· Web viewJACQUES PRÉVERT. Timeline- . 1900, February 4th. Born in Neuilly sur Seine....


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Timeline- http://xtream.online.fr/Prevert/biography.html1900, February 4th

Born in Neuilly sur Seine. He's the second son of Suzanne and André Prévert. The oldest son, Jean is already 2 years old.


Birth of his second brother, Pierre. He will be very close to him during his life. His father loses his job and the family will experience financial difficulties for a year.


Jacques goes to school. His father introduces him to theatre and reading. His father finally finds a new job given by Auguste, his grand-father. Jacques doesn't like his grand-father much who he will consider later as a royalist and a conservateur.


Jacques is baptised.


He receives his school certificate and starts having small jobs. He's a rather rebellious teenager but he starts to appreciate reading and poetry.


Military service in Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, near Lunéville. He meets the painter Yves Tanguy. He's then sent to Turkey.


During his military service in Constantinople in Turkey, he meets Marcel Duhamel.


Jacques comes back to Paris where his friend Marcel Duhamel provide him an accommodation at 54 rue du Château. Yves Tangui leaves with them.


54 rue du Château becomes the meeting place for the surrealist movement with André Breton as the leader. Jacques is an active member of the group.


Jacques marries Simone Dienne, his long time friend.


Prévert, Tanguy and Duhamel leave Rue du Chateau after a problem with Breton.


Jacques criticise openly Breton and leaves the surrealist movement. Publishing of "Un Cadavre" (a corpse) by the members of the surrealist movement. The text from Jacques is named "Death of a Sir" and he takes this opportunity to publish another paper "Souvenirs de famille ou l’Ange garde-chiourme".


Jacques set up the Octobre group and becomes the main member. He writes screenplays for the comedy group.


Trip to Moscow with Octobre group and play "La Bataille de Fontenoy".


He gets to know a poor musician coming from Budapest, Joseph Kosma.


He writes the dialogues of the movie "Crime de Monsieur Lange" of Jean Renoir. He breaks up from his wife Simone.


He meets a new lady, Jacqueline Laurent, and travel with her to Baleares islands. The Octobre group stops and Jacques goes away from communism movement. His father dies.


He writes the scenario "Quai des Brumes" a film of Marcel Carne with Jean Gabin and Michèle Morgan. He travels to the U.S. to find his love Jacqueline.


He writes "Le jour se lève" together with Marcel Carné and actors Jean Gabin and Arletty.


Jacques is dismissed from the army during the second world war. He leaves Paris and goes down to Saint-Paul-de-Vence in South of France with his new girlfriend Claudy Carter. Kosma and Trauner work with him on new films.


He writes the scenario of "Les Visiteurs du soir" with Marcel Carné and actors Jules Berry et Arletty.


Jacques falls in love with Janine Loris.


He writes the scenario of "Les Enfants du Paradis" of Marcel Carné with actors Jean-Louis Barrault et Arletty.


Death of his mother. His first poem book is released and would be sold to 2 millions pieces.


Birth of his daughter: Michèle. With Janine.


He publishes "Visiteurs du soir" and "Contes pour enfants pas sages" with pictures of Elsa Henriquez.


Jacques falls from a window and stays several days in coma. He will keep serious neurological sequels from this incident.


He publishes "Les Amants de Vérone".


He publishes "Des bêtes…" and write the cartoon "le petit ramoneur" with Paul Grimault; later it will be re-used to produce in 1979 the cartoon "le Roi et l’Oiseau".


He publishes "Spectacle" and "Grand Bal du printemps".


Jacques returns to Paris and travels to London. He publishes "Lettre des îles Baladar" and "Guignol".


He publishes "L’Opéra de la lune". And he becomes "Satrape" of "collège de Pataphysique".


He returns finally in Paris and moves in the artist area of Montmartre. He publishes "La pluie et le beau temps".


He publishes a rendering for "Joan Miró".


He exhibits sixty "collages" Maeght gallery in Paris.


He publishes "Histoires et d’autres" and exhibit his "collages" creations in several cities of France.


