difficult situations.

He will be fondly remembered.

Lucy Maddison

Finance Report 2013-14This is a report on the income and expenditure for the 12 months ending 31st March 2014 and a summary of the Annual Report and Financial Statements. The Total Income was £154,463. The Total Expenditure was £165,092. This resulted in a Net Expenditure of £10,629. Net expenditure on the new building project was £18,929. This resulted in a surplus for Baildon Link of £8,300, reflecting our normal activities.

Again, this surplus was considerably more than we had budgeted for. Our funding for the year from Bradford Council had been reduced by around £4,600. We have not had another cut in this current year but are expecting further significant cuts in the year ending March 2016, due to the reorganisation of the funding process. The surplus of £8,300 was a result of additional small grants from the Town Council and the Mechanic’s Institute, and a further increase in Room Hire income.

The accounts also show the Link's Net Worth at the end of March 2014 (or Total Funds or Assets, see page 7 on the Balance Sheet) to be £79,978.This Fund Balance only has £2,028 as Restricted Funds, i.e. funds specific to an activity or service and allows for the funding beyond the end of the financial year. This is to cover maintenance of the sedum roof. The financial aspect of the New Building Project has now been finalised.

The remaining £77,950 is made up of £59,950 Unrestricted Funds and £18,000 Designated Funds.

Unrestricted Funds are funds available to spend on activities within the remit of our constitution, in support of our stated aims and purposes. Some of this money may have been set aside, by the Trustees, for specific purposes. Included in this fund, as recommended by WYCAS and approved by the Trustees, is a running cost reserve which enables us to continue to provide core services for a further six months, if funding for key activities cease. This would be equivalent to approximately £54,000 in the financial year ending 31st March 2015.

Designated Funds are unrestricted funds earmarked by the Trustees for particular purposes. The £18,000 of Designated Funds includes £8000 to cover legal redundancy requirements and other financial liabilities as required by the Trustees plus £10,000 as an emergency fund to cover unexpected repairs and technology costs.

We would like to thank Susan Szamakowicz of the West Yorkshire Community Accounting Service for her very efficient undertaking and reporting on the Independent Examination of our accounts. She again commented that the accounting records supplied to her were excellent and all systems were well maintained. Once again, we have to thank Lucy and James for their outstanding work.Room hire income has increased year on year. The administrative work associated with room hire is considerable and has become a significant part of their workload.

The next two or three years could be a critical time for Baildon Community Link. Bradford Council is looking for ways to reduce funding to organisations such as ours. They are

expecting volunteers to take on more of the presently funded roles and groups to raise funds elsewhere. Baildon Community Link is well managed because of dedicated and capable staff and volunteers. If we continue to monitor future funding changes and take action when required, we will continue to be a valuable asset to the local community.

Tom Gurney (Treasurer)

Bridge GroupThe group has continued to meet regularly on Thursday afternoons. We have welcomed new people into the group and on a good afternoon we have three full tables. The class has enjoyed the teaching provided by Arthur Calvert, who has an ability to put together instructive illustrative hands. The Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association has kindly provided “on extended loan” a whole box of bridge goodies that has enhanced the experience.

What makes the group a pleasure to work with is the friendliness and sociability of all those taking part. Whilst the bridge is taken (fairly) seriously, there is an amount of banter and cake-consumption (with runner beans providing the healthy option). A mark of the friendliness and (bridge) appetite of the group is their willingness to play also on a Monday evening in order to accommodate a past member of the group who cannot now make Thursday afternoons. In short, it is a very caring group.

