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Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition


Theme: Mekurumeku- ‘Mekurumeku’ is a construction of two concepts: ‘Mekurumeku’ a word which proposes a sense of uncertainty or perhaps a physical sense of awe, and the phrase ‘Mekuru-Mekuru’, which means peeling off layers, revealing new truths and information” (Forrest, 2014). Tabaimo elaborates on how ‘Mekurumeku’ is “based on my skin allergy; you see the wood explode, and it’s replaced by blisters. The feathers that you see growing, that’s basically my skin coming off. When I commit to scratching [my skin], that’s the end – but it’s also a relief: the world opens out at that moment – there’s a sense of happiness and relief.” (sighted in TimeOut Sydney, 2014).

Site and location: Museum of Contemporary Art- Level 1 (140 George St, The Rocks)

Curatorial perspectives: The curator of the exhibition is Rachel Kent. “Rachel Kent remarked that ‘Tabaimo is one of the most exciting artists to come out of Japan today, and the MCA Australia is honoured to present her largest solo exhibition to date. She has created two extraordinary new installations, which respond to the Museum‘s architecture, peeling back the walls to reveal the ocean outside.’ (The blurb magazine, 2013)

Audience reactions: There have been many different reactions towards Tabaimo’s Mekurumeku. Some of the most frequent audience reactions include surprise, wonder, amazement, horror, a sense of strangeness and anxiety. Forrest (2014) states that “the success of Tabaimo’s practice lies in both her ability to express and evoke different physical sensations as well as her talent for identifying and conveying the hidden truths of contemporary society. The startling clarity and depth of her insights alludes to a hyper sensitivity to, and hyperawareness of, her own physical presence as well as her surrounding environment. Drawing inspiration from the human body, Japanese culture and society, as well as the everyday events of human existence, Tabaimo extracts and deciphers experiences and sensations, transposing and communicating them to her audience through her evocative visual language.” Forrest also comments on how “The absurdity of the situations is surpassed only by the indifference of the passengers, who take no notice of what is happening around them – a comment on contemporary society that although exaggerated, is not far from the truth” (Forrest, 2014).

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm

World: Tabaimo is greatly influenced by the world around her. Her works are based on the common occurrences that take place in the everyday life of people living in Japan. For example; in Tabaimo’s Japanese Commuter Train (2001), is based on the notion that “every Japanese women has a story (or several) of being sexually assaulted-whether visually or physically- at one time or another during their daily commute” (TimeOut Sydney, 2014). In many of Tabaimo’s instillations she is commenting on contemporary society and their ability to disregard injustice in their physical environment.

Artist: Ayako Tabata was born in Hyogo, Japan in 1975. She graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design in 1999 and her works have appeared in many exhibitions around the world. ART21 states that “Tabaimo’s drawings and video installations probe the unsettling themes of


Audience: There is a wide range of people that would and has viewed Tabaimo’s Mekurumeku installations. In being placed in the Museum of Contemporary Art Gallery, where there is no entry fee, anyone from the elderly to infant are able to view Tabaimo’s instillations and artwork. The

Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition


Stage 3- year 6

Part 1- Appreciating

Students will be placed into groups of threes’ or fours’. Each group will be provided with one of the seven citations from Tabaimo’s Mekurumeku art collection.

Students will discuss and write down what they believe the artworks will look like, what the subject matter of the artworks are and what techniques are used by Tabaimo. Students may wish to illustrate their ideas. VAS3.4

Students will be presented with a range of images of Tabaimo’s Mekurumeku. As a class student will discuss Tabaimo’s Blow (2009) artwork, placing an importance of the following points: what they see, what they think could be heard, who they believe the targeted audience is, what the meaning of each artwork is (what they believe is the meaning behind the artwork- their own interpretations), the subject matter and the techniques used. Students will be divided into six groups, each group will be provided with images of one of Tabaimo’s artworks; Flow-wer 08-14 (2014), Tozen (2014), Mekuru-meku-ru (2014), Dolefullhouse (2007), Japanese Commuter Train (2001) & Haunted house (2003). Students will discuss the artworks and create a mind map of the objects they can see, the similarity between their allocated artwork and Blow (2009). Students will be expected to present their mind map to the class, discussing some of their main ideas. VAS3.3 & VAS3.4