He publishes "Fatras".


He publishes "Arbres".


He buys a house in Normandy at Omonville-la-Petite and has his good friend Alexandre Trauner as a neighbour.


He takes part in Hebdromadaires.


Jacques becomes grand-father of Eugénie, daughter of Michèle and Hugues Bachelot.

1977, 11 avril

Jacques dies in Omonville-la-Petite.

Jacques Prévert - Mort After a long illness, Prévert died on April 11, 1977, at his home in Omonville-La-

Petite, in Normandy, France. That day, Carné (as quoted in the New York Times ) called him "the one and only poet of French cinema," whose "humor and poetry succeeded in raising the banal to the summit of art" and whose style reflected "the soul of the people." Prévert wanted to be remembered as a people's poet. A few years before his death, in an interview quoted in Harriet Zinnes's introduction to her book Blood and Feathers , Prévert said, "I was popular even before being fashionable. That's how it was. What gave me pleasure was having readers…. They are the greatest literary critics…. These are the people who know the best literature, those who love it, not the connoisseurs."

En 1977, Prévert meurt des suites d'un cancer du poumon, lui qui avait toujours la clope au bec. Il fumait beaucoup jusqu’à trois paquets de cigarettes par jour. Il avait 77 ans.

Après la résiliation du bail de sa résidence secondaire d'Antibes, il achète une maison en 1971 à Omonville-la-Petite, dans la Manche. Il y mourra d'un cancer du poumon en 1977. Il est enterré au cimetière de cette commune aux côtés de sa femme et de sa fille. Non loin de là, à Saint-Germain-des-Vaux, ses amis ont aménagé un jardin dédié au poète.

Enterré parmi ses proches: Jacques Prévert est enterré dans le cimetière d’Omonville, près de sa femme, Janine, et de sa fille. La tombe, stricte, presque austère, est entourée de gazon et de fleurs. Un livre déposé dans l’église permet aux visiteurs de laisser un message…poétique de préférence. Près d’eux repose Alexandre Traune

Déjeuner du matin by Jacques Prévert

Il a mis le caféDans la tasseIl a mis le lait

Dans la tasse de café Il a mis le sucre

Dans le café au laitAvec la petite cuiller

Il a tourné Il a bu le café au lait

Et il a reposé la tasseSans me parler

Il a allumé Une cigarette

Il a fait des rondsAvec la fumée

Il a mis les cendresDans le cendrierSans me parler

Sans me regarder

Il s'est levé Il a mis

Son chapeau sur sa têteIl a mis son manteau de pluie

Parce qu'il pleuvaitEt il est partiSous la pluie

Sans une paroleSans me regarder

Et moi j'ai prisMa tête dans ma main

Et j'ai pleuré.

Jacques Prevert

Pater Noster- French Version

Notre Père qui être au cieux


Et nous nous resterons sur la terre

Qui est quelquefois si jolie

Avec ses mystères de New York

Et puis ses mystères de Paris

Qui valent bien celui de la Trinité

Avec son petit canal de l'Ourcq

Sa grande muraille de Chine

Sa rivière de Morlaix

Ses bêtises de Cambrai

Avec son océan Pacifique

Et ses deux bassins aux Tuileries

Avec ses bons enfants et ses mauvais sujets

Avec toutes les merveilles du monde

Qui sont là

Simplement sur la terre

Offertes à tout le monde


Emerveillées elles-mêmes d'être de telles merveilles

Et qui n'osent se l'avouer

Comme une jolie fille nue qui n'ose se montrer

Avec les épouvantables malheurs du monde

Qui sont légion

Avec leurs légionnaires

Avec leurs tortionnaires

Avec les maîtres de ce monde

Les maîtres avec leurs prêtres leurs traîtres et leurs reîtres

Avec les saisons

Avec les années

Avec les jolies filles et avec les vieux cons

Avec la paille de la misère pourrissant dans l'acier des canons.