John Cole (Volunteer)

1st Baildon Rainbows - Report


Rainbow Guides are the youngest members of the Girlguiding family. Our girls are aged 5 to 7 and we meet in The Link every Thursday during term time. The programme is varied and can range from art one week to first aid the next. We sing songs, play games and have lots of FUN!Through our activities we aim to develop girls’ social and physical skills while introducing them to new ideas and challenging them to learn and think. We sometimes work in small groups and sometimes as individuals. Through the winter this year, we worked on our Seasons badge. We learned all about nature and how things change through the year. We even had a beach party in the Link in January! In the summer term we had outdoor adventures. We went grass sledging, and celebrated the 100th anniversary of Brownies at a huge event at Wetherby race course.This term we are learning more about what our Promise means. Rainbows promise to be kind and helpful, so we are practising this in our meetings through talking, games and crafts.Our Rainbows have an absolutely wonderful time and it is only possible because of our team of volunteer leaders. In July, we sadly said “Goodbye” to “Daisy” (Liz Mulligan) who has been in charge here for many years. She will continue to run 6th Baildon Brownies and we thank her for her hard work here at Rainbows. Hannah Bartle has also moved on to study languages at university. Congratulations to her both on her A level results and on achieving her Girl Guiding Leadership Award this year! The unit has been taken over by “Angel” (Sarah Jones) and Helen Hardill (yet to receive a Rainbow name!). Girl Guiding always needs enthusiastic volunteers, so if you’d like to come and join us please see

Many thanks to Lucy and everyone at the Link for looking after this lovely venue for us, and for a warm welcome every week.

Helen Hardill

Community Education With one of our partners, Forster Community College, we again ran several courses. A one-day plumbing course ran in January 2014 and the class was popular enough to run again in March.The computing courses are always popular with students, and we once again offered an IT for beginners course, which ran in March.These were the final courses that we ran with Forster Community College. The funding situation has changed and we will no longer be working in partnership with them.As well as the classes that we have organised ourselves, we also host groups and classes at the Link. We have two Spanish groups that meet on Wednesday afternoons that are run by Maria, a volunteer: Spanish for Beginners and Spanish for Improvers. Local tutor Aimee Dixon runs a separate Spanish group on Wednesday evenings in term time.

James Cole (Admin Worker)

Social Day Care Report The past 12 months we haven’t seen many changes in our Social Day Care. We have had a special birthday with Mary Fillingham, who is now 103; we all enjoyed a fun day, a buffet lunch and entertainer in the afternoon. Mary’s family and friends also joined us.

We have been to our favourite places – Millstones for Christmas lunch as always, which was great fun, Murgatroyds for a fish and chips lunch, Stephen Smiths to see Christmas gifts and have a cream tea, and Airton (an enjoyable drive in the countryside and a very nice lunch).

Visitors to our group have kept us entertained. We have had handbag sales, Christmas gift sales, singers old and new have had us singing and dancing.

We have had our usual mix of quizzes and games which everyone joins in with (volunteers and workers as well as clients).

We have kept all our volunteers for Tuesdays this year but have two new ones on a Friday. We welcome Susan Cooper and Gail who have brought a new breath of fresh air to Fridays and have brought some good ideas with them, a very big thank you to all of them who come each week and make myself (Kim Finch) and Ann White’s job a lot easier.

We continue to look out for new games and new places to visit.

We also continue to maintain a waiting list for both days (we think people may have heard about the glass of sherry before lunch).

We look forward to another great year.

Workers: Kim Finch and Ann WhiteTuesday Volunteers: Ann Whitaker, Renee Lancaster, Iris Shoesmith and Meg CooksonTuesday Volunteer Escort: David HironsFriday Volunteers: Susan Cooper, Gail Green, Renee Lancaster, and Barbara CouganFriday Escort: Barry Dalby

Community Café The Café has run throughout the year providing a home cooked meal to the local community at affordable prices. The meal of the day is only £2.50, with a toddlers’ half portion available at £1, and puddings costing just 50p. The Café is open from 10am to 1pm, with “last orders” at 12.15pm.

Many of the Café users are now familiar faces and we welcome them each Thursday, as regular as clockwork.

The Café team has managed to provide tasty meals within the budget available to them – jacket potatoes with a choice of filling, sausage and mash, David’s homemade pies, which are very popular, and Morrison’s steak pie (not as nice as David’s). Cottage pie made by David and chicken, new potatoes and green beans. Also, Ann has brought some new and varied meals to our menu – and it is clear that Link users look forward to seeing their favourite on the menu. Also on a Thursday we all look forward to seeing what wonderful cakes Ann has created this week

and I would like to thank Ann for these.

