· Web viewIf you’re a fan of Richmond player Dustin Martin and see that he wears Nike shoes,...


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Watch my Youtube instructions here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ3YSm9PlX8

WALT: Identify and use advertising techniques in our writing. WILF: An advertisement that uses at least one advertising techniques.TIB: The average person views thousands of advertisements each day and it’s good to know how these advertisements try and persuade us.

1. What is the purpose of an advertisement? (answer here).

2. Read the table below, it identifies some ways in which an advertisement attempt to persuade us.

Advertising technique How it persuades people ExampleTestimonial – A testimonial is when a celebrity, sports star, model or well respected person tells you that they use something.

People often look up to celebrities and sports stars and want to be more like them. If you’re a fan of Richmond player Dustin Martin and see that he wears Nike shoes, would you be more likely to buy them?

If you’re a fan of Kary Perry and see her drinking Pepsi on television would you be more likely to buy it the next time you go to the shops?

Repetition - Repetition is when an advertiser tells you the same thing, over and over again. They may do this through pictures, through song or just by repeating the same information.

Advertisers hope that if you see and hear about one of their products enough you will be more likely to buy it. If a song from an advertisement gets stuck in your head do you think you would be more likely to buy the product? What if you say Coca-Cola billboards everywhere?

Band wagoning - This is when a company tries to convince you that everyone is doing something, and if

Have you ever seen an add that tells you to ‘hurry’! To ‘buy before they’re all gone’! Or made it look as though

you’re not then you’re going to miss out.

EVERYONE is buying their product, making you feel left out if you don’t? This means that the advertiser is using the bandwagon technique.

Emotive advertising – This is when an advertiser tries to make people feel a certain emotion; happiness, fear, guilt, etc.

Ever seen a quit smoking advertisement? How do you think this ad makes smokers feel? Probably scared. The advertiser is hoping that it makes them so scared that they quit smoking. What about an advertisement for charity? They may try to make you feel sad or guilty so that you donate money.

3. Watch this Old Navy commercial; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5BB9t0Cgl4

What advertising technique is it using (testimonial, repetition, band wagoning or emotive advertising? How could you tell? (answer here).

4. Watch this Pepsi commercial; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztpgEy3bCZA

What advertising technique is it using (testimonial, repetition, band wagoning or emotive advertising? How could you tell? (answer here).

5. Watch this Quit Smoking commercial; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfAxUpeVhCg

What advertising technique is it using (testimonial, repetition, band wagoning or emotive advertising? How could you tell? (answer here).

6. Watch this Kit Kat commercial; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOGTsKLZofA&list=PL396JiahrC5B0-oa3k98Ie_OIsOot7bH2

What advertising technique is it using (testimonial, repetition, band wagoning or emotive advertising? How could you tell? (answer here).

7. Which of the four advertisements that you watched made you most want to buy the product? Explain why this advertisement was the most persuasive for you? (answer here).

8. Which of the four advertisements that you watched did you find the least persuasive? Explain why this advertisement didn’t persuade you. (answer here).

9. Read the following advertisement…

10. This advertisement asks a lot of rhetorical questions. A rhetorical question is when someone asks you a question that they don’t expect you to answer because the answer is supposed to be obvious. Asking rhetorical questions is a good way to get people to agree with you. There are four rhetorical questions in my advertisement, this is the first one; Can you find the other three?

a). Are you lonely?

b). (answer here)

c). (answer here)

d). (answer here)

11. “Dan Hawkins is cool, friendly and good looking!” is one of the lines in the advertisement. What are the three describing words (adjectives) that Dan uses to describe himself? (answer here)

12. Can you notice the use of any advertising techniques in Dan’s commercial (repetition, band wagoning, emotive language or testimonials)? Write down what techniques you noticed and where they are in the advertisement. (answer here)

13. Did you find Dan’s advertisement persuasive? Why/why not? (answer here)

14. Now it’s time for you to write your own rent a friend advertisement about yourself, but first, here are some writing prompts to help you plan your advertisement.

a). Write down three rhetorical questions you can include in your advertisement (refer to the YouTube instructions for examples);

- (answer here)

RENT-A-MATE Are you lonely? Are you bored? Are you sick and tired of sitting at home with nothing to do? Well, why not rent a mate!

Dan Hawkins is cool, friendly and good looking! You can take him to the movies, take him to the park you can even take him to a party and introduce him to others! Other people will think you’re cool if they see you with Dan.

So what are you waiting for? Call now before he’s all booked up. Hire Dan from $49.99 per hour!

“Whenever I’m feeling bored or lonely I always call rent a Dan and I feel better right away” – Brad Pitt

- (answer here)

- (answer here)

b). What are three positive describing words (adjectives) that you could use to describe yourself. Come up with your own or choose them from the list;

c). Lastly, make up a ‘testimonial’ from someone the public admires. You can use this this to finish off your advertisement.

- (answer here)

15. Now that you’ve finished your plan let’s put it together into an advertisement

- Paragraph one; begin with your three rhetorical questions.- Paragraph two; Use the descriptive words you wrote about yourself, you can then list some places people may choose to take their ‘rent-a-friends’.- Paragraph three; finish with your testimonial