English Version

Our Father who art in heaven

Stay there

And we'll stay here on earth

Which is sometimes so pretty

With its mysteries of New York

And its mysteries of Paris

At least as good as that of the Trinity

With its little canal at Ourcq

Its great wall of China

Its river at Morlaix

Its candy canes

With its Pacific Ocean

And its two basins in the Tuileries

With its good children and bad people

With all the wonders of the world

Which are here

Simply on the earth

Offered to everyone

Strewn about

Wondering at the wonder of themselves

And daring not avow it

As a naked pretty girl dares not show herself

With the world's outrageous misfortunes

Which are legion

With legionaries

With torturers

With the masters of this world

The masters with their priests their traitors and their troops

With the seasons

With the years

With the pretty girls and with the old bastards

With the straw of misery rotting in the steel of cannons.

Biography of Jacques Prevert

Jacques Prévert was a French poet and screenwriter. His poems became and remain very popular in the French-speaking world, particularly in schools. Some of the movies he wrote are extremely well regarded, with Les Enfants du Paradis considered one of the greatest films of all time.

Life and Education

Prévert was born at Neuilly-sur-Seine and grew up in Paris. After receiving his Certificat d'études upon completing his primary education, he quit school and went to work in Le Bon Marché, a major department store in Paris. Called up for military service in 1918, after the war, he was sent to the Near East to defend French interests there.

He died in Omonville-la-Petite, on 11 April 1977. He had been working on the last scene of the animated movie Le Roi et l'oiseau (The King and the Mockingbird) with his friend and collaborator Paul Grimault. When the film was released in 1980, it was dedicated to Prévert's memory, and on opening night, Grimault kept the seat next to him empty.


Prévert participated actively in the Surrealist movement. Together with the writer Raymond Queneau and artist Marcel Duchamp, he was a member of the Rue du Château group. He was also a member of the agitprop Groupe Octobre.

Prévert's poems were collected and published in his books: Paroles (Words) (1946), Spectacle (1951), La Pluie et le beau temps (Rain and Good Weather) (1955), Histoires (Stories) (1963), Fatras (1971) and Choses et autres (Things and Others) (1973).

His poems are often about life in Paris and life after the Second World War. They are widely taught in schools in France and frequently appear in French language textbooks throughout the world.

Some of Prévert's poems, such as "Les Feuilles mortes" (Autumn Leaves), "La grasse matinée" (Sleeping in), "Les bruits de la nuit" (The sounds of the night), and "Chasse à l'enfant" (The hunt for the child) were set to music by Joseph Kosma—and in some cases by Germaine Tailleferre of Les six, Christiane Verger, and Hanns Eisler. They have been sung by prominent 20th century French vocalists, including Marianne Oswald, Yves Montand, and

Édith Piaf, as well as by the later American singers Joan Baez and Nat King Cole. In 1961, French singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg paid tribute to "Les feuilles mortes" in his own song "La chanson de Prévert."

More recently, the British remix DJ's Coldcut released their own version in 1993. A German version has been published and covered by Didier Caesar (alias Dieter Kaiser), which he named "Das welke Laub". "Les feuilles mortes" also bookends Iggy Pop's 2009 album, Préliminaires.


Prévert wrote a number of screenplays for the film director Marcel Carné. Among the films were Drôle de drame (Bizarre, Bizarre, 1937), Quai des brumes (Port of Shadows, 1938), Le Jour se lève (Daybreak, 1939), Les Visiteurs du soir (The Night Visitors, 1942) and Les Enfants du paradis (The Children of Paradise, 1945). The latter often appears on critics' lists of the greatest films of all time.

His poems were the basis for a film by the director and documentarian Joris Ivens, La Seine a rencontré Paris (The Seine Meets Paris, 1957), about the River Seine. The poem was read as narration during the film by singer Serge Reggiani.

Prévert had a long working relationship with Paul Grimault, also a member of Groupe Octobre. Together they wrote the screenplays of a number of animated movies, starting with the short "Le Petit Soldat" ("The Little Soldier") in 1947. They worked together until his death in 1977, when he was finishing "Le Roi et l'Oiseau" ("The King and the Bird").