David Hirons and Ann Sparrow have remained part of the Café team this year and we welcomed Maggie Harris who has become a valued member of this hard working team. We also thank Eileen, Janet and Pat who staff the cafe on Tuesday s and Fridays. I’m sure all Café users would like to join me in thanking them all for helping to keep the Café running smoothly. We are always happy for new members of the community to join us for lunch and look forward to some of you joining us this year. We say goodbye to Paul and wish him well in his new job. Kim Finch SDC/Community Café Worker)

Youth club report

Youth Club and Detached Work

We carry out youth work for two evenings per week with a mixed group of young people aged from 10-13.

On Tuesday evenings we currently run our youth club session 5.30pm – 7.30pm and cater for the 10-13 age group.

Detached work or a games session is held between 5pm-8pm on a Monday evening.

We maintain links with the Police through regular contact with the PCSOs who serve the Baildon area and also link with the Youth Service by signposting young people to their facilities.

Youth Club

Each week we arrange activities and outings that reflect what the young people want. Activities this year have included;Dance classes, intergenerational events, trekking, picnics, climbing, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, loom bands, baking, making a three course meal, promoting healthy eating, temporary tattoos, nails and craft nights, friendship and kindness awareness sessions, rounders, anti bullying session, football, snooker, table tennis, drumming sessions, guitar lessons, murder mystery nights, cinema nights, trips to museums and places of interest.Many of our activities revolve around the Every Child Matters Outcomes: Stay Safe, Be Healthy, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution and Achieve Economic well-being. The healthy eating sessions and sports that promote a healthy lifestyle meet the requirements. Also, the outdoor activities have provided an enjoyable experience for the young people and our regular youth volunteer is an example of making a positive contribution.

We also base our sessions around team work and building confidence as these are paramount in building a young person’s self-esteem.

Detached work

Detached youth work gives us an opportunity to meet young people in their own environment. In our detached sessions we listen to young people’s views and issues and discuss these with them. We are also able to build relationships.

In the winter months, games sessions replace detached sessions and we are ably supported by our two adult volunteers Graeme and Julie, who we thank for their continued support.

Dot Armour and Charis Stockill(Baildon Community Link Youth Workers)

Painting Group reportOnce again this year has proven popular with the attendees of the Monday Drawing and Painting Group. We meet weekly from 1-3pm and enjoy working in any media, all skill levels are invited to come along to discover your creative side and enjoy a chat about current topics (often related to art!) over a cup of tea and a biscuit. The group has often fluctuated in size, but we always remain enthusiastic!

We have now been meeting for almost eight years and it is with this in mind that I have mixed emotions about saying farewell. I am exploring pastures new on the Solway Coast in Dumfries and Galloway. Painting and community links will hopefully feature highly on my agenda in the future. Thank you Baildon Community Link for your support over the years!

The group will still be meeting regularly 'under the watchful eye' of Christine Atkinson, already an active volunteer of Baildon Community Link. Christine is also a Community Health Champion for Bradford District Care Trust's Specialist Services, Champions Show the Way. The Drawing and Painting Group encourages people who've recently been discharged from hospital or who are living with a long-term health condition. People can self-refer into the programme or services and organisations can refer people by filling out a short referral form.For details of Champions Show the Way: Telephone 01274

Yvonne Parr (Volunteer)

Parkinson’s Group reportBaildon Parkinson's Support Group continues to meet at Baildon Community Link. The group holds its regular monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 1:30-3:00pm. During the year April 2013 to March 2014, meetings have included trips and outings, a visit from a specialist Parkinson’s Nurse, a Christmas Party, Seated Exercise and various speakers & entertainers. The group welcomes anyone who is affected by Parkinson’s Disease, including carers and family members of those with Parkinson’s. A donation of £2 per person is requested at each monthly meeting. In addition to speakers and activities, each meeting includes some informal time for people to chat, enjoy a drink, and make new friends. Baildon Community Link looks forward to continuing to support this invaluable group which could not run without the help of all the volunteers who commit their time. Heartfelt thanks go to Gail, Joan, Chris Flecknoe, Chris Atkinson, Gaye and Tom.