Part 2- Appreciating

Students are to attend the art exhibition with nothing but a pencil and rubber. Students will be divided into two groups. Both groups will visit Flow-wer 08-14 (2014) and Tozen (2014), one group at a time. Students will be provided with a three page booklet, which includes the following activities:

o List the different body parts that can be seen in Flow-wer 08-14 (2014). For example: students may see a heart, spine, hips, etc.

o Select one character/ animal from Tozen (2014) and write two to three sentences on the role your character plays in the installation and why is it important to the installation? VAS3.4

o Draw a section of your favourite installation or artwork.

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm

Artist: Ayako Tabata was born in Hyogo, Japan in 1975. She graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design in 1999 and her works have appeared in many exhibitions around the world. ART21 states that “Tabaimo’s drawings and video installations probe the unsettling themes of


Audience: There is a wide range of people that would and has viewed Tabaimo’s Mekurumeku installations. In being placed in the Museum of Contemporary Art Gallery, where there is no entry fee, anyone from the elderly to infant are able to view Tabaimo’s instillations and artwork. The

Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition

Students will be informed that their drawings will be the foundation for an artwork back at school. If possible, in relation to availability of time, students may wish to observe the other installations created by Tabaimo.

Part 3- Making

Students will be create a hand-drawn artwork, which has a component of the human body and a notion of the natural environment. Students will also need to incorporate their drawing completed during their visit to the art gallery. During this activity students will be focusing on Tabaimo’s Flow-wer 08-14 (2014), Tozen (2014) and Blow (2009), which incorporates the use on living thing and the human body.

Students will be using this artwork as a base for a body of work. To begin their body of work, students will reproduce their artwork, in colour. This artwork would be followed by the transferring of their drawing onto a canvas to create a painting. The teacher may wish to further develop their body of work by allowing students to create an etching of their artwork, which would be used during print making. VAS3.1

Visual arts Outcomes


VAS3.1- Investigates subject matter in an attempt to represent likenesses of things in the world.


VAS3.3- Acknowledges that audiences respond in different ways to artworks and that there are different opinions about the value of artworks.

VAS3.4- Communicates about the ways in which subject matter is represented in artworks.

Links to other KLAs

English- EN3-1A: Communicates effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes using increasingly challenging topics, ideas, issues and language forms and features.

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm


Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition

As students are using their knowledge of sentence structure to complete one of the activities.


LT S2.3: Identifies and describes the structure and function of living things and ways in which living things interact with other living things and their environment.As students are thinking about the human body, through the listing of different body parts. Students are also thinking about and using their knowledge of the natural environment.

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm


Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition


Art21, (2014). Tabaimo. Retrieved on 15th August 2014 from http://www.art21.org/artists/tabaimo?expand=1

Board of Studies (2006). Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies

Board of Studies (2012). English K-10 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies

Board of Studies (2006). Science and Technology: K-6 Syllabus and indicators. Sydney: Board of Studies

Forrest, N., (2014). Review: “Tabaimo: Mekurumeku” at museum of contemporary art, Sydney. Retrieved on 15th August 2014 from http://au.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/1049997/review-tabaimo-mekurumeku-at-mca

MCA, (2014). Discover Tabaimo: Mekurumeku. Retrieved on 15th August 2014 from http://www.mca.com.au/discovertabaimo/

MCA, (2014). Tabaimo: Mekurumeku- About the exhibition. Retrieved on 15th August 2014 from http://www.mca.com.au/exhibition/tabaimo/

The Blurb Magazine, (2014). Tabaimo: Mekurumeku. Retrieved on 15th August 2014 from http://theblurb.com.au/reviews/2014/07/tabaimo-mekurumeku/

TimeOut Sydney, (2014). Tabaimo: Mekurumeku- The Japanese artist tears apart the layers of everyday life at the MCA. Retrieved on 15th August 2014 from http://www.au.timeout.com/sydney/art/events/39406/tabaimo-mekurumeku

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm


Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm


Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm


Assignment 1: Design, develop andpresent an Educational Kit bases on an art exhibition

Michelle Duong S00118979 Friday- 10am- 12pm