Prévert adapted several Hans Christian Andersen tales into animated or mixed live-action/animated movies, often in versions loosely connected to the original. Two of these were with Grimault, including "Le Roi et l'Oiseau", which is considered one of the greatest animated films of all time, while one was with his brother Pierre Prévert.

Jacques Prevert's Works:


Paroles (1946) Le Petit Lion, illustrated by Ylla (1947, reprinted 1984) Contes pour enfants pas sages (Tales for naughty children) (1947) Des Bêtes, illustrated by Ylla (1950, reprinted 1984) Spectacle (1951) Grand bal du printemps, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (1951) Lettre des îles Baladar (Letter from the Baladar Islands) (1952) Tour de chant (1953) La pluie et le beau temps (Rain and sunshine) (1955) Histoires (1963) (Stories) Le Cirque d'Izis, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas and original artwork by Marc Chagall (André Sauret, 1965) Fatras (1966) Charmes de Londres, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (Editions de Monza, 1999)

Selected Filmography

Prévert wrote the scenarios and sometimes the dialogue in the following films: Le Crime de monsieur Lange (1935) Drôle de drame (1937) Quai des brumes (1938) Les Disparus de Saint-Agil (1938) Le Jour se lève (1939) Remorques (1941) Les Visiteurs du soir (1942) Les Enfants du paradis (1945) Les Portes de la nuit (1945) Le Petit Soldat (The Little Soldier) (short animated film, 1947), with Paul Grimault, after The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen La Bergère et le ramoneur (The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep) (animated film, 1953), with Paul Grimault after tale by Hans Christian Andersen, later revised and finished as Le Roi et l'oiseau Le Petit Claus et le Grand Claus, by Pierre Prévert, after the tale Little Claus and Big Claus by Hans Christian Andersen (live action and animation, 1964) Le diamant (The diamond) (short animated film, 1970), with Paul Grimault, complement to L'Aveu of Costa-Gavras Le Chien mélomane (The Music-Loving Dog) (short animated film, 1973), with Paul Grimault Le Roi et l'oiseau (animated film, 1980), with Paul Grimault

Quotations"In each church, there's always something

wrong" - word play with "cloche" meaning "bell" or

"going wrong" ("Dans chaque église, il y a toujours

quelque chose qui cloche")---

"Our FatherWho art in heaven

Stay there" (" Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux

Restez-y") ---

"Fortunately, each success is the failure of something else"

("Fort heureusement, chaque réussite est l'échec d'autre chose")

--- "There's no problem, only teachers"

("Il n'y a pas de problème, il n'y a que des professeurs")

--- "Time is hard to people who try to kill it"("Le temps mène la vie dure à ceux qui

veulent le tuer")---

"Eat on the grassHurry up

Sooner or later

"Life is a cherryDeath is the pit

Love the cherry tree"

The grass will eat on you" ("Mangez sur l'herbe

Dépêchez-vous Un jour ou l'autre

L'herbe mangera sur vous")


("La vie est une cerise La mort est un noyau L'amour un cerisier")


"Of course sometimes I thought about reaching my last day

but I never knew by one to start"("Bien sûr, des fois, j'ai pensé mettre fin à

mes jours, mais je ne savais jamais par lequel

commencer") ---

"Me, servant of life, I get my salary anddays and nights, hours pay me, years ruins me

and already thank me" ("Moi, fonctionnaire de la vie, je touche mon

salaire et de jour et de nuit; l'heure me paie, les années

me ruinent et déjà me remercient")

 “Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.”