Lucy Maddison

Morning Afternoon Evening

MondayMat & Chat (Rag Rugging / Craft) 9:30am–

12:30pmSeated Exercise 11am-11:45am

Seniors Active Exercise 11:45-12:45pm

Monday Afternoon Women Singers 2-3pmPainting Group 1pm–3pm

Youth drop-in 5:30-7Yoga 7-8pm

Baildon Town Council full meeting (monthly)

Tuesday Social Day Care 9:30am–4pm Everyone Can Sing 9:30-10:30amThula Mama singing 10:30am-12

Seniors Active Exercise 11:30am-12:30pmSocial Day Care 9:30am–4pm Youth Club (10-13) 5:30pm–


Wednesday Seniors Active Exercise 11.45am-12.45pm Spanish Improvers 2-3pmSpanish Beginners 3-4pm

Community Choir 7:30pm–9:30pmSpanish 7-8:30pm

ThursdayParent and Toddler Group 9:30am–11:30am

Community Café 10am–1pm (last orders 12:15) Rhythm Time Music Group 10:10-


Games Afternoon (Bridge) 1:30-3:30Baildon Parkinson’s Group 1:30-3pm

(monthly)Rainbow Guides 5.45-7pm

Yoga 7:30-8:30pm

Friday Social Day Care 9:30am–4pmBaby Sensory 10:30-12:30

Social Day Care 9:30am–4pmHatha Yoga 2-3pm

Saturday Councillors Surgeries (As advertised) Rag Rugging 3rd Saturday of the month 10-12 (call 588681)

Room hire: We have a Main Hall, a Lounge, and a Meeting Room available so we are able to offer suitable facilities for a variety of groups: community activities; children's parties; committee meetings etc. There is a communal kitchen available to all centre users for preparing drinks and snacks, and the Main Hall has a separate kitchenette. Call 01274 588681 for details of price and availability.

CAB: If you need advice, on issues like benefits, debt, employment, housing, legal matters and much more, Baildon Children’s Centre now hosts a weekly advice session provided by Bradford and Airedale Citizens Advice Bureau. Their CAB session is held every Friday morning. The appointment is totally confidential and free. To book your appointment call Baildon Children’s Centre on 01274 431691. You can also contact CAB for Debt Advice on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30am-12:30pm by calling 01274 758047. For General Advice, you can contact CAB on 0844 245 1282.

Mat & Chat: a Rag Rugging / Craft group that runs every Monday morning. Group leader: Diane West.

Monday/Thursday evening Yoga: Call Lisa Mortimer on 07817 188220, or email for details.

Community Choir / Monday Afternoon Women Singers – two local women’s choirs, for more information see; or call Lesley and Gilly - 01274 584347 or email

Everyone Can Sing / Thula Mama singing are Baildon Children's Centre groups for parents/children. 01274 431691

Painting £1 per session; group leader: Yvonne Parr.

Seated Exercise / Seniors Exercise on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; run by Steve Waite. 07885 278511

Social Day Care for the elderly – call 01274 588681 or ask at reception. Run by Baildon Community Link (the two Social Day Care workers are Kim and Ann).

Youth Club – for local children aged 10-13; call 01274 588681 or ask at reception.

Spanish Conversation (2-3pm Wednesday afternoon) and Spanish for Beginners (Wednesday afternoon 3-4pm); ask at reception.

Parent & Toddler Group – this group is currently full (NB: St John’s in the village and St Hugh’s on Coach Rd also have toddler groups).

Music Group (for children): contact Lynne O’Malley of Rhythm Time on 07789 895 894 (see for details of this group)

Rainbows – for more information please visit

Hatha Yoga – call Jacquie on 07798 787250 or email

Rag Rugging (Saturday group); run by Keri. Call Baildon Community Link on 01274 588681 or ask at reception. £3 per session to cover room hire.