---“When truth is no longer free, freedom is no longer real: the truths of the police are

the truths of today.”  ---

"When wizards make terrible mistakes, one always accuse the trainee"

("Les sorciers lorsqu'ils font de terrifiantes conneries, on accuse toujours l'apprenti")

--- "How strange and scarya skull of a living being

if there wouldn't be a dead inside"Word play with "tête de mort", "dead head"

which is a skull("Comme cela nous semblerait flou

inconsistant et inquiétant une tête de vivant

s'il n'y avait pas une tête de mort dedans")

YouTube Links – Music/Documentaryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4YoBuJCbfo – Dejeuner du matin

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MalR-e4IgAs – Dejeuner du matin

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP9SzHhnK4M – Barbara

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1p4gMD5mw8 – Pour toi mon amour

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KzI4BEIwtc – Les feuilles mortes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0J5ugyhi2I – Page d’ecriture

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrIhKez_hxI – je suis comme je suis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfQOH6VGvTQ – Barbara Yves Montand

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J434U_vBsQw – Paris at night

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sF4WfwlX9g – Pater Noster

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mxt8inSg38 -Familiale

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mxt8inSg38 – Familiale

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sokud3s1q_w – Je suis comme je suis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iden_FrvS0 – Pater Noster

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2E-iRna5Jc – Le chat et l’oiseau

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbpEkNWe81c&list=PLNRTWzQXeIi4Xz6qfr0OToFIYtJCcRywA&index=39 – En sortant de l’école

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAcFx-a4qQA&list=PLNRTWzQXeIi4Xz6qfr0OToFIYtJCcRywA&index=45 – le miroir brisé – Yves Montand

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPm5HQs05uY&list=PLNRTWzQXeIi4Xz6qfr0OToFIYtJCcRywA&index=46 – Paris at night Yves Montand

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ66v8Bo1HA&list=PLNRTWzQXeIi4Xz6qfr0OToFIYtJCcRywA&index=50 – Sanguine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAcFx-a4qQA&list=PLNRTWzQXeIi4Xz6qfr0OToFIYtJCcRywA&index=45 – YouTube Mix of Prévert to Music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fz7wmkqoVA&list=PLjzOj39sw-0kB8RisRrcmgp_7Esfrp47Q&index=4 – Documentary on Prévert

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p6M3PNroyw – La chasse à l’enfant

http://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/cinema/prevert-portrait-dun-artiste-un-documentaire-a-voir-a-la-maison-du-poete-d-omonville-la - Documentary with Prévert

http://www.france5.fr/et-vous/France-5-et-vous/Les-programmes/Archives/LE-MAG-N-45/articles/p-880-Jacques-Prevert-paroles-d-un-insoumis.htm - Magazine article on Jacques Prévert

http://www.jacquesprevert.fr/en/succession/presentation/ - Website on Priévert

http://www.jacquesprevert.fr/en/actualites/ - Website on Prévert



Timeline- http://xtream.online.fr/Prevert/biography.html1900, February 4th

Born in Neuilly sur Seine. He's the second son of Suzanne and André Prévert. The oldest son, Jean is already 2 years old.


Birth of his second brother, Pierre. He will be very close to him during his life. His father loses his job and the family will experience financial difficulties for a year.


Jacques goes to school. His father introduce him to theatre and reading. His father finally finds a new job given by Auguste, his grand-father. Jacques doesn't like his grand-father much who he will consider later as a royalist and a conservateur.


Jacques is baptised.


He receives his school certificate and starts having small jobs. He's a rather rebellious teenager but he starts to appreciate reading and poetry.


Military service in Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, near Lunéville. He meets the painter Yves Tanguy. He's then sent to Turkey.


During his military service in Constantinople in Turkey, he meets Marcel Duhamel.


Jacques comes back to Paris where his friend Marcel Duhamel provide him an accomodation at 54 rue du Château. Yves Tangui leaves with them.


54 rue du Château becomes the meeting place for the surrealist movement with André Breton as the leader. Jacques is an active member of the group.


Jacques marries Simone Dienne, his long time friend.


Prévert, Tanguy and Duhamel leave Rue du Chateau after a problem with Breton.


Jacques criticise openly Breton and leaves the surrealist movement. Publishing of "Un Cadavre" (a corpse) by the members of the surrealist movement. The text from Jacques is named "Death of a Sir" and he takes this opportunity to publish another paper "Souvenirs de famille ou l’Ange garde-chiourme".


Jacques set up the Octobre group and becomes the main member. He writes screenplays for the comedy group.


Trip to Moscow with Octobre group and play "La Bataille de Fontenoy".


He gets to know a poor musician coming from Budapest, Joseph Kosma.


He writes the dialogues of the movie "Crime de Monsieur Lange" of Jean Renoir. He breaks up from his wife Simone.


He meets a new lady, Jacqueline Laurent, and travel with her to Baleares islands. The Octobre group stops and Jacques goes away from communism movement. His father dies.


He writes the scenario "Quai des Brumes" a film of Marcel Carne with Jean Gabin and Michèle Morgan. He travels to the U.S. to find his love Jacqueline.


He writes "Le jour se lève" together with Marcel Carné and actors Jean Gabin and Arletty.


Jacques is dismissed from the army during the second world war. He leaves Paris and goes down to Saint-Paul-de-Vence in South of France with his new girlfriend Claudy Carter. Kosma and Trauner work with him on new films.


He writes the scenario of "Les Visiteurs du soir" with Marcel Carné and actors Jules Berry et Arletty.


Jacques falls in love with Janine Loris.


He writes the scenario of "Les Enfants du Paradis" of Marcel Carné with actors Jean-Louis Barrault et Arletty.


Death of his mother. His first poem book is released and would be sold to 2 millions pieces.


Birth of his daughter: Michèle. With Janine.


He publishes "Visiteurs du soir" and "Contes pour enfants pas sages" with pictures of Elsa Henriquez.


Jacques falls from a window and stays several days in coma. He will keep serious neurological sequels from this incident.


He publishes "Les Amants de Vérone".


He publishes "Des bêtes…" and write the cartoon "le petit ramoneur" with Paul Grimault; later it will be re-used to produce in 1979 the cartoon "le Roi et l’Oiseau".


He publishes "Spectacle" and "Grand Bal du printemps".


Jacques returns to Paris and travels to London. He publishes "Lettre des îles Baladar" and "Guignol".


He publishes "L’Opéra de la lune". And he becomes "Satrape" of "collège de Pataphysique".


He returns finally in Paris and moves in the artist area of Montmartre. He publishes "La pluie et le beau temps".


He publishes a rendering for "Joan Miró".


He exhibits sixty "collages" Maeght gallery in Paris.


He publishes "Histoires et d’autres" and exhibit his "collages" creations in several cities of France.


He publishes "Fatras".


He publishes "Arbres".


He buys a house in Normandy at Omonville-la-Petite and has his good friend Alexandre Trauner as a neighbour.


He takes part in Hebdromadaires.


Jacques becomes grand-father of Eugénie, daughter of Michèle and Hugues Bachelot.

1977, 11 avril

Jacques dies in Omonville-la-Petite.

Jacques Prévert - Mort After a long illness, Prévert died on April 11, 1977, at his home in Omonville-La-

Petite, in Normandy, France. That day, Carné (as quoted in the New York Times ) called him "the one and only poet of French cinema," whose "humor and poetry succeeded in raising the banal to the summit of art" and whose style reflected "the soul of the people." Prévert wanted to be remembered as a people's poet. A few years before his death, in an interview quoted in Harriet Zinnes's introduction to her book Blood and Feathers , Prévert said, "I was popular even before being fashionable. That's how it was. What gave me pleasure was having readers…. They are the greatest literary critics…. These are the people who know the best literature, those who love it, not the connoisseurs."

En 1977, Prévert meurt des suites d'un cancer du poumon, lui qui avait toujours la clope au bec. Il fumait beaucoup jusqu’à trois paquets de cigarettes par jour. Il avait 77 ans.

Après la résiliation du bail de sa résidence secondaire d'Antibes, il achète une maison en 1971 à Omonville-la-Petite, dans la Manche. Il y mourra d'un cancer du poumon en 1977. Il est enterré au cimetière de cette commune aux côtés de sa femme et de sa fille. Non loin de là, à Saint-Germain-des-Vaux, ses amis ont aménagé un jardin dédié au poète.