Baby Sensory – run by Becci. Call 07771 687663 or email

Useful Signposting InformationOlder people01274 395144 - Age UK Bradford & District. Age UK offer services to enhance quality of life particularly to help older people stay in their own homes and make the most of life. Older people who regularly visit their GP because their health is exacerbated by loneliness and isolation can now be referred to by their health professional to Age UK Bradford and District’s new Together for Health Service.01274 271088 HALE (Health Action Local Engagement) Shipley-based charity aiming to improve health in the local area. Hale run a befriending project for older people in partnership with Shipley & Bingley Voluntary Services.

01274 254545 InCommunities - Floating Support. A free support service for people 55 and over, supporting people to live safely and independently in their own home. Available to all over-55s in the Bradford district.


 Debt and benefits01274 758047 - Debt advice from Shipley Citizens Advice Bureau. Call Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri from 9:30am-12:30pm. Drop-in sessions Mon & Tue 9:30-120844 245 1282 - General advice from Shipley Citizens Advice Bureau.01274 729310 Community Advice Network Advice direct to local people about social welfare legal rights.01274 588831 Windhill Advice Centre Help with benefits, housing and other issues. Debt counselling on Fridays with Shipley Citizens Advice Bureau. (Church Street, Windhill) Turn To Us Help accessing grants and benefits. Visit the website or call 0808 802 2000 (9am-8pm Monday-Friday) 

Children and families01274 435090 Baildon Children's Centre Help and advice for families with a child under 5 years of age. (West Lane, Baildon)01274 588831 Windhill Advice Centre Help with benefits, housing and other issues. Debt counselling on Fridays with Shipley Citizens Advice Bureau. (Church Street, Windhill)01274 584368 Hirst Wood Children's Centre Support and advice for parents andCarers (Clarence Road, Shipley)01274 758047 (Debt Advice) 0844 245 1282 (General) Shipley Citizens Advice Bureau Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri from 9:30am-12:30pm (Windsor Road, Shipley)01274 437503 Bradford Families Information Service ( Information and advice on services in your local area01274 729310 Community Advice Network Advice direct to local people about social welfare and legal rights. 

Bereavement01274 619522 Bradford Bereavement Support. A team of trained volunteer counsellors who offer individual bereavement counselling. (Albion Road, Greengates)

Bereavement01274 619522 Bradford Bereavement Support. A team of trained volunteer counsellors who offer individual bereavement counselling. (Albion Road, Greengates)

Bereavement01274 619522 Bradford Bereavement Support. A team of trained volunteer counsellors who offer individual bereavement counselling. (Albion Road, Greengates)

Useful Signposting InformationDisability01274 594173 – Disability Advice Bradford, Dockfield Road. Disability Advice Bradford aims to empower people with disabilities and their carers with the means and advice to lead a high quality standard of life within a modern society.01274 449660 – Carers’ Resource, Unit 15 Park View Court, St Paul's Road, Shipley. The Carers' Resource is the local, specialist carers' centre for the district and provides factsheets on a wide range of caring and carer related issues.01274 431517 – Bradford Council For information on Learning Disability day service provision please contact the Strategic Commissioner for Learning Disabilities at Bradford Council.

Young people01274 432431 The Information Shop for Young People. A free and confidential service, for all young people aged up to 25, based in the Culture Fusion Building in Bradford city centre.


A useful first point of contact might be your GP, local pharmacy, health visitor or midwife.0300 123 3393 Mind. The Mind team provides information on a range of topics and will look for details of help and support in your own area.Baildon is working to become dementia-friendly. If you would like to join the local action group, contact Baildon Community Link for more details (01274 588681). For those who may be becoming a little forgetful and their carers, the following two local groups are useful points of contact: Baildon Buddies is a weekly social club for people over 50. Transport can be provided. The group meets from 1-3pm on Thursdays at Wesleys.There is a wellbeing cafe which meets at the Moravian church which meets on the first Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:30pm.For further information on Baildon Buddies and the Wellbeing Cafe call Hale on 01274 271088

Bereavement01274 619522 Bradford Bereavement Support. A team of trained volunteer counsellors who offer individual bereavement counselling. (Albion Road, Greengates) 