Enterré parmi ses proches: Jacques Prévert est enterré dans le cimetière d’Omonville, près de sa femme, Janine, et de sa fille. La tombe, stricte, presque austère, est entourée de gazon et de fleurs. Un livre déposé dans l’église permet aux visiteurs de laisser un message…poétique de préférence. Près d’eux repose Alexandre Traune

Déjeuner du matin by Jacques Prévert

Il a mis le caféDans la tasseIl a mis le lait

Dans la tasse de café Il a mis le sucre

Dans le café au laitAvec la petite cuiller

Il a tourné Il a bu le café au lait

Et il a reposé la tasseSans me parler

Il a allumé Une cigarette

Il a fait des rondsAvec la fumée

Il a mis les cendresDans le cendrierSans me parler

Sans me regarder

Il s'est levé Il a mis

Son chapeau sur sa têteIl a mis son manteau de pluie

Parce qu'il pleuvaitEt il est partiSous la pluie

Sans une paroleSans me regarder

Et moi j'ai prisMa tête dans ma main

Et j'ai pleuré.

Jacques Prevert

Pater Noster- French Version

Notre Père qui être au cieux


Et nous nous resterons sur la terre

Qui est quelquefois si jolie

Avec ses mystères de New York

Et puis ses mystères de Paris

Qui valent bien celui de la Trinité

Avec son petit canal de l'Ourcq

Sa grande muraille de Chine

Sa rivière de Morlaix

Ses bêtises de Cambrai

Avec son océan Pacifique

Et ses deux bassins aux Tuileries

Avec ses bons enfants et ses mauvais sujets

Avec toutes les merveilles du monde

Qui sont là

Simplement sur la terre

Offertes à tout le monde


Emerveillées elles-mêmes d'être de telles merveilles

Et qui n'osent se l'avouer

Comme une jolie fille nue qui n'ose se montrer

Avec les épouvantables malheurs du monde

Qui sont légion

Avec leurs légionnaires

Avec leurs tortionnaires

Avec les maîtres de ce monde

Les maîtres avec leurs prêtres leurs traîtres et leurs reîtres

Avec les saisons

Avec les années

Avec les jolies filles et avec les vieux cons

Avec la paille de la misère pourrissant dans l'acier des canons.

English Version

Our Father who art in heaven

Stay there

And we'll stay here on earth

Which is sometimes so pretty

With its mysteries of New York

And its mysteries of Paris

At least as good as that of the Trinity

With its little canal at Ourcq

Its great wall of China

Its river at Morlaix

Its candy canes

With its Pacific Ocean

And its two basins in the Tuileries

With its good children and bad people

With all the wonders of the world

Which are here

Simply on the earth

Offered to everyone

Strewn about

Wondering at the wonder of themselves

And daring not avow it

As a naked pretty girl dares not show herself

With the world's outrageous misfortunes

Which are legion

With legionaries

With torturers

With the masters of this world

The masters with their priests their traitors and their troops

With the seasons

With the years

With the pretty girls and with the old bastards

With the straw of misery rotting in the steel of cannons.

Familiale par Jacques Prévert

La mère fait du tricotLe fils fait la guerre

Elle trouve ça tout naturel la mèreEt le père qu'est-ce qu'il fait le père ?

Il fait des affairesSa femme fait du tricot

Son fils la guerreLui des affaires

Il trouve ça tout naturel le pèreEt le fils et le fils

Qu'est-ce qu'il trouve le fils ?Il ne trouve rien absolument rien le fils

Le fils sa mère fait du tricot son père fait des affaires lui la guerreQuand il aura fini la guerre

Il fera des affaires avec son pèreLa guerre continue la mère continue elle tricote

Le père continue il fait des affairesLe fils est tué il ne continue plus

Le père et la mère vont au cimetièreIls trouvent ça naturel le père et la mère

La vie continue la vie avec le tricot la guerre les affairesLes affaires la guerre le tricot la guerreLes affaires les affaires et les affaires

La vie avec le cimetière.

1) What does the mum do?


2) What does the son do?


3) What does the dad do?


4) What do the parents think about this situation?


5) What happens to the son?


6) Where do the parents go?


7) When do you think this poem was written?


8) What do you think the poet’s message is?

